415 resultados para Amortecedor metálico


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Metallic tantalum has a high commercial value due to intrinsic properties like excellent ductility, corrosion resistance, high melt and boiling points and good electrical and thermal conductivities. Nowadays, it is mostly used in the manufacture of capacitors, due to excellent dielectric properties of its oxides. In the nature, tantalum occurs in the form of oxide and it is extracted mainly from tantalite-columbite ores. The tantalum is usually produced by the reduction of its oxide, using reductants like carbon, silicon, calcium, magnesium and aluminum. Among these techniques, the aluminothermic reduction has been used as the industrial method to produce niobium, tantalum and their alloys, due to the easy removal of the Al and Al2O3 of the system, easing further refining. In conventional aluminothermic reduction an electrical resistance is used to trigger the reaction. This reaction self-propagates for all the volume of material. In this work, we have developed a novel technique of aluminothermic reduction that uses the hydrogen plasma to trigger the reaction. The results obtained by XRD, SEM and EDS show that is possible to obtain a compound rich in tantalum through this technique of aluminothermic reduction in the plasma reactor


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Doped lanthanum chromite ( LaCrO3 ) has been the most common material used as interconnect in solid oxide fuel cells for high temperature ( SOFC-HT ) that enabling the stack of SOFCs. The reduction of the operating temperature, to around 800 º C, of solid oxide fuel cells enabled the use of metallic interconnects as an alternative to ceramic LaCrO3, From the practical point of view, to be a strong candidate for interconnect the material must have good physical and mechanical properties such as resistance to oxidizing and reducing environments, easy manufacture and appropriate thermo-mechanical properties. Thus, a study on the physic-mechanical interconnects La0,8Sr0,2Cr0,92Co0,08O3 ceramics for SOFC -AT obtained by the method of combustion , as well as thermo-mechanical properties of metallic interconnects (AISI 444) covered with La0,8Ca0,2CrO3 by deposition technique by spray-pyrolysis fuel cells for intermediate temperature (IT-SOFCs). The La0,8Sr0,2Cr0,92Co0,08O3 was characterized by X -ray diffraction(XRD) , density and porosity , Vickers hardness (HV) , the flexural strength at room temperature and 900 °C and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The X -ray diffraction confirmed the phase formation and LaCrO3 and CoCr2O4, in order 6 GPa hardness and mechanical strength at room temperature was 62 MPa ceramic Interconnector. The coated metal interconnects La0,8Ca0,2CrO3 passed the identification by XRD after deposition of the film after the oxidation test. The oxidative behavior showed increased resistance to oxidation of the metal substrate covered by La0,8Ca0,2CrO3 In flexural strength of the coated metal substrate, it was noticed only in the increased room temperature. The a SEM analysis proved the formation of Cr2O3 and (Cr,Mn)3O4 layers on metal substrate and confirmed the stability of the ceramic La0,8 Ca0,2CrO3 film after oxidative test


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This work determined the efficacy of the insecticide methyl parathion and the natural pesticide azadirachtin present in the aqueous extract of dry neem leaves (AEDNL) to Anacanthorus penilabiatus (Monogenoidea) control in pacu (Piaractus mesopotamicus). The efficacy of methyl parathion was evaluated in an experiment consisting of six treatments (0.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0 and 7.0 mg methyl parathion/L water) and five exposure times (2, 4, 8, 16 and 24 h). The efficacy of azadirachtin present in AEDNL was assessed in an experiment consisting of seven treatments (0,0; 25; 50; 75; 100; 125; e 150 mL/L water) and five exposure times (24, 48, 72, 96 and 120 h). The efficacy of methyl parathion increased with increasing concentration and exposure time. The highest control efficacy was obtained with a concentration of 7 mg methyl parathion/L at all exposure times. In this treatment, the highest efficacies were observed at 16 and 24 h of exposure, with a control rate of 96.2 and 97.0%, respectively. For the AEDNL, the highest control efficacy (89.2%) was obtained with a concentration of 2.9 mg/L after 120 h of exposure. The efficacy in the treatments employing 1.47 and 1.18 mg/L was 83.9 and 82.5%, respectively, after 120 h of exposure. Methyl parathion presented a higher efficacy in the control of A. penilabiatus than the AEDNL. The AEDNL was moderately effective in the control of the parasite.


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Present work proposed to map and features the wear mechanisms of structural polymers of engineering derived of the sliding contact with a metallic cylindrical spindle submitted to eccentricity due to fluctuations in it is mass and geometric centers. For this it was projected and makes an experimental apparatus from balancing machine where the cylindrical counterbody was supported in two bearings and the polymeric coupon was situated in a holder with freedom of displacement along counterbody. Thus, the experimental tests were standardized using two position of the two bearings (Fixed or Free) and seven different positions along the counterbody, that permit print different conditions to the stiffness from system. Others parameters as applied normal load, sliding velocity and distance were fixed. In this investigation it was used as coupon two structural polymers of wide quotidian use, PTFE (polytetrafluroethylene) and PEEK (poly-ether-ether-ketone) and the AISI 4140 alloy steel as counterbody. Polymeric materials were characterized by thermal analysis (thermogravimetric, differential scanning calorimetry and dynamic-mechanical), hardness and rays-X diffractometry. While the metallic material was submitted at hardness, mechanical resistance tests and metallographic analysis. During the tribological tests were recorded the heating response with thermometers, yonder overall velocity vibration (VGV) and the acceleration using accelerometers. After tests the wear surface of the coupons were analyzed using a Scanning Electronic Microscopy (SEM) to morphological analysis and spectroscopy EDS to microanalysis. Moreover the roughness of the counterbody was characterized before and after the tribological tests. It was observed that the tribological response of the polymers were different in function of their distinct molecular structure. It were identified the predominant wear mechanisms in each polymer. The VGV of the PTFE was smaller than PEEK, in the condition of minimum stiffness, in function of the higher loss coefficient of that polymer. Wear rate of the PTFE was more of a magnitude order higher than PEEK. With the results was possible developed a correlation between the wear rate and parameter (E/ρ)1/2 (Young modulus, E, density, ρ), proportional at longitudinal elastic wave velocity in the material.


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Improving the adherence between oilwell metallic casing and cement sheath potentially decrease the number of corrective actions present/y necessary for Northeastern wells submitted to steam injection. In addition to the direct costs involved in the corrective operations, the economic impact of the failure of the primary cementing aIso includes the loss in the production of the well. The adherence between casing and cement is current/y evaluated by a simple shear tests non standardized by the American Petroleum Institute (API). Therefore, the objective of the present is to propose and evaluate a standardized method to assess the adherence of oilwell metallic casing to cement sheath. To that end, a section of a cemented oilwell was simulated and used to test the effect of different parameters on the shear stress of the system. Surface roughness and different cement compositions submitted or not to thermal cycling were evaluated. The results revealed that the test geometry and parameters proposed yielded different values for the shear stress of the system, corresponding to different adherent conditions between metallic casing and cement sheath


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Effluents from pesticide industries have great difficulty to decontaminate the environment and, moreover, are characterized by high organic charge and toxicity. The research group Center for Chemical Systems Engineering (CESQ) at the Department of Chemical Engineering of Polytechnical School of University of São Paulo and Department of Chemical Engineering, Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte have been applying the Advanced Oxidation Processes (AOP's) for the degradation of various types of pollutants. These processes are based on the generation of hydroxyl radicals, highly reactive substances. Thus, this dissertation aims to explore this process, since it has been proven to be quite effective in removing organic charge. Therefore, it was decided by photo-Fenton process applied to the degradation of the fungicide Thiophanate methyl in aqueous system using annular reactor (with lamp Philips HPLN 125W) and solar. The samples were collected during the experiment and analyzed for dissolved organic carbon (TOC) using a Shimadzu TOC (Shimadzu 5050A e VCP). The Doehlert experimental design has been used to evaluate the influence of ultraviolet radiation, the concentrations of methyl thiophanate (C12H14N4O4S2), hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and iron ions (Fe2+), among these parameters, was considered the best experimental conditions, [Fe2+] = 0.6 mmol/L and [H2O2] = 0.038 mol/L in EXP 5 experiment and in SOL 5 experiment, obtaining a percentage of TOC removal of 60% in the annular reactor and 75% in the solar reactor


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Energia na Agricultura) - FCA


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Verificou-se nos garimpos do São Chico e do Creporizinho a prevalência de sintomas clínicos e de achados neurológicos, além da ocorrência de Doença Infecciosas e Parasitárias (DIP'S), associada à concentração do mercúrio total na urina dos garimpeiros na Amazônia. No garimpo de São Chico foram investigados 104 garimpeiros, enquanto no garimpo do Creporizinho 169, através do estudo de coorte transversal foi utilizada a condição sócio-econômica, epidemiológica e laboratorial como metodologia diagnóstica e utilizado os testes estatísticos adequados para verificação da significância. Os resultados demonstraram que a média do metal na urina dos garimpeiros do São Chico é superior a do Creporizinho 9.29 μg Hg/g creatinina e 5.64 μg Hg/g creatinina, respectivamente, cuja distribuição do Hg na urina da população do São Chico e do Creporizinho, abaixo do Índice Biológico Máximo Permitido (IBMP) é 93% - 96% e acima 7%-4%, respectivamente. Há o predomínio do sexo masculino em ambos os garimpos e a ocorrência de DIP'S nos dois garimpos, cuja seqüência foi idêntica, onde as parasitoses intestinais e a malária são mais prevalentes, porém ficando abaixo do IBMP. A avaliação clínica do São Chico apresenta prevalência de sintomas osteomuscular, dermatológico e digestivo 32%, 30% e 23% respectivamente, enquanto no Creporizinho ocorreu mudança na seqüência osteomuscular, digestivo e dermatológico 51 %, 44% e 39%, respectivamente. Dentre os sintomas neurológicos mais prevalentes os tremores, parestesias e cefaléia apresentaram no grupo do São Chico e Creporizinho a seguinte seqüência, respectivamente, 38% - 58%, 32% - 53% e 28% - 48%. As condições de saúde são mais precárias no garimpo do São Chico, porém os garimpeiros encontram-se bastantes expostos ocupacionalmente nas duas populações estudadas, contudo não há parâmetros seguros para afirmar a presença do Mercurialismo Crônico na população estudada.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)