984 resultados para Amine, Sam


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Hindered amine light stabilisers (HALS) are the most effective antioxidants currently available for polymer systems in post-production, in-service applications, yet the mechanism of their action is still not fully understood. Structural characterisation of HALS in polymer matrices, particularly the identification of structural modifications brought about by oxidative conditions, is critical to aid mechanistic understanding of the prophylactic effects of these molecules. In this work, electrospray ionisation tandem mass spectrometry (ESI-MS/MS) was applied to the analysis of a suite of commercially available 2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperidine-based HALS. Fragmentation mechanisms for the \[M + H](+) ions are proposed, which provide a rationale for the product ions observed in the MS/MS and MS(3) mass spectra of N-H, N-CH(3), N-C(O)CH(3) and N-OR containing HALS (where R is an alkyl substituent). A common product ion at m/z 123 was identified for the group of antioxidants containing N-H, N-CH3 or N-C(0)CH3 functionality, and this product ion was employed in precursor ion scans on a triple quadrupole mass spectrometer to identify the HALS species present in a crude extract from of a polyester-based coil coating. Using MS/MS, two degradation products were unambiguously identified. This technique provides a simple and selective approach to monitoring HALS structures within complex matrices. Copyright (C) 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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The jurisdiction of Australian courts to make wills for those lacking testamentary capacity is relatively new, having been granted by legislation progressively enacted across the various states and territories between 1996 and 2010. Given increasing numbers of statutory will applications since the legislative reform, and a growing body of law, the publication of the specialist work, Statutory Will Applications: A Practical Guide, by Richard Williams and Sam McCullough, is timely and valuable. This work will be of great interest to those who act for individual clients, especially wills and estates practitioners, but also personal injury practitioners acting for incapacitated persons who have been awarded substantial damages.


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Although UK courts have, for many years, had power to make wills for those lacking testamentary capacity, this jurisdiction jurisdiction is relatively new in Australia, having been granted by legislation enacted between 1996 and 2010.


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The structures of the 1:1 co-crystalline adduct C8H6BrN3S . C7H5NO4 (I) and the salt C8H7BrN3S+ C7H3N2O7- (II) from the interaction of 5-(4-bromophenyl)-1,3,4-thiadiazol-2-amine with 4-nitrobenzoic acid and 3,5-dinitrosalicylic acid, respectively, have been determined. The primary inter-species association in both (I) and (II) is through duplex R2/2(8) (N-H...O/O-H...O) or (N-H...O/N-H...O) hydrogen bonds, respectively, giving heterodimers. In (II), these are close to planar [dihedral angles between the thiadiazole ring and the two phenyl rings are 2.1(3)deg. (intra) and 9.8(2)deg. (inter)], while in (I) these angles are 22.11(15) and 26.08(18)deg., respectively. In the crystal of (I), the heterodimers are extended into a one-dimensional chain along b through an amine N-...N(thiadiazole) hydrogen bond but in (II), a centrosymmetric cyclic heterotetramer structure is generated through N-H...O hydrogen bonds to phenol and nitro O-atom acceptors and features, together with the primary R2/2(8) interaction, conjoined R4/6(12), R2/1(6) and S(6) ring motifs. Also present in (I) are pi--pi interactions between thiadiazole rings [minimum ring centroid separation, 3.4624(16)deg.] as well as short Br...O(nitro) interactions in both (I) and (II) [3.296(3)A and 3.104(3)A, respectively].


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2,4,6-trinitrotoluene (TNT) is one of the most commonly used nitro aromatic explosives in landmine, military and mining industry. This article demonstrates rapid and selective identification of TNT by surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) using 6-aminohexanethiol (AHT) as a new recognition molecule. First, Meisenheimer complex formation between AHT and TNT is confirmed by the development of pink colour and appearance of new band around 500 nm in UV-visible spectrum. Solution Raman spectroscopy study also supported the AHT:TNT complex formation by demonstrating changes in the vibrational stretching of AHT molecule between 2800-3000 cm−1. For surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy analysis, a self-assembled monolayer (SAM) of AHT is formed over the gold nanostructure (AuNS) SERS substrate in order to selectively capture TNT onto the surface. Electrochemical desorption and X-ray photoelectron studies are performed over AHT SAM modified surface to examine the presence of free amine groups with appropriate orientation for complex formation. Further, AHT and butanethiol (BT) mixed monolayer system is explored to improve the AHT:TNT complex formation efficiency. Using a 9:1 AHT:BT mixed monolayer, a very low detection limit (LOD) of 100 fM TNT was realized. The new method delivers high selectivity towards TNT over 2,4 DNT and picric acid. Finally, real sample analysis is demonstrated by the extraction and SERS detection of 302 pM of TNT from spiked.


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The chain length of the surfactant and the solvent composition are two of the factors that determine whether the lamellar or the hexagonal form of mesoporous SiO2 (or ZrO2) is formed by the neutral amine route; a lamellar-hexagonal transformation occurs on removal of the amine from the former.


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Three aspects of crystal engineering in molecular crystals are presented to emphasize the role of intermolecular interactions and factors influencing crystal packing. Hydrogen bonded tartrate-amine complexes have been analyzed with the propensity for formation of multidirectional hydrogen bonding as a key design element in the generation of materials for second harmonic generation (SHG). The invariance of the framework in DBT and its possible implications on SHG is outlined. The role of Fluorine in orienting molecules of coumarins, styrylcoumarins and butadienes for photodimerization is described with particular emphasis on its steering capability. Usage of coumarin as an design element for the generation of polymorphs of substituted styrylcoumarins is examined with specific examples.


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In my master’s thesis I analyse mystical Islamic poetry in ritualistic performance context, samā` , focusing on the poetry used by the Chishti Sufis. The work is based on both literary sources and ethnographic material collected in India. The central textual source is Surūd-i Rūhānī, a compilation of mystical poetry. Textual sources, however, can be understood properly only in relation to the living performance context and therefore I also utilise interviews of Sufis and performers of mystical music and recordings of samā` assemblies along with texts. First part of the thesis concentrates on thematic overview of the poems and the process of selecting a suitable text for performance. The poems are written in three languages, viz. in Persian, Urdu and Hindi. Among the authors are both Sufis and non-Sufis. The poems, mystical and non-mystical alike, share the same poetic images and they acquire a mystical meaning when they are set to qawwali music and performed in samā` assemblies. My work includes several translations of verses not previously translated. Latter part of the thesis analyses the musical idiom of qawwali and the ways in which the impact of text on listeners is intensified in performance. Typically the intensification is accomplished in the level of a single poem through three different techniques: using introductory verses, inserting verses between the verses of the main poem and repeating individual units of text. The former two techniques are tied to creating a mystical state in the listeners while the latter aims at sustaining it. It is customary that a listener enraptured by mystical experience offers a monetary contribution to the performers. Thus, intensification of the text’s impact aims at enabling the listeners to experience mystical states.


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Abstract Microbial transformation of N, N-dimethyl-p-phenylene diamine (DMPDA), a microbial product formed from the fungicide fenaminosulf (p-dimethylaminobenzenediazo sodium sulfonate) was studied by enriching microbes in soils treated with the amine. Microorganisms isolated from DMPDA-treated soil belonged to the genera of Micrococcus, Alcaligenes, and Corynebacterium. Of the various isolates, Alcaligenes DM4 showed maximal growth on DMPDA utilizing it as sources of carbon and nitrogen. When grown in mineral salts basal medium containing 0.05% DMPDA to serve as carbon and nitrogen sources, Alcaligenes DM4 grew exponentially up to 18 h. Even though the characterization of the complete pathway of microbial degradation of DMPDA could not be carried out due to the auto-oxidation of the compound, the initial transformation product of DMPDA by Alcaligenes DM4 has been identified as a dimer. The dimer is generated into the culture medium presumably by the extra-cellular oxidase of Alcaligenes DM4. It is suggested that the risk-benefit evaluation on the use of fenaminosulf is to be made taking into consideration the microbial transformations of the fungicide.


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A transamidinase was purified 463-fold from Lathyrus sativus seedlings by affinity chromatography on homoarginine--Sepharose. The enzyme exhibited a wide substrate specificity, and catalysed the reversible transfer of the amidino groups from donors such as arginine, homoarginine and canavanine to acceptors such as lysine, putrescine, agmatine, cadaverine and hydroxylamine. The enzyme could not be detected in the seeds, and attained the highest specific activity in the embryo axis on day 10 after seed germination. Its thiol nature was established by strong inhibition by several thiol blockers and thiol compounds in the presence of ferricyanide. In the absence of an exogenous acceptor, it exhibited weak hydrolytic activity towards arginine. It had apparent mol.wt. 210000, and exhibited Michaelis--Menten kinetics with Km 3.0 mM for arginine. Ornithine competitively inhibited the enzyme, with Ki 1.0 mM in the arginine--hydroxylamine amidino-transfer reaction. Conversion experiments with labelled compounds suggest that the enzyme is involved in homoarginine catabolism during the development of plant embryo to give rise to important amino acids and amine metabolites. Presumptive evidence is also provided for its involvement in the biosynthesis of the guanidino amino acid during seed development. The natural occurrence of arcain in L. sativus and mediation of its synthesis in vitro from agmatine by the transamidinase are demonstrated.


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A ternary metal-nucleotide complex, Na2[Cu(5’-IMP)2(im)o,8(H20)l,2(H20)2h]as~ 1be2e.n4 pHr2ep0a,r ed and its structure analyzed by X-ray diffraction (5’-IMP = inosine 5’-monophos hate; im = imidazole). The complex crystallizes in space group C222, with a = 8.733 (4) A, b = 23.213 (5) A, c = 21.489 (6) 1, and Z = 4. The structure was solved by the heavy-atom method and refined by full-matrix least-squares technique on the basis of 2008 observed reflections to a final R value of 0.087. Symmetry-related 5’-IMP anions coordinate in cis geometry through the N(7) atoms of the bases. The other cis positions of the coordination plane are statistically occupied by nitrogen atoms of disordered im groups and water oxygens with occupancies 0.4 and 0.6, respectively. Water oxygens in axial positions complete the octahedral coordination of Cu(I1). The complex is isostructural with C~S-[P~(S’-IMP),(NH~)~a] m”,o del proposed for Pt(I1) binding to DNA. The base binding observed in the present case is different from the typical ”phosphate only” binding shown from earlier studies on metal-nucleotide complexes containing various other ?r-aromatic amines.


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In the systematic study of amine … LiCl [amines = NH3, CH3NH2, (CH3)2NH] complexes the possibility of an ion-pair structure and the effect of methylation on the stabilization energy is investigated. ΔEis evaluated by the SCF/4-31G method and augmented by the approximate dispersion energy calculated perturbationally. The interaction energy decreases with the increasing number of methyl groups in the amine. The dispersion energy plays a negligible role in the stabilization of complexes. None of the systems studied are ion pairs; their Li bonds are of a so-called molecular type. Due to the divergence of the multipole expansion, the attempt to correct the 4-31G stabilization energies via the electrostatic energy fails. The relative order of the ΔE in the series of complexes is verified instead in the extended basis set calculation. The lithium bonds are compared with their H-bonded analogues.


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Thermal decomposition of ethyl and isopropyl amine perchlorates has been studied by methods such as DTA, TG, isothermal weight loss measurements and the decomposition products have been analyzed in a mass spectrometer. Activation energy values for thermal decomposition have been calculated fromagr-t plots. The proton transfer dissociation mechanism proposed for the thermal decomposition of ammonium perchlorate (AP) has been extended to explain the decomposition products of these twosubstituted amine perchlorates.


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The biosynthesis of certain amines in Lathyrus sativus seedlings was studied in isolated shoots and cotyledons. In shoots, arginine was about 14 times more efficient than ornithine for the synthesis of agmatine, putrescine, spermidine and spermine. Isotope dilution experiments, and the changes in specific activities of the 4 amines with time when 14C-arginine served as the precursor, indicated that putrescine and the polyamines were formed mainly from arginine, via agmatine. Similar experiments showed that cadaverine was formed at least in part from homoarginine, though lysine was ca 4 times more effective as a precursor. The pattern of changes in specific activity of homoagmatine and cadaverine with time when 14C-homoarginine served as the precursor support the conclusion that homoarginine and arginine follow analogous metabolic routes in the biosynthesis of putrescine and cadaverine respectively.


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In growing Lathyrus sativus seedlings, the levels of DNA, RNA and protein markedly decreased in the cotyledons and progressively increased in the embryo-axis. In cotyledons, spermidine and spermine contents were substantially reduced while those of agmatine and putrescine were sharply increased. By contrast the embryo-axis progressively accumulated relatively larger amounts of agmatine, homoagmatine. putrescine, cadaverine, spermidine and spermine in parallel with similar changes in its DNA, RNA and protein content. While the cotyledons contained ca 50% of the total agmatine and putrescine present in the plant embryo by day 10, the embryo-axis, though representing less than 20% of the dry wt, contained 90 and 75% of total cadaverine and homoagmatine respectively of the seedlings. Spermidine and spermine levels of this tissue were also comparatively higher, being of the order of 80 and 50% respectively of the total. The root and shoot portions of the embryo-axis also exhibited a similar relationship between changes in DNA, RNA and protein and all the above amines during development. However, the polyamine content of the shoots was relatively higher than those of the roots during the growth period.