1000 resultados para Afro-brazilian Religions


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This dissertation is the result of an ethnographic journey undertaken in three spiritual centers of Umbanda , located in different districts of Natal/RN. The aim of the study was to understand how the representations of exus (spirit category) are established in the studied religious environment. In order to study this, mythical narratives of songs and of people were analyzed. In addition, the incorporated spirit entities, loaded with codes and values, were possible to be read and understood. The present work was developed according to a theoretical and methodological approach that interprets culture as a constant construction process, with representations and significations. The empirical research focuses on the ethnographic observations and the narratives; providing the experimentation of the models of discursive dialogues and polyphony. It was observed that the studied empirical field is marked by the cult of the Jurema which influences the mythical construction of exus . Therefore, this study enabled a reflection on the meeting of notions of two distinct worlds ( Umbanda and Jurema ). This reflection is crucial to the understanding of the position that exus occupy in the local umbandista system


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Notre recherche analyse des discours théologiques qui épousent les traits caractéristiques de l’afro-descendance dans des ouvrages de l’Atabaque et de la Conférence Haïtienne des Religieux et Religieuses (CHR). Ces publications permettent de nommer la réflexion théologique afro-brésilienne et haïtienne comme l’expression d’un engagement au sein d’un Brésil multiculturel et métissé et d’une Haïti noire. Elles se réfèrent à la lutte des Afro-descendants et à leur résistance contre ce qu’ils considèrent comme les conséquences de la période de l’esclavage commencée au XVIe siècle qui oppriment encore des Noirs au XXIe siècle et empêchent leur pleine émancipation. Elles font partie d’une démarche postcolonialiste de changement qui inclut l’inculturation et la reconnaissance des forces des religions de matrices africaines dans leur quête d’une pleine libération des Noirs. Notre démarche, basée sur l’étude comparative des contenus de ces théologies développées au Brésil et en Haïti, met en relief des éléments essentiels de deux courants distincts de production théologique de 1986 à 2004. Cette délimitation correspond à la période de publication du résultat de trois consultations sur les théologies noires au Brésil en 1986, en 1995 et en 2004. Les ouvrages de la CHR datent de 1991 à 1999. Notre étude permet de suivre la pratique de la foi chrétienne qui s’y dégage, l’élaboration et le parcours d’évolution de cette pensée. Teologia Negra et théologie haïtienne représentent deux manières distinctes de faire de la théologie noire. Une comparaison entre les deux contextes n’a jamais été faite jusqu’à présent. Cette recherche a conduit au constat selon lequel trois paradigmes peuvent englober les principaux aspects des courants théologiques afro-brésiliens et haïtiens. Nous relevons des convergences et des divergences des paradigmes de l’inculturation libératrice, du postcolonialisme et du pluralisme religieux. La réflexion théologique afro-brésilienne est vue comme une démarche sociopolitique, ancrée surtout dans la promotion des actions positives qui consistent à favoriser l’insertion des Noirs en situation relativement minoritaire dans une société multiculturelle. En Haïti, où les Noirs sont en situation majoritaire, cette réflexion théologique va dans la direction de la sauvegarde des racines historiques en vue de motiver des changements dans une société de Noirs. Cette optique de la question des Noirs, interprétée sous un nouvel angle, offre de nouvelles pistes de réflexion théologique en même temps qu’elle renforce les revendications culturelles des Afro-Brésiliens et des Afro-Haïtiens dans le but d’élaborer un nouveau discours théologique. Notre thèse contribue à mettre en évidence deux institutions qui se dévouent à la cause des Afro-Brésiliens et des Afro-Haïtiens. L’œuvre de l’Atabaque et de la CHR témoigne du fait que celles-ci ont été susceptibles d’agir collectivement en contribuant à la diversité de la réflexion théologique des Afro-descendants, en soutenant un processus de solidarité entre les victimes permanentes du racisme explicite et implicite. Notre étude suscite l’ouverture vers le développement d’une théologie de la rencontre au sein des théologies noires tout en érigeant le défi de construire un réseau Brésil-Haïti à partir des Afro-descendants. Finalement, la spécificité de ces théologies contribue à inspirer le christianisme latino-américain et des Caraïbes et cette réflexion ne se limite pas seulement à ces deux pays, mais s’étend à d’autres contextes latino-américains ou africains.


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To be or not to be (of candomblé)? – aspects of Afro-Brazilian religious field in the theater play Balbina de Iansã, by Plínio Marcos. In 1970, the playwright born in Santos-SP Plínio Marcos writes and directs the spectacle Balbina de Iansã, an adaptation (in form of a musical) from Romeo and Juliet, by Shakespeare. The action happens in a candomblé yard, managed authoritatively by a Mãe-de Santo, who tries to prevent the young protagonist couple’s love. This study analyzes the representation of some rites and principles of Afro-Brazilian religion in the play, especially concerning the critique of the relations of power that exist in the yards of São Paulo.


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Este trabalho teve como escopo analisar o sincretismo característico das igrejas evangélicas neopentecostais, abordando suas especificidades e algumas de suas consequências para o campo religioso brasileiro. Optou-se por enfatizar a relação do sincretismo neopentecostal com a cultura brasileira, com destaque para as religiões de matriz africana. A hipótese central é a de que o neopentecostalismo, devido ao seu perfil sincrético, apresenta-se como uma atraente opção entre protestantismo clássico e os cultos afro-brasileiros e a religiosidade popular brasileira. Esta hipótese foi testada tendo como foco principal a Igreja Universal do Reino de Deus. Para tanto, trabalhou-se com as obras de pesquisadores de referência sobre o tema, com bibliografia produzida por alguns líderes desse movimento e também com material videográfico disponível na internet, contendo discursos e práticas neopentecostais relevantes para esta pesquisa. Desse esforço, considerou-se que o neopentecostalismo constitui uma via intermediária entre a tradição protestante e a religiosidade afro e popular brasileira, havendo marcantes rupturas em relação à sua matriz de origem bem como muitas continuidades; o que faz desse movimento a expressão do protestantismo que mais se adequou à realidade brasileira.


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Previous studies on the role of inflammation in the pathophysiology of sickle cell disease (SCD) suggested that the CCR5Δ32 allele, which is responsible for the production of truncated C-C chemokine receptor type 5 (CCR5), could confer a selective advantage on patients with SCD because it leads to a less efficient Th1 response. We determined the frequency of the CCR5Δ32 polymorphism in 795 Afro-Brazilian SCD patients followed up at the Pernambuco Hematology and Hemotherapy Center, in Northeastern Brazil, divided into a pediatric group (3 months-17 years, n = 483) and an adult group (18-70 years, n = 312). The adult patients were also compared to a healthy control group (blood donors, 18-61 years, n = 247). The CCR5/CCR5Δ32 polymorphism was determined by allele-specific PCR. No homozygous patient for the CCR5Δ32 allele was detected. The frequency of heterozygotes in the study population (patients and controls) was 5.8%, in the total SCD patients 5.1%, in the children 5.4%, in the adults with SCD 4.8%, and in the adult controls 8.1%. These differences did not reach statistical significance. Our findings failed to demonstrate an important role of the CCR5Δ32 allele in the population sample studied here.


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OBJETIVO: Analisar mudanças na realização de teste anti-HIV, as razões alegadas entre as pessoas que foram ou não testadas e o recebimento de aconselhamento. MÉTODOS: Estudos transversais conduzidos com homens e mulheres de 16 a 65 anos, com amostras representativas do Brasil urbano em 1998 (n=3.600) e 2005 (n=5.040). Características sociodemográficas, sexuais, reprodutivas e de experiências de vida e saúde foram consideradas na análise. A avaliação das possíveis diferenças nas distribuições das variáveis baseou-se nos testes qui-quadrado de Pearson e F design-based (±<5%). RESULTADOS: Em 1998, 20,2% dos entrevistados haviam realizado o teste e 33,6% em 2005. Foram testadas 60% das mulheres na faixa 25-34 anos, mas as que iniciaram a vida sexual antes dos 16 anos e reportaram quatro ou mais parceiros sexuais nos cinco anos anteriores à entrevista foram menos testadas. Não se observou aumento significativo da testagem entre homens, exceto para os de 55-65 anos, renda per capita entre 1-3 e 5-10 salários mínimos, aposentados, protestantes históricos e adeptos de cultos afro-brasileiros, moradores da região Norte/Nordeste e os que declararam parceria homo/bissexual ou não tiveram relações sexuais nos cinco anos anteriores à entrevista. Não aumentou a freqüência de testagem entre pessoas auto-avaliadas como sob alto risco para o HIV. Entre as mulheres, a freqüência de testagem pré-natal aumentou e a testagem por trabalho diminuiu entre os homens. Em 2005, metade dos testados não recebeu orientação antes ou após o teste. CONCLUSÕES: Houve expansão desigual na testagem, atingindo principalmente mulheres em idade reprodutiva, adultas e pessoas com melhores condições sociais. A testagem parece estar aumentando no País sem a devida atenção à decisão autônoma das pessoas e sem o provimento de maior e melhor oferta de aconselhamento


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The author seeks to analyse the relationships between religion and culture in Latin America, especially in Brazil, highlighting the fact that the different religions enjoy diverse relationships with culture in a single location. He also addresses the fact that religions interpret culture in different ways and these interpretations help define their conversion strategies and how best to confront opposing religions. For the sake of discussion, the author considers, hypothetically, a not-so-distant future in which Latin America becomes predominantly evangelical, and asks what will happen to Latin America`s supposed Catholic culture if the evangelical religions do indeed take over.


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This study evaluated four polymorphisms located in the DC-SIGN (CD209) gene promoter region (positions -336, -332 -201 and -139) in DNA samples from four Brazilian ethnic groups (Caucasians, Afro-Brazilian, Asians and Amerindians) to establish the population distribution of these single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and correlated DC-SIGN polymorphisms and infection in samples from human T-cell lymphotropic virus type 1 (HTLV-1)-infected individuals. To identify CD209 SNPs, 452 bp of the CD209 promoter region were sequenced and the genotype and allelic frequencies were evaluated. This is the first study to show genetic polymorphism in the CD209 gene in distinct Brazilian ethnic groups with the distribution of allelic and genotypic frequency. The results showed that -336A and -139A SNPs were quite common in Asians and that the -201T allele was not observed in Caucasians, Asians or Amerindians. No significant differences were observed between individuals with HTLV-1 disease and asymptomatic patients. However, the -336A variant was more frequent in HTLV-1 -infected patients [HTLV-1-associated myelopathy/tropical spastic paraparesis (HAM/TSP), 80%; healthy asymptomatic HTLV-1 carriers, 90 %] than in the control group (70 %) [P=0.0197, odds ratio (OR)=2.511, 95 % confidence interval (CI)=1.218-5.179). In addition, the -139A allele was found to be associated with protection against HTLV-1 infection (P=0.0037, OR=0.3758, 95% CI=0.1954-0.7229) when the HTLV-1 -infected patients as a whole were compared with the healthy-control group. These observations suggest that the -139A allele may be associated with HTLV-1 infection, although no significant association was observed among asymptomatic and HAM/TSP patients. In conclusion, the variation observed in SNPs -336 and -139 indicates that this lectin may be of crucial importance in the susceptibility/transmission of HTLV-1 infections.


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INTRODUCTION: The cytolysis mediated by granules is one of the most important effector functions of cytotoxic T lymphocytes and natural killer cells. Recently, three single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) were identified at exons 2, 3, and 5 of the granzyme B gene, resulting in a haplotype in which three amino acids of mature protein Q48P88Y245 are changed to R48A88H245, which leads to loss of cytotoxic activity of the protein. In this study, we evaluated the frequency of these polymorphisms in Brazilian populations. METHODS: We evaluated the frequency of these polymorphisms in Brazilian ethnic groups (white, Afro-Brazilian, and Asian) by sequencing these regions. RESULTS: The allelic and genotypic frequencies of SNP 2364A/G at exon 2 in Afro-Brazilian individuals (42.3% and 17.3%) were significantly higher when compared with those in whites and Asians (p < 0.0001 and p = 0.0007, respectively). The polymorphisms 2933C/G and 4243C/T also were more frequent in Afro-Brazilians but without any significant difference regarding the other groups. The Afro-Brazilian group presented greater diversity of haplotypes, and the RAH haplotype seemed to be more frequent in this group (25%), followed by the whites (20.7%) and by the Asians (11.9%), similar to the frequency presented in the literature. CONCLUSIONS: There is a higher frequency of polymorphisms in Afro-Brazilians, and the RAH haplotype was more frequent in these individuals. We believe that further studies should aim to investigate the correlation of this haplotype with diseases related to immunity mediated by cytotoxic lymphocytes, and if this correlation is confirmed, novel treatment strategies might be elaborated.


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Furnas dos Dionísios is an Afro-Brazilian black community whose descendants were mainly fugitive slaves that established themselves in the State of Mato Grosso do Sul (MS), Brazil. The population is comprised mainly of low socioeconomic individuals who are engaged in agricultural activities. The objective of this study was to investigate the prevalence of hepatitis B (HB) and its correlation with epidemiological data obtained from the community. The studied population totaled 260 individuals with ages varying from 1 to 79 years (median 20). One hundred thirty-three (51.2%) were females and 127 (48.8%) were males. A high prevalence for anti-HBc was observed (42.7%), with present infection detected in 9.2% of the subjects who were also HB surface antigens (HBs Ag) positive; 27.3% were anti-HBc and anti-HBs reactive, and 6.2% had anti-HBc as only marker. The prevalence for anti-HBc was proportional to age, reaching its highest peak in age categories greater than 50. No serological marker was detected in children under the age of 2 years, however anti-HBc was present in 12 subjects with ages between 2 and 14 years, of these 8 (7.4%) were HBsAg positive. Among individuals over the age of 15 years, 99 were anti-HBc reactive, of these 16 (10.5%) were also HBsAg positive, thus suggesting an increased prevalence of HBV carriers among children and adolescents. The risk factors observed in this community that were significantly associated with anti-HBc positivity were age (over 20 years) and having an anti-HBc positive mother. Both HBeAg and anti-HBe were detected in 44.4% of the samples tested. HBsAg subtypes found in the studied population were adw2 (77.7%) and ayw2 (23.3%). While intrafamilial transmission was most likely responsible for HBV infection among children, other routes such as sexual contact might be considered for individuals with ages over 15 years.


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O presente estudo traz uma reflexão sobre os discursos culturais afro-brasileiros e o lugar ocupado pela poesia em meio a uma sociedade racista. A pesquisa tem como propósito fazer um estudo da poesia de Oliveira Silveira (1968, 1970, 1977, 1981, 1987). Leva-se em consideração a relação da produção poética de Oliveira com as propostas do movimento da Negritude e o diálogo lúcido que o mesmo estabelece com poetas vinculados ao referido movimento e como Silveira sugere dentro da literatura a negritude como uma forma de intersecção na poesia brasileira. A proposta aqui apresentada observa também o hibridismo na poética de Oliveira Silveira ao se enfatizar um olhar sobre uma escrita comovida pelo traço do entre-lugar do discurso. Analisa-se a caracterização de uma literatura gerada pelo tom de denúncia ao desconstruir historicamente o que há muito tempo se estabelece como democracia racial . Em cumplicidade com a poesia regional do Rio Grande do Sul, a poesia de Oliveira vem permeada pela diversidade de ritmos que traduzem o legado da cultura negra mundo afora. Essa pesquisa sustenta-se nos estudos de Eduardo de Assis Duarte (2005, 2011) e Kabengelê Munanga (2008, 2009) sobre Negritude e Identidade na literatura afro-brasileira, que se caracteriza como um movimento de consciência pela reconstrução ou mesmo revisão histórica do que foi apagado no calabouço dos navios negreiros. As leituras de Eduardo de Assis Duarte fomentam novos questionamentos, põem em dúvida a existência de uma identidade essencialista. Aponta-se nessa travessia para uma pluralidade de identidades, construídas por inúmeros grupos culturais na encruzilhada dos diversos momentos históricos. Analisam-se, portanto, a partir da crítica que Stuart Hall (2011) faz ao considerar as ideias de diásporas, as fronteiras das margens no universo da pós-colonização. Por fim, há uma encruzilhada ao se pensar a partir de Kabengelê Munanga, o discurso da negritude e da identidade negra nas relações sociais e culturais afrodescendentes


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Current analysis deals with memoirs of Carnivals celebrated by Negroes in the city of São Paulo during the 1920s and 1930s. The narrative tries to investigate the trajectory of the Afro-Brazilian group and the spaces used to express its performances during the festivities dedicated to Momo throughout the city of São Paulo, which was still characterized by wealthy people that controlled its several sections. Several discussions are endeavored to perceive the spaces fabricated by the group and its strategy to get together and celebrate Carnival (officially or non-officially). The form and meanings of playful art represented by such festivities are also highlighted.


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Pós-graduação em Artes - IA


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ABSTRACT: The allele frequency distributions of three VNTR (D1S80, APOB and D4S43) and three STR (vW1, F13A1 and DYS19) loci were investigated in two Afro-Brazilian populations from the Amazon: Curiau and Pacoval. Exact tests for population differentiation revealed significant differences in allele frequency between populations only for the D1S80 and APOB loci. A statistically significant deviation from the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium was observed only in the D1S80 locus of the Pacoval sample. A neighbor-joining tree was constructed based on DA genetic distances of allele frequencies in four Afro-Brazilian populations from the Amazon (Pacoval, Curiau, Trombetas, and Cametá), along with those from Congo, Cameroon, Brazilian Amerindians, and Europeans. This analysis revealed the usefulness of these Amp-FLPs for population studies - African and African-derived populations were closely grouped, and clearly separated from Amerindians and Europeans. Estimates of admixture components based on the gene identity method revealed the prevalence of the African component in both populations studied, amounting to 51% in Pacoval, and to 43% in Curiau. The Amerindian component was also important in both populations (37% in Pacoval, and 24% in Curiau). The European component reached 33% in Curiau.


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The objective of this article was to argue how to use images (as films, photos and paintings) and lyrics of musics (as rap) to teach History of the African and Afro- Brazilian culture in classroom. Demonstrating how the procedures had been worked in classroom, at Municipal School of Basic Education (EMEF) “Maria Pavanatti Favaro”, located in Campinas City, in the State of São Paulo-Brazil, and the results that had been reached with the use of those resources.