70 resultados para Affinamento irrigazione Puglia


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Carotid artery stenosis due to arteriosclerosis increases the risk of cerebral ischemia via embolic phenomena or reduced blood flow. The changes in cerebral perfusion that may occur after treatment are not clearly understood. This study evaluated the changes in cerebral microcirculation following carotid angioplasty with stenting (CAS) under cerebral protection with filters using ultrafast gradient echo (GRE) perfusion weighted imaging (PWI) with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Prospectively, 21 cervical carotid stenosis patients, mean age 69.95 years, underwent MRI 12 h before and 72 h after CAS. PWI parameters were collected for statistical analysis: cerebral blood volume (CB V), mean transit time (MTT) and time to peak (TTP). Statistical analysis was applied to absolute parameters and to values normalized against those from the contralateral parenchyma. The main finding of this study was improved hemodynamics for the normalized data after CAS, shown by reduced MTT (p<0.001) and TTP (p=0.019) in the territory fed by the middle cerebral artery ipsilateral to the CAS. Absolute data showed increased blood volume in the cerebral hemispheres after CAS, which was more accentuated on the stent side (p=0.016) than the contralateral side (p=0.029). Early improvements in cerebral perfusion, mainly seen in the normalized data, were clearly demonstrated in the timing parameters - TTP & MTT - after CAS.


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OBJECTIVE: We studied the angiographic findings in patients with small epidural hematomas and cranial fractures crossing over the trajectory of the middle meningeal artery and its branches. Additionally, the Occurrence of traumatic vascular lesions and their clinical relevance and treatment are discussed. METHODS: A consecutive analysis was performed for 24 patients who harbored small epidural hematomas in middle meningeal artery topography associated with cranial fractures. Computed tomographic scans and plain x-ray studies were used to diagnose linear cranial fractures. Patients with large epidural hematomas or associated traumatic lesions were excluded from the study. Selective ipsilateral external carotid angiograms were obtained, and an endovascular procedure was performed if any vascular injury was evidenced. RESULTS: In all patients with cranial fractures crossing over the middle meningeal artery and its branches, some kind of vascular lesion was seen. Two types of findings were noted: active extravasation of the contrast medium (71%) and pseudoaneurysms (29%). Early filling of diploic vessels was found in 8.3% of fractures concomitantly with active extravasation. Embolization was performed in all patients. No additional enlargement of the epidural hematoma was observed, and the postoperative period was uneventful. CONCLUSION: This study shows that pseudoaneurysms and active extravasation of contrast are common findings in this subset of patients. Although the natural history of these lesions is still poorly understood, additional investigation with ipsilateral external carotid angiography may be recommended, considering the potentially catastrophic consequences of late rupture.


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INTRODUCTION: Human T cell lymphotropic virus type 1 (HTLV-1) is endemic in the Caribbean, Japan, South America and regions of Africa. HTLV-2 is present in Native American populations and associated with IV drug use in Europe and North America. In Brazil, it is estimated that 1.5 million people are infected with HTLV-1/2. The study objective was to determine HTLV-1/2 prevalence in pregnant women in the prenatal care from three public services in São Luis, State of Maranhão, Brazil, and to counsel seropositive women to reduce viral transmission. METHODS: A cross-sectional study was conducted from February to December 2008; women with age of 18 to 45 years, with low risk for sexually transmitted disease (STD) were invited to participate. Blood samples were collected in filter paper, and HTLV-1/2 immunoenzymatic test (ELISA) was performed as a screening test. Women with reactive results were submitted to peripheral venous blood collection for ELISA repetition, followed by Western blot (WB) and real-time PCR to confirm and discriminate the infection between virus types 1 and 2. RESULTS: Of the 2,044 women tested, seven (0.3%) were ELISA reactive and confirmed positive (four were HTLV-1, and three were HTLV-2). All positive women were oriented not to breastfeed their newborns. CONCLUSIONS: This study showed that the virus is present in high prevalence in that population. Further studies covering other segments of the population are necessary to better characterize the presence of HTLV-1/2 in Maranhão and to elicit measures to prevent its spread.


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OBJETIVO: Analisar o tratamento da doença bílio-pancreática na presença do divertículo periampolar. MÉTODO: De janeiro de 1999 a julho de 2003, 13 doentes com diagnóstico de divertículo periampolar e doença bílio-pancreática associada foram tratados pelo grupo de vias biliares e pâncreas do Departamento de Cirurgia da Santa Casa de São Paulo. Foram analisados retrospectivamente quanto à idade, sexo, quadro clínico e exames laboratoriais e radiológicos, com intuito diagnóstico. O tratamento endoscópico ou cirúrgico e seus resultados foram avaliados. RESULTADOS: Quatro pacientes eram do sexo masculino (30,8%) e nove (69,2%) do sexo feminino, a maioria com idade superior a 70 anos. Os principais sintomas foram de icterícia (61,5%) e dor abdominal (53,8%). Dois doentes apresentaram-se com pancreatite aguda e um com hemorragia digestiva alta. Onze doentes tinham coledocolitíase e dois, diagnóstico de colangiocarcinoma. Dez doentes foram submetidos a colangio-pancreatografia retrógrada endoscópica com 30% de sucesso no tratamento da coledocolitíase. Os outros doentes foram operados: três coledocoduodenostomias, quatro coledocolitotomias com drenagem em T da via biliar. Três doentes foram submetidos à diverticulectomia (23,1%) e um deles (7,7%) à papiloesfincteroplastia. A mortalidade na amostra foi de 7,7%. CONCLUSÃO: A taxa de sucesso do tratamento endoscópico da coledocolitíase foi baixa na presença de divertículo periampolar e a diverticulectomia com ou sem esfincteroplastia pode elevar a morbidade e a mortalidade nestes doentes.


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We report a case of gastric lipoma, a rare benign stomach tumor. There are approximately 200 cases previously described in literature. A male, 62-year-old patient with no clinical complaint presented a tumor lesion in the stomach antrum found in a routine upper endoscopy. A surgical resection (subtotal gastrectomy) was done and the histological examination showed submucosal lipoma without signs of malignancy. This report points to the growth of routine examination in the current clinical practice and the dilemma brought by overdiagnosis.


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Toxoplasmosis is a worldwide zoonosis caused by Toxoplasma gondii, an obligate intracellular parasite protozoan. A large percentage of animals presents specific antibodies caused by a previous exposition, resulting in a chronic infection. Felides are the definitive hosts and the other warm-blooded animals, including primates, are the intermediate hosts. This study was aimed to determine the prevalence of T. gondii infection in free-living tufted capuchin monkeys (Cebus apella nigritus) from an ecological station located on Mata de Santa Teresa, Ribeirão Preto, SP, Brazil. T. gondii antibodies were analyzed by modified agglutination test (MAT) in serum samples of 36 tufted capuchin monkeys, considering eight as cut-off titer. From the studied animals, 3/36 (8.33%; CI95% 3.0-21.9%) presented T. gondii antibodies, all with titer 32. No significative difference was observed relating to the sex (1/3 male and 2/3 female), and to the age (1/3 young and 2/3 adult) (P>0.05). Thus, these results demonstrate the presence of T. gondii antibodies in primates from São Paulo state.


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Contient : 1 Lettre de « HENRY [D'ALBRET, roi de Navarre]... à mon cousin monseigneur le grant mestre » ; 2 Lettre, en italien, de « MAXIMILIANO [SFORZA, duc de Milan]... al' illustrissimo... signor gran maestro... Cremonae, XIII junii M.D.XXX » ; 3 Lettre de « P. DE VILLERS L'YLE ADAM,... à monseigneur le mareschal de Montmorency, mon nepveu... De Romme, le XIX septembre 1523 » ; 4 Lettre, en italien, de « THEODORO TRIVULTIO,... al re [François Ier]... De Genova, alli XXX di aprile M.D.XXVIII » ; 5 Lettre, en italien, d'«HANIBALLE GONZAGA,... al christianissimo re... Da Novelara, alli XIIII dijuglio M.D.XXVIII » ; 6 Lettre de « PEDRO NAVARRO,... à monseigneur... le grant maistre, mareschal de France... Escript en gallere, au port de Savonne, le premier jour de janvier » ; 7 Lettre, en italien, d'«il vescovo di Lodi... à monseigneur... gran metre... Di Murano in Venetia, alli XV di agosto M.D.XXIX » ; 8 Lettre de « POMPONIO TRIVULTIO,... à monseigneur... le grant maistre... Escript à Lyon, le IIe de juin » ; 9 Lettre, en italien, de « FRANCISCUS [SFORZA, duc de Milan]... reverendissimo... domino Gaspari, equiti Landriano, consiliario et oratori nostro dilectissimo... Cremone, XVIIIa 9bris 1526 ». Copie ; 10 « Copia di lettere venute da Granata, di 9 di ottobre 1526 » ; 11 Lettre, en italien, d'«ANTONIO DORIA,... allo illustrissimo... monsignor lo gran maestro... Da Marsegia, a li XV de agosto M.D.XXVIIII » ; 12 Lettre, en italien, de « GUIDO RANGONE,... al' illustrissimo... monsignor lo gran maestro di Franza... Di Carignano, a li 14 octobre 1536 » ; 13 Lettre, en italien, de « GUIDO RANGONE,... al' illustrissimo... monseigneur lo maestro di Franza, luocotenente di S. Mta... Di Carignano, a li 15 d'ottobre 1536 » ; 14 Lettre, en italien, de « GUIDO RANGONE,... al' illustrissimo... monseigneur il gran maestro di Franza... Di Carignano, il XIII octobre 1536 » ; 15 Lettre, en italien, d'«ALESANDRO DI PEPULI, PHILIPPO DI PEPULI, HIERONYMO DI PEPULI,... allo illustrissimo... monsignor il gran mestro del re christianissimo... De Bologna, alli 20 de ottobre M.D.XXVIII » ; 16 Lettre de « POMPONIO TRIVULTIO,... à monseigneur le grant maistre... Escript à Lyon, le XVIIe jour de janvyer » ; 17 Lettre, en italien, de « GREGORIO CASALE,... Da Roma, alli 24 di marzo 1531 » ; 18 Lettre, en italien, de « GREGORIO CASALE,... Da Roma, alli 24 di marzo M.D.XXXI » ; 19 Lettre, en italien, de « GUIDO RANGONE,... al' illustrissimo... monseigneur lo gran maestro di Franza... De Venetia, l'ottavo de zugno 1530 » ; 20 Lettre, en espagnol, de « los consellers de Barcelona » à « lo señor... capita de Lengadoc... De Barcelona, a XXXI de juliol any mil D.XXVI » ; 21 Lettre, en italien, adressée à « l'illustrissimo... D. Julio de Sancto Severino, regio capitaneo et consiliario... In Gisies, a li XIIII di agosto M.D.XXVI » ; 22 Lettre, en italien, de « JANUS LASCARIS,... In Vicenza, a di XIIII de agosto M.D.XXII » ; 23 Lettre, en italien, d'«el datario... a monsignor... el gran maestro... Da Roma, alli XIX de juio M.D.XXVI » ; 24 Lettre, en italien, de « JOVANNE CLEMENTE STANGHA,... allo illustrissimo... monsignore el gran maestro... Data in Paris, alli 22 aprile del 1531 » ; 25 Lettre, en italien, d'«el datario... a monsignor... el gran mastro... Da Roma, alli XXI di aprile M.D.XXVI » ; 26 Lettre, en espagnol, de « l'obispo de Ciguença... al muy noble señor, museñor de Clermunt, teniente de governador de Llenguadoc... De Monçon, a X de junio de M.D.XXVIII° » ; 27 Lettre, en italien, de « THEODORO TRIVULTIO,... a monsignor... il gran maestro de Franza... Da Alexandria, allo ultimo de febraro M.D.XXVIIII » ; 28 Lettre de « THEODORO TRIVULTIO,... à monseigneur... le grant maistre... De Lyon, ce XIXe de mars » ; 29 Lettre de « POMPONIO TRIVULTIO,... au roy... Escript à Lyon, le XXIIme jour de mars » ; 30 Lettre d'«UGO DI PEPOLI,... à monseigneur... de Monmorancy, mareschal de France... De Olege, ce dernier jour de janvier » ; 31 Lettre de « POMPONIO TRIVULTIO,... à monseigneur... le grant maistre... Escript à Lyon, ce XVIIme jour [de] janvyer » ; 32 Lettre de « POMPONIO TRIVULTIO,... à monseigneur... le grant maistre... Escript à Lyon, ce IIe de may » ; 33 Lettre de « POMPONIO TRIVULTIO,... à monseigneur... le grant maistre... Escript à Lyon, ce XXIIIe may » ; 34 Lettre de « POMPONIO TRIVULTIO,... à monseigneur... le grant maistre... Escript à Lyon, ce XVIIe may » ; 35 Lettre de « POMPONIO TRIVULTIO,... à monseigneur... le grant maistre... Escript à Lyon, ce XIe jour d'apvril » ; 36 Lettre de « POMPONIO TRIVULTIO,... à monseigneur... le grantmaistre... Escript à Lyon, le cinquiesme du moys de may » ; 37 Fragment, en italien, sur la république de Venise et le duché de Barri ; 38 Lettre, en italien, de « PIRRHO GONZAGA,... al re [François Ier]... Da Orivieto, al' ultimo di Xbre M.D.XXVII » ; 39 Lettre, en italien, d'«ANTONIO DORIA,... a lo illustrissimo... el signor... gran maestro [di] Franza... Da Genova, al primo d'agosto M.D.XXVIII » ; 40 Lettre, en italien, d'«ANSALDO DE GRIM[A]LDO,... allo illustrissimo... monsignor gran maistro de Franza... Scritta in Orvietto, a di II junio M.D.XXVIII » ; 41 Lettre, en italien, de « GALEATIO VESCONTE,... al' illustrissimo signor Pomponio Trivultio, governador de Lione... Dal Campo a Loesa, al primo de settembre 1528 » ; 42 Lettre, en italien, avec chiffre, de « BILIA,... al signor JO. Francesco Zaberna, oratore de lo... duca de Milano... De Burgos, XXII novembre M.D.XXVII » ; 43 Lettre, en italien et en chiffre, de « JO. ANTONIO BILIA,... al' illustrissimo signore... el signore duca de Milano... De Burgos, XXII novembris 1527 » ; 44 Lettre, en italien, de « JOACHIN [DE VAULX]... allo illustrissimo... signor [gran maestro] di Francia... Scritta de Viterbo, el XVI d'agosto 1528 » ; 45 Lettre, en latin, de « JOHANNES DIESBACH, locumtenens illustrissimi domini marescalli de Momoransi, capitaney generalis exercitus Helveciorum et alii capitaney totius lige Elveciorum de presente in exercitu regio existentes... illustrissimo principi, domino duci Veneciarum et magnificis dominis senatoribus venetis... In felicibus castris regiis apud Abietem Grassum, die primo martii 1524 » ; 46 Lettre, en italien, de « JOACHIN [DE VAULX]... allo illustrissimo... signor gran maestro di Francia... Da Cales, el XVIIII genaro 1530 » ; 47 Lettre, en italien, de « JOAN BAPTISTA DA PONT,... à monseigneur... le grant maestre de France... In Lode, a li 23 de zugno 1529 » ; 48 Lettre, en italien, de « BALDASSARTE » et de « CARDUCCI,... [all'] illustrissimo... signore monsignor il gran mastro di Francia... D'Angulem, il giorno XXXI julii M.D.XXX » ; 49 Lettre, en italien, de « SIMONE DE THEBALDI,... allo illustrissimo... signore monsignor de Momoransi, gran mastro de Francia... In Barletta, a di XVIII de mayo 1529 » ; 50 Lettre, en italien, de « JOACHIN [DE VAULX]... al' illusfrissimo... signor gran maestro de Francia... Da Londra, XXIIII ottobre M.D.XXX » ; 51 Lettre, en italien, de « JOACHIN [DE VAULX]... al' illustrissimo... signor gran maestro de Francia... D'Amptoncort, lo VIII ottobre M.D.XXX » ; 52 Lettre, en italien, de « PETRO BIRAGO,... al' illustrissimo... monsignor maresial de Memoransi,... In Ferara, octavi junii 1525 » ; 53 Lettre, en italién, de « LODOVICO CATO,... al magnifico... signor... de Sormano,... A Bordeos, alli V di junio M.D.XXX » ; 54 Lettre, en italien, de « GALEATIO VESCONTE,... In Lione, a li XXIIII octobre » ; 55 Lettre, en italien, de « GALEATIO VESCONTE,... à monseigneur... le grant maistre de France... Dato in Alexandria, a li XX de aprile » ; 56 Lettre, en italien, de « GALEATIO VESCONTE,... allo illustrissimo signore gran maestro... In Lyon, alli 29 settembris » ; 57 Lettre, en italien, de « OTTAVIANO GRIMALDO,... al' illustrissimo... signor maresial de Montmoranci,... Scritta in Venetia, a di XXVIIIImo zenaro » ; 58 Lettre, en italien, de « MAXIMILIANO [SFORZA, duc de Milan]... à monseigneur le grant mestre de France » ; 59 « Extratto di cyfra... De Lodi, XIX avost ». Copie ; 60 Lettre d'«el secretario veneto... allo illustrissimo... mons. el gran maestro... Da Bles, alli 2 octobre 1526 » ; 61 « Extraict de la lettre cinquiesme du seigneur OCTAVYAN GRIMALDO, ordonnée lui expedier par messeigneurs les commissaires ». Copie ; 62 Lettre de « MICHEL ANTHOINE DE SALLUCES,... au roy [François Ier]... A Sainct Pierre, le Vme jour d'octobre... V.C.XXIIII ». Copie ; 63 Lettre de « RENZO DE CERE,... à monseigneur le grand maistre de France... De Ligerne, ce VIIIme jour de fevrier » ; 64 Nouvelles d'Italie, lettre écrite « de Lodi, 13 marzo 1529 ». Copie ; 65 Lettre, en italien, de « JOACHIN [DE VAULX]... al' illustrissimo... signor gran maestro de Francia... Fatta et X novembre M.D.XXX » ; 66 Lettre, en italien, de « JOACHIN [DE VAULX]... all' illustrissimo [signor gran maestro de Fran]cia... Da Vinetia, el XV luglio 1529 » ; 67 Lettre, en italien, de « JACOBO NOMISCHIO,... Da Napoli, a 21 magio 1529... Copia... intercetta in Puglia » ; 68 Lettre de « JOANNA... DE GONZAGA,... allo illustrissimo... mons. di Momoransi,... In Bozolo, al XII de febraro del 1528 » ; 69 Lettre de « GLAUDE DE DURRE,... au roy... Escript en vostre ville de Marseille, ce XVIIIe de decembre »


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Ce projet analyse le rôle des images – photographies, films, dessins – produites dans le cadre des recherches ethnographiques « interdisciplinaires » menées par l’anthropologue italien Ernesto De Martino en Italie méridionale dans les années 1950. Ces expéditions ont donné lieu à des documents multiformes puisqu’elles regroupent des chercheurs de formations différentes : historien des religions, ethnomusicologue, psychiatre, photographe, et occasionnellement cinéaste. Plus spécifiquement, il s’agit d’étudier le rôle des matériaux visuels dans la recherche sur le tarentisme, rituel de possession observé dans les Pouilles en 1959 par De Martino et son équipe, matériaux dont une partie constitue l’annexe photographique de son œuvre célèbre La terra del rimorso (1961). Nous portons également attention à l’atlas iconographique de son ouvrage sur la lamentation funèbre, Morte e pianto rituale nel mondo antico. Dal lamento pagano al pianto di Maria (1958), fruit d’une étude de terrain dans la région sud italienne de la Lucania (Basilicata). Tout en considérant les relations intermédiales entre les images, le texte, le son et le corps, ce mémoire identifie les rapports dialectiques entre les techniques d’enregistrement et les logiques répétitives, rythmiques et performatives des rituels en question. Chez De Martino, l’image est point de tension en matière de temporalité et de ressemblance : elle suggère une anthropologie de la « survivance » nous permettant de relever plusieurs correspondances avec l'oeuvre de l’historien de l’art Aby Warburg.


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Monográfico con el título: 'Desde la diversidad hacia la desigualdad: ¿destino inexorable de la globalización?'. Resumen basado en el de la publicación


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This paper analyses the impacts of the 2003 CAP reform on the production of Italian olive oil controlling for the regional differences in olive oil production as well as for the differences between years. Italian olive oil production time series data from the Farm Accountancy Data Network for the 2000-2010 period at regional level is used to examine the effect of the 2003 Fischler reform on the production of olive oil. Production costs and payments received by farmers to support their income are considered. The data were collected at micro level based on a sample of farms representative of the production systems in the country. In order to consider the differences in production among the regions, eight representative regions in terms of surveyed farms are considered: Liguria, Toscana, Umbria, Lazio, Campania, Calabria, Puglia and Sicilia. We found that the most important factors affecting the production of olive oil are the area under olive groves and labour productivity. Results also show no evidence that the level of payments have an impact to the level of production, however, the type of payments has. Future work should explore the impact of the 2003 reform into the technical and production efficiency of the Italian olive oil farmers. It would be interesting to link the measures introduced by the cross compliance and the management practices of the different farms to have a more complete picture of the various parameters influencing the production of olive oil.


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Difficulties in cross-section measurements at very low energies, when charged particles are involved, led to the development of some indirect methods. The Trojan horse method (THM) allows us to bypass the Coulomb effects and has been successfully applied to several reactions of astrophysical interest. A brief review of the THM applications is reported together with some of the most recent results.


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Nuclear (p,alpha) reactions destroying the so-called ""light-elements"" lithium, beryllium and boron have been largely studied in the past mainly because their role in understanding some astrophysical phenomena, i.e. mixing-phenomena occurring in young F-G stars [1]. Such mechanisms transport the surface material down to the region close to the nuclear destruction zone, where typical temperatures of the order of similar to 10(6) K are reached. The corresponding Gamow energy E(0)=1.22 (Z(x)(2)Z(X)(2)T(6)(2))(1/3) [2] is about similar to 10 keV if one considers the ""boron-case"" and replaces in the previous formula Z(x) = 1, Z(X) = 5 and T(6) = 5. Direct measurements of the two (11)B(p,alpha(0))(8)Be and (10)B(p,alpha)(7)Be reactions in correspondence of this energy region are difficult to perform mainly because the combined effects of Coulomb barrier penetrability and electron screening [3]. The indirect method of the Trojan Horse (THM) [4-6] allows one to extract the two-body reaction cross section of interest for astrophysics without the extrapolation-procedures. Due to the THM formalism, the extracted indirect data have to be normalized to the available direct ones at higher energies thus implying that the method is a complementary tool in solving some still open questions for both nuclear and astrophysical issues [7-12].


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Several experiments were performed to investigate both (p, alpha) and (n, alpha) reactions induced on boron isotopes, by means of Quasi-Free (QF) reactions induced on deuteron target. The experimental study of the astrophysically relevant, (11)B(p, alpha(0))(8)Be reaction was performed by selecting the QF-contribution on the (2)H((11)B, alpha(8)(0)Be)n reaction. Moreover, due to the large interest of a better understanding of (n, alpha) reactions both for nuclear and astrophysical developments, a preliminary study of the (10)B(n, alpha)(7)Li through the QF (2)H((10)B, alpha(7)Li)p reaction was also performed. The results concerning the two experiments will be shown and discussed.


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The oil industry has several segments that can impact the environment. Among these, produced water which has been highlight in the environmental problem because of the great volume generated and its toxic composition. Those waters are the major source of waste in the oil industry. The composition of the produced water is strongly dependent on the production field. A good example is the wastewater produced on a Petrobras operating unit of Rio Grande do Norte and Ceará (UO-RNCE). A single effluent treatment station (ETS) of this unit receives effluent from 48 wells (onshore and offshore), which leads a large fluctuations in the water quality that can become a complicating factor for future treatment processes. The present work aims to realize a diagnosis of a sample of produced water from the OU - RNCE in compliance to certain physical and physico-chemical parameters (chloride concentration, conductivity, dissolved oxygen, pH, TOG (oil & grease), nitrate concentration, turbidity, salinity and temperature). The analysis of the effluent is accomplished by means of a MP TROLL 9500 Multiparameter probe, a TOG/TPH Infracal from Wilks Enterprise Corp. - Model HATR - T (TOG) and a MD-31 condutivimeter of Digimed. Results were analyzed by univariated and multivariated analysis (principal component analysis) associated statistical control charts. The multivariate analysis showed a negative correlation between dissolved oxygen and turbidity (-0.55) and positive correlations between salinity and chloride (1), conductivity, chloride and salinity (0.70). Multivariated analysis showed there are seven principal components which can explain the variability of the parameters. The variables, salinity, conductivity and chloride were the most important variables, with, higher sampling variance. Statistical control charts have helped to establish a general trend between the physical and chemical evaluated parameters