998 resultados para Acute gallstone pancreatitis


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Na literatura médica existem actualmente vários trabalhos confirmando o valor da Colangiopancreatografla Retrógada Endoscópica (C.P.R.E.) e da Esflncterotomia Endoscópica (E.T.E.) na terapêutica da Pancreatite Aguda Litiásica (P.A.L.). E uma técnica endoscópica de primeira linha na actuação terapêutica na P.A.L. que ao permitir desobstruir as vias biliares de cálculos elimina o factor etiológico desencadeante da doença. E a experiência do grupo de C.P.R.E./E.T.E. do Hospital dos Capuchos que iremos dar a conhecer no presente trabalho.


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Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography for suspected choledocholithiasis: From guidelines to clinical practice.


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Rationale: Life-threatening intraabdominal candidiasis (IAC) occurs in 30 to 40% of high-risk surgical intensive care unit (ICU) patients. Although early IAC diagnosis is crucial, blood cultures are negative, and the role of Candida score/colonization indexes is not established. Objectives: The aim of this prospective Fungal Infection Network of Switzerland (FUNGINOS) cohort study was to assess accuracy of 1,3-β-d-glucan (BG) antigenemia for diagnosis of IAC. Methods: Four hundred thirty-four consecutive adults with abdominal surgery or acute pancreatitis and ICU stay 72 hours or longer were screened: 89 (20.5%) at high risk for IAC were studied (68 recurrent gastrointestinal tract perforation, 21 acute necrotizing pancreatitis). Diagnostic accuracy of serum BG (Fungitell), Candida score, and colonization indexes was compared. Measurements and Main Results: Fifty-eight of 89 (65%) patients were colonized by Candida; 29 of 89 (33%) presented IAC (27 of 29 with negative blood cultures). Nine hundred twenty-one sera were analyzed (9/patient): median BG was 253 pg/ml (46-9,557) in IAC versus 99 pg/ml (8-440) in colonization (P < 0.01). Sensitivity and specificity of two consecutive BG measurements greater than or equal to 80 pg/ml were 65 and 78%, respectively. In recurrent gastrointestinal tract perforation it was 75 and 77% versus 90 and 38% (Candida score ≥ 3), 79 and 34% (colonization index ≥ 0.5), and 54 and 63% (corrected colonization index ≥ 0.4), respectively. BG positivity anticipated IAC diagnosis (5 d) and antifungal therapy (6 d). Severe sepsis/septic shock and death occurred in 10 of 11 (91%) and 4 of 11 (36%) patients with BG 400 pg/ml or more versus 5 of 18 (28%, P = 0.002) and 1 of 18 (6%, P = 0.05) with BG measurement less than 400 pg/ml. β-Glucan decreased in IAC responding to therapy and increased in nonresponse. Conclusions: BG antigenemia is superior to Candida score and colonization indexes and anticipates diagnosis of blood culture-negative IAC. This proof-of-concept observation in strictly selected high-risk surgical ICU patients deserves investigation of BG-driven preemptive therapy.


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OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the influence of genetic polymorphisms on the susceptibility to Candida colonization and intra-abdominal candidiasis, a blood culture-negative life-threatening infection in high-risk surgical ICU patients. DESIGN: Prospective observational cohort study. SETTING: Surgical ICUs from two University hospitals of the Fungal Infection Network of Switzerland. PATIENTS: Eighty-nine patients at high risk for intra-abdominal candidiasis (68 with recurrent gastrointestinal perforation and 21 with acute necrotizing pancreatitis). MEASUREMENTS AND MAIN RESULTS: Eighteen single-nucleotide polymorphisms in 16 genes previously associated with development of fungal infections were analyzed from patient's DNA by using an Illumina Veracode genotyping platform. Candida colonization was defined by recovery of Candida species from at least one nonsterile site by twice weekly monitoring of cultures from oropharynx, stools, urine, skin, and/or respiratory tract. A corrected colonization index greater than or equal to 0.4 defined "heavy" colonization. Intra-abdominal candidiasis was defined by the presence of clinical symptoms and signs of peritonitis or intra-abdominal abscess and isolation of Candida species either in pure or mixed culture from intraoperatively collected abdominal samples. Single-nucleotide polymorphisms in three innate immune genes were associated with development of a Candida corrected colonization index greater than or equal to 0.4 (Toll-like receptor rs4986790, hazard ratio = 3.39; 95% CI, 1.45-7.93; p = 0.005) or occurrence of intra-abdominal candidiasis (tumor necrosis factor-α rs1800629, hazard ratio = 4.31; 95% CI, 1.85-10.1; p= 0.0007; β-defensin 1 rs1800972, hazard ratio = 3.21; 95% CI, 1.36-7.59; p = 0.008). CONCLUSION: We report a strong association between the promoter rs1800629 single-nucleotide polymorphism in tumor necrosis factor-α and an increased susceptibility to intra-abdominal candidiasis in a homogenous prospective cohort of high-risk surgical ICU patients. This finding highlights the relevance of the tumor necrosis factor-α functional polymorphism in immune response to fungal pathogens. Immunogenetic profiling in patients at clinical high risk followed by targeted antifungal interventions may improve the prevention or preemptive management of this life-threatening infection.


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PURPOSE: Thirty to forty percent of patients with recurrent gastrointestinal perforation/anastomotic leakage or acute necrotizing pancreatitis develop intra-abdominal invasive candidiasis (IC). A corrected Candida colonization index (CCI) > or =0.4 is a powerful predictor of IC. Fluconazole prevents intra-abdominal IC in this setting, but azole-resistant Candida species are emerging. The aim of this study was to explore the efficacy and safety of caspofungin for prevention of intra-abdominal IC in high-risk surgical patients. METHODS: Prospective non-comparative single-center study in consecutive adult surgical patients with recurrent gastrointestinal perforation/anastomotic leakage or acute necrotizing pancreatitis. Preventive caspofungin therapy (70 mg, then 50 mg/day) was given until resolution of the surgical condition. Candida colonization index and CCI, occurrence of intra-abdominal IC and adverse events were monitored. RESULTS: Nineteen patients were studied: 16 (84%) had recurrent gastrointestinal perforation/anastomotic leakage and 3 (16%) acute necrotizing pancreatitis. The median duration of preventive caspofungin therapy was 16 days (range 4-46). The colonization index decreased significantly during study therapy, and the CCI remained <0.4 in all patients. Caspofungin was successful for prevention of intra-abdominal IC in 18/19 patients (95%, 1 breakthrough IC 5 days after inclusion). No drug-related adverse event requiring caspofungin discontinuation occurred. CONCLUSION: Caspofungin may be efficacious and safe for prevention of intra-abdominal candidiasis in high-risk surgical patients. This needs to be further investigated in randomized trials.


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Summary Between gastrulation and gut tube formation, the endoderm becomes regionally specified along the anterior-posterior axis. An early sign of patterning is the expression of organ-specific genes in restricted endoderm domains. We studied the role of the fibroblast growth factor (FGF) and Wnt pathways in the establishment of the antero-posterior (A-P) axis domains. Here we report the first evidence that graded FGF4-mediated signaling establishes gut tube domains along the A-P axis in vivo from gastrulation to somitogenesis. At gastrulation, FGF4 may act cooperatively with Wnts, since both of them affect the gut tube patterning by promoting posterior and inhibiting anterior endoderm cell fate. The activity of the Wnt pathway is however time restricted, since. it does not affect patterning at somitogenesis. Our experiments point to a global mechanism that coordinates the A-P patterning of all three primary germ layers. Soon after regionalization of the gut tube, morphogenetic evidences of organogenesis appear. We focused our attention on one of these organs, the pancreas. We report a comprehensive investigation of the activity and the role of the Wnt pathway in pancreas organogenesis. We have used two mouse reporter lines to monitor canonical Wnt-pathway activity during development and after birth and demonstrate activity in early pancreatic bud, endocrine cells and in the mesenchyme. We have specifically deleted the ß-catenin .gene, a key component of the Wnt pathway, in the epithelium of the pancreas and duodenum using Pdxl -Cre mice. In agreement with Wnt pathway activity in pancreatic endocrine cells, we find a reduction in endocrine islet numbers. Our study reveals that ß-catenin deletion also affects cells in which Wnt pathway activity is not detected. Indeed, ß-catenin mutant cells have a competitive disadvantage during development that also' affects the exocrine compartment. Moreover, the conditional KO mice develop acute edematous pancreatitis perinatally due to the disruption of the epithelial structure of acini. These effects are likely to be due to the function of ß-catenin at the membrane. Résumé Entre la gastrulation et la formation du tube digestif, l'endoderme est progressivement régionalisé le long de l'axe antéropostérieur (A-P). Un des premiers signes de cette régionalisation est l'expression de gènes spécifiques à certains organes dans une région restreinte. Nous avons étudié l'implication des voies de signalisation FGF et Wnt dans l'établissement de la régionalisation A-P. Nous rapportons les premières preuves que FGF4 établit la ségrégation des domaines de l'endoderme le long de l'axe A-P in vivo de la gastrulation à la somitogenèse. Cette activité peut être menée en collaboration avec les Wnts, puisque ceux-ci influencent aussi l'endoderme en inhibant le destin antérieur et en induisant le destin postérieur des cellules. Cette activité des Wnts est perdue à la somitogenèse. Nos expériences démontrent une régionalisation coordonnée des trois feuillets germinaux le long de l'axe A-P. Peu après la régionalisation, les premiers signes morphologiques de l'organogenèse apparaissent. Nous nous sommes intéressés au rôle des Wnts dans un des dérivés de l'endoderme : le pancréas. Nous avons utilisés deux lignés de souris rapportrices de l'activité de la voie canonique des Wnts, qui montrent une activité dans le bourgeon précoce du pancréas avant la différentiation, puis plus tard dans les cellules endocrines et le mésenchyme. Nous avons utilisé la souris transgénique Pdxl -Cre pour inactiver spécifiquement le gène de la ß-caténine, un intermédiaire de la voie des Wnts, dans la région pancréatique. En accord avec l'activité de la voie de signalisation Wnt, la perte de la ßcaténine conduit à une réduction du nombre de cellules endocrines. De plus certaines cellules qui ne montrent aucune activité de la voie Wnt sont aussi affectées. En effet, les cellules ayant perdu la ß-caténine ont un désavantage compétitif face aux cellules sauvages dans un environnement mosaïque. Cette compétition résulte en l'absence de cellules déplétées en ßcaténine chez l'adulte. De plus, vers la naissance, les animaux déficients pour la ß-caténine développent une pancréatite aiguë due à la destruction de l'architecture des acini. Ceci est probablement aux fonctions d'adhésion de la ß-caténine à la membrane.


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La prevalencia de coledocolitiasis es de un 10 a 20%. 10-20% tienen coledocolitiasis gigante, es decir presencia de cálculos mayores de 15 mm, aumentando la morbimortalidad por complicaciones. El objetivo principal fue determinar la frecuencia de coledocolitiasis gigante, la presencia de factores predictores del éxito o fracaso del manejo endoscópico. El éxito en el manejo endoscópico está entre 80 y 90%, un 20% requieren cirugía de exploración biliar. Se realizó la búsqueda de las variables utilizando el instrumento para la recolección de la información. Se realizó un análisis univariado y bivariado de las variables medidas y se utilizo STATA versión 10. Como principal resultado, se encontró que la frecuencia de coledocolitiasis gigante en nuestra población fue del 10%, el éxito del manejo endoscopio fue del 89.23% y el factor predictor mas fuerte para el éxito fue el diámetro del cálculo, siendo mayor para cálculos de menos de 19.09 mm. Como conclusión, en nuestro estudio, la frecuencia de coledocolitiasis gigante es cercana a la conocida en la literatura mundial. El manejo endoscópico en nuestro estudio es el pilar en estos casos, teniendo probabilidad de éxito en el manejo que es igual a la publicada en los estudios mundiales, que existe la probabilidad que el tamaño del cálculo mayor a 19 mm de diámetro indique mayor tasa de fracaso y requerimiento de técnicas endoscópicas avanzadas para su éxito. Se requieren estudios, con mayor número de pacientes para determinar la validez estadística de estos resultados.


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A paracoccidioidomicose é enfermidade potencialmente grave podendo levar ao óbito. Lesões cutâneas específicas são freqüentes e propícias ao diagnóstico precoce. A disseminação para órgãos do sistema monocítico-macrofágico corresponde à forma aguda-subaguda da enfermidade. Derrame pleural e ascite, raros na paracoccidioidomicose, no presente caso foram conseqüentes à pancreatite aguda hemorrágica. Nos casos graves a anfotericina B e o suporte hospitalar adequado são decisivos na recuperação.


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The conservative treatment of acute necrotizing pancreatitis has greatly improved due to broad antibiotic treatment and improved organ support in intensive care units. Nevertheless, infected necrosis or persistent multi-organ dysfunction are predictors of poor outcome. In these patients, there is still a need to perform necrosectomy. Open surgery results in extensive operative trauma and is associated with high morbidity and mortality. Therefore, several minimally invasive techniques have been developed recently. Retroperitoneal necrosectomy has been shown to be safe and to reduce morbidity and mortality compared to the open procedure.


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Rationale: Life-threatening intraabdominal candidiasis (IAC) occurs in 30 to 40% of high-risk surgical intensive care unit (ICU) patients. Although early IAC diagnosis is crucial, blood cultures are negative, and the role of Candida score/colonization indexes is not established. Objectives: The aim of this prospective Fungal Infection Network of Switzerland (FUNGINOS) cohort study was to assess accuracy of 1,3-β-d-glucan (BG) antigenemia for diagnosis of IAC. Methods: Four hundred thirty-four consecutive adults with abdominal surgery or acute pancreatitis and ICU stay 72 hours or longer were screened: 89 (20.5%) at high risk for IAC were studied (68 recurrent gastrointestinal tract perforation, 21 acute necrotizing pancreatitis). Diagnostic accuracy of serum BG (Fungitell), Candida score, and colonization indexes was compared. Measurements and Main Results: Fifty-eight of 89 (65%) patients were colonized by Candida; 29 of 89 (33%) presented IAC (27 of 29 with negative blood cultures). Nine hundred twenty-one sera were analyzed (9/patient): median BG was 253 pg/ml (46–9,557) in IAC versus 99 pg/ml (8–440) in colonization (P < 0.01). Sensitivity and specificity of two consecutive BG measurements greater than or equal to 80 pg/ml were 65 and 78%, respectively. In recurrent gastrointestinal tract perforation it was 75 and 77% versus 90 and 38% (Candida score ≥ 3), 79 and 34% (colonization index ≥ 0.5), and 54 and 63% (corrected colonization index ≥ 0.4), respectively. BG positivity anticipated IAC diagnosis (5 d) and antifungal therapy (6 d). Severe sepsis/septic shock and death occurred in 10 of 11 (91%) and 4 of 11 (36%) patients with BG 400 pg/ml or more versus 5 of 18 (28%, P = 0.002) and 1 of 18 (6%, P = 0.05) with BG measurement less than 400 pg/ml. β-Glucan decreased in IAC responding to therapy and increased in nonresponse. Conclusions: BG antigenemia is superior to Candida score and colonization indexes and anticipates diagnosis of blood culture–negative IAC. This proof-of-concept observation in strictly selected high-risk surgical ICU patients deserves investigation of BG-driven preemptive therapy.


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We report a case of pancreatic pseudocyst secondary to acute necrotizing pancreatitis treated with open cystogastrostomy. Following a literature review, we stress the enormous benefits offered by modern diagnostic techniques, and especially imaging techniques, for the diagnosis and monitoring of this disease. Treatment should be delayed for at least six weeks, following which the drainage by open surgery offers the best results and lowest morbidity and mortality, followed by laparoscopy and endoscopy, indicated in particular cases and in patients where open surgery is contraindicated.


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La patología biliar afecta a un gran porcentaje de la población adulta, motivo por el cual su tratamiento en la actualidad ha cambiado hacia un nuevo paradigma de cuidado bajo el concepto de “Acute Care Surgery” (ACS) 1 el cual se caracteriza por priorizar la valoración integral del paciente e intervención precoz de la patología. En el Hospital Vicente Corral Moscoso (HVCM) bajo este modelo ACS, y mediante la utilización de protocolos estandarizados se ha logrado dar un giro importante en el tratamiento oportuno de la patología biliar mediante la utilización de herramientas habituales como pruebas de laboratorio, imagenología y si es el caso, la resolución quirúrgica mediante técnica mínimamente invasiva o por vía convencional. OBJETIVO: Describir el comportamiento de la patología biliar y su manejo en el servicio de Trauma y Emergencias del Hospital “Vicente Corral Moscoso”, durante el período de enero a junio de 2014, bajo el modelo ACS. MÉTODOS: Estudio descriptivo transversal, que analizó los casos de colecistitis aguda litiásica (CAL), coledocolitiasis, pancreatitis aguda biliar (PAB) y su manejo, registrado en la base de datos digital del servicio de Emergencias del Hospital Vicente Corral Moscoso, bajo criterios clínicos, de laboratorio e imagenológicos, durante el periodo de enero a junio del 2014. RESULTADOS: El estudio contó con un total de 240 pacientes atendidos en el servicio de Trauma y Emergencia del HVCM, durante el periodo de enero a junio de 2014. La patología en orden de frecuencia fue: en un 47%, la Coledocolitiasis; 35% colecistitis aguda y, pancreatitis aguda biliar 18%. La prevalencia fue mayor en el sexo femenino en un 85%, 67%, y 81% respectivamente y el tratamiento se adaptó a cada patología. 1 Acute Care Surgery” (ACS): si bien no existe una definición literal hace referencia a una disciplina tripartita que engloba la cirugía de trauma, general en emergencias y cuidados críticos quirúrgicos, y que prioriza la identificación y manejo de las patologías potencialmente letales y de alta morbilidad. En nuestro medio lo más próximo a la definición seria Cirugía de Trauma y Emergencias. El manejo de la pancreatitis aguda biliar (PAB) bajo el concepto de cuidado agudo de pacientes quirúrgicos o “Acute Care Surgery” hace indispensable una intervención oportuna y temprana, utilizando todos los recursos disponibles para un manejo integral. CONCLUSIONES: La implementación del modelo de Cirugía de Trauma y Emergencias en nuestra institución ha logrado un manejo integral de colecistitis aguda litiásica, pancreatitis aguda biliar y coledocolitiasis, disminuyendo las complicaciones asociadas y evitando las recidivas de cuadros de mayor gravedad.


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OBJECTIVES: Causes may be found in most cases of acute pancreatitis, however no etiology is found by clinical, biological and imaging investigations in 30% of these cases. Our objective was to evaluate results from endoscopic ultrasonography (EUS) for diagnosis of gallbladder microlithiasis in patients with unexplained (idiopathic) acute pancreatitis. METHODS: Thirty-six consecutive non-alcoholic patients with diagnoses of acute pancreatitis were studied over a five-year period. None of them showed signs of gallstones on transabdominal ultrasound or tomography. We performed EUS within one week of diagnosing acute pancreatitis. Diagnosis of gallbladder microlithiasis on EUS was based upon findings of hyperechoic signals of 0.5-3.0 mm, with or without acoustic shadowing. All patients (36 cases) underwent cholecystectomy, in accordance with indication from the attending physician or based upon EUS diagnosis. RESULTS: Twenty-seven patients (75%) had microlithiasis confirmed by histology and nine did not (25%). EUS findings were positive in twenty-five. Two patients had acute cholecystitis diagnosed at EUS that was confirmed by surgical and histological findings. In two patients, EUS showed cholesterolosis and pathological analysis disclosed stones not detected by EUS. EUS diagnosed microlithiasis in four cases not confirmed by surgical treatment. In our study, sensitivity, specificity and positive and negative predictive values to identify gallbladder microlithiasis (with 95% confidence interval) were 92.6% (74.2-98.7%), 55.6% (22.7-84.7%), 86.2% (67.4-95.5%) and 71.4% (30.3-94.9%), respectively. Overall EUS accuracy was 83.2%. CONCLUSIONS: EUS is a very reliable procedure to diagnose gallbladder microlithiasis and should be used for the management of patients with unexplained acute pancreatitis. This procedure should be part of advanced endoscopic evaluation.


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Objectives: Acute pancreatitis (AP) protease release induces lung parenchymal destruction via matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs), a neutrophil (polymorphonuclear leukocyte)-dependent process. Recent studies in hemorrhagic shock revealed that hypertonic saline (HTS) has an anti-inflammatory effect and can inhibit a variety of neutrophil functions. The aim of this study was to determine whether HTS and its actions in the pathway of neutrophil migration, MMPs, and heat shock proteins (HSPs) are effective in protecting the lung from injury associated with AP. Methods: We determined neutrophil infiltration and expressions of MMPs and HSPs in the lung tissue after AP induced by retrograde infusion of 2.5% of sodium taurocholate. Results: Animals submitted to AP that received HTS compared with those who received normal saline presented with increased HSP70 and HSP90 expressions and reduced myeloperoxidase levels and MMP-9 expression and activity. Conclusions: Our data raised the hypothesis that a sequence of HTS lung protection events increases HSP70 and HSP90, inhibiting infiltration of neutrophils and their protease actions in the lung.