995 resultados para Actual intervention


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Purpose: Motor skills are considered a prerequisite to physical activity, yet the relationship may be reciprocal and perceived sports competence might mediate associations.
Methods: In 2006/2007, 215 adolescents completed motor skill proficiency (Get Skilled Get Active), perceived sport competence (Physical Self-Perception Profile) and physical activity assessments (Adolescent Physical Activity Recall Questionnaire) as part of the Physical Activity and Skills Study. Using AMOS (Version 7.0), reciprocal relationships were examined between motor skill (object control and locomotor) and moderate to vigorous physical activity (MVPA). Both models were then run in different versions to understand the role of perceived sports competence as a potential mediator.
Results: Mean age was 16.4 yr (SD = 0.6), 51.6% (111/215) were females. A reciprocal relationship between object control and MVPA and a one-way relationship from MVPA to locomotor skill was found. When perceived sports competence was examined as a mediator, the best-fitting model versions explained 16% (R² = 0.16)
MVPA variation, and 30% object control (R² = 0.30), and 12% locomotor skill variation (R² = 0.12) (reverse relationship). Perceived sports competence partially mediates the relationship between object control proficiency and physical activity for both directions and fully mediates the relationship between physical activity and locomotor skill; but only when locomotor skill is the outcome.
Conclusions: If the relationship between object control skill and physical activity is viewed as a ‘‘positive feedback loop,’’ skill development and increasing physical activity should simultaneously be targeted in physical activity interventions. Increasing perceived sport competence should also be an intervention focus.


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Objectives: The relationship between actual and perceived object control competence (ball skills) and the contribution to young children’s physical activity is not known.
Design: Cross sectional study.
Methods: The Test Gross Motor Development-2 assessed actual object control competence and a modified version of the Pictorial Scale of Perceived Competence and Social Acceptance for Young Children assessed perceived object control competence. Moderate- to vigorous-intensity physical activity was measured via accelerometry. Three mixed regression models were performed: (i) object control competence as the predictor and the outcome as perceived object control, (ii) perceived object control competence as the predictor and the outcome moderate to vigorous physical activity and (iii) actual object control as the predictor and the outcome moderate to vigorous physical activity. Models adjusted for school clustering, monitor wear time, sex and age. Interactions between respective predictor variables and sex were performed if warranted. A total of 102 children (56% boys, 44% girls) aged 4–8 years (M 6.3, SD 0.92) completed assessments.
Results: Girls had lower perceived and actual object control competence and were less active than boys. Actual object control competence was positively associated with perceived object control competence (B = 0.11, t(96) = 2.25, p < 0.001, p = 0.027) and this relationship did not differ by sex (p = 0.449); however, neither actual (p = 0.092) nor perceived object control competence (p = 0.827) were associated with moderate to vigorous physical activity.
Discussion: Young children’s perceived ball skill abilities appear to relate to actual competence; however, these measures were not associated with physical activity. In older children, object control skill is associated with physical activity so targeting young children’s object control skills is an intervention priority.


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Intervention programs creating awareness among girls about the wide range of career opportunities in the Information and Communications Technology (ICT) field are conducted in many countries to tackle the problem of female under-representation in ICT. The long-term effects of these programs, however, are rarely evaluated which hinders the understanding of how they could be improved, their value and success factors. The goal of this study is, therefore, to investigate the longitudinal influence of one such program held biennially in Australia since 2006, by analysing survey data both quantitatively and qualitatively (n = 153). The results show that continuous study of an ICT subject at school by girls positively influences both their intention to choose a career in ICT and the actual choice of ICT as a university major. Moreover, the attitude towards the intervention program has a weak, but significant positive effect on the decision to study ICT at school.


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Background: To investigate the impact of playing sports Active Video Games on children's actual and perceived object control skills. Methods: Intervention children played Active Video Games for 6. weeks (1. h/week) in 2012. The Test of Gross Motor Development-2 assessed object control skill. The Pictorial Scale of Perceived Movement Skill Competence assessed perceived object control skill. Repeated measurements of object control and perceived object control were analysed for the whole sample, using linear mixed models, which included fixed effects for group (intervention or control) and time (pre and post) and their interaction. The first model adjusted for sex only and the second model also adjusted for age, and prior ball sports experience (yes/no). Seven mixed-gender focus discussions were conducted with intervention children after programme completion. Results: Ninety-five Australian children (55% girls; 43% intervention group) aged 4 to 8. years (M 6.2, SD 0.95) participated. Object control skill improved over time (p=0.006) but there was no significant difference (p=0.913) between groups in improvement (predicted means: control 31.80 to 33.53, SED=0.748; intervention 30.33 to 31.83, SED=0.835). A similar result held for the second model. Similarly the intervention did not change perceived object control in Model 1 (predicted means: control: 19.08 to 18.68, SED=0.362; intervention 18.67 to 18.88, SED=0.406) or Model 2. Children found the intervention enjoyable, but most did not perceive direct equivalence between Active Video Games and 'real life' activities. Conclusions: Whilst Active Video Game play may help introduce children to sport, this amount of time playing is unlikely to build skill.


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OBJECTIVE : To describe the methodology and to present the baseline findings of the Attention-deficit/hyperactivity Disorder Observational Research in Europe (ADORE) study, the primary objective of which is to describe the relationship between treatment regimen prescribed and quality of life of children with ADHD in actual practice. METHODS : In this 2-year prospective observational study, data on diagnosis, prescribed treatment and outcomes of ADHD were collected at seven time points by paediatricians and child psychiatrists on 1,573 children recruited in 10 European countries. The data presented here from the 1,478 patients included in the analyses describe the baseline condition, initial treatment regimen prescribed and quality of life of families with children with ADHD. RESULTS : Patients had a mean age of 9.0 years (SD 2.5) and 84% were male. Physicians diagnoses were made using DSM-IV (43 %), ICD-10 (32%) and both DSM-IV and ICD-10 (12 %). Mean age of awareness of a problem was 5.1 years, suggesting an average delay of approximately 4 years between awareness and diagnosis of ADHD. Baseline ADHD rating scale scores (physicianrated) indicated moderate to severe ADHD. Parent-rated SDQ scores were in agreement and suggested significant levels of co-existing problems. CGI-S, CGAS and CHIPCE scores also indicated significant impairment. Patients were offered the following treatments after the initial assessment: pharmacotherapy (25 %), psychotherapy (19 %), combination of pharmacotherapy and psychotherapy (25 %), other therapy (10 %) and no treatment (21 %). CONCLUSION : The ADORE study shows that ADHD is similarly recognised across 10 European countries and that the children are significantly impaired across a wide range of domains. In this respect, they resemble children described in previous ADHD samples.


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Whereas a non-operative approach for hemodynamically stable patients with free intraabdominal fluid in the presence of solid organ injury is generally accepted, the presence of free fluid in the abdomen without evidence of solid organ injury not only presents a challenge for the treating emergency physician but also for the surgeon in charge. Despite recent advances in imaging modalities, with multi-detector computed tomography (CT) (with or without contrast agent) usually the imaging method of choice, diagnosis and interpretation of the results remains difficult. While some studies conclude that CT is highly accurate and relatively specific at diagnosing mesenteric and hollow viscus injury, others studies deem CT to be unreliable. These differences may in part be due to the experience and the interpretation of the radiologist and/or the treating physician or surgeon.A search of the literature has made it apparent that there is no straightforward answer to the question what to do with patients with free intraabdominal fluid on CT scanning but without signs of solid organ injury. In hemodynamically unstable patients, free intraabdominal fluid in the absence of solid organ injury usually mandates immediate surgical intervention. For patients with blunt abdominal trauma and more than just a trace of free intraabdominal fluid or for patients with signs of peritonitis, the threshold for a surgical exploration - preferably by a laparoscopic approach - should be low. Based on the available information, we aim to provide the reader with an overview of the current literature with specific emphasis on diagnostic and therapeutic approaches to this problem and suggest a possible algorithm, which might help with the adequate treatment of such patients.


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Childhood obesity in the US has reached epidemic proportions. Minority children are affected the most by this epidemic. Although there is no clear relationship between obesity and fruits and vegetables consumption, studies suggest that eating fruits and vegetables could be helpful in preventing childhood obesity. A few school-based interventions targeting youth have been effective at increasing fruits and vegetables intake.^ In Austin, Texas, the Sustainable Food Center delivered the Sprouting Healthy Kids (SHK) program that targeted low socio-economic status children in four intervention middle schools. The SHK program delivered six intervention components. This school-based intervention included: a cafeteria component, in-class lessons, an after-school garden program, a field trip to a local farm, food tasting, and farmers' visits to schools. This study aimed to determine the effects of the SHK intervention in middle school students' preferences, motivation, knowledge, and self-efficacy towards fruits and vegetables intake, as well as the actual fruits and vegetables intake. The study also aimed to determine the effects of exposure to different doses of the SHK intervention on participants' fruits and vegetable intake.^ The SHK was delivered during Spring 2009. A total of 214 students completed the pre-and-posttest surveys measuring self-report fruits and vegetables intake as well as intrapersonal factors. The results showed that the school cafeteria, the food tasting, the after school program, and the farmers' visits had a positive effect on the participants' motivation, knowledge, and self-efficacy towards fruits and vegetables intake. The farmers' visits and the food tasting components increased participants' fruits and vegetables intake. Exposure to two or more intervention components increased participants' fruits and vegetables intake. The statistically significant dose-response effect size was .352, which suggests that each intervention component increased participants' fruits and vegetables consumption this amount. Certain intervention components were more effective than others. Food tasting and farmers visits increased participants fruits and vegetables intake, therefore these components should be offered in an ongoing basis. This study suggests that exposure to multiple intervention components increased behaviors and attitudes towards fruits and vegetables consumption. Findings are consistent that SHK can influence behaviors of middle school students.^


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Esta tesis analiza las acciones de los pobladores en la creación, consolidación y transformación de su hábitat y en su relación con la política pública de vivienda y barrio en Chile. A partir de la observación directa en terreno y de la revisión de material proveniente de diversas fuentes afirmamos que, aunque los pobladores han hecho un trabajo de producción del hábitat de gran magnitud y generalizado, las políticas públicas no han reconocido suficientemente su papel en la construcción de la ciudad, no han incorporado a cabalidad las potencialidades e innovaciones surgidas de sus prácticas y estrategias, y nunca les han abierto un espacio claro en la toma de decisiones y en la puesta en obra de los programas habitacionales. En el contexto latinoamericano, la política habitacional chilena de los últimos 20 años se ha considerado un éxito y un ejemplo a seguir, puesto que ha demostrado ser eficaz en la disminución del déficit habitacional. Sin embargo, ha tenido efectos urbanos y sociales nefastos, como la construcción de extensos bolsones periféricos de pobreza que se degradan aceleradamente, y la desintegración social que genera la expulsión de los sin casa a la periferia, donde pierden sus redes familiares y sociales. Desde una trinchera opuesta, los allegados, los sin casa que viven al alero de otras familias y representan la mayoría de la demanda por vivienda, exigen quedarse en barrios ya consolidados y evitan las periferias, en parte por mantener una red familiar y social que se sustenta en la proximidad física, en parte por los equipamientos y servicios con que cuentan estos barrios y la cercanía a las fuentes de empleo. Al mismo tiempo, los responsables de diseñar la política habitacional no han buscado establecer una forma de colaboración con los pobladores —principales receptores de la política— con el fin ajustar los programas públicos a las necesidades de las familias de bajos ingresos y a las realidades socioculturales de sus barrios. Por el contrario, han privilegiado una alianza con el sector privado, que conoce muy limitadamente las demandas de las familias. Así, en lugar de construir ciudades más justas, la política habitacional ha alimentado un mercado inmobiliario sustentado en la especulación del suelo y fomentado la industria de la construcción. La pregunta que guía esta investigación es cómo incorporar el conocimiento acumulado y los procedimientos probados por los pobladores al diseño y la implementación de programas habitacionales y urbanos que promuevan procesos de regeneración de las poblaciones y mejoren la distribución de la vivienda social en la ciudad. Sostenemos que los pobladores, a lo largo de una trayectoria de más de medio siglo, han adquirido y consolidado todas las competencias para construir vivienda, mejorar sus barrios e incorporarse a la discusión sobre ordenamiento territorial. Así, hoy están capacitados para asumir un papel protagónico en la definición de políticas públicas que apunte a la construcción de ciudades más sostenibles y equitativas. La producción social del hábitat vinculada al derecho a la ciudad y a la participación de los pobladores «desde abajo» está bastante documentada en la literatura latinoamericana. En Chile se han escrito numerosos trabajos y evaluaciones sobre la política habitacional, pero los estudios sobre el movimiento de pobladores, enfocados desde las ciencias sociales o multidisciplinares, tienen un auge primero, durante los años 60 y principios de los 70 y luego, en la segunda mitad de los 80, pero posteriormente dejan de publicarse, a excepción de algunas investigaciones de historia urbana o social. En cuanto a los estudios que abordan las acciones de los pobladores desde una mirada puesta en los resultados de la producción y la gestión habitacional y urbana, estos han sido especialmente escasos y ninguno abarca un período largo. La tesis aborda entonces las acciones específicas que emprenden los pobladores a distintas escalas territoriales —el conjunto, el barrio, la población, la ciudad y el país—, su relación con la política habitacional y su articulación con los demás actores que intervienen en la producción material del hábitat. Lo realizado por los pobladores se estudia a la luz del largo plazo, desde la promulgación de la primera ley de vivienda en 1906 hasta nuestros días, con el énfasis puesto entre los años 1990 y 2010, período de producción masiva y sostenida de vivienda social, financiada por el Estado y construida por el sector privado en la periferia urbana, y más detalladamente entre 2006 y 2010, cuando los pobladores irrumpen con la «gestión vecinal» y la «autogestión» como medios para implementar los programas habitacionales del gobierno. Para ello se recorre toda la trayectoria y se complementa con procesos particulares, a la manera de un lente de acercamiento con el cual se focalizan y amplifican trece casos de estudios, para ilustrar modos de producción y gestión concretos y mostrar cómo estos se inscriben en modos de hacer genéricos de los pobladores. Finalmente, con el lente centrado en el último ciclo de este proceso escribimos el capítulo inédito de los últimos veinte años de esta historia. Primero se realiza la reconstrucción de tres casos de estudio «en profundidad», que incluyen la génesis, la consolidación y las transformaciones del conjunto o barrio. Estos casos de estudio «en profundidad» se ponen en perspectiva reconstruyendo la trayectoria histórica de la producción y gestión realizada por los pobladores. Esta reconstrucción de largo período se profundiza con tres casos de estudio «específicos», de dimensión histórica, que tratan el conflicto del acceso a suelo. Finalmente se analizan las interrogantes que plantean estos procesos hoy en día para la producción y gestión de vivienda y barrio a futuro, a partir de entrevistas a actores claves y de la reconstrucción de siete casos de estudio «específicos» de acceso a suelo ilustrativos del período actual. La tesis sustenta que los pobladores, con las acciones de gestión y autogestión que realizan desde 2006, e interviniendo en la discusión sobre los instrumentos de planificación territorial a partir del mismo año, se sitúan actualmente en una nueva plataforma de acción y negociación desde la cual pueden incorporarse, con todas las competencias necesarias, a la definición de las políticas públicas y así dotarlas de pertinencia y coherencia para contribuir a superar la pobreza con respuestas más acorde a sus realidades. ABSTRACT This thesis analyzes the actions of pobladores in the creation, consolidation and transformation of their habitat and their relationship with Chilean public housing and neighbourhood policy. Through direct observation in the field and the review of material from various sources we can affirm that although the pobladores have undertaken widespread work in the production of their environment, public policies have not sufficiently recognized their role in the construction of the city. Public policy has failed to fully incorporate the potential and innovation arising from practices and strategies employed by social housing recipients and has never opened a clear space for them in decision-making or the commissioning work of the housing programs. Within the Latin America context, the Chilean housing policy of the past 20 years has been considered a success and an example to follow given that it has proven effective in reducing the housing deficit. However it has had disastrous urban and social effects, such as construction of large peripheral pockets of poverty that degrade rapidly, and generates social disintegration through the expulsion of the homeless to the periphery, where they lose their family and social networks. On another front those homeless who live under the roof of relatives and who represent the majority of demand for social housing, request to stay in consolidated neighbourhoods avoiding the periphery, partly to maintain family and social networks based on physical proximity and partly because of the facilities and services available in these neighbourhoods and their adjacency to sources of employment. At the same time, those responsible for designing housing policy have not sought to establish a form of collaboration with the pobladores in order to adjust the public programs to the needs of low-income families and the socio-cultural realities of their neighbourhoods. On the contrary an alliance with the private sector has been favored, a sector which has very limited knowledge of the demands of the recipients. Therefore instead of building more equal cities, housing policy has fueled a housing market which supports land speculation and promotes the construction industry. The question leading this research is how to incorporate the accumulated knowledge and proven procedures of the pobladores in the design and implementation of programs that promote housing and urban regeneration processes and which could improve the distribution of social housing in the city. We maintain that social housing recipients over the course of half a century have acquired and consolidated all the skills to build housing, improve neighborhoods and join the discussion on city planning. These residents are now capable of assuming a leading role in defining public policies that aim to build more sustainable and equitable cities. The social production of the environment linked to the right to the city and resident participation from the «bottom-up» is well documented in Latin American literature. In Chile there are extensive written works and assessments on housing policy with multidisciplinary or social science studies on the movement of the pobladores peaking during the 60’s and early 70’s and then again in the second half of the 80’s but afterwards this stops, with the exception of some research on social or urban history. As for studies that address the actions of the pobladores looking at the results of production and housing and urban management these have been particularly scarce and none of which cover a long period of time. The thesis then addresses the specific actions undertaken by the pobladores at different territorial levels; the housing development, the neighbourhood, the community, the city and State, and their relation to housing policy and its coordination with other actors involved in the production process of the built environment. The accomplishments of the pobladores is studied over the long term, since the enactment of the first housing law in 1906 to the present, with an emphasis between 1990 and 2010, a period of mass production and sustained social housing which was State-funded and built by the private sector in the urban periphery, and in particular between 2006 and 2010, when the pobladores break with the «neighborhood management» and «self-management» as a means to implement the housing programs of the government. To this end the entire process is outlined and is complemented by specific processes which are placed under a lens in order to focus and amplify thirteen case studies illustrating actual ways of production and management and to show how these ways of doing things are generic to the pobladores. Finally, with the lens focused on the last cycle of this process we write the new chapter of the last twenty years of this history. First there is a reconstruction of three case studies «in depth», including their origins, consolidation and the transformation of the sector or neighborhood. These «in depth» case studies are put into perspective reconstructing the historical trajectory of the production and management by the pobladores. This reconstruction over a long period is given great depth by three «specific» case studies, of historical importance, dealing with the conflict of access to land. Finally we analyze the questions raised by these processes for the production and management of housing and neighborhood in the future, based on interviews with key players and the reconstruction of seven case studies specifically regarding access to land and which are illustrative of current practice. The thesis maintains that since 2006 the pobladores through actions of management and selfmanagement and their intervention in the debate on territorial planning has placed them on a new platform for action and negotiation from which they can incorporate themselves, with all the necessary capacities, in the definition of public policy and therefore provide it with a pertinence and coherence to help towards overcoming poverty with answers more according to their realities.


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Most advanced economies offer publicly financed advice services to start-up firms and SMEs. In England, local or regional Business Links organisations have provided these services, and divided their support into nonintensive one-off contacts providing information or advice and more intensive support involving a diagnostic process and repeated interaction with firms. A key choice for Business Link managers is how to shape their intervention strategies, balancing resources between intensive and nonintensive support. Drawing on resource dependency theory, we develop a typology of intervention strategies for Business Links in England which reflects differences in the breadth and depth of the support provided. We then test the impacts of these alternative intervention models on client companies using both subjective assessments by firms and econometric treatment models that allow for selection bias. Our key empirical result is that Business Links’ choice of intervention strategy has a significant effect both on actual and on perceived business outcomes, with our results emphasising the value of depth over breadth. The implication is that where additional resources are available for business support these should be used to deepen the assistance provided rather than extend assistance to a wider group of firms.


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Cognitive behavioral therapy has been shown to be promising for the treatment of individuals experiencing psychotic symptoms, who are often diagnosed with schizophrenia. Using a non-random non-equivalent comparison group design (n = 26), this study explores whether an individually mentored self-help and self-paced intervention based upon cognitive behavioral approaches to auditory hallucinations or "hearing voices" makes a significant positive difference for individuals with major mental disorder diagnoses and psychotic symptoms who are residing in the community and receiving community mental health services. The mentored self-help intervention uses a workbook (Coleman & Smith, 1997) that stemmed from the British psychiatric survivor and "voice hearers"' movements and from cognitive behavioral approaches to treating psychotic symptoms. Thirty individuals entered the study. Pre- and post-intervention assessments of 15 participants in the intervention group and 11 participants in the comparison group were carried out using standardized instruments, including the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale, the Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale, and the Hoosier Assurance Plan Inventory - Adult. Four specific research questions address whether levels of self-esteem, overall psychotic symptoms, depression-anxiety, and disruption in life improved in the intervention group, relative to the comparison group. Pre- and post-assessment scores were analyzed using repeated measures analysis of variance. Results showed no significant difference on any measure, with the exception of the Brief Psychiatric Rating subscale for Anxious Depression, which showed a statistically significant pre-post difference with a strong effect size. A conservative interpretation of this single positive result is that it is due to chance. An alternative interpretation is that the mentored self-help intervention made an actual improvement in the level of depression-anxiety experienced by participants. If so, this is particularly important given high levels of depression and suicide among individuals diagnosed with schizophrenia. This alternative interpretation supports further research on the intervention utilized in this study. ^


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Travail dirigé présenté à la Faculté des études supérieures et postdoctorales en vue de l’obtention du grade de maîtrise ès sciences (M.SC) en criminologie, option sécurité intérieure


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Travail dirigé présenté à la Faculté des études supérieures et postdoctorales en vue de l’obtention du grade de maîtrise ès sciences (M.SC) en criminologie, option sécurité intérieure


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Cómo los proyectos deben ir de la mano de un plan de acción concretable que esté acorde con los parámetros básicosconceptuales, fruto de la reflexión del papel que debe cumplir una biblioteca infantil como movilizadora social dentro del ámbito de la sociedad actual, es parte de la temática de la siguiente ponencia.La Escuela de Bibliotecología, Documentación e Información de la Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica, me solicitó explicara un poco como desde nuestra experiencia estamos concretando los procesos de planificación que se deben llevar a cabo para formular y crear un proyecto de extensión comunitaria de una biblioteca infantil.Es importante tener en cuenta el contexto en el qué se sitúa un proceso de planificación y por eso a esta intervención se le ha agregado el título “Bases para la creación de una biblioteca infantil acorde a los retos de la sociedad actual.El concepto de la sociedad actual de la información refleja bastante bien, desde mi punto de vista, los elementos básicos de nuestro entorno social.La sociedad enfrenta un incremento y difusión de la información que dió lugar al término de “sociedad de la información” posteriormente denominada como “sociedad del conocimiento”.Este cambio de terminología lo provocó el hecho que no se trata solo de informarse, sino que es necesario un proceso tanto individual como colectivo de tratamiento de esta información para convertirla en conocimiento. Casi de inmediato comenzamos a percibir que el acceso a lainformación no era suficiente.


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Numerous studies have identified a positive association between fundamental movement skill (FMS) competency and physical activity in children; however, the causal pathways have not been established. The aim of this study is to determine if changes in FMS competency mediated the effect of the Supporting Children's Outcomes using Rewards, Exercise and Skills (SCORES) intervention on physical activity and cardiorespiratory fitness in children. Eight primary schools (25 classes) and 460 children (aged 8.5 ± 0.6, 54% girls) were randomised to the SCORES intervention or control group for the 12-month study. The outcomes were accelerometer-determined moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (MVPA) and cardiorespiratory fitness. The hypothesised mediators were actual FMS competency and perceived sport competence. Mediation analyses were conducted using multilevel linear analysis in MPlus. From the original sample, 138 (30.0%) and 370 (80.4%) children provided useable physical activity and cardiorespiratory fitness data at post-test assessments. There were significant treatment effects for locomotor skills and overall FMSs. Changes in MVPA were associated with changes in object-control skills, overall FMSs and perceived competence. The overall FMSs had a significant mediating effect on MVPA (AB = 2.09, CI = 0.01-4.55). Overall FMSs (AB = 1.19, CI = 0.002-2.79) and locomotor skills (AB = 0.74, CI = 0.01-1.69) had a significant mediating effect on cardiorespiratory fitness. The results of this study conclude that actual but not perceived movement skill competency mediated the effect of the SCORES intervention on physical activity and cardiorespiratory fitness.