105 resultados para ARQUIVÍSTICA


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Pós-graduação em Ciência da Informação - FFC


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Ciência da Informação - FFC


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Pós-graduação em Ciência da Informação - FFC


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In the contemporary society, the recurring preoccupation about the effective use and appropriation of information has forced a progressive maturing of Information Science and its extention to new fields of study. In archival management, some gaps can be found concerning the treatment of photographs that have not been solved either theoretically or methodologically. This study approaches one of these gaps: the one related to the processing of the informational content of the photographic documents in archives. After a literature review, several recommendations are proposed regarding the identification, organization, representation, retrieval and access to the informational content of photographs in archives.


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Classification is a fundamental activity for the organization and management of archival document collection, as it is from this function that are based the priorities for the description and the bases for appraisal procedures. This article seeks through the fundamental works to the theoretical and methodological development of the Archival Science characterizes the historical and conceptual background from the classification notion. This article aims to answering some questions about the expansion of its importance during the development of its theory and its use on today. Is also sought to characterize the history of the Archival Science as a discipline since the classification was one of the first activities to be theorized.


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Information Science has for its object of study the general properties of information and analysis of their construction, communication and use processes. Organic information, one of the information types, is the one recorded in the archives, which can be split into two distinct groups based on users: current and permanent, used by administrators, historians/citizens, respectively. After defining the information behavior of each group, the articles directs the discussion to the mediation of information in the permanent archives. The interaction between user and information professionals through references services aiming the user needs is presented. In addition, the standards of archival description and the research instruments as tools to reference service are discussed. Moreover, it argues the importance of information technologies and the new possibilities for the promotion of organic information in permanent archives, especially concerning the information architecture of websites and the conversion of the DTD standards of archival descriptions.


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An axiological discussion is drawn from the analysis of the three codes of ethics in archives developed by the Association of Brazilian Archivists (AAB), the International Council on Archives (ICA) and the Society of American Archivists (SAA), presenting a framework of ethical values for the activities related to the organization and representation of knowledge, thus contributing to the theoretical framework underlying the social issues in Archival science.


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Applicability of management theories to developing organizationations and structured process for managing change and create an environment for innovation and adaptation. The study skills resources focus described information science area and your essencial function building a knowledge society. The work process administration involves organizational environment. When working to resolve conflict, it is important to solve parties in personal conflict for success of the organization. For theory of human relations, informal groups influence in the archive workplace. Thus the aim of this paper is to proposed analyse the influence human relations theory for the process archive management. That methodology will follow the recommendation archive university case study. The data analysis for the current case study follows focus group. The conduct the case study was guided by three phases: Motivational elements, the individual and influence behavior, integration of the formal and informal organization. Employees May Be the Key to Success for O rganizations and develop the conclusions and recommendations portray motivation and a good working environment stood out the factors that employees develop skills and competencies. Organizational behavior that is present in forms of rewards, recognition, social man and informal groups. The nature of research contribute to the process archive management. Development and suggested that the findings of the analysis are applied to a larger structure of archive organization, as well as public archive case study.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The arrangement and description of archival materials are the nuclear processes of Archival Science that share a common purpose: to represent the archival knowledge. This representation is fundamentally based on the application of the principle of provenance and on the concept of fonds. This paper aims to discuss de archival description facing the changes and ideas of an archival postmodern approach that proposes the concept of fonds and the principle of provenance as conceptual abstraction rather than a physical entity in the representation process. In that sense, it is presented here the theoretical perspectives of Canadian and Australian studies, discussing the theoretical basis of Modern Archival Science, facing the dynamic reality of contemporary record creation.


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This study regards the implementation of the Law of Access to Information, from an archivistic perspective of the institutional production of recorded projects in the period 1992- 2012 at the Letters and Arts Center (LAC) of the Federal University of Santa Maria (UFSM) and stored on digital medium in its database. It concludes that the effects of the law of access to information, as related to the institutional production by UFSM, will bring benefits to all society.


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Nos últimos vinte anos, as novas formas de produção documental e as tecnologias de informação têm levado os arquivistas a repensarem seu papel na sociedade, assim como os princípios e conceitos arquivísticos promulgados no século XIX. Neste contexto, emergem, notadamente no Canadá, novas abordagens para a organização do conhecimento arquivístico contemporâneo, destacando-se, dentre elas, a Arquivística Funcional, ou Pós-Moderna. O presente artigo aborda a contribuição dessa nova corrente para a constituição de uma disciplina contemporânea, notadamente a partir dos estudos de seu precursor e disseminador, Terry Cook.