974 resultados para ARM MUSCLE AREA
RESUMO: Ao longo das últimas décadas a redistribuição etária da população mundial tem vindo a apresentar um aumento do número de pessoas com 65 ou mais anos, integrando um grupo populacional comummente designado por população idosa. Importa aprofundar mecanismos fisiológicos que conduzem ao envelhecimento e de que forma podem condicionar não só aspetos clínicos, como também nutricionais, entre outros, com a perspetiva da sua origem no aparecimento de doenças crónicas. Com esse enfoque, a desnutrição na pessoa idosa é hoje considerada pela European Nutrition for Health Alliance(ENHA) um problema de saúde pública. Está descrito que a sua prevalência ronda os 60% a nível de instituições hospitalares, 40% em unidades residenciais e 5 a 10% na pessoa idosa a residir em domicílio próprio ou de familiares, e na sua maioria permanece por diagnosticar e tratar. Assim, foi objetivo deste estudo caracterizar e estimar a prevalência da desnutrição e do risco de desnutrição na pessoa idosa, nas primeiras 72 horas de admissão hospitalar. Aplicou-se um estudo observacional, analítico, transversal, quantitativo e correlacional, cujos dados foram recolhidos por entrevista ao próprio e por observação. O estudo desenvolveu-se em duas vertentes de investigação, uma focada na caracterização da desnutrição em pessoas idosas institucionalizadas em hospitais portugueses da zona centro e sul do Continente e Madeira, nos períodos de julho/agosto de 2009, abril/junho de 2010, maio/julho de 2011, através do MNA®. A outra, uma avaliação nutricional detalhada, efetuada no Centro Hospitalar de Lisboa Central – Hospital de Santa Marta, EPE, entre o início de janeiro de 2009 e o fim de janeiro de 2010, sendo a amostra recrutada de entre os idosos de ambos os sexos, internados. Foram estudados dados sociodemográficos, de saúde e feita uma avaliação nutricional extensa. A avaliação nutricional constou de colheita de parâmetros laboratoriais (hematológicos e bioquímicos) e antropométricos (índice de massa corporal (IMC), prega cutânea tricipital(PCT), prega cutânea subescapular (PCSE), perímetro braquial (PB), adequação do perímetro braquial (APB), área muscular braquial (AMB) e perímetro Geminal (PG), análise da composição corporal (Massa Gorda Corporal (MGC), Massa Isenta de Gordura (MIG)),caracterização de um dia alimentar tipo e questionário Mini Nutritional Assessment Long Form®– MNA LF®. Dos dados obtidos em hospitais portugueses, destaca-se que dos 402 idosos avaliados, 53% eram do sexo masculino, tinham uma idade média de 75,8 + 6,52 (65 – 100) e segundo o MNA® 57,5% encontravam-se Desnutridos ou em Risco de Desnutrição.Na amostra, dos dados obtidos, a nível sociodemográfico salienta-se que 50% dos doentes eram do sexo masculino, a idade média rondava os 75,5 + 7,22 (65 – 100) anos, 55% eram naturais de Lisboa e 80% residiam em Lisboa e Vale do Tejo, 38% não tiveram estudos formais e 43% fizeram-no apenas até ao 4º ano de escolaridade. Em relação aos dados de saúde, a maioria dos doentes foi admitida através do Serviço de Urgência do Centro Hospitalar de Lisboa Central – Hospital de São José e foram internados no Serviço de Medicina (38%) e no Serviço de Cardiologia (30%), por patologia médica (38%) e patologia do sistema circulatório (56%). Nos hábitos de vida, quanto à mobilidade, um terço dos doentes estavam acamados e os restantes deambulavam ou tinham uma mobilidade normal, 74% não apresentaram hábitos etanólicos regulares, 19% apresentavam um consumo elevado (> 30g de etanol/dia); 95% dos doentes não apresentavam hábitos tabágicos. Relativamente à caracterização nutricional, os valores médios encontrados em relação aos parâmetros laboratoriais revelaram-se inferiores aos valores padrão para a idade e sexo e eram inferiores no sexo feminino. Na caracterização antropométrica verificaram-se os seguintes achados: o cálculo do IMC mostrou-se pouco sensível na identificação de doentes desnutridos; a PCT e a PCSE revelaram valores de massa gorda dentro do intervalo considerado normal;segundo o PB, 88% não apresentavam valor indicativo de desnutrição e 8% estavam desnutridos; a APB identificou 50% de doentes desnutridos; a AMB, revelou que 97% dos homens e 95% das mulheres apresentavam deficit da massa magra e segundo o PG, 18% apresentavam um valor inferior a 31cm descritor de desnutrição. Na análise da composição corporal verificou-se que ambos os sexos apresentavam uma percentagem de MGC classificada como demasiado alta e que esta era superior nas mulheres em relação aos homens. Ao analisar a ingestão nutricional verificou-se que esta era inferior às Dietary Reference Intakes (DRIs) para a ingestão hídrica (p=0,00), energética (p=0,00), proteica (p=0,00), lipídica (p=0,01), MUFA (p=0,00), PUFA (p=0,00), e glícidos (p=0,00), fibra (p=0,02), potássio (p=0,00), cálcio (p=0,00), magnésio (p=0,00), fósforo (p=0,00), zinco (p=0,00), vitamina D (p=0,00), vitamina E (p=0,00) e folato (p=0,00). No que diz respeito ao MNA®, a sua aplicação permitiu identificar 62% de situações de risco nutricional ou de desnutrição já instalada. Valores de MNA® indicativos de desnutrição ou risco estavam associados a níveis de escolaridade mais baixos (r=0,32; p=0,00). Verificou-se correlação entre o MNA® e a PCT (r=0,30;p=0,00), PCSE (r=0,19;p=0,03) e PG (r=0,27;p=0,00). Na análise da amostra por sexo e escalão etário, apenas se distinguiram as mulheres mais velhas, que apresentaram situação de IMC indicador de risco de desnutrição (IMC <23,5 + 2,9, (r=0,42;p=0,02)), e de valores médios de PB de 25,6+3,84cm (r=0,42;p=0,01), em situações de menor mobilidade caraterizados pelo MNA®. Os homens maisvelhos apresentaram correlação entre o MNA® e PCSE (r=0,41;p=0,02), APMB (r=0,57;p=0,00)e PG (r=0,55;p=0,00), e as mulheres mais velhas apenas com a PCT (r=0,39;p=0,02). A análise multivariada do MNA® em função do sexo e do escalão etário, revelou que estes são independentes. Os homens apresentaram valores médios de MNA® superiores às mulheres e à medida que a idade aumenta, os valores de MNA® em ambos os sexos diminuem, sendo indicativos de risco de desnutrição. Consideramos que, tendo em conta a natureza e objetivos do presente estudo, foi possível caracterizar e estimar a prevalência da desnutrição e do risco de desnutrição em pessoas idosas nas primeiras 72 horas de admissão hospitalar. Os resultados obtidos sinalizam a sua elevada prevalência e alertam para a necessidade de procedimentos protocolados de avaliação e intervenção nutricional da população idosa na admissão hospitalar. Para este efeito a aplicação do MNA® provou a sua aplicabilidade, assim como a medição e cálculo da AMB, que poderão ser muito precocemente aplicados e contribuir para potenciar melhorias do estado de saúde e diminuir o tempo de internamento, nomeadamente de pessoas idosas. Em relação ao padrão alimentar, este estudo contribuiu para uma chamada de atenção dos profissionais de saúde que a população idosa pode apresentar carências nutricionais na admissão, e que estas se não forem devidamente sinalizadas e colmatadas tendem a agravar-se durante o internamento podendo contribuir para o aumento da morbilidade.-------------ABSTRACT:Over the last decades the age redistribution group of the population worldwide has been presenting an increasing number of people aged 65 years or more, incorporating a population group commonly referred to as the elderly population. It´s important to further analyze the physiological mechanisms that lead to aging and how they might influence not only clinical aspects, but also nutritional, among others, with the perspective of their origin in the onset of chronic diseases. With this approach, malnutrition in the elderly is now considered by the European Nutrition for Health Alliance (ENHA) a public health problem. It is reported that its prevalence is around 60% at the level of hospital units, 40% in residential units and 5 to 10% in the elderly living in their own home or family's, and mostly remains to diagnose and treat. The aim of this study was to characterize and estimate the prevalence of malnutrition and risk of malnutrition in the elderly, in the first 72 hours of hospital admission. We applied an observational, analytical, cross-sectional and correlacional quantitative type of study and data were collected by interview and observation itself. The study was developed in two lines of research: one focused on the characterization of malnutrition in elderly institutionalized in Portuguese hospitals, in the central and southern mainland and Madeira, in the periods between July - August 2009, April - June 2010, May - July 2011, through the MNA®; and the other: a detailed nutritional assessment, conducted in Hospital Lisbon Center - Hospital de Santa Marta, EPE, between early January 2009 and late January 2010, and the sample was recruited from among the elderly of both sexes at hospital admission. We studied intensively sociodemographic, health and nutritional assessment done extensive. Nutritional evaluation consisted of harvesting different parameters: hematological, biochemical and anthropometric (body mass index (BMI), triceps skinfold (TSF), sub-scapular skinfold (SSF), arm circumference (AC), arm muscle area (AMA), geminal perimeter (GP), analysis of body composition (Fat Mass (FM), Fat Free Mass (FFM)), characterization of a daily food type and Mini Nutritional Assessment Long Form® questionnaire - MNA LF®. Form the data obtained in Portuguese hospitals, it is noteworthy that of the 402 patients included, 53% were male, had a mean age of 75,8 + 6,52 (65 - 100) and, according to the MNA®, 57,5% were malnourished or at risk of malnutrition. In the sample, from the sociodemographic data obtained, we saw that 50% of patients were male, the average age was around 75,5 + 7,22 years (65-100), 55% were from Lisbon and 80 %lived in Lisbon, 38% had no formal education and 43% did so only until the 4th grade. Regarding health data, the majorities of patients were admitted through the ER of Hospital Lisbon Center - S. José Hospital - and were admitted to the Medicine Unit (38%) and to the Cardiology Unit (30%), by medical pathology (38%) and circulatory system disease (56%). In regard to lifestyle, and considering mobility, one third of patients were bedridden and the rest were ambulating or had a normal mobility. 74% had no regular ethanol habits, 19% had a high intake (> 30 g ethanol / day); 95% of the patients had no smoking habits. Regarding nutritional assessment, the mean values for laboratory parameters proved inferior to standard values for age and sex and were lower in females. In anthropometric assessment these were the findings: BMI calculation showed to be scarcely sensitive in the identification of undernourished patients; the TSF and SSF revealed values of fat mass within the normal range; in AC, 88% did not have an indicative value of malnutrition and 8% were malnourished; in AMA, 97% of men and 95% women had a deficit of lean mass and in GP, 18% had a value of less than the 31cm malnutrition descriptor. In body composition analysis found that both sexes showed a percentage of FM ranked too high and this was higher in women compared to men. By analyzing the nutritional intake was found that this was less than the Dietary Reference Intakes (DRIs) for water intake (p=0,00), energy (p=0,00), protein (p=0,00), lipid (p=0,01), MUFA (p=0,00), PUFA (p=0,00), carbohydrates (p=0,00), fiber (p=0,02), potassium (p=0,00), calcium (p=0,00), magnesium (p=0,00), phosphorus (p=0,00), zinc (p=0,00), vitamin D (p=0,00), vitamin E (p=0,00) and folate (p=0,00). Regarding MNA®, its application identified 62% of cases of nutritional risk or malnutrition already installed. MNA® values indicative of malnutrition or risk were associated with lower levels of education (r=0,32; p=0,00). There was a correlation between the MNA ® and TSF (r =0,30, p = 0,00), SFF (r = 0,19, p = 0,03) and GP (r=0,27, p = 0,00). In the analysis of the sample by gender and age group, the highlight was in older women who had BMI status indicator of malnutrition risk (BMI <23,5 + 2,9 (r=0,42;p=0,02)) and mean values of AC 25,6 +3,84cm (r=0,42; p=0,01), in situations characterized by low mobility MNA®. Older men showed a correlation between the MNA® and SFF (r = 0,41; p = 0,02), AMA (r = 0,57; p = 0,00) and GP (r=0,55;p=0,00), and in older women only TSF showed a correlation(r = 0,39; p =0,02). Multivariate analysis of the MNA® by gender and age group, revealed that they are independent. The men had MNA® mean superior to women, and as the age increases, the values of MNA® in both sexes declined, being indicative of risk of malnutrition. We believe that, given the nature and objectives of the present study, it allowed us to characterize and estimate the prevalence of risk of malnutrition and malnutrition in older people during the first 72 hours of hospital admission. The results indicate a high prevalence and point to the need for protocol procedures of nutritional assessment and intervention in the elderly population at hospital admission. For this purpose the application of MNA® has proved its applicability, as well as measuring and calculating AMA, which may be applied in early stages thus contributing to enhance health state improvements and to shorten the time of hospitalization, particularly in elderly people. In relation to dietary pattern, this study contributed to call of attention from health professionals that the elderly may have nutritional deficiencies on admission, and that these are not properly marked and addressed tend to worsen during hospitalization may contribute to increased morbidity.
OBJECTIVE: To assess the prevalence of and the factors related to overweight and obesity in a sample of children from the region of Sintra, Portugal. METHODS AND PROCEDURES: Cross-sectional study, stratified for freguesia with random selection of schools. Height, weight, triceps skinfold, upper arm and waist circumferences were measured, and overweight/obesity defined according to international criteria. Breast-feeding, number of daily meals and parents' height and weight data were also collected. RESULTS: One thousand two hundred and twenty-five children aged 6-10 years were assessed. Overall prevalence of overweight and obesity was 35.6% (23% overweight and 12.6% obesity). Overweight or obese children had higher triceps skinfold, upper arm circumference, arm muscle area, and waist circumference than their normal weight counterparts (P < 0.001). On multivariate analysis, relatively to a child without obese progenitors, a child with one obese progenitor had an obesity risk multiplied by 2.78 (95% confidence interval (CI): 1.76-4.38), while a child with two obese progenitors had a risk multiplied by 6.47 (95% CI: 5.59-16.19). Conversely, being picky was significantly related with a smaller risk of obesity: for boys, odds ratio (OR) = 0.15 (95% CI: 0.04-0.63); for girls, OR = 0.19 (95% CI: 0.06-0.64). Finally, no relationships were found between obesity, birth weight, birth height or breast-feeding. DISCUSSION: Prevalence of overweight and obesity are elevated among children of the Sintra region in Portugal compared to most other regions of Europe. The relationship with the parents' nutritional state stresses the need to target families for preventing obesity.
AIMS: To study weight, length, body composition, sleeping energy expenditure (SEE), and respiratory quotient (RQ) at birth and at 5 mo of age in both adequate-for-gestational-age (AGA) and large-for-gestational-age (LGA) subjects; to compare the changes in body weight and body composition adjusting for gender, age, SEE, RQ and several maternal factors; to investigate the contribution of initial SEE and RQ to changes in body weight and body composition. METHODS: Sixty-nine neonates were recruited among term infants in the University Hospital of Verona, Italy. Forty-nine subjects participated until follow-up. At birth and follow-up, weight and length were measured and arm-fat area and arm-muscle area were calculated from triceps and subscapular skinfolds. SEE and RQ were measured by indirect calorimetry. RESULTS: At birth, weight, length, arm-muscle and arm-fat areas were significantly higher in LGA subjects than in AGA subjects. Weight status, SEE and RQ at birth did not explain the relative weight change after adjusting for gestational weight, placental weight, age at follow-up and gender. Arm-fat area and weight/length ratio at birth were negatively associated with relative changes in body weight after adjusting for the above variables (p < 0.05). CONCLUSION: Early growth from birth to 5 mo of life is significantly affected by body size and adiposity at birth. Fatter newborns had a slower growth rate than thinner newborns.
Background: the Mini Nutritional Assessment (MNA) is a multidimensional method of nutritional evaluation that allows the diagnosis of malnutrition and risk of malnutrition in elderly people, it is important to mention that this method has not been well studied in Brazil. Objective: to verify the use of the MNA in elderly people that has been living in long term institutions for elderly people. Design: transversal study. Participants: 89 people (>= 60 years), being 64.0% men. The average of age for both genders was 73.7 +/- 9.1 years old, being 72.8 +/- 8.9 years old for men, and 75.3 +/- 9.3 years old for women. Setting: long-term institutions for elderly people located in the Southeast of Brazil. Methods: it was calculated the sensibility, specificity, and positive and negative predictive values. It was data to set up a ROC curve to verify the accuracy of the MNA. The variable used as a ""standard"" for the nutritional diagnosis of the elderly people was the corrected arm muscle area because it is able to provide information or an estimative of the muscle reserve of a person being considered a good indicator of malnutrition in elderly people. Results: the sensibility was 84.0%, the specificity was 36.0%, the positive predictive value was 77.0%, and the negative predictive value was 47.0%; the area of the ROC curve was 0.71 (71.0%). Conclusion: the MNA method has showed accuracy, and sensibility when dealing with the diagnosis of malnutrition and risk of malnutrition in institutionalized elderly groups of the Southeastern region of Brazil, however, it presented a low specificity.
Congenital generalized lipodystrophy is a rare genetic disease with autosomal recessive inheritance characterized by the generalized absence of subcutaneous adipose tissue and insulin resistance. The aim of our study was to determine the profile of patients with congenital generalized lipodystrophy (Berardinelli-Seip syndrome) through their clinical history, eating habits, and socioeconomic and cultural aspects; assess food consumption and nutritional status of the study group; propose and evaluate a diet therapy model associated to oral supplementation with zinc to help in the control and prevention of metabolic complications associated to the pathology. Initial assessment of food consumption indicated a voracious appetite in all the patients studied. The introduction of zinc reduced appetite, contributing to patient adherence to the food plan proposed. It was also observed that the proposed diet contributed mainly to glycidic control, specifically with respect to HbA1c. The nutritional status of the patients investigated was adequate in terms of body mass index (BMI), arm muscle circumference (AMC), arm muscle area AMA, but triceps skinfold (TSF) indicated serious malnutrition. Our study is unique in the literature and provides important information to the field of nutrition and to individuals with this pathology. Furthermore, it contemplates the interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary requirements of the Postgraduate Program in Health Sciences of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN), Natal, Brazil
A avaliação nutricional foi realizada em dezesseis doentes portadores de pênfigo foliáceo endêmico, sendo dez portadores da forma localizada da doença (Grupo G1) e seis portadores da forma disseminada da mesma (Grupo G2). Foram realizadas avaliações antropométricas (peso, altura, índice de Quetelét, prega cutânea tricipital, prega cutânea subescapular, circunferência braquial, circunferência muscular do braço, área do braço, área muscular do braço, área adiposa do braço) e laboratorial (eletroforese de proteínas séricas). Quanto aos parâmetros antropométricos, observaram-se as seguintes alterações: a circunferência do braço, área do braço, e área muscular do braço mostraram valores mais baixos nos doentes do grupo G2 que nos do grupo G1. O peso e a circunferência muscular do braço, por sua vez, mostraram tendência a valores mais baixos nos doentes do grupo G2 que nos do grupo G1. A eletroforese de proteínas revelou valores de albumina diminuídos em ambos os grupos, e menores nos doentes do grupo G2. Quanto às demais frações, com exceção das beta globulinas, não foram evidenciadas alterações. A análise global dos resultados permite concluir que os doentes com pênfigo foliáceo endêmico apresentam um quadro de desnutrição proteica, mas não calórica. Esta desnutrição mostrou-se mais acentuada no pênfigo foliáceo disseminado.
The aim of the present study was to analyze the anthropometric changes in a home-based cohort of Brazilian older adults who participated in the SABE Survey, conducted in 2000 and 2006. A total of 1030 men and women were examined by age group: 60-69, 70-79, and ≥80 years. This representative sample consists of the survivors of the 2000 cohort. The following anthropometric variables were assessed: body mass, arm muscle, waist and calf circumferences, triceps skinfold thickness, body mass index, waist-hip ratio, and arm muscle area according to mean values and percentile distribution. Except for body mass and body mass index, a significant difference (P<0.05) was observed among the assessed anthropometric variables during the follow-up period. The older adults ≥80 years presented the lowest values. The reduction in the mean values of triceps skinfold thickness was greater (30%) than that of waist circumference (9%) and was more pronounced in women (21%) than in men (9%). Arm muscle circumference and area reduced by 8% and 19%, respectively, in men and 1% and 3%, correspondingly, in women. Our findings revealed reductions in the mean values for all anthropometric variables in the follow-up period from 2000 to 2006 among older adults. © 2013 Manuela Ferreira de Almeida et al.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Pediatria - FMB
O estado nutricional de indivíduos portadores de carcinoma gastrointestinal é frequentemente afetado, sendo agravado em função da carcinogênese promover ativação do processo inflamatório e consequente ativação do sistema imunológico, com produção de citocinas e proteínas de fase aguda, como proteína C- reativa, que resulta no hipermetabolismo, acelerando a perda de peso e progredindo para o quadro de caquexia. Este trabalho teve como objetivo analisar o estado nutricional e os marcadores clínico-bioquímicos em indivíduos portadores de carcinoma gastrointestinal, atendidos no Hospital Universitário João de Barros Barreto (HUJBB), em Belém-PA. Foi realizado estudo transversal, descritivo, observacional com pacientes adultos e idosos, portadores de carcinoma gastrointestinal atendidos na Unidade de Alta Complexidade em Oncologia e na clínica cirúrgica do HUJBB, no período de dezembro de 2013 a julho de 2014. Realizou-se avaliação nutricional por meio de parâmetros antropométricos, que incluíram índice de massa corporal (IMC), percentual de perda de peso (%PP), circunferência do braço (CB), circunferência muscular do braço (CMB), área muscular do braço corrigida (AMBc), prega cutânea triciptal (PCT) e músculo adutor do polegar (MAP), parâmetros bioquímicos, por meio da classificação da hemoglobina, contagem total de linfócitos (CTL), albumina, transferrina, índice de prognóstico inflamatório-nutricional (IPIN) e parâmetros subjetivos, utilizando-se a avaliação subjetiva global produzida pelo paciente (ASG-PPP), além da identificação e classificação da caquexia. Foram avaliados 44 pacientes, sendo 63,30% do sexo masculino com idade média de 61,2 anos (±13,3). 95,50% eram naturais do Pará, 45,50% residentes no interior, 50,00% apresentavam escolaridade em ensino fundamental incompleto e 52,30% não possuíam renda familiar. Do total de pacientes avaliados, 63,60% possuíam neoplasia de estômago; destes, 50,00% estavam em estádio clínico IV e 73,30% em tratamento cirúrgico, com tempo médio de internação de 45,85 dias (±32,97). Na avaliação nutricional, verificou-se 20,50% de eutrofia para adultos e 42,30% para idosos, por meio do IMC, porém, em avaliação isolada dos compartimentos muscular e adiposo, verificou-se 59,10% de depleção grave por meio da AMBc, 54,50% por meio da PCT e 75,00% com presença de depleção em algum grau em CB e 68,18% em CMB. A perda de peso grave foi verificada em 61,36% dos pacientes avaliados e no MAP, obteve-se maior prevalência de depleção moderada (30,20%). Nos parâmetros bioquímicos, observou-se redução grave em hemoglobina em 61,40% dos pacientes, depleção leve em CTL em 56,80%, de albumina em 47,70% e depleção moderada de transferrina em 45,50%. Na avaliação do IPIN, verificou-se médio risco de complicação para 56,80% dos pacientes avaliados. Na ASG-PPP, 63,60% dos pacientes foram classificados em desnutrição grave e a presença de caquexia sintomática foi de 54,50%. No que se refere à análise de correlação, constatou-se que houve correlação positiva e significativa de IMC com CMB, CB, PCT, AMBc, MAP e Hemoglobina; CMB com CB e AMBc; CB com PCT, AMBc, MAP, e hemoglobina; PCT com AMBc; AMBc com MAP. Na análise de componente principal, verificou-se como métodos mais sensíveis para a detecção de desnutrição a avaliação de CB, AMBc, CMB, IMC, PCT, MAP, IPIN e avaliação da caquexia. Desta forma, os resultados obtidos no presente estudo evidenciam o comprometimento nutricional em pacientes portadores de carcinoma gastrointestinal, por diferentes parâmetros, demonstrando assim que a desnutrição ocorre de forma global, com perdas tanto de tecido adiposo quanto de tecido muscular, assim como alterações a nível bioquímico.
OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study was to investigate the associations between phase angle, anthropometric measurements, and lipid profile in patients chronically infected with the hepatitis C virus. METHODS: A total of 160 consecutive patients chronically infected with the hepatitis C virus and who received treatment at the hepatitis C outpatient unit of our hospital from April 2010 to May 2011 were prospectively evaluated. Bioelectrical impedance analysis, anthropometric measurements, and serum lipid profile analysis were performed. RESULTS: Twenty-five patients were excluded. A total of 135 patients with a mean age of 49.8±11.4 years were studied. Among these patients, 60% were male. The phase angle and BMI means were 6.5±0.8° and 26.5±4.8 kg/m2, respectively. Regarding anthropometric variables, mid-arm circumference, mid-arm muscle circumference, and arm muscle area had a positive correlation with phase angle. In contrast, when analyzing the lipid profile, only HDL was inversely correlated with phase angle. However, in multiple regression models adjusted for age and gender, only mid-arm circumference (p = 0.005), mid-arm muscle circumference (p = 0.003), and arm muscle circumference (p = 0.001) were associated with phase angle in hepatitis C virus-infected patients. CONCLUSIONS: In conclusion, phase angle is positively correlated with anthropometric measures in our study. However, there is no association between phase angle and lipid profile in these patients. Our results suggest that phase angle is related to lean body mass in patients chronically infected with hepatitis C virus.
PURPOSE: Malnutrition is prevalent in patients with advanced liver disease (LD) related to multifactorial causes. Fluid retention can underestimate the nutritional status based on anthropometric measures. We evaluated nutritional indicators and body composition (BC) in patients with liver cirrhosis and correlated them with LD severity. METHODS: Forty three patients with LD enrolled for liver transplantation were evaluated by Anthropometric measures, subjective evaluation (Global Assessment of Nutritional Status - SGA) and biochemical indicators. Single-frequency electrical bioimpedance (SFE-BIA) was used to evaluate body composition (BC). It measured resistance (R), reactance (Xc) and the phase angle (PA). LD severity was estimated by Child-Pugh and Meld criteria (Model for End-Stage Liver Disease). RESULTS: Child-Pugh index between patients was 7.11±1.70 and Meld was 12.23±4.22. Arm Circumference, Arm Muscle Circumference and Arm Muscle Area, SGA, hemoglobin, hematocrit and albumin showed better correlation with disease severity. Xc and PA showed correlation both with Meld and Child-Pugh score when BC were evaluated. PA was depleted in 55.8% of the patients. CONCLUSIONS: Diagnosis of malnutrition varied according to the method. Global assessment of nutritional status showed better correlation with disease severity than with objective methods. Single-frequency electrical bioimpedance for body composition analysis in cirrhotic patients must be cautiously used; however, primary vectors seems to be valid and promising in clinical practice.
Pós-graduação em Fisiopatologia em Clínica Médica - FMB
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)