994 resultados para ANIMAL TISSUES


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Avermectins are frequently used to control parasitic infestations in many animal species. Previous studies have shown the long-term persistence of unwanted residues of these drugs in animal tissues and fluids. An immunoassay screening test for the detection acid quantification of ivermectin residues in bovine milk has been developed. After an extensive extraction procedure, milk samples were applied to a competitive dissociation-enhanced lanthanide fluoroimmunoassay using a monoclonal antibody against an ivermectin-transferrin conjugate, The monoclonal antibody, raised in Balb C mice, showed cross-reactivity with eprinomectin (92%), abamectin (82%) and doramectin (16%). The limit of detection of the assay (mean + 3 SD), calculated from the analysis of 17 known negative samples, was calculated as 4.6 ng/mL. Intra- and inter-assay RSDs were determined as 11.6% and 15.8%, respectively, using a negative bovine milk sample fortified with 25 ng/mL ivermectin. Six Friesian milking cows were treated with ivermectin, three with a pour-on formulation of the drug and three with an injectable solution at the manufacturer's recommended dose rate. An initial mean peak in ivermectin residue concentration was detected at day 4 (mean level = 47.5 ng/mL) and day 5 post-treatment (mean level = 26.4 ng/mL) with the injectable form and pour-on treatment, respectively. A second peak in residue concentration was observed using the DELFIA(R) procedure 28 days post-treatment in both treatment groups (23.1 ng/mL injectable and 51.9 ng/mL pour-on). These second peaks were not confirmed by HPLC and must at this Lime be considered to be false-positive results. By day 35 after treatment the mean ivermectin residue concentration of both groups fell below the limit of detection of the assay. Copyright (C) 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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The use of the beta-agonist clenbuterol (CBL) as a growth promoter has been outlawed in European meat production. The detection of its illegal use is dependent on CBL residues persisting in animal tissues for longer than the withdrawal times given by abusers. A comparison of urine, bile and liver matrices indicated that analysis of the liver offered the best possibility for CBL detection. However, an experimental study showed that CBL detection following withdrawal could be further extended (up to 56 d) if the retina was used as the target tissue. Analysis of 703 retina and liver samples from cattle suspected of CBL medication revealed that 96 cattle had CBL residues present in their retinas, only 46 of these were liver positive. There were no instances of liver CBL residues being detected without the associated retina also being positive.


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Use of nitrofuran drugs in food-producing animals has been prohibited within the EU because they may represent a public health risk. Monitoring compliance with the ban has focused on the detection of protein-bound nitrofuran metabolites which, in contrast to the parent compounds, are stable and persist in animal tissues. As part of the "FoodBRAND" project, an extensive survey of pork was undertaken across 15 European countries. Samples (n = 1500) purchased at retail outlets were analysed for the nitrofuran metabolites AOZ, AMOZ, AHD and SEM using LC-MS/MS determination of nitrobenzaldehyde derivatives. Limits of quantification for the method were 0.1 mug/kg (AOZ, AMOZ), 0.2 mug/kg (SEM) and 0.5 mug/kg (AHD). Of the 1500 samples tested, measurable residues of nitrofuran metabolites were confirmed in 12 samples (0.8% incidence overall) of which 10 samples were purchased in Portugal (AOZ, 0.3 mug/kg; AMOZ, 0.2-0.6 mug/kg) and one sample each in Italy (AMOZ, 1.0 mug/kg) and Greece (AOZ, 3.0 mug/kg). (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A highly sensitive and specific competitive ELISA on 96-microwell plates was developed for the analysis of the nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug diclofenac. Within the water cycle in Europe, this is one of the most frequently detected pharmaceutically active compounds. The LOD at a signal-tonoise ratio (S/N) of 3, and the IC 50, were found to be 6 ng/L and 60 ng/L respectively in tap water. In a comparative study using ELISA and GC-MS, diclofenac levels in wastewater from 21 sewage treatment plants were determined and a good correlation between these methods was found (ELISA vs. GCMS: r = 0.70, slope = 0,90, intercept = 0.37, n = 24). An average degradation rate of -25% can be calculated. Labscale-experiments on the elimination of diclofenac in continuous pilot sewage plants revealed a removal rate of only 5% over a period of 13 weeks. In a further study, the ELISA was applied to a number of extracts of various animal tissues from a range of species, and again a very good relationship between ELISA and LC-ESI/MS data sets was obtained (r = 0.90, p<0.0001; n = 117). The ELISA has proven to be a simple, rapid, reliable and affordable alternative to otherwise costly and advanced techniques for the detection of diclofenac in matrix diverse water samples and tissue extracts after only relatively simple sample preparation. © 2007 American Chemical Society.


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The present work deals with the development of primary cell culture and diploid cell lines from two fishes, such as Poecilia reticulata and Clarias gariepinus. The greatest difficulty experienced was the avoidance of bacterial and fungi contamination. Three types of cell cultures are commonly developed, primary cell culture, diploid cell lines and heteroploid cell lines. Primary cell culture obtained from the animal tissues that have been cultivated in vitro for the first time. They are characterized by the same chromosome number as parent tissue, cultivated in vitro for the first time, have wide range of virus susceptibility, usually not malignant, six chromatin retarded and do not grow as suspension cultures. Diploid cell lines arise from a primary cell culture at the time of subculturing. Diploid cell lines commercially used in virology are W1-38 (human embryonic lung), W1-26 (human embryonic lung) and HEX (Human embryonic kidney). Heteroploid cell lines have been subcultivated with less than 75% of the cells in the population having a diploid chromosome constitution. Tissue cultures have been extensively used in biomedical research. The main applications are in three areas, Karyological studies, Identification and study of hereditary metabolic disorders and Somatic cell genetics. Other applications are in virology and host-parasite relationships. In this study an attempt was made to preserve the ovarian tissue at low temperature in the presence of cryoprotectants so that the tissue can be retrieved at any time and a cell culture could be developed.


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Los fenómenos oxidativos y en particular la oxidación lipídica son uno de los principales responsables de la pérdida de calidad en la carne y en los productos cárnicos. Como consecuencia de estos procesos se generan compuestos que pueden afectar el flavor, color y textura de la carne disminuyendo la aceptabilidad por parte del consumidor y reduciendo su valor nutritivo. Por otro lado, el estrés oxidativo está relacionado con la etiología de diversas enfermedades comunes en nuestra sociedad. Las carnes de pollo y de pavo son particularmente sensibles a los procesos oxidativos debido a su elevada proporción de ácidos grasos poliinsaturados en comparación con otros tipos de carne. La suplementación de antioxidantes en la dieta de determinados animales es una de las estrategias más eficaces para proteger la carne de la oxidación. Otro aspecto que afecta a la calidad y seguridad de la carne es la presencia de residuos en los tejidos animales destinados al consumo humano, una parte de los cuáles puede proceder de la administración de antibióticos. En este trabajo se estudió la eficacia de tres compuestos antioxidantes, alfa-tocoferol, beta-caroteno y licopeno, adicionados en distintas concentraciones y combinaciones a la dieta de pollos y pavos. Para ello se determinó la estabilidad oxidativa de los tejidos musculares de pechuga y muslo mediante el análisis de los valores de TBARS, de las actividades de los enzimas antioxidantes GSHPx, CAT y SOD y desde un punto de vista sensorial. Asimismo, se analizaron las concentraciones de vitamina E presentes en ambos músculos. Por otro lado, se investigó la presencia de residuos del antibiótico enrofloxacina y de su metabolito en los tejidos muscular y hepático de ambas especies después de la administración del fármaco con o sin periodo de retirada. Finalmente, y dada la aparente relación existente entre el metabolismo de determinados antibióticos y los fenómenos oxidativos, se valoró la posible interacción entre el fármaco y la vitamina E suplementada a la dieta. La vitamina E, a dosis de 100 ppm y 200 ppm en pollos y pavos respectivamente, se comportó como un antioxidante eficaz disminuyendo la rancidez de la carne tanto en pechuga como en muslo. La dosis de vitamina E necesaria para conseguir un incremento significativo de la estabilidad oxidativa de la carne varió en función de la especie y de las características bioquímicas del tejido analizado. El beta-caroteno, suplementado en la dieta de pollos y pavos conjuntamente con la vitamina E, no sólo no manifestó propiedades antioxidantes sino que enmascaró la efectividad de la vitamina E. El licopeno, de cuya utilización en nutrición animal no existían estudios publicados anteriormente, no mostró eficacia antioxidante en la carne de pollo a una dosis de 10 ppm. Respecto al análisis de residuos de antibiótico se observó que tras el periodo de retirada del fármaco los niveles residuales de enrofloxacina y su metabolito disminuyeron notablemente. Debe tenerse en cuenta que se apreciaron diferencias en función de la especie y del tejido considerados, estando los residuos en algunos casos por encima de los límites máximos permitidos. Por otro lado, se observó una relación entre la enrofloxacina y la vitamina E suplementada en la dieta que, parecía depender tanto de la dosis de antioxidante como del metabolismo del fármaco. Esta interacción afectó tanto a los niveles de vitamina E como a la presencia de residuos de enrofloxacina en el tejido muscular, resaltando la importancia de no subestimar posibles interacciones entre distintos compuestos presentes en la dieta animal.


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dTwo genetic constructs used to confer improved agronomic characteristics, namely herbicide tolerance (HT) in maize and soyabean and insect resistance (Bt) in maize, are considered in respect of feeding to farm livestock, animal performance and the nutritional value and safety of animal products. A review of nucleic acid (DNA) and protein digestion in farm livestock concludes that the frequency of intact transgenic DNA and proteins of GM and non-GM crops being absorbed is minimal/non existent, although there is some evidence of the presence of short fragments of rubisco DNA of non-GM soya in animal tissues. It has been established that feed processing (especially heat) prior to feeding causes significant disruption of plant DNA. Studies with ruminant and non-ruminant farm livestock offered GM feeds demonstrated that animal performance and product composition are unaffected and that there is no evidence of transgenic DNA or proteins of current GM in the products of animals consuming such feeds. On this evidence, current HT and Bt constructs represent no threat to the health of animals, or humans consuming the products of such animals. However as new GM constructs become available it will be necessary to subject these to rigorous evaluation.


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Creep and stress relaxation are inherent mechanical behaviors of viscoelastic materials. It is considered that both are different performances of one identical physical phenomenon. The relationship between the decay stress and time during stress relaxation has been derived from the power law equation of the steady-state creep. The model was used to analyse the stress relaxation curves of various different viscoelastic materials (such as pure polycrystalline ice, polymers, foods, bones, metal, animal tissues, etc.). The calculated results using the theoretical model agree with the experimental data very well. Here we show that the new mathematical formula is not only simple but its parameters have the clear physical meanings. It is suitable to materials with a very broad scope and has a strong predictive ability.


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A total of sixteen lambs were divided into two groups and fed two different diets. Of these, eight lambs were fed a control diet (C) and eight lambs were fed the C diet supplemented with quebracho tannins (C+T). The objective of the present study was to assess whether dietary quebracho tannins can improve the antioxidant capacity of lamb liver and plasma and if such improvement is due to a direct transfer of phenolic compounds or their metabolites, to the animal tissues. Feed, liver and plasma samples were purified by solid-phase extraction (SPE) and analysed by liquid chromatography–MS for phenolic compounds. Profisitinidin compounds were identified in the C+T diet. However, no phenolic compounds were found in lamb tissues. The liver and the plasma from lambs fed the C+T diet displayed a greater antioxidant capacity than tissues from lambs fed the C diet, but only when samples were not purified with SPE. Profisetinidin tannins from quebracho seem not to be degraded or absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract. However, they induced antioxidant effects in animal tissues.


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Sixteen lambs were divided into two groups and fed two different diets. Eight lambs were stall-fed with a concentrate-based diet (C), and the remaining eight lambs were allowed to graze on Lolium perenne (G). The antioxidant status was measured in the liver and plasma samples before and after solid-phase extraction (SPE) to probe the antioxidant effects that grass phenolic compounds may have conferred onto the animal tissues. The liver and plasma samples from grass-fed lambs displayed a greater antioxidant capacity than the tissues from C lamb group, but only if samples had not been passed through SPE cartridges. Finally, the feed and animal tissues, which had been purified by SPE, were analysed by liquid chromatography combined with mass spectrometry (LC-MS) to identify phenolic compounds present in L. perenne and to evaluate the results from the antioxidant assays. It would appear that the improvement of the antioxidant capacity of lamb liver and plasma from lambs fed ryegrass was not related to the direct transfer of phenolic compounds from grass to the animal tissues.


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Mate (Ilex paraguariensis) is rich in polyphenolic compounds, which are thought to contribute to the health benefits of tea. Mate tea was administered orally to mice at a dose of 0.5, 1.0 or 2.0 g/kg for 60 d, and changes both in serum lipid concentration and fatty acid composition of liver and kidney were examined. The effects of mate tea on serum and tissue lipid peroxidation were assessed by the evaluation of thiobarbituric acid-reactive substances (TBARS). In tea-consuming mice, both MUFA (18: 1n-9) and PUFA (18: 2n-6 and 20: 4n-6) were increased (P<0.05) in the liver lipid (approximately 90 and 60%, respectively), whereas only MUFA (approximately 20%) were increased in the kidney lipid. The most altered PUFA class was n-6 PUFA, which increased by approximately 60-75 % (P<0.05). This difference in the fatty acid profile in the liver is reflected in the increased PUFA:SFA ratio. Consistent with these results, mice fed with mate tea had much lower TBARS in the liver. No differences (P>0.05) were found in the levels of serum cholesterol, HDL-cholesterol and TAG under the conditions of the present study. These results suggest that treatment with mate tea was able to protect unsaturated fatty acids from oxidation and may have selective protective effects within the body, especially on the liver.


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Lipid emulsion (LE) containing medium/omega-6 long chain triglyceride-based emulsion (MCT/omega-6 LCT LE) has been recommended in the place of omega-6 LCT-based emulsion to prevent impairment of immune function. The impact of MCT/omega-6 LCT LE on lymphocyte and neutrophil death and expression of genes related to inflammation was investigated. Seven volunteers were recruited and infusion of MCT/omega-6 LCT LE was performed for 6 h. Four volunteers received saline and no change was found. Blood samples were collected before, immediately afterwards and 18 h after LE infusion. Lymphocytes and neutrophils were studied immediately after isolation and after 24 and 48 h in culture. The following determinations were carried out: plasma-free fatty acids, triacylglycerol and cholesterol concentrations, plasma fatty acid composition, neutral lipid accumulation in lymphocytes and neutrophils, signs of lymphocyte and neutrophil death and lymphocyte expression of genes related to inflammation. MCT/omega-6 LCT LE induced lymphocyte and neutrophil death. The mechanism for MCT/omega-6 LCT LE-dependent induction of leucocyte death may involve changes in neutral lipid content and modulation of expression of genes related to cell death, proteolysis, cell signalling, inflammatory response, oxidative stress and transcription.


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Copper is essential for human health and copper imbalance is a key factor in the aetiology and pathology of several neurodegenerative diseases. The copper-transporting P-type ATPases, ATP7A and ATP7B are key molecules required for the regulation and maintenance of mammalian copper homeostasis. Their absence or malfunction leads to the genetically inherited disorders, Menkes and Wilson diseases, respectively. These proteins have a dual role in cells, namely to provide copper to essential cuproenzymes and to mediate the excretion of excess intracellular copper. A unique feature of ATP7A and ATP7B that is integral to these functions is their ability to sense and respond to intracellular copper levels, the latter manifested through their copper-regulated trafficking from the transGolgi network to the appropriate cellular membrane domain (basolateral or apical, respectively) to eliminate excess copper from the cell. Research over the last decade has yielded significant insight into the enzymatic properties and cell biology of the copper-ATPases. With recent advances in elucidating their localization and trafficking in human and animal tissues in response to physiological stimuli, we are progressing rapidly towards an integrated understanding of their physiological significance at the level of the whole animal. This knowledge in turn is helping to clarify the biochemical and cellular basis not only for the phenotypes conferred by individual Menkes and Wilson disease patient mutations, but also for the clinical variability of phenotypes associated with each of these diseases. Importantly, this information is also providing a rational basis for the applicability and appropriateness of certain diagnostic markers and therapeutic regimes. This overview will provide an update on the current state of our understanding of the localization and trafficking properties of the copper-ATPases in cells and tissues, the molecular signals and posttranslational interactions that govern their trafficking activities, and the cellular basis for the clinical phenotypes associated with disease-causing mutations.


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Liquid chromatography–mass spectrometry (LC–MS) methods using either aqueous normal phase (ANP) or reversed phase (RP) columns are routinely used in small molecule or metabolomic analyses. These stationary phases enable chromatographic fractionation of polar and non-polar compounds, respectively. The application of a single chromatographic stationary phase to a complex biological extract results in a significant proportion of compounds which elute in the non-retained fraction, where they are poorly detected because of a combination of ion suppression and the co-elution of isomeric compounds. Thus coverage of both polar and non-polar components of the metabolome generally involves multiple analyses of the same sample, increasing the analysis time and complexity. In this study we describe a novel tandem in-line LC–MS method, in which compounds from one injection are sequentially separated in a single run on both ANP and RP LC-columns. This method is simple, robust, and enables the use of independent gradients customized for both RP and ANP columns. The MS signal is acquired in a single chromatogram which reduces instrument time and operator and data analysis errors. This method has been used to analyze a range of biological extracts, from plant and animal tissues, human serum and urine, microbial cell and culture supernatants. Optimized sample preparation protocols are described for this method as well as a library containing the retention times and accurate masses of 127 compounds.


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A técnica de imuno-histoquímica é usada na rotina diagnóstica e na pesquisa em patologia humana desde 1970, porém seu uso na patologia veterinária é relativamente recente, principalmente com objetivo diagnóstico. A maior dificuldade no uso da imuno-histoquímica na patologia veterinária tem sido a falta de anticorpos específicos para os tecidos animais. Na falta de anticorpos específicos para as espécies domésticas, a patologia veterinária freqüentemente faz uso de anticorpos que apresentam reatividade cruzada entre antígenos humanos e animais. O objetivo deste trabalho foi testar a reatividade cruzada de diversos anticorpos feitos para uso humano em tecido parafinado de algumas espécies animais, utilizando-se dos novos métodos de recuperação antigênica e amplificação da reação imuno-histoquímica. No presente estudo foi possível confirmar a aplicabilidade de que muitos anticorpos produzidos para diagnóstico imuno-histoquímico em patologia humana podem ser utilizados em patologia veterinária. Novos estudos são necessários a fim de se ampliar a lista de aplicabilidade desses anticorpos em diferentes espécies animais, levando sempre em consideração as variações de clones, diluições, métodos de recuperação antigênica e de revelação.