953 resultados para AGAROSE GELS
Purpose. To trace the eye components involved in proteoglycan synthesis and to characterize the sulfated glycosaminoglycans which are associated to these macromolecules.Methods. Sodium [S-35]-sulfate was injected intravitreally and the rabbits were killed at different time intervals after the injection. The glycosaminoglycans of choroid, ciliary body, cornea, iris, lens capsule, retina and sclera were extracted and processed for estimations of their specific activities, and for electrophoresis plus autoradiography with or without previous treatment with specific enzymes. In addition, methacrylate sections of the eyes were analysed by autoradiography.Results. The peak of specific activities of the glycosaminoglycans of all eye components occurred at 2 days after the intravitreal injection of [S-35]-sulfate. The autoradiography of the agarose gels revealed three types of glycosaminoglycans, namely, heparan-, chondroitin- and dermatan sulfate, only in the retina. The other eye components contained heparan sulfate and either chondroitin or dermatan sulfate. Tissue autoradiography together with the biochemical techniques contributed to unravel the origin of the glycosaminoglycans in the eye components.Conclusions. The results of the present investigation have shown that heparan sulfate, contrasting to chondroitin sulfate and dermatan sulfate, is synthesized in all eye components studied and that the glycosaminoglycan composition differs according to the tissue of origin.
An endoxylanase from Streptomyces halstedii was stabilized by multipoint covalent immobilization on glyoxyl-agarose supports. The immobilized enzyme derivatives preserved 65% of the catalytic activity corresponding to the one of soluble enzyme that had been immobilized. These immobilized derivatives were 200 times more stable 200 times more stable than the one-point covalently immobilized derivative in experiments involving thermal inactivation at 60 °C. The activity and stability of the immobilized enzyme was higher at pH 5.0 than at pH 7.0. The optimal temperature for xylan hydrolysis was 10 °C higher for the stabilized derivative than for the non-stabilized derivative. On the other hand, the highest loading capacity of activated 10% agarose gels was 75 mg of enzyme per mL of support. To prevent diffusional limitations, low loaded derivatives (containing 0.2 mg of enzyme per mL of support) were used to study the hydrolysis of xylan at high concentration (close to 1% (w/v)). 80% of the reducing sugars were released after 3 h at 55 °C. After 80% of enzymatic hydrolysis, a mixture of small xylo-oligosaccharides was obtained (from xylobiose to xylohexose) with a high percentage of xylobiose and minimal amounts of xylose. The immobilized-stabilized derivatives were used for 10 reaction cycles with no loss of catalytic activity. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Novos inibidores peptídicos de topoisomerases bacterianas estruturalmente derivados da proteína CcdB
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are a heterogeneous population of cells that proliferate in vitro as plastic-adherent cells, have fibroblast-like morphology and can differentiate into bone, cartilage and fat cells. Therapeutic potential of MSCs have been studied in experimental models, such as rabbit, in Laboratory of Cell Engineering of Botucatu. However, no specific markers have been reported for expanded rabbit MSCs, which hampers the isolation of pure MSC populations by immunophenotypic characterization. Thus, the objective of this study was to produce monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) to rabbit MSCs. MSCs derived from rabbit bone marrow (BM) were isolated, cultured, expanded ex vivo, and immunized into three BALB/c mices, and spleen cells subsequently harvested were used to generate hibridoma cell lines secreting antibodies against MSCs. Hybridoma cells were screened by flow cytometry and antibody-producing cells were subjected to subsequent rounds of retests. MSC1-160 obtained the best positivity for IgG expression and was cloned by limiting dilutions and micromanipulation. Ascitic fluid from ten best clones was purified by affinity chromatography in Protein A-sepharose CL-4B column and purification control was performed by electrophoresis in agarose gels. The purified IgG were tested against rabbit MSCs, obtaining high positivity by flow Cytometry. In conclusion, we developed 10 mAbs, MSC1-160 A20, A30, A41, A47, A55, A60, A63, A69, A81, and A82, that recognize rabbit MSC cell surface antigens showing potential for immunophenotypic characterization of rabbit MSC cell lines
Introduction: Tuberculosis (TB) is a granulomatous disease caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis. The genus Mycobacteriumhas two different complexes: M. tuberculosis Complex and M. avium Complex. This is a global health epidemic and remains a major global health problem, besides, the clinical severity of TB is significantly higher in transplanted patients. The detection of these mycobacteria complexes in transplanted patients, by molecular methods, is fundamental for quick treatment of patients and can contribute for rapid and accuracy of diagnosis. Objective: To detect mycobacteria DNA of M. tuberculosis and M. avium Complexes in formalin fixed paraffin-embedded samples (FFPE) of two patients groups: non transplanted and transplanted. Materials and Methods: The study includes 40 FFPE biopsies separated in four groups: NTP – presence of epithelioid granuloma and positive ZN, non-transplanted patients – 9 samples; NTN - presence of epithelioid granuloma and negative ZN, non-transplanted patients – 10 samples; TP – positive ZN, transplanted patients – 9 samples; TN – negative ZN, transplanted patients – 7 samples. Sections were cut for DNA extraction. Samples were submitted to PCR for amplification of: a) β-actin, b) IS6110 insertion and c) IS1245 insertion. DNA evaluation was made by spectrophotometry and efficiency and PCR analysis was made by agarose gels under UV light. Results: In all samples processed, 97.1% were positive for human β-actin gene. In22.2% of NTP group were found the IS6110 insertion sequencebut the IS1245 wasn´t. In the NTN group was not found any sequence. In theTP group, 11.1% of the samples were positive for IS6110 and also 11,1% werepositive for IS1245. In the TN group, 14.3% of the samples were positive forIS6110 and for IS1245, 14.3% was also positive. Conclusion: Although factors such as DNA degradation after formalin fixation and paraffin embedding, were possible to detect DNA from the human gene ...
The DGT technique has been used to determine and better understand the dynamics and bioavailability of metals in the sea near to marine outfalls. In this work, the DGT was assessed for the determination of Cd, Pb, Cu, Zn and Ni in marine water samples from Potiguar Basin in its conventional aspect (binding agent, Chelex-100 and diffusive agent: Diffusive polyacrylamide gel (D) and restrictive (R)) and determination of Pb and Cd through its alternative aspect (binding agent: Saccharomyces cerevisiae immobilized in agarose gels and diffusive agent: 3MM Chromatography Paper). The deployment curves for long periods of immersion in the sample, showed a good linear correlation for the conventional aspect to Zn (D: R²=0.9586, R: R²=0.9444), Ni (D: R²=0.9789, R: R²=0.9286) and Cu (D: R²=0.764, R: R²=0.8143), and alternative to Pb (R²=0.9228) and Cd (R²=0.9673). The results of the organic and inorganic composition analysis in conventional aspect, showed that for every element there is no significant fraction of organic compounds in the sample. In addition, considering the alternative aspect, the comparison of obtained and expected masses suggests that some of the Pb is not labile and that the main retention mechanism of Pb for S. Cerevisiae occurs through ion exchange
Die Elementmassenspektrometrie wurde in den letzten Jahren sehr erfolgreich zur Aufklärung verschiedener Fragestellungen in der Bioanalytik eingesetzt. Hierbei spielen vor allem Kopplungstechniken von Trennmethoden wie der Flüssigchromatographie (LC) oder der Kapillarelektrophorese (CE) mit der induktiv gekoppelten Plasma-Massenspektrometrie (ICP-MS) als Multielementdetektor mit hervorragenden Quantifizierungseigenschaften eine entscheidende Rolle bei der Untersuchung von Biopolymeren und deren Wechselwirkung mit verschiedenen Metallen. So wurden beispielsweise verschiedene Methoden für die Trennung und Detektion von Metalloproteinen oder DNA-Metall-Addukten in unterschiedlichen Probenmaterialien entwickelt. Die traditionelle und leistungsstärkste Trennmethode für Biopolymere aller Art, die Gelelektrophorese, wurde jedoch bislang nicht in einem Online-Verfahren an die ICP-MS gekoppelt, um solche Fragestellungen zu bearbeiten. Verschiedene Versuche auf der Basis der Laserablation wurden in diese Richtung unternommen, wobei diese Techniken als sehr umständlich und zeitaufwändig anzusehen sind. In dieser Arbeit wird erstmals die technische Realisierung einer Online-Kopplung der Gelelektrophorese mit der ICP-MS beschrieben. Das System basiert auf einem Prinzip aus der präparativen Gelelektrophorese, in welcher eine kontinuierliche Elution der getrennten Komponenten aus dem Gel während der laufenden Elektrophorese durchgeführt wird. Die eluierten Komponenten werden mit dem Elutionspuffer direkt in das Zerstäubersystem des ICP-MS geführt. Die ersten Untersuchungen wurden am Beispiel der Fragemente von doppelsträngiger DNA (dsDNA) durchgeführt. Kommerziell erhältliche Standardlösungen wurden mit der Online-GE-ICP-MS mittels Detektion von 31P an einem hochauflösenden Massenspektrometer mit einer Massenauflösung von 4000 analysiert. Die Trennbedingungen (z.B. pH-Wert oder Ionenstärke der Pufferlösungen) wurden für die Trennung von dsDNA-Fragementen in Agarosegelen optimiert und auf verschiedene dsDNA-Fragmente angewandt. In einem nächsten Schritt wurden die Quantifizierungsmöglichkeiten für Biopolymere untersucht. Sehr kleine Mengen an dsDNA konnten mit einer Präzision von weniger als 3% quantifiziert werden. Hierfür kamen verschiedene Möglichkeiten der externen Kalibration zum Einsatz, wie der Kalibration mit einem Phosphat-Standard oder einem kommerziell erhältlichen quantitativen dsDNA-Standard. Um das Potenzial der entwickelten Methode für die Untersuchung von Biopolymer-Metall-Wechselwirkungen zu demonstrieren, wurden Oligonukleotide mit Cisplatin unter physiologischen Bedingungen inkubiert und die Reaktionsprodukte mit der Online-GE-ICP-MS mittels 31P- und 195Pt-Detektion untersucht. Verschiedene Cisplatin-Oligonukleotid-Addukte konnten auf diese Weise beobachtet werden, was zur Identifizierung die Anwendung der MALDI-TOF-MS als komplementärer Form der Massenspektrometrie notwendig machte. Abschließend wurde die Isotopenverdünnungsanalyse zum Zweck der Quantifizierung herangezogen.
Restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis is an economic and fast technique for molecular typing but has the drawback of difficulties in accurately sizing DNA fragments and comparing banding patterns on agarose gels. We aimed to improve RFLP for typing of the important human pathogen Streptococcus pneumoniae and to compare the results with the commonly used typing techniques of pulsed-field gel electrophoresis and multilocus sequence typing. We designed primers to amplify a noncoding region adjacent to the pneumolysin gene. The PCR product was digested separately with six restriction endonucleases, and the DNA fragments were analyzed using an Agilent 2100 bioanalyzer for accurate sizing. The combined RFLP results for all enzymes allowed us to assign each of the 47 clinical isolates of S. pneumoniae tested to one of 33 RFLP types. RFLP analyzed using the bioanalyzer allowed discrimination between strains similar to that obtained by the more commonly used techniques of pulsed-field gel electrophoresis, which discriminated between 34 types, and multilocus sequence typing, which discriminated between 35 types, but more quickly and with less expense. RFLP of a noncoding region using the Agilent 2100 bioanalyzer could be a useful addition to the molecular typing techniques in current use for S. pneumoniae, especially as a first screen of a local population.
Musculoskeletal infections are infections of the bone and surrounding tissues. They are currently diagnosed based on culture analysis, which is the gold standard for pathogen identification. However, these clinical laboratory methods are frequently inadequate for the identification of the causative agents, because a large percentage (25-50%) of confirmed musculoskeletal infections are false negatives in which no pathogen is identified in culture. My data supports these results. The goal of this project was to use PCR amplification of a portion of the 16S rRNA gene to test an alternative approach for the identification of these pathogens and to assess the diversity of the bacteria involved. The advantages of this alternative method are that it should increase sample sensitivity and the speed of detection. In addition, bacteria that are non-culturable or in low abundance can be detected using this molecular technique. However, a complication of this approach is that the majority of musculoskeletal infections are polymicrobial, which prohibits direct identification from the infected tissue by DNA sequencing of the initial 16S rDNA amplification products. One way to solve this problem is to use denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) to separate the PCR products before DNA sequencing. Denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) separates DNA molecules based on their melting point, which is determined by their DNA sequence. This analytical technique allows a mixture of PCR products of the same length that electrophoreses through agarose gels as one band, to be separated into different bands and then used for DNA sequence analysis. In this way, the DGGE allows for the identification of individual bacterial species in polymicrobial-infected tissue, which is critical for improving clinical outcomes. By combining the 16S rDNA amplification and the DGGE techniques together, an alternative approach for identification has been used. The 16S rRNA gene PCR-DGGE method includes several critical steps: DNA extraction from tissue biopsies, amplification of the bacterial DNA, PCR product separation by DGGE, amplification of the gel-extracted DNA, and DNA sequencing and analysis. Each step of the method was optimized to increase its sensitivity and for rapid detection of the bacteria present in human tissue samples. The limit of detection for the DNA extraction from tissue was at least 20 Staphylococcus aureus cells and the limit of detection for PCR was at least 0.05 pg of template DNA. The conditions for DGGE electrophoreses were optimized by using a double gradient of acrylamide (6 – 10%) and denaturant (30-70%), which increased the separation between distinct PCR products. The use of GelRed (Biotium) improved the DNA visualization in the DGGE gel. To recover the DNA from the DGGE gels the gel slices were excised, shredded in a bead beater, and the DNA was allowed to diffuse into sterile water overnight. The use of primers containing specific linkers allowed the entire amplified PCR product to be sequenced and then analyzed. The optimized 16S rRNA gene PCR-DGGE method was used to analyze 50 tissue biopsy samples chosen randomly from our collection. The results were compared to those of the Memorial Hermann Hospital Clinical Microbiology Laboratory for the same samples. The molecular method was congruent for 10 of the 17 (59%) culture negative tissue samples. In 7 of the 17 (41%) culture negative the molecular method identified a bacterium. The molecular method was congruent with the culture identification for 7 of the 33 (21%) positive cultured tissue samples. However, in 8 of the 33 (24%) the molecular method identified more organisms. In 13 of the 15 (87%) polymicrobial cultured tissue samples the molecular method identified at least one organism that was also identified by culture techniques. Overall, the DGGE analysis of 16S rDNA is an effective method to identify bacteria not identified by culture analysis.
Steroid binding proteins are an obvious choice in the search for genetic factors in plasma that might predispose to upper body obesity, a risk factor for non-insulin dependent diabetes and cardiovascular disease. The two steroid binding proteins studied by isoelectric focusing were sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG), the transport protein for sex hormones and corticosteroid binding globulin (CBG), the transport protein for corticosteroids. Auto-radiography and immunoblotting on polyacrylamide gels were used to detect polymorphism in SHBG. Immunoblotting on agarose gels was used to visualize corticosteroid binding globulin. SHBG showed similar structural variation in American Caucasians, American Blacks and Canadian Indians. Two alleles (1, 2) were hypothesized with highly polymorphic frequencies in all three ethnic groups. CBG was not found to be polymorphic, but two variants were found in Caucasian male twins and in a Black individual. The finding of a good assay and a polymorphic system for SHBG are the first steps for additional studies into disease associations. ^
Defined model systems consisting of physiologically spaced arrays of H3/H4 tetramer⋅5S rDNA complexes have been assembled in vitro from pure components. Analytical hydrodynamic and electrophoretic studies have revealed that the structural features of H3/H4 tetramer arrays closely resemble those of naked DNA. The reptation in agarose gels of H3/H4 tetramer arrays is essentially indistinguishable from naked DNA, the gel-free mobility of H3/H4 tetramer arrays relative to naked DNA is reduced by only 6% compared with 20% for nucleosomal arrays, and H3/H4 tetramer arrays are incapable of folding under ionic conditions where nucleosomal arrays are extensively folded. We further show that the cognate binding sites for transcription factor TFIIIA are significantly more accessible when the rDNA is complexed with H3/H4 tetramers than with histone octamers. These results suggest that the processes of DNA replication and transcription have evolved to exploit the unique structural properties of H3/H4 tetramer arrays.
Multiple-complete-digest mapping is a DNA mapping technique based on complete-restriction-digest fingerprints of a set of clones that provides highly redundant coverage of the mapping target. The maps assembled from these fingerprints order both the clones and the restriction fragments. Maps are coordinated across three enzymes in the examples presented. Starting with yeast artificial chromosome contigs from the 7q31.3 and 7p14 regions of the human genome, we have produced cosmid-based maps spanning more than one million base pairs. Each yeast artificial chromosome is first subcloned into cosmids at a redundancy of ×15–30. Complete-digest fragments are electrophoresed on agarose gels, poststained, and imaged on a fluorescent scanner. Aberrant clones that are not representative of the underlying genome are rejected in the map construction process. Almost every restriction fragment is ordered, allowing selection of minimal tiling paths with clone-to-clone overlaps of only a few thousand base pairs. These maps demonstrate the practicality of applying the experimental and software-based steps in multiple-complete-digest mapping to a target of significant size and complexity. We present evidence that the maps are sufficiently accurate to validate both the clones selected for sequencing and the sequence assemblies obtained once these clones have been sequenced by a “shotgun” method.
Baculovirus-expressed recombinant Sir3p (rSir3p) has been purified to near homogeneity, and its binding to naked DNA, mononucleosomes, and nucleosomal arrays has been characterized in vitro. At stoichiometric levels rSir3p interacts with intact nucleosomal arrays, mononucleosomes, and naked DNA, as evidenced by formation of supershifted species on native agarose gels. Proteolytic removal of the core histone tail domains inhibits but does not completely abolish rSir3p binding to nucleosomal arrays. The linker DNA in the supershifted complexes remains freely accessible to restriction endonuclease digestion, suggesting that both the tail domains and nucleosomal DNA contribute to rSir3p–chromatin interactions. Together these data indicate that rSir3p cross-links individual nucleosomal arrays into supramolecular assemblies whose physical properties transcend those of typical 10-nm and 30-nm fibers. Based on these data we hypothesize that Sir3p functions, at least in part, by mediating reorganization of the canonical chromatin fiber into functionally specialized higher order chromosomal domains.
Cells infected with herpes simplex virus 1 (HSV-1) undergo productive or latent infection without exhibiting features characteristic of apoptosis. In this report, we show that HSV-1 induces apoptosis but has evolved a function that blocks apoptosis induced by infection as well as by other means. Specifically, (i) Vero cells infected with a HSV-1 mutant deleted in the regulatory gene alpha 4 (that encodes repressor and transactivating functions), but not those infected with wild-type HSV-1(F), exhibit cytoplasmic blebbing, chromatin condensation, and fragmented DNA detected as a ladder in agarose gels or by labeling free DNA ends with terminal transferase; (ii) Vero cells infected with wild-type HSV-1(F) or cells expressing the alpha 4 gene and infected with the alpha 4- virus did not exhibit apoptosis; (iii) fragmentation of cellular DNA was observed in Vero cells that were mock-infected or infected with the alpha 4- virus and maintained at 39.5 degrees C, but not in cells infected with wild-type virus and maintained at the same temperature. Wild-type strains of HSV-1 with limited extrahuman passages, such as HSV-1 (F), carry a temperature-sensitive lesion in the alpha 4 gene and at 39.5 degrees C only alpha genes are expressed. These results indicate that the product of the alpha 4 gene is able to suppress apoptosis induced by the virus as well by other means.
Two key issues defined the focus of this research in manufacturing plasmid DNA for use In human gene therapy. First, the processing of E.coli bacterial cells to effect the separation of therapeutic plasmid DNA from cellular debris and adventitious material. Second, the affinity purification of the plasmid DNA in a Simple one-stage process. The need arises when considering the concerns that have been recently voiced by the FDA concerning the scalability and reproducibility of the current manufacturing processes in meeting the quality criteria of purity, potency, efficacy, and safety for a recombinant drug substance for use in humans. To develop a preliminary purification procedure, an EFD cross-flow micro-filtration module was assessed for its ability to effect the 20-fold concentration, 6-time diafiltration, and final clarification of the plasmid DNA from the subsequent cell lysate that is derived from a 1 liter E.coli bacterial cell culture. Historically, the employment of cross-flow filtration modules within procedures for harvesting cells from bacterial cultures have failed to reach the required standards dictated by existing continuous centrifuge technologies, frequently resulting in the rapid blinding of the membrane with bacterial cells that substantially reduces the permeate flux. By challenging the EFD module, containing six helical wound tubular membranes promoting centrifugal instabilities known as Dean vortices, with distilled water between the Dean number's of 187Dn and 818Dn,and the transmembrane pressures (TMP) of 0 to 5 psi. The data demonstrated that the fluid dynamics significantly influenced the permeation rate, displaying a maximum at 227Dn (312 Imh) and minimum at 818Dn (130 Imh) for a transmembrane pressure of 1 psi. Numerical studies indicated that the initial increase and subsequent decrease resulted from a competition between the centrifugal and viscous forces that create the Dean vortices. At Dean numbers between 187Dn and 227Dn , the forces combine constructively to increase the apparent strength and influence of the Dean vortices. However, as the Dean number in increases above 227 On the centrifugal force dominates the viscous forces, compressing the Dean vortices into the membrane walls and reducing their influence on the radial transmembrane pressure i.e. the permeate flux reduced. When investigating the action of the Dean vortices in controlling tile fouling rate of E.coli bacterial cells, it was demonstrated that the optimum cross-flow rate at which to effect the concentration of a bacterial cell culture was 579Dn and 3 psi TMP, processing in excess of 400 Imh for 20 minutes (i.e., concentrating a 1L culture to 50 ml in 10 minutes at an average of 450 Imh). The data demonstrated that there was a conflict between the Dean number at which the shear rate could control the cell fouling, and the Dean number at which tile optimum flux enhancement was found. Hence, the internal geometry of the EFD module was shown to sub-optimal for this application. At 579Dn and 3 psi TMP, the 6-fold diafiltration was shown to occupy 3.6 minutes of process time, processing at an average flux of 400 Imh. Again, at 579Dn and 3 psi TMP the clarification of the plasmid from tile resulting freeze-thaw cell lysate was achieved at 120 Iml1, passing 83% (2,5 mg) of the plasmid DNA (6,3 ng μ-1 10.8 mg of genomic DNA (∼23,00 Obp, 36 ng μ-1 ), and 7.2 mg of cellular proteins (5-100 kDa, 21.4 ngμ-1 ) into the post-EFD process stream. Hence the EFD module was shown to be effective, achieving the desired objectives in approximately 25 minutes. On the basis of its ability to intercalate into low molecular weight dsDNA present in dilute cell lysates, and be electrophoresed through agarose, the fluorophore PicoGreen was selected for the development of a suitable dsDNA assay. It was assesseel for its accuracy, and reliability, In determining the concentration and identity of DNA present in samples that were eleclrophoresed through agarose gels. The signal emitted by intercalated PicoGreen was shown to be constant and linear, and that the mobility of the PicaGreen-DNA complex was not affected by the intercalation. Concerning the secondary purification procedure, various anion-exchange membranes were assessed for their ability to capture plasmid DNA from the post-EFD process stream. For a commercially available Sartorius Sartobind Q15 membrane, the reduction in the equilibriumbinding capacity for ctDNA in buffer of increasing ionic demonstrated that DNA was being.adsorbed by electrostatic interactions only. However, the problems associated with fluid distribution across the membrane demonstrated that the membrane housing was the predominant cause of the .erratic breakthrough curves. Consequently, this would need to be rectified before such a membrane could be integrated into the current system, or indeed be scaled beyond laboratory scale. However, when challenged with the process material, the data showed that considerable quantities of protein (1150 μg) were adsorbed preferentially to the plasmid DNA (44 μg). This was also shown for derived Pall Gelman UltraBind US450 membranes that had been functionalised by varying molecular weight poly-L~lysine and polyethyleneimine ligands. Hence the anion-exchange membranes were shown to be ineffective in capturing plasmid DNA from the process stream. Finally, work was performed to integrate a sequence-specific DNA·binding protein into a single-stage DNA chromatography, isolating plasmid DNA from E.coli cells whilst minimising the contamination from genomic DNA and cellular protein. Preliminary work demonstrated that the fusion protein was capable of isolating pUC19 DNA into which the recognition sequence for the fusion-protein had been inserted (pTS DNA) when in the presence of the conditioned process material. Althougth the pTS recognition sequence differs from native pUC19 sequences by only 2 bp, the fusion protein was shown to act as a highly selective affinity ligand for pTS DNA alone. Subsequently, the scale of the process was scaled 25-fold and positioned directly following the EFD system. In conclusion, the integration of the EFD micro-filtration system and zinc-finger affinity purification technique resulted in the capture of approximately 1 mg of plasmid DNA was purified from 1L of E.coli culture in a simple two stage process, resulting in the complete removal of genomic DNA and 96.7% of cellular protein in less than 1 hour of process time.