989 resultados para A. cf. nilotica


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. Management of the invasive Vachellia nilotica indica infesting tropical grasslands of Northern Australia has remained unsuccessful to date. Presently Anomalococcus indicus is considered a potential agent in the biological management of V. n. indica. Whereas generic biological details of A. indicus have been known, their feeding activity and details of their mouthparts and the sensory structures that are associated with their feeding action are not known. This paper provides details of those gaps. Nymphal instars I and II feed on cortical-parenchyma cells of young stems of V. n. indica, whereas nymphal instars III and adult females feed on phloem elements of older shoots. Nymphal instars and adults (females) trigger stress symptoms in the feeding tissue with cells bearing enlarged and disfigured nuclei, cytoplasmic shrinkage, cytoplasmic trabeculae, abnormal protuberances and uneven cell wall thickening, unusual cell membrane proliferation, and exhausted and necrosed cells. Continuous nutrient extraction by A. indicus can cause stem death. We provide evidence that A. indicus, by virtue of its continuous feeding activity and intense population build up, can be an effective biological-management agent to regulate populations of V. n. indica in infested areas. © 2014 © 2014 Société entomologique de France.


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Babul scale Anomalococcus indicus Ramakrishna Ayyar, a major pest of Vachellia nilotica (L.f.) P.J.H. Hurter & Mabb. on the Indian subcontinent, has been identified as a potential biocontrol agent for prickly acacia V. nilotica subsp. indica (Benth.) Kyal. & Boatwr. in Australia and was imported from southern India for detailed assessment. The life history of A. indicus under controlled glasshouse conditions was determined as a part of this assessment. Consistent with other scale species, A. indicus has a distinct sexual dimorphism which becomes apparent during the second instar. Females have three instars, developing into sexually mature nymphs after 52 days. The generation time from egg to egg was 89 days. Females are ovoviviparous, ovipositing mature eggs into a cavity underneath their body. An average of 802 +/- 114 offspring were produced per female. Reproductive output was closely associated with female size; larger females produced more than 1200 offspring. Crawlers emerged from beneath the female after an indeterminate period of inactivity. They have the only life stage at which A. indicus can disperse, though the majority settle close to their parent female forming aggregative distributions. In the absence of food, most crawlers died within three days. Males took 62 days to develop through five instars. Unlike females, males underwent complete metamorphosis. Adult males were small and winged, and lived for less than a day. Parthenogenesis was not observed in females excluded from males. The life history of A. indicus allows it to complement other biological control agents already established on prickly acacia in Australia.


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Vachellia nilotica ssp. indica (hereafter, V. n. indica) is an important tree weed in Australia. Its dense populations induce undesirable changes in the vast areas of northern Australia. Because chemical and mechanical management options appear unviable for various reasons, biological management of this tree is considered a better option. Among the many trialled arthropods in Australian context, Anomalococcus indicus, a lecanodiaspid native to India, has been identified as a potent-candidate, since in India, its native terrain, it is the most widespread and occurs throughout the year. Severe infestations of A. indicus cause defoliation, wilting and death of branches, and occasionally the tree. Populations of A. indicus have been brought into Australia and are being tested for its host specificity under quarantine conditions. This article reports the physiological damage and stress it inflicts in the shoots of V. n. indica. Younger-nymphal instars of A. indicus feed on cortical-parenchyma cells of young stems, whereas the older instars and adults feed from the phloem of old stems. Two conspicuous responses of V. n. indica arising in response to the feeding action of A. indicus are changes in the cell-wall dynamics and irregular cell divisions. The feeding action of A. indicus elicits a sequence of reactions in the stem tissues of V. n. indica such as differentiation of thick-walled elements in the outer cortical parenchyma, differential thickening of cells with supernumerary layers of either suberin or lignin, proliferations of parenchyma and phloem, wall thickening and obliteration of inner lumen of phloem cells, and the sieve plates plugged with callosic deposits. The responses are the culminations of interaction between the virulence factor (one or more of the salivary proteins?) from A. indicus and the resistance factor in V. n. indica. We have analysed structural changes in the context of their functions, by comparing the feeding action of A. indicus with that of other hemipteroids. From the level of stress it induces, this study confirms that A. indicus has the potential to be an effective biological management of V. n. indica in Australia. © 2014 © 2014 Taylor & Francis and Aboricultural Association.


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Prickly acacia (Vachellia nilotica subsp. indica), a native multipurpose tree in India, is a weed of National significance, and a target for biological control in Australia. Based on plant genetic and climatic similarities, native range surveys for identifying potential biological control agents for prickly acacia were conducted in India during 2008-2011. In the survey leaf-feeding geometrid, Isturgia disputaria Guenee (syn. Tephrina pulinda), widespread in Tamil Nadu and Karnataka States, was prioritized as a potential biological control agent based on field host range, damage potential and no choice test on non target plant species. Though the field host range study exhibited that V. nilotica ssp. indica and V. nilotica ssp. tomentosa were the primary hosts for successful development of the insect, I. disputaria, replicated no - choice larval feeding and development tests conducted on cut foliage and live plants of nine non-target acacia test plant species in India revealed the larval feeding and development on three of the nine non-target acacia species, V. tortilis, V. planiferons and V. leucophloea in addition to the V. nilotica ssp. indica and V. nilotica ssp. tomentosa. However, the proportion of larvae developing into adults was higher on V. nilotica subsp. indica and V. nilotica subsp. tomentosa, with 90% and 80% of the larvae completing development, respectively. In contrast, the larval mortality was higher on V. tortilis (70%), V. leucophloea (90%) and V. planiferons (70%). The no-choice test results support the earlier host specificity test results of I. disputaria from Pakistan, Kenya and under quarantine in Australia. Contrasting results between field host range and host use pattern under no-choice conditions are discussed.


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A porous carbon foam (CF) electrode modified with a reduced graphene oxide-Ag (rGO-Ag) nanocomposite has been fabricated to purify water. It can perform as an antibacterial device by killing pathogenic microbes with the aid of a 1.5 V battery, with very little power consumption. The device is recycled ten times with good performance for long term usage. It is shown that the device may be implemented as a fast water purifier to deactivate the pathogens in drinking water.


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Examina quais as medidas cabíveis no caso de não comparecimento de Ministro de Estado convocado por Comissão da Câmara dos Deputados.


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A research was conducted in thirty approximately 100 sq.m earthern ponds of the Brackishwater Aquaculture Centre (BAC), College of Fisheries, University of the Philippines, Leganes Iloilo from November 7, 1982 to March 7, 1983 to evaluate the effects of nine supplemental feeds containing different protein: energy ratios on the growth and survival of Tilapia nilotica in brackishwater ponds. Nine supplemental feeds formulated were with protein levels of 20%, 25%, and 30% each at three energy levels of 3,000 kcals; 3,500 kcals; and 4,000 kcals. There was a control treatment with no feeding so that mean weight gain growth rate, feed conversion rate, and survival were determined. Fish fingerlings were acclimated from 0-29 ppt. salinity before the experiment and 20% of fish in each treatment were sampled after every 30 days. Growth rates were significantly different and increased with increasing energy level at the 30% protein feeds but decreased at high energy levels in the 20% and 25% protein feeds. Feed conversion was significantly different due to interaction between protein and energy levels in the feeds, and was better at the 30:3,500 kcals feeds having a feed conversion of 1.55 g. Survival was not significantly different


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Caridina nilotica (Roux) (Decapoda: Atyidae) was investigated over a period of four months in three zones of Lake Victoria. Abundances were estimated by vertical net sampling. The importance of C. nilotica in the diet of the three commercial fish species was investigated. Caridina nilotica is a primary food for Lates niloticus (L.), Oreochromis niloticus (L.) and Rastrineobola argentea (Pellegrin). A quantitative study of C. nilotica in the fishing area indicated high biomass which can support the Lake Victoria fisheries.


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Bacteriological examination of the gastrointestinal microflora of 2 freshwater cichlid fish species (Sarotherodon mossambicus and Tilapia nilotica ) was performed, resulting in the bacteria enumeration of total viable counts of 1.06x10⁷/g and 7.75x10⁷/g of gastro-bacteria intestinal tract plus contents (wet weight) respectively, by aerobic incubation at 30+1°C. The majority (78%) of the total gut isolates from both fish species was Gram positive mesophilic which is characteristic of the higher ambient temperature in the tropics. These isolates were fastidious in their nutritional requirements and together with the rest are isogenous to bacteria autochthonous to soil and water. The occurrence of such organisms is attributed to the feeding habits of these fish. The gastrointestinal bacteria isolated in this study are transient residents but not "indigenous" in these cichlid fish.


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Overall results of the study indicate that the availability of high concentrations of phyloplankton in the rearing medium favoured growth of T. nilotica fry to fingerling.