232 resultados para A(H1N1)pdm09
Background Despite the WHO recommendation that the 2010-2011 trivalent seasonal flu vaccine must contain A/California/7/2009/H1N1-like virus there is no consistent data regarding its immunogenicity and safety in a large autoimmune rheumatic disease (ARD) population. Methods 1668 ARD patients (systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), rheumatoid arthritis (RA), ankylosing spondylitis (AS), systemic sclerosis, psoriatic arthritis (PsA), Behcet`s disease (BD), mixed connective tissue disease, primary antiphospholipid syndrome (PAPS), dermatomyositis (DM), primary Sjogren`s syndrome, Takayasu`s arteritis, polymyositis and Granulomatosis with polyangiitis (Wegener`s) (GPA)) and 234 healthy controls were vaccinated with a non-adjuvanted influenza A/California/7/2009(H1N1) virus-like strain flu. Subjects were evaluated before vaccination and 21 days post-vaccination. The percentage of seroprotection, seroconversion and the factor increase in geometric mean titre (GMT) were calculated. Results After immunisation, seroprotection rates (68.5% vs 82.9% p < 0.0001), seroconversion rates (63.4% vs 76.9%, p < 0.001) and the factor increase in GMT (8.9 vs 13.2 p < 0.0001) were significantly lower in ARD than controls. Analysis of specific diseases revealed that seroprotection significantly reduced in SLE (p < 0.0001), RA (p < 0.0001), PsA (p=0.0006), AS (p=0.04), BD (p=0.04) and DM (p=0.04) patients than controls. The seroconversion rates in SLE (p < 0.0001), RA (p < 0.0001) and PsA (p=0.0006) patients and the increase in GMTs in SLE (p < 0.0001), RA (p < 0.0001) and PsA (p < 0.0001) patients were also reduced compared with controls. Moderate and severe side effects were not reported. Conclusions The novel recognition of a diverse vaccine immunogenicity profile in distinct ARDs supports the notion that a booster dose may be recommended for diseases with suboptimal immune responses. This large study also settles the issue of vaccine safety. (ClinicalTrials.gov #NCT01151644)
Because of the advent of a new influenza A H1N1. strain, many countries have begun mass immunisation programmes. Awareness of the background rates of possible adverse events will be a crucial part of assessment of possible vaccine safety concerns and will help to separate legitimate safety concerns from events that are temporally associated with but not caused by vaccination. We identified background rates of selected medical events for several countries. Rates of disease events varied by age, sex, method of ascertainment, and geography. Highly visible health conditions, such as Guillain-Barre syndrome, spontaneous abortion, or even death, will occur in coincident temporal association with novel influenza vaccination. On the basis of the reviewed data, if a cohort of 10 million individuals was vaccinated in the UK, 21.5 cases of Guillain-Barre syndrome and 5.75 cases of sudden death would be expected to occur within 6 weeks of vaccination as coincident background cases. In female vaccinees in the USA, 86.3 cases of optic neuritis per 10 million population would be expected within 6 weeks of vaccination. 397 per 1 million vaccinated pregnant women would be predicted to have a spontaneous abortion within 1 day of vaccination.
Rationale: There are no reports of the systemic human pathology of the novel swine H1N1 influenza (S-OIV) infection. Objectives: The autopsy findings of 21 Brazilian patients with confirmed S-OIV infection are presented. These patients died in the winter of the southern hemisphere 2009 pandemic, with acute respiratory failure. Methods: Lung tissue was submitted to virologic and bacteriologic analysis with real-time reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction and electron microscopy. Expression of toll-like receptor (TLR)-3, IFN-gamma, tumor necrosis factor-alpha, CD8(+) T cells and granzyme B(+) cells in the lungs was investigated by immunohistochemistry. Measurements and Main Results: Patients were aged from 1 to 68 years (72% between 30 and 59 yr) and 12 were male. Sixteen patients had preexisting medical conditions. Diff use alveolar damage was present in 20 individuals. in six patients, diffuse alveolar damage was associated with necrotizing bronchiolitis and in five with extensive hemorrhage. There was also a cytopathic effect in the bronchial and alveolar epithelial cells, as well as necrosis, epithelial hyperplasia, and squamous metaplasia of the large airways. There was marked expression of TLR-3 and IFN-gamma and a large number of CD8(+) T cell sand granzyme B(+) cells within the lung tissue. Changes in other organs were mainly secondary to multiple organ failure. Conclusions: Autopsies have shown that the main pathological changes associated with S-OIV infection are localized to the lungs, where three distinct histological patterns can be identified. We also show evidence of ongoing pulmonary aberrant immune response. Our results reinforce the usefulness of autopsy in increasing the understanding of the novel human influenza A (H1N1) infection.
From June to July 1999 an outbreak of acute respiratory illness occurred in the town of Iporanga. Out of a total of 4,837 inhabitants, 324 cases were notified to the Regional Surveillance Service. Influenza virus was isolated from 57.1% of the collected samples and 100% seroconversion to influenza A (H1N1) was obtained in 20 paired sera tested. The isolates were related to the A/Bayern/07/95 strain (H1N1). The percentages of cases notified during the outbreak were 28.4%, 29.0%, 20.7%, 6.2% and 15.7% in the age groups of 0-4, 5-9, 10-14, 15-19 and older than 20 years, respectively. The highest proportion of positives was observed among children younger than 14 years and no cases were notified in people older than 65 years, none of whom had been recently vaccinated against influenza. These findings suggest a significant vaccine protection against A/Bayern/7/95, the H1 component included in the 1997-98 influenza vaccine for elderly people. This viral strain is antigenically and genetically related to A/Beijing/262/95, the H1 component of the 1999 vaccine. Vaccines containing A/Beijing/262/95 (H1N1) stimulated post-immunization hemagglutination inhibition antibodies equivalent in frequency and titre to both A/Beijing/262/95-like and A/Bayern/7/95-like viruses. Thus, this investigation demonstrates the effectiveness of vaccination against influenza virus in the elderly.
RESUMO - Os autores relatam a transição da etapa de retenção para a etapa de mitigação da Gripe A (H1N1), de acordo com a experiência portuguesa. Admitem que a curva epidémica da gripe poderia ser atrasada, mas não contida exactamente. A linha divisória entre os casos importados e os casos com origem em Portugal esteve na base da decisão de passar para a etapa de mitigação. ----------------- ---------ABSTRACT – The authors report the transition from the containment phase into the mitigation one, according to the Portuguese experience. They further admit that the epidemic flu curve could be delayed, but not exactly contained. The cross line between the imported cases and those generated in Portugal supported the decision to step forward into the mi
Fulminant myocarditis associated with influenza A virus is exceedingly rare, with only a few cases reported in the literature. We describe a previously healthy 10-year-old boy, with a three-day history of flu-like symptoms without antiviral treatment. He was hospitalized with dehydration and hypothermia in the context of persistent vomiting, when he suddenly developed heart failure secondary to fulminant myocarditis. Despite aggressive management, including circulatory support and cardiopulmonary resuscitation measures, the patient died of cardiogenic shock. The postmortem histopathology was compatible with a multisystem viral infection with myocarditis and pulmonary involvement, and H1N1v polymerase chain reaction was positive. The prevalence of influenza-associated fulminant myocarditis remains unknown. Findings reported in the literature raise the possibility that the novel H1N1 influenza A virus is more commonly associated with a severe form of myocarditis than previously encountered influenza strains.
Background: Acute kidney injury in the pandemic swine origin influenza A virus (H1N1) infection has been reported as coursing with severe illness, although renal pathogenic mechanisms and histologic features are still being characterised. Case Report: We present two patients admitted with H1N1 pneumonia, sepsis, acute respiratory distress syndrome and need for invasive mechanical ventilation who developed acute kidney injury and became dialysis-dependent. In both cases a kidney biopsy was performed to establish a definitive diagnosis. Severe acute tubular necrosis was identified, with no further abnormalities. Conclusion: This report seems to confirm that the acute kidney injury in H1N1 infection is focused on the tubular cells. Our cases corroborate the renal histopathologic findings of other studies, highlighting the central role of the tubular cell. We bring new evidence of the histopathology of AKI in H1N1 infection since our data were collected in living patients and not via post-mortem studies.
The aim of this cross-sectional study was to determine, among medical students at a public university in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, the acceptance of the pandemic influenza A/H1N1 vaccine during the 2010 mass immunization campaign and the vaccine safety in this group and, among unvaccinated students, the reasons for refusing vaccination. Of a total of 858 students, 678 (79%) participated in the study. Vaccination coverage was 60.4% among students aged 20 to 39 years (an age group targeted for vaccination) and 43.8% among those who did not belong to this age group. The most frequent adverse reactions to the vaccine were pain at the injection site (8.7%) and fever (7.9%). There were no serious adverse reactions. Among students aged 20 to 39 years, the most common reasons for refusing the vaccine were "lack of time" (42.4%), "fear of adverse reactions" (41.9%), and "difficult access to the vaccine" (11.5%). Other reasons for vaccine refusal were "uncertainties about vaccine safety and efficacy" and "vaccination was not needed". To increase the acceptance of the influenza vaccine, a comprehensive immunization program should be offered to these students.
RESUMO - Introdução: A necessidade de gestão da ameaça de uma pandemia obriga à gestão da incerteza absoluta. O desconhecimento científico quanto a uma série de factores tais como, as características dos vírus causadores de infecções, a efectividade das medidas de prevenção e de tratamento, contribuiu para a dificuldade de actuação a vários níveis. Face à evolução da situação epidemiológica mundial no campo da gripe, Portugal reviu e adaptou o seu plano de contingência para a gripe tendo sido homologado, em Janeiro de 2006, um novo plano – Plano de Contingência Nacional do Sector da Saúde para a Pandemia. Objectivos: O presente estudo apresenta como principais objectivos (1) a avaliação das estratégias de intervenção e respectiva implementação das medidas de saúde pública não farmacológicas, durante a pandemia da gripe de 2009; (2) a identificação dos pontos críticos na gestão das medidas de saúde pública não farmacológicas, para preparação e resposta a futuras pandemias da gripe e, por último, (3) a definição de um modelo de acompanhamento, de monitorização e de avaliação das medidas de saúde pública não farmacológicas, que permita identificar os pontos importantes a ter em conta na implementação de boas práticas de saúde pública, nos diferentes níveis de prestação de cuidados de saúde, tendo como limitação o estado da arte dos sistemas de informação e avaliação, nacionais e internacionais, existentes. Material e Métodos: Para a avaliação das estratégias de intervenção e respectiva implementação das medidas de saúde pública não farmacológicas bem como, para a identificação dos pontos críticos na gestão das respectivas medidas foram consideradas duas perspectivas: a avaliação dos resultados através do Relatório da Pandemia da Gripe e a avaliação dos resultados através das avaliações da OMS e da Euro OMS. É apresentado um modelo de acompanhamento, de monitorização e de avaliação das medidas de saúde pública não farmacológicas, a implementar na classe médica que esteve na “linha da frente”, durante a pandemia H1N1 2009 em Portugal, nos cuidados primários, hospitalares e intensivos. Resultados: Deverá existir uma representação dos profissionais de saúde para suporte das decisões de forma a assegurar uma representação alargada não só na preparação mas também, na implementação e na aplicação do Plano de Contingência. O processo de planemanto deverá ter acesso público com possibilidade de participação activa do cidadão na sua implementação. O Plano deve ter a capacidade para se adaptar à situação epidemiológica e, no terreno os exercícios de simulações durante o processo de planeamento são importantes. As orientações técnicas devem ser dinâmicas, práticas, específicas e úteis e, dever-se investir numa cultura de confiança (“right people communicating to right people”). As alterações ao plano devem partir da coordenação, comando e controlo que, nos vários níveis de decisão, devem definir claramente quem toma as decisões. Conclusões: As estratégias para as intervenções ao nível da saúde pública, continuam, no mundo hodierno a desempenhar um papel fundamental e crucial na contenção das pandemias. O modelo apresentado neste estudo procura uma abordagem objectiva para destacar não só, os elementos essenciais de actividades bem-sucedidas, mas também as áreas em que a experiência pandémica sugere que o futuro planeamento deve dar maior ênfase.
A colecistite aguda acalculosa é uma entidade pouco frequente na idade pediátrica e uma complicação rara da enterocolite por salmonelas não tifóides. A co-infecçãocom o virus influenza A (H1N1)v nunca foi previamente descrita. Caso Clinico: Rapaz de 10 anos de idade, previamente saudável, com febre elevada, cefaleias , mialgias, vómitos e diarreia. a RT-PCR para virus influenza A, subtipo H1N1v foi postiva no exsudado nasofaríngeo mas não foi prescrito oseltamivir. Ao quinto dia da doença por persistência do quadro clinico com agravamento da sintomatologia gastrointestinal recorreu à urgência. Foi internado com sinais de desidratação grave, insuficiência pré-renal aguda e oligúria, tendo-se procedido a analgesia , antipiréticos e hidratação endovenosa. Foi isolada Salmonella Enteriditis nas coproculturas. Ao 9º dia de doença houve agravamento da dor abdominal associando-se sinal de Murphy. A ecografia abdominal revelou sinais de colecistite aguda e adenopatia a comprimir infundíbulo da vesicula biliar tendo-se iniciado antibioterapia. Os sintomas persisitiram durante cinco dias, verificando-se posterior evolução clinica favorável. Discussão: A etiologia da colecistite acalculosa foi provavelmente multifatorial para a qual contribuíram a febre, a desidratação, os analgésicos, o jejum prolongado e a infecção por salmonela, cujo ciclo envolve a via biliar. A compressão pelos gânglios hipertrofiados na sequência da infecção H1N1v foi provavelmente um fator adicional, sendo questionável se a terapêutica prévia com oseltamivir teria modificado o prognóstico.
INTRODUCTION: The case definition of influenza-like illness (ILI) is a powerful epidemiological tool during influenza epidemics. METHODS: A prospective cohort study was conducted to evaluate the impact of two definitions used as epidemiological tools, in adults and children, during the influenza A H1N1 epidemic. Patients were included if they had upper respiratory samples tested for influenza by real-time reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction during two periods, using the ILI definition (coughing + temperature > 38ºC) in period 1, and the definition of severe acute respiratory infection (ARS) (coughing + temperature > 38ºC and dyspnoea) in period 2. RESULTS: The study included 366 adults and 147 children, covering 243 cases of ILI and 270 cases of ARS. Laboratory confirmed cases of influenza were higher in adults (50%) than in children (21.6%) ( p < 0.0001) and influenza infection was more prevalent in the ILI definition (53%) than ARS (24.4%) (p < 0.0001). Adults reported more chills and myalgia than children (p = 0.0001). Oseltamivir was administered in 58% and 46% of adults and children with influenza A H1N1, respectively. The influenza A H1N1 case fatality rate was 7% in adults and 8.3% in children. The mean time from onset of illness until antiviral administration was 4 days. CONCLUSIONS: The modification of ILI to ARS definition resulted in less accuracy in influenza diagnosis and did not improve the appropriate time and use of antiviral medication.