1000 resultados para 87-137PC
Bureau of Nutrition and Health Promotion part of the Iowa Department of Public Health produces of weekly newsletter about the Iowa WIC Program for the State of Iowa citizen.
Trends in age-specific and age-standardized death certification rates from all ischaemic heart disease and cerebrovascular disease in Switzerland have been analysed for the period 1969-87, i.e. since the introduction of the Eighth Revision of the International Classification of Diseases for coding causes of death. For coronary heart disease, overall age-standardized rates of males in the mid-late 1980's were similar to those in the late 1960's, although some upward trend was evident up to the mid 1970's (with a peak rate of 120.4/100,000, World standard, in 1978) followed by steady declines in more recent years (103.8/100,000 in 1987). These falls were larger in truncated (35 to 64 years) rates. For females, overall age-standardized rates were stable around a value of 40/100,000, while truncated rates tended to decrease, particularly over most recent years, with an overall decline of over 25%. Examination of age-specific trends showed that in both sexes declines at younger ages were already evident in the earlier calendar period, while above age 50 some fall became evident only in most recent years. Thus, in a formal log-linear age/period/cohort model, both a period and a cohort component emerged. In relation to cerebrovascular diseases, the overall declines were around 40% in males (from 67.4 to 41.2/100,000, World standard) and 45% for females (from 56.6 to 31.7/100,000), and were proportionally comparable across subsequent age groups above age 45. The estimates for the age/period/cohort model were thus downwards both for the period and the cohort component although, in such a situation, it is difficult to disentangle the major underlying component.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)
OBJECTIVE: Reliable data about the nutrient intake of elderly noninstitutionalized women in Switzerland is lacking. The aim of this study was to assess the energy and nutrient intake in this specific population. SUBJECTS: The 401 subjects were randomly selected women of mean age of 80.4 years (range 75-87) recruited from the Swiss SEMOF (Swiss Evaluation of the Methods of Measurement of Osteoporotic Fracture Risk) cohort study. A validated food frequency questionnaire (FFQ) was submitted to the 401 subjects to assess dietary intake. RESULTS: The FFQ showed a mean daily energy intake of 1544 kcal (+/-447.7). Protein intake was 65.2 g (+/-19.9), that is 1.03 g kg(-1) body weight per day. The mean daily intake for energy, fat, carbohydrate, calcium, magnesium, vitamin C, D and E were below the RNI. However, protein, phosphorus, potassium, iron and vitamin B6 were above the RNI. CONCLUSION: The mean nutrient intake of these free living Swiss elderly women was low compared with standards. Energy dense foods rich in carbohydrate, magnesium, calcium, vitamin D and E as well as regular sunshine exposure is recommended in order to optimise dietary intake.
This project consisted of slipforming a 4-inch thick econocrete subbase on a 6-mile section of US 63. The project location extends south from one mile south of Denver, Iowa to Black Hawk County Road C-66 and consisted of the reconstruction and new construction of a divided four-lane facility. The econocrete was placed 27.3 feet wide in a single pass. Fly ash was used in this field study to replace 30, 45 and 60 percent of the portland cement in three portland cement econocrete base paving mixes. The three mixes contained 300, 350 and 400 pounds of cementitious material per cubic yard. Two Class "C" ashes from Iowa approved sources were used. The ash was substituted on the basis of one pound of ash for each pound of cement removed. The work was done October 6-29, 1987 and May 25-June 9, 1988. The twelve subbase mixes were placed in sections 2500 to 3000 feet in length on both the north and southbound roadways. Compressive strengths of all mixes were determined at 3 and 28 days of age. Flexural strengths of all mixes were determined at 7 and 14 days. In all cases strengths were adequate. The freeze/thaw durability of the econocrete mixes used was reduced by increased fly ash levels but remained above acceptable limits. The test results demonstrate the feasibility of producing econocrete with satisfactory properties even using fly ash at substitution rates up to 45 percent.
Fast Track concrete has proven to be successful in obtaining high early strengths. This benefit does not come without cost. Special Type III cement and insulating blankets to accelerate the cure add to its expense when compared to conventional paving. This research was intended to determine the benefit derived from the use of insulating blankets to accelerate strength gain in three concrete mixes using Type I cement. The goal was to determine mixes and curing procedures that would result in a range of opening times. This determination would allow the most economical design for a particular project by tailoring it to a specific time restraint. Three mixes of various cement content were tested in the field. Flexural beams were cast for each mix and tested at various ages. Two test sections were placed for each mix, one section being cured with the addition of insulating blankets and the other being cured with only conventional curing compound. Iowa Department of Transportation specifications require 500 psi flexural strength before a pavement can be opened to traffic. Concrete with Fast Track proportions (nominal 7 1/2 bag), Type I cement, and insulating blankets reached that strength in approximately 36 hr, a standard mix (nominal 6 1/2 bag) using the blankets in approximately 48 hr, and the Fast Track proportions with Type I cement without blankets in about 60 hr. The results showed a significant improvement in early strength gain with the use of insulating blankets.
Two specialty cements are currently being marketed as a way to achieve portland cement concrete pavement opening strengths at less than 12 hours after placement. The cements are Pyrament from Pyrament/Lone Star Industries of Houston, Texas and Ideal Regulated-Set (RS) Portland Cement from Ideal Cement Company of Saratoga, Arkansas. The objective of the study was to evaluate the strength gain and durability of concrete produced with Pyrament and Ideal RS cement as Fast Track concrete. Mixes with 610 lb/cu yd (362 kg/cu m) cement were made and tested. Both Pyrament and Ideal RS are capable of producing pavement opening times less than 12 hours. Recent changes to Ideal RS cement have produced concrete flexural strengths of 550 psi (3792 kPa) at 4 hours in Iowa tests. Freeze/thaw durability of the concrete was not adversely affected by using either cement.
There are projects where opening the pavement to traffic in less than the 5 to 7 days is needed, but an 8 to 12 hour opening time is not necessary. The study examined fast track concrete with Type I cement and admixtures. The variables studied were: (1) cure temperature, (2) cement brand, (3) accelerators, and (4) water reducers. A standard water reducer and curing blankets appear to be effective at producing a 24 hour to 36 hour opening strength. An accelerator and/or high range water reducer may produce opening strength in 12 to 24 hours. Calcium chloride was most effective at achieving high-early strength.
Chloride ion penetration through concrete to reinforcing steel is causing the premature deterioration of numerous bridge decks in Iowa. The purpose of the research reported in this paper was to determine whether any of several additives or alternative deicing chemicals could inhibit corrosion of reinforcing steel. The deicers tested were calcium magnesium acetate (CMA), CMA plus NaCl (NaCl: sodium chloride), Quicksalt plus PCI, and CG-90, a polyphosphate solution being developed by Cargill. Two tests were established. First, steel coupons were placed in a 15% solution of a deicer and distilled water to determine which alternative deicer would cause the least amount of corrosion in solution. The coupons were weighed periodically to determine each coupon's weight loss from corrosion. The second test involved ponding a 15% solution of each material on reinforced concrete blocks. Weekly copper-copper sulfate electrical half-cell (CSE) potential readings were taken on each block to determine whether corrosive activity was occurring at the steel surface. When the ponding research was concluded, concrete samples were taken from one of the three blocks ponded with each deicer. The samples were used to determine the chloride ion content at the level of the steel. Results show that all the deicers were less corrosive than NaCl. Only pure CMA, however, significantly inhibited the corrosion of steel embedded in concrete.
The Iowa DOT has been correlating its roadmeters to the CHLOE Profilometer since 1968. The same test method for the Present Serviceability Index (PSI) deduction from the pavement condition (crack and patch) survey has also been used since 1968. Resulting PSI measurements on the Interstate and Primary Highway Systems have had good continuity through the years due to these test procedures. A computer program called PSITREND has been developed to plot PSI versus year tested for every rural pavement section in the State of Iowa. PSITREND provides pavement performance trends which are very useful for prediction of rehabilitation needs and for evaluation of new designs or rehabilitation techniques. The PSITREND data base should be maintained through future years to expand on nineteen years of historical PSI test information already collected.
Friction testing of pavements has been a continuing effort by the Iowa Department of Transportation since 1969. This report details results of tests of asphaltic concrete pavements on the primary and interstate road systems. Both sprinkle treated and non-sprinkle treated pavements placed between 1975 - 1985 are included. A total of 1785 miles representing 216 separate paving projects were examined. The effect of fog sealing sprinkle treated pavements was studied by testing friction levels before and after the application of the fog seals. Conclusions of the report are: 1. Current aggregate selection criteria for a.c. pavement surface courses provides adequate friction levels through 10 years and should remain effective through a 15 year design life. 2. Sprinkle treatment of pavements has, for the most part, provided macrotexture in the pavement surface as evidenced by smooth tire testing. 3. Fog sealing sprinkle treated pavements does not significantly alter the friction properties.
La comarca d’Osona ha disposat sempre d’aigua abundant i de bona qualitat, però en els darrers anys s’ha observat un increment del contingut de nitrats a les aigües subterrànies. Des de 1988 i fins a l’actualitat es mostreja puntualment l’aigua d’algunes fonts i se n’analitzen els nitrats. En aquest estudi s’analitza l’evolució del contingut de nitrats i com ha afectat a la mineralització de l’aigua d’aquestes fonts i en quin estat es troben actualment. La legislació actual (RD 140/2003) considera que valors de nitrats a l’aigua de consum superiors a 50 mg/l poden provocar problemes de salut pública.
The basic purpose of this study was to determine if an expanded polystyrene insulating board could prevent subgrade freezing and thereby reduce frost heave. The insulating board was placed between a nine inch P. C. concrete slab and a frost-susceptible subgrade. In one section at the test site, selected backfill material was placed under the pavement. The P. C. pavement was later covered by asphalt surfacing. Thermocouples were installed for obtaining temperature recordings at various locations in the surfacing, concrete slab, subgrade and shoulders. This report contains graphs and illustrations showing temperature distributions for two years, as well as profile elevations and the results of moisture tests.
Des Moines River Plat Maps.
Des Moines River Plat Maps.
Des Moines River Plat Maps.