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Miocene paleoceanographic evolution exhibits major changes resulting from the opening and closing of passages, the subsequent changes in oceanic circulation, and development of major Antarctic glaciation. The consequences and timing of these events can be observed in variations in the distribution of deep-sea hiatuses, sedimentation patterns, and biogeographic distribution of planktic organisms. The opening of the Drake Passage in the latest Oligocene to early Miocene (25-20 Ma) resulted in the establishment of the deep circumpolar current, which led to thermal isolation of Antarctica and increased global cooling. This development was associated with a major turnover in planktic organisms, resulting in the evolution of Neogene assemblages and the eventual extinction of Paleogene assemblages. The erosive patterns of two widespread hiatuses (PH, 23.0-22.5 Ma; and NH 1, 20-18 Ma) indicate that a deep circumequatorial circulation existed at this time, characterized by a broad band of carbonate-ooze deposition. Siliceous sedimentation was restricted to the North Atlantic and a narrow band around Antarctica. A major reorganization in deep-sea sedimentation and hiatus distribution patterns occurred near the early/middle Miocene boundary, apparently resulting from changes in oceanic circulation. Beginning at this time, deep-sea erosion occurred throughout the Caribbean (hiatus NH 2, 16-15 Ma), suggesting disruption of the deep circumequatorial circulation and northward deflection of deep currents, and/or intensification of the Gulf Stream. Sediment distribution patterns changed dramatically with the sudden appearance of siliceous-ooze deposition in the marginal and east equatorial North Pacific by 16.0 to 15.5 Ma, coincident with the decline of siliceous sedimentation in the North Atlantic. This silica switch may have been caused by the introduction of Norwegian Overflow Water into the North Atlantic acting as a barrier to outcropping of silica-rich Antarctic Bottom Water. The main aspects of the present oceanic circulation system and sediment distribution pattern were established by 13.5 to 12.5 Ma (hiatus NH 3), coincident with the establishment of a major East Antarctic ice cap. Antarctic glaciation resulted in a broadening belt of siliceous-ooze deposition around Antarctica, increased siliceous sedimentation in the marginal and east equatorial North Pacific and Indian Oceans, and further northward restriction of siliceous sediments in the North Atlantic. Periodic cool climatic events were accompanied by lower eustatic sea levels and widespread deep-sea erosion at 12 to 11 Ma (NH 4), 10 to 9 Ma (NH 5), 7.5 to 6.2 Ma (NH 6), and 5.2 to 4.7 Ma (NH 7).


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The biotic effects of volcanism have long been the unknown factors in creating biotic stress, and the contribution of the Deccan volcanism to the K-T mass extinction remains largely unknown. Detailed studies of the volcanic-rich sediments of Indian Ocean Ninetyeast Ridge Sites 216 and 217 and Wharton Basin Site 212 reveal that the biotic effects of late Maastrichtian volcanism on planktic foraminifera and calcareous nannofossils are locally as severe as those of the K-T mass extinction. The biotic expressions of these high stress environments are characterized by the Lilliput effect, which includes reduced diversity by eliminating most K-strategy species, and reduction in specimen size (dwarfing), frequently to less than half their normal adult size of both r-strategy and surviving K-strategy species. In planktic foraminifera, the most extreme biotic stress results are nearly monospecific assemblages dominated by the disaster opportunist Guembelitria, similar to the aftermath of the K-T mass extinction. The first stage of improving environmental conditions results in dominance of dwarfed low oxygen tolerant Heterohelix species and the presence of a few small r-strategy species (Hedbergella, Globigerinelloides). Calcareous nannofossil assemblages show similar biotic stress signals with the dominance of Micula decussata, the disaster opportunist, and size reduction in the mean length of subordinate r-strategy species particularly in Arkhangelskiella cymbiformis and Watznaueria barnesiae. These impoverished and dwarfed late Maastrichtian assemblages appear to be the direct consequences of mantle plume volcanism and associated environmental changes, including high nutrient influx leading to eutrophic and mesotrophic waters, low oxygen in the water column and decreased watermass stratification.


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Data on analyses of chemical composition of DSDP samples of bottom sediments and rocks carried out in P.P. Shirshov Institute of Oceanology are reported. Basal sediments and sedimentary rocks prevail in the sample set.


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Stable isotopic data of calcareous nannofossil, monogeneric and monospecific planktic and benthic foraminifera from five Indian Ocean DSDP sites (212, 217, 220, 237, and 253), leads to the following paleoclimatic and paleoceanographic conclusions: - The latest Cretaceous oxygen isotopic record implies a cooling (3-4°C) during the Maastrichtian. At the Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary only a minor warming (about 2°C) has been recorded. The parallel delta13C decrease of more than 1? indicates a significant decrease in productivity. - During the latest Paleocene a positive delta13C excursion was detected in Sites 217 and 237. This transient enrichment in delta13C may be due to productivity changes on continents and/or a change in the storage rate of organic matter in marginal basins or shelf areas. - The most striking feature in the oxygen isotopic record is noted at the Early/Middle Eocene transition. The shift towards more positive values (which were probably enhanced to a certain extent by a preceding diagenetic alteration) delineates a dramatic climatic deterioration at high and mid latitudes during the earlier Tertiary. - Near the Eocene/Oligocene boundary a cooling is evident within the latest Eocene interval. During the earliest Oligocene time a hiatus at Sites 217 and 253 partially obscures the climatic record. - Several climatic fluctuations have been noted during the Oligocene: a cooling at the base of Zone NP 23, a warming at the top of Zone NP 23 through NP 24, and a cooling during Zone NP 25. - The Miocene oxygen isotopic record is dominated by changes in surface and bottom water environments during Zone NN5. The decreasing and then increasing delta18O values, together with the subsequent steepening of the vertical delta18O gradient, point towards major climatic instabilities. These events coincide with the Mid-Miocene build-up of Antarctic ice-sheets. During the latest Miocene to the earliest Pliocene the delta18O record of planktic foraminifera indicates a significant warming of the Indian Ocean at mid-latitudes. - The delta13C record during the Oligocene and Miocene reveals several cycles (delta13C enrichments: NP 24, NN2, NN5, NN9, and base NN 11) which are most likely related to changes in storage rates of organic matter and biological productivity due to climatic changes and transgression/regression cycles. In addition, changes in the circulation patterns may also have influenced the carbon isotopic record.


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The Indian Ocean covers approximately 73.5 * 10**6 km**3 from 25°N to 67°S and from 20° to 120°E. Several legs of the Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP) and the Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) have operated in its waters, many penetrating the Cretaceous. Most of the scientific drill sites are DSDP related and thus pre-dated modern biostratigraphic conventions. Foraminifers and calcareous nannoplankton were by far the dominant fossil groups studied in the earlier work, supplemented occasionally by studies of other fossil groups, The results of the Ocean Drilling Project phase are yet too young to be fully integrated but have been based on a broader range of techniques and fossil groups. During most of the Cretaceous, the proto-Indian Ocean basin lay in middle to high latitudes. Thus, it is unrealistic to expect successful routine application of low-latitude zonations. No planktonic foraminifer zonal scheme has been developed for the Indian Ocean basin for several reasons. There are no sections with complete or even significant partial sections to allow development of such a zonation. Carbonate compensation depth (CCD) effects have been marked in most sections, and significant intervals are devoid of planktonic foraminifers. The Indian Ocean now covers a great latitudinal range from tropics to polar regions and, at first glance, no scheme can be expected to be applicable over that entire range. In the Cretaceous the area was much smaller, though expanding progressively, and the paleolatitude range was quite small. Calcareous nannoplankton have proved valuable in dating Indian Ocean Cretaceous sediments and have, perhaps in contrast with the foraminifers, been consistently a more reliable means of applying zonal schemes developed elsewhere. For the Albian-Aptian, zonations based on well-known benthic foraminifer lineages (Scheibnerova, 1974) have been useful when nothing else was available or effective. Palynology has been used little, but where used, has proved excellent. It has the added value of providing valuable information on nearby terrestrial vegetation as the fossils were resistant to dissolution. Normally, when different fossil groups have been applied to a section, the results have been compatible or compatible to an acceptable degree. There are a few instances where incompatibility is noteworthy, and Site 263 is a classic example, as even two calcareous nannoplankton studies show irreconcilable differences here. All groups gave different results, but one benthic foraminifer analysis agreed with one calcareous nannoplankton study.


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La enfermedad de Alzheimer es el desorden neurológico relacionado con la edad más común en la actualidad que se caracteriza por la neuroinflamación y por la pérdida de neuronas colinérgicas asociada a una disfunción progresiva de la memoria y de la cognición. Este trabajo estudia la relación entre el sistema cannabinoide y la enfermedad de Alzheimer, para demostrar que lo cannabinoides sintéticos se muestran como potenciales herramientas farmacológicas para el tratamiento de enfermedades neurodegenerativas, sobre todo asociadas a déficits cognitivos, como podría ser la enfermedad de Alzheimer.


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