994 resultados para 146-893A


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The dinoflagellate cyst record from Ocean Drilling Program Hole 893A, Santa Barbara Basin, southern California, is examined at millennial-scale resolution for the past 40 kyr. Changes in cyst abundance, composition of cyst assemblages, and their diversity reflect major shifts in climate and ocean circulation in the region over this time interval. Throughout the sequence, dinoflagellate cyst assemblages are dominated by heterotrophic dinoflagellates. Brigantedinium spp. and other upwelling-related taxa such as Echinidinium and Protoperidinium americanum are abundant, indicating the continued influence of coastal upwelling on the basin during the late Quaternary. A significant increase in cyst accumulation rates is seen during the Holocene and, to a lesser extent, during shorter warming events such as Bolling/Allerod and Dansgaard-Oeschger interstadials, implying enhanced marine productivity during these periods. Cyst diversity is high during the Holocene. An increase in abundance of cysts produced by autotrophic dinoflagellates in the late Holocene suggests enhanced input of warm, nutrient-rich waters. In contrast, cyst assemblages from the Last Glacial Maximum exhibit a relatively low diversity and an increase in the cysts of heterotrophic dinoflagellates, in particular Selenopemphix nephroides. The presence of this taxon in association with Brigantedinium spp. implies substantial cooling of surface waters in the Santa Barbara Basin at that time.


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High-resolution planktonic foraminiferal census data from Santa Barbara Basin (Ocean Drilling Program hole 893A) demonstrate major assemblage switches between 25 and 60 ka that were associated with Dansgaard-Oeschger cycles. Stadials dominated by Neogloboquadrina pachyderma (sinistral), and Globigerinoides glutinata suggest a strong subpolar California Current influence, while interstadials marked by abundant N. pachyderma (dextral) and G. bulloides indicate a relative increase in subtropical countercurrent influence. Modern analog technique and transfer function (F-20RSC) temperature reconstructions support d18O evidence of large rapid (70 years or less) sea surface temperature shifts (3° to 5°C) between stadials and interstadials. Changes in the vertical temperature gradient and water column structure (thermocline depth) are recorded by planktonic faunal oscillations suggest bimodal stability in the organization of North Pacific surface ocean circulation. Santa Barbara Basin surface water demonstrates the rapid response of the California Current System to reorganization of North Pacific atmospheric circulation during rapid climate change.


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We here present a compilation of planktic and benthic 14C reservoir ages for the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) and early deglacial from 11 key sites of global ocean circulation in the Atlantic and Indo-Pacific Ocean. The ages were obtained by 14C plateau tuning, a robust technique to derive both an absolute chronology for marine sediment records and a high-resolution record of changing reservoir/ventilation ages (Delta14C values) for surface and deep waters by comparing the suite of planktic 14C plateaus of a sediment record with that of the atmospheric 14C record (Sarnthein et al., 2007, doi:10.1029/173GM13). Results published thus far used as atmospheric 14C reference U/Th-dated corals, the Cariaco planktic record, and speleothems (Fairbanks et al., 2005, doi:10.1016/j.quascirev.2005.04.007; Hughen et al., 2006, doi:10.1016/j.quascirev.2006.03.014; Beck et al., 2001, doi:10.1023/A:1008175728826). We have now used the varve-counted atmospheric 14C record of Lake Suigetsu terrestrial macrofossils (Ramsey et al., 2012, doi:10.1126/science.1226660) to recalibrate the boundary ages and reservoir ages of the seven published records directly to an atmospheric 14C record. In addition, the results for four new cores and further planktic results for four published records are given. Main conclusions from the new compilation are: (1) The Suigetsu atmospheric 14C record on its varve counted time scale reflects all 14C plateaus, their internal structures and relative length previously identified, but implies a rise in the average 14C plateau age by 200-700 14C yr during LGM and early deglacial times. (2) Based on different 14C ages of coeval atmospheric and planktic 14C plateaus, marine surface water Delta14C may have temporarily dropped to an equivalent of ~0 yr in low-latitude lagoon waters, but reached >2500 14C yr both in stratified subpolar waters and in upwelled waters such as in the South China Sea. These values differ significantly from a widely assumed constant global planktic Delta14C value of 400 yr. (3) Suites of deglacial planktic Delta14C values are closely reproducible in 14C records measured at neighboring core sites. (4) Apparent deep-water 14C ventilation ages (equivalents of benthic Delta14C), deduced from the sum of planktic Delta14C and coeval benthic-planktic 14C differences, vary from 500 up to >5000 yr in LGM and deglacial ocean basins.


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Na Convenção Nacional do PMDB, o questionário distribuído entre os convencionais mostrou o que pensa o partido sobre alguns temas polêmicos. Em relação ao tema da reforma agrária, oitenta e três por cento do PMDB defende a proposta nos termos do Estatuto da Terra, no qual a terra deve ter função social. No que se refere à empresa nacional, oitenta e nove por cento do partido quer uma definição clara, para que só as genuinamente brasileiras sejam assim classificadas. Na questão da reserva de mercado, noventa e três por cento do partido quer proteção temporária para atividades de empresas nacionais em setores estratégicos. No tema educação, setenta e cinco por cento dos convencionais do PMDB querem que as verbas públicas sejam destinadas exclusivamente para as escolas públicas. Quanto ao Conselho de Comunicação, oitenta e um por cento do partido apóia sua criação para regular as concessões de rádio e de televisão. Vasco Alves (PMDB-ES) considera um avanço, já que havia a possibilidade desses temas não serem incluídos na nova Carta. O Deputado Hermes Zaneti (PMDB-RS) acredita que está configurada uma postura mais progressista dentro do PMDB. Cardoso Alves (PMDB-SP) afirma que os estatutos do partido não devem se sobrepor a Constituição e que o constituinte é livre e soberano. O Deputado Roberto Rollemberg (PMDB-SP) declara que os convencionais prestigiaram os constituintes e, diante disso, deve-se cumprir as obrigações partidárias rigorosamente. A aprovação, na Assembleia Nacional Constituinte (ANC), do artigo trezentos e quarenta e dois do anteprojeto acarretará a extinção do SENAI, SESI e SENAC. Funcionário do SENAI diz que a entidade atende prioritariamente o menor de 14 aos 18 anos. O Deputado Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (PT-SP) já foi estagiário do SENAI e defende o ensino profissionalizante e ainda a participação da classe trabalhadora nas decisões administrativas e políticas dessas entidades. Os Deputados Orlando Bezerra (PFL-CE) e Rodrigues Palma (PMDB-MT) apresentaram emendas protegendo essas entidades. Representantes do SENAI não acreditam que os sistemas SENAI/SESI e SESC/SENAC sejam extintos.


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A Comissão de Sistematização da Assembleia Nacional Constituinte (ANC) espera receber cerca de mil emendas dos parlamentares e mais de cem emendas populares. Até o momento chegaram apenas três emendas populares e duzentos e cinquenta e oito emendas dos Constituintes. Os temas que mais despertam interesse são : criança, ensino, reforma agrária, reforma tributária, sistema de governo, aposentadoria e emprego. Ao fim do prazo de entrega, o Relator Bernardo Cabral (PMDB-AM) terá vinte e cinco dias para dar o parecer e está elaborando um cronograma para facilitar a tarefa de redigir o projeto final de Constituição. Na sessão O Povo Pergunta, menor gostaria de saber o que está sendo feito pela criança no Brasil. O Deputado Homero Santos (PFL-MG) responde que é preciso encontrar na área social o ponto essencial capaz de diminuir as diferenças entre a pobreza e a riqueza, dando condições ao menor carente para que ele viva melhor. A criação de novos Estados é defendida por alguns parlamentares. O Deputado Gabriel Guerreiro (PMDB-PA) é a favor da criação do Estado de Tapajós e considera que é uma necessidade administrativa a divisão territorial da Amazônia. Outro tema polêmico é o que envolve mais verbas para as regiões subdesenvolvidas. O Deputado Felipe Mendes (PDS-PI) luta para ver resgatada a dívida do governo para com o Nordeste. Ailton Krenak, representante da União das Nações Indígenas, pede aos brasileiros a participação nas emendas populares em favor da população indígena.


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Leonard Carpenter Panama Canal Collection. Photographs: Views of Panama and the Canal. [Box 1] from the Special Collections & Area Studies Department, George A. Smathers Libraries, University of Florida.


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Traz o texto da Lei Brasileira de Inclusão da Pessoa com Deficiência (Estatuto da Pessoa com Deficiência), Lei nº 13.146, de 6 de julho de 2015. Destina-se a assegurar e a promover, em condições de igualdade, o exercício dos direitos e das liberdades fundamentais por pessoa com deficiência, visando à sua inclusão social e cidadania.


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The proton-rich isotope Ho-148 was produced via the fusion-evaporation reaction Mo-92 (Ni-58, 3p1n). The beta-delayed proton decay of Ho-146 was studied by proton-gamma coincidence measurements using a He-jet tape transport system. The gamma-transitions in Tb-145 following the proton emissions were observed, and the beta-delayed proton branching ratios to the final states in the grand-daughter nucleus Tb-145 were determined. According to the relative branching ratios, the ground-state spin of Ho-146 has been proposed and the possible configuration discussed.


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We present contemporaneous optical and infrared (IR) photometric observations of the Type IIn SN 1998S covering the period between 11 and 146 d after discovery. The IR data constitute the first ever IR light curves of a Type IIn supernova. We use blackbody and spline fits to the photometry to examine the luminosity evolution. During the first 2-3 months, the luminosity is dominated by the release of shock-deposited energy in the ejecta. After similar to 100 d the luminosity is powered mostly by the deposition of radioactive decay energy from 0.15 +/-0.05 M-. of Ni-56 which was produced in the explosion. We also report the discovery of an astonishingly high IR excess, K-L'=2.5, that was present at day 130. We interpret this as being due to thermal emission from dust grains in the vicinity of the supernova. We argue that to produce such a high IR luminosity so soon after the explosion, the dust must be pre-existing and so is located in the circumstellar medium of the progenitor. The dust could be heated either by the UV/optical flash (IR echo) or by the X-rays from the interaction of the ejecta with the circumstellar material.