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Les rétinopathies ischémiques (RI) sont la cause majeure de cécité chez les personnes âgées de moins de 65 ans. Il existe deux types de RIs soit la rétinopathie du prématuré (ROP) ainsi que la rétinopathie diabétique (RD). Les RIs sont décrites en deux phases soit la phase de vasooblitération, marquée par une perte importante de vaisseaux sanguins, et une phase de néovascularisation secondaire à lʼischémie menant à une croissance pathologique de vaisseaux. Cette seconde phase peut générer des complications cliniques telles quʼun oedème dans lʼhumeur vitré ainsi que le détachement de la rétine chez les patients déjà atteints dʼune RI. Les traitements approuvés pour les RIs visent à réduire la formation des vaisseaux pathologiques ou lʼoedème; mais ceux-ci malheureusement ne règlent pas les problèmes sous-jacents tels que la perte vasculaire et lʼischémie. La rétine est un tissu hautement vascularisé qui contribue à lʼirrigation et à lʼhoméostasie des neurones. Lʼinteraction neurovasculaire, comprenant de neurones, vaisseaux et cellules gliales, contribue au maintien de cette homéostasie. Durant le développement, les neurones et les cellules gliales jouent un rôle important dans la vascularisation de la rétine en sécrétant des facteurs qui stimulent l'angiogenèse. Cependant, nos connaissances sur lʼinteraction neurovasculaire dans les RIs sont limitées. En identifiant les interactions importantes entre les cellules composant cette unité neurovasculaire dans la rétine, nous pourrons viser des cibles qui engendreront une revascularisation seine afin de diminuer les signes pathologiques chez les patients atteints dʼune RI. Les travaux présentés dans cette thèse visent à mieux expliquer cette interaction neurovasculaire en soulignant des concepts importants propres aux RIs. En utilisant un modèle de rétinopathie induite par lʼoxygène chez la souris, qui reproduit les caractéristiques importantes de la ROP (et en certaines instances, la RD), nous identifions quelques molécules clés jouant un rôle significatif dans les RIs soit la sémaphorine 3A (sema3A), lʼIL-1β, ainsi que le récepteur PAR2. Nos résultats démontrent que Sema3A, sécrétée par les cellules ganglionnaires rétiniennes (CGRs) durant une ischémie, empêche la revascularisation normale et que cette expression est induite par lʼIL-1β provenant des microglies activées. En bloquant Sema3A directement ou via lʼinhibition de lʼIL- 1β, nous remarquons une revascularisation seine ainsi quʼune diminution importante des vaisseaux pathologiques. Cela nous indique que Sema3A est impliquée dans la guidance vasculaire et quʼelle contribue à la pathogenèse des RIs. Lʼactivation de façon exogène de PAR2, identifié aussi comme régulateur du récepteur de lʼIL-1β (IL- 1RI) sur les CGRs, se traduit par une diminution séquentielle de lʼIL-1RI et de Sema3A ce qui mène également à une revascularisation seine. En conclusion, ces travaux soulignent lʼimportance de lʼinteraction neurovasculaire ainsi que la guidance vasculaire dans les RIs. Ils renforcent lʼimportance de la communication entre neurone, vaisseau et microglie dans la pathogenèse des RIs. Finalement, nous identifions quelques molécules clés qui pourront servir comme cibles afin de lutter contre lʼischémie qui cause des problèmes vasculaires chez les patients atteints dʼune RI.
Experiencia de plástica elaborada entre dos clases de la escuela especial Alba de Molins de Rei. Es un compendio de obras hechas por alumnos muy diferentes que trabajan materiales poco convencionales, con técnicas muy diversas. Como resultado, se organiza una exposición de arte en una sala del pueblo, para dar a conocer el trabajo del alumnado a las familias y la comunidad.
Anticipating the future is increasingly being seen as a useful way to align, direct and improve current organizational strategy. Several such 'future studies' have been produced which envision various construction industry scenarios which result from technological and socio-economic trends and influences. Thirteen construction-related future studies are critically reviewed. Most studies fail to address the complexities and uncertainties of both the present and the future, and fail to explore the connections between global, local, construction-specific and more widespread factors. The methodological approaches used in these studies do not generate any significantly different advice or recommendations for the industry than those emerging from the much larger canon of non-future oriented construction research. As such, these reports are less about the future than the present. If future studies are to make a worthwhile contribution to construction, it is critical that they develop our appreciation of the practical ability of stakeholders to influence some aspects of the future and not others, and an awareness of the competing agendas and the relative benefits and disadvantages of specific futures within the construction sector. Only then can future studies provide insights and help in preparing for the opportunities and threats the future may bring.
Cardiovascular disease (CVD) prevalence at a global level is predicted to increase substantially over the next decade due to the increasing ageing population and incidence of obesity. Hence, there is an urgent requirement to focus on modifiable contributors to CVD risk, including a high dietary intake of saturated fatty acids (SFA). As an important source of SFA in the UK diet, milk and dairy products are often targeted for SFA reduction. The current paper acknowledges that milk is a complex food and that simply focusing on the link between SFA and CVD risk overlooks the other beneficial nutrients of dairy foods. The body of existing prospective evidence exploring the impact of milk and dairy consumption on risk factors for CVD is reviewed. The current paper highlights that high milk consumption may be beneficial to cardiovascular health, while illustrating that the evidence is less clear for cheese and butter intake. The option of manipulating the fatty acid profile of ruminant milk is discussed as a potential dietary strategy for lowering SFA intake at a population level. The review highlights that there is a necessity to perform more well-controlled human intervention-based research that provides a more holistic evaluation of fat-reduced and fat-modified dairy consumption on CVD risk factors including vascular function, arterial stiffness, postprandial lipaemia and markers of inflammation. Additionally, further research is required to investigate the impact of different dairy products and the effect of the specific food matrix on CVD development.
The discussions concerning the absence of a management model appropriate to the peculiarities of third sector organizations have not been impeditive to their emphasized expansion in the last decades. In the attempt of understanding this phenomenon from the perspective of those who manage social organizations, this work based on the theory of social representations to understand the notion that organization managers of the third sector - based in Fortaleza CE - have of the part that they play and how this notion influences the direction of their activities. Social representations of managers of four different categories of non-governmental organizations have been investigated, each category composed of two unities. The categories researched were: social integration through art and education, prevention and treatment of alcohol and drug abuse, children s health assistance and community action. By using Doise s Societal Approach, the role of social managers translated in intraindividual, interindividual and situational processes of their actions, has been analysed within the social representations, focusing on beliefs, values, symbols and stories that give meaning to the existence of non-governmental organizations. Analysis and discussion of data displayed the existence of diversity in the understanding of managers within their practice, in other words, the management profile is also its own manager s. The branch where an organization acts is also preponderant in the shaping of a management style. It could be deduced, from to the organizations researched, that professional formation and the manager s social insertion mainly, are determinative factors in the outlining of a management model of its own. It was concluded that, due to heterogeneity of interests and action segments, there is no systematic process for social management among organizations. Management styles are supported by their director s own perception of achievement, who model organizations according to their contingencies
OBJETIVO: estudar os efeitos maternos (composição corporal e capacidade cardiovascular) e perinatais (peso e prematuridade) da prática da hidroterapia na gestação. MÉTODOS: estudo prospectivo, coorte, aleatorizado, com 41 gestantes de baixo risco e gestação única, praticantes (grupo estudo, n=22) e não-praticantes (grupo controle, n=19) de hidroterapia. Avaliações antropométricas definiram-se os índices de peso corporal, massa magra e gordura absoluta e relativa. Por teste ergométrico, definiu-se os índices de consumo máximo de oxigênio(VO2máx), volume sistólico (VS) e débito cardíaco (DC). Como resultado perinatal observaram-se ocorrência de prematuridade e recém-nascidos pequenos para a idade gestacional. Compararam-se os índices iniciais e finais entre e dentro de cada grupo. As variáveis maternas foram avaliadas pelo teste t para amostras dependentes e independentes e empregou-se o chi ² para estudo das proporções. RESULTADOS: a comparação entre os grupos não evidenciou diferença significativa nas variáveis maternas no início e no final da hidroterapia. A comparação dentro de cada grupo confirmou efeito benéfico da hidroterapia: no grupo estudo os índices de gordura relativa foram mantidos (29,0%) e no grupo controle aumentaram de 28,8 para 30,7%; o grupo estudo manteve os índices de VO2máx (35,0%) e aumentou VS (106,6 para 121,5) e DC de (13,5 para 15,1); no grupo controle observaram-se queda nos índices de VO2máx e manutenção de VS e de DC. A hidroterapia não interferiu nos resultados perinatais, relacionados à prematuridade e baixo peso ao nascimento. CONCLUSÕES: a hidroterapia favoreceu adequada adaptação metabólica e cardiovascular materna à gestação e não determinou prematuridade e baixo peso nos recém-nascidos.
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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Objective: The present study aimed to investigate the influence of methadone on cardiorespiratory parameters, electrocardiogram and clinical sedation in dogs. Further possible side effects are reported.Study designProspective experimental cross-over study.DogsEight, 1-4-year-old, various breeds of dogs of both genders weighing 9-36kg.MethodsEach dog was treated three times: methadone 0.3mgkg(-1) (M0.3), 0.5mgkg(-1) (M0.5) and 1.0mgkg(-1) (M1.0) intramuscularly. Respiratory rate, heart rate and arterial blood pressure were recorded as well as electrocardiographic evaluation of lead II. Clinical sedation in each treatment received a score (0-3) after drug administration and at 30minute intervals until scores and measurements returned to baseline values.ResultsA significant decrease in heart rate was seen with each dose of methadone and bradycardia (HR<60bpm) was noted in a few dogs at each dose. A clinically significant arrhythmia occurred in one dog at 1mgkg(-1) that required reversal with butorphanol. There was no significant difference in SAP, MAP and DAP between treatments. Some side effects such as salivation, defecation, vocalization and panting, after administration of methadone were observed. There were no differences in mean values of heart rate, P-wave and QRS complex duration and QT interval between treatments.Conclusion and clinical relevanceMethadone administration was associated with panting and a decrease in heart rate at all doses tested in this study. The cardiac rhythm should be monitored carefully in dogs when methadone is administered on its own, especially at higher doses.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
A retrospective review of mortality records of Key Largo woodrats (Neotoma floridana smalli) in a captive breeding program revealed chronic renal disease in 5 of 6 woodrats older than 4 years of age. Two of the 5 woodrats with chronic renal disease also had clinical evidence of diabetes mellitus. Kidneys from all 5 woodrats were examined via light microscopy, histochemical staining, immunohistochemical staining, and transmission electron microscopy. The dietary histories of the affected animals were examined as well. The most striking histopathologic abnormality in the affected kidneys was the presence of large protein casts within cortical and medullary tubules in combination with lesions of membranous glomerulopathy and glomerulosclerosis. Transmission electron microscopy revealed thickening and undulation of the tubular and glomerular mesangial basement membranes with the variable presence of electron-dense deposits within the capillary endothelial basement membrane. Patchy glomerular immunoreactivity for IgG was noted in 2 cases, but IgA and IgM immunoreactivity were not present. The pathologic changes in the kidneys of the Key Largo woodrats mirrored many of the features of chronic progressive nephropathy commonly diagnosed in laboratory rats. Woodrats in the captive population were fed an ad libitum high-protein diet similar to diets that have been shown in laboratory rats to exacerbate the development and progression of chronic progressive nephropathy. It is concluded that Key Largo woodrats develop glomerulonephropathy with features similar to chronic progressive nephropathy described in laboratory rats. Age, concomitant disease, and dietary factors may contribute to the development and severity of this potentially age-limiting disease in Key Largo woodrats.
Farmed and wild salmonids are affected by a variety of skin conditions, some of which have significant economic and welfare implications. In many cases, the causes are not well understood, and one example is cold water strawberry disease of rainbow trout, also called red mark syndrome, which has been recorded in the UK since 2003. To date, there are no internationally agreed methods for describing these conditions, which has caused confusion for farmers and health professionals, who are often unclear as to whether they are dealing with a new or a previously described condition. This has resulted, inevitably, in delays to both accurate diagnosis and effective treatment regimes. Here, we provide a standardized methodology for the description of skin conditions of rainbow trout of uncertain aetiology. We demonstrate how the approach can be used to develop case definitions, using coldwater strawberry disease as an example.