53 resultados para 12021


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El estudio se propone una observaci??n pormenorizada de las expresiones gr??ficas que realizan una transmisi??n de lo divino mediado por conceptos y relaciones particulares. Est?? interesado en determinar cu??les son estos, la frecuencia con que se utilizan y con qu?? inter??s. Por contraste, los relacionaremos con valores universales que se presentan en la reflexi??n gr??fica de los participantes, as?? como los par??metros de la edad y el g??nero y su relaci??n entre ellos. Para la experiencia trascendente del ni??o o ni??a no es s??lo importante su propia vivencia sino tambi??n las representaciones de los adultos que reciben. As??, en el an??lisis se tienen en cuenta los aspectos que se reconocen como adquiridos y los de elaboraci??n propia. Es necesario, por tanto tener en cuenta las edades, el sexo y g??nero, y el lugar de procedencia. Estos factores van a vertebrar todo el estudio y van a ser filtro de interpretaci??n de los datos que nos brinden las representaciones gr??ficas. Tambi??n estar??n presentes factores como la situaci??n social y econ??mica en relaci??n a la visi??n divina o las dificultades acad??micas y personales.


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Attribute non-attendance in choice experiments affects WTP estimates and therefore the validity of the method. A recent strand of literature uses attenuated estimates of marginal utilities of ignored attributes. Following this approach, we propose a generalisation of the mixed logit model whereby the distribution of marginal utility coefficients of a stated non-attender has a potentially lower mean and lower variance than those of a stated attender. Model comparison shows that our shrinkage approach fits the data better and produces more reliable WTP estimates. We further find that while reliability of stated attribute non-attendance increases in successive choice experiments, it does not increase when respondents report having ignored the same attribute twice.


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Approximately 1–2% of net primary production by land plants is re-emitted to the atmosphere as isoprene and monoterpenes. These emissions play major roles in atmospheric chemistry and air pollution–climate interactions. Phenomenological models have been developed to predict their emission rates, but limited understanding of the function and regulation of these emissions has led to large uncertainties in model projections of air quality and greenhouse gas concentrations. We synthesize recent advances in diverse fields, from cell physiology to atmospheric remote sensing, and use this information to propose a simple conceptual model of volatile isoprenoid emission based on regulation of metabolism in the chloroplast. This may provide a robust foundation for scaling up emissions from the cellular to the global scale.


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A systematic review of the published work on consumer involvement in the education of health professionals was undertaken using the PRISMA guidelines. Searches of the CINAHL, MEDLINE, and PsychINFO electronic databases returned 487 records, and 20 met the inclusion criteria. Further papers were obtained through scanning the reference lists of those articles included from the initial published work search (n = 9) and contacting researchers in the field (n = 1). Thirty papers (representing 28 studies) were included in this review. Findings from three studies indicate that consumer involvement in the education of mental health professionals is limited and variable across professions. Evaluations of consumer involvement in 16 courses suggest that students gain insight into consumers' perspectives of: (i) what life is like for people with mental illness; (ii) mental illness itself; (iii) the experiences of admission to, and treatment within, mental health services; and (iv) how these services could be improved. Some students and educators, however, raised numerous concerns about consumer involvement in education (e.g. whether consumers were pursuing their own agendas, whether consumers' views were representative). Evaluations of consumer involvement in education are limited in that their main focus is on the perceptions of students. The findings of this review suggest that public policy expectations regarding consumer involvement in mental health services appear to be slowly affecting the education of mental health professionals. Future research needs to focus on determining the effect of consumer involvement in education on the behaviours and attitudes of students in healthcare environments.


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Até recentemente, pesquisas sobre a relação do usuário com o uso de tecnologia focaram sistemas utilitários. Com a popularização dos PCs para uso doméstico e o surgimento da Internet, a interação dos usuários com tecnologia deixou de ser vista apenas de forma utilitária, e passou a ser orientada também ao atendimento de necessidades hedônicas, fazendo com que as pesquisas em Tecnologia e Sistemas de Informação (SI) extrapolassem os limites da empresa. As pesquisas no campo tem dado atenção cada vez maior ao uso de sistemas hedônicos, cujo objetivo é satisfazer necessidades como entretenimento e diversão, ao invés de um valor instrumental. Entre os sistemas hedônicos, um em particular recebe cada vez mais destaque, os videogames. Jogos digitais estão presentes por toda a sociedade, existindo uma crescente adoção, institucionalização e ubiquidade dos videogames na vida diária. A nova geração foi criada com jogos interativos e espera o mesmo tipo de interação nos demais SI. Por serem divertidos e envolventes, organizações de diversos setores estão tentando integrar características dos jogos digitais em sistemas organizacionais, com a expectativa de melhorar a motivação e desempenho dos funcionários e engajar consumidores online. Para analisar a relação do usuário com jogos digitais foram desenvolvidas três pesquisas. A primeira aborda os motivos pelos quais o indivíduo se engaja com o jogo, definindo Engajamento com base em desafio, imersão e curiosidade. Já as motivações dos indivíduos são analisadas pelo divertimento e a competição. A partir do momento em que o indivíduo está engajado, é necessário medir a experiência holística que ele experimenta desta interação. Para tanto, a segunda pesquisa analisa os dois construtos mais utilizados no campo para mensurar tal experiência, Flow e Absorção Cognitiva. A última pesquisa se utiliza dos conceitos explorados nas duas anteriores para desenvolver uma rede nomológica para a predição da intenção comportamental do indivíduo para o uso de jogos digitais. Como resultados temos um esclarecimento sobre os fatores que levam a um comportamento engajado dos jogadores, com maior importância do desafio de dominar o jogo e divertimento em relação a competição com outros jogadores. Outra contribuição é a conclusão que Flow e Absorção Cognitiva, dois dos principais construtos utilizados em SI para medir a experiência hedônica do usuário, não são adequados para mensurar tal experiência para videogames. Por fim existe a proposta de uma rede nomológica em um contexto de utilização de um sistema hedônico interativo, permitindo que novos trabalhos possam se beneficiar.


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OBJETIVO: Este estudo objetivou apreender algumas características sócio-sanitárias do grupo de beneficiários do Programa de Suplementação Alimentar de unidade básica de saúde de um município de médio porte do interior paulista. Especificamente, buscou-se delinear o perfil deste grupo quanto aos fatores de risco para a desnutrição infantil a que estava exposto e dimensionar a utilização dos critérios de inclusão neste programa. MÉTODOS: A pesquisa é de cunho descritivo e se baseou em documentos oficiais vigentes para a definição dos fatores de risco a serem analisados. Foram avaliadas 290 crianças cujas mães ou responsáveis foram entrevistados, segundo um protocolo previamente estabelecido. RESULTADOS: O grupo de beneficiários caracterizou-se por ser heterogêneo quanto à freqüência e ao grau da exposição a fatores de risco para a desnutrição, denotando que há diferenças nos problemas socioeconômicos e sanitários apresentados, como também na combinação entre eles, em cada família. CONCLUSÃO: Para a otimização do programa, ainda vigente no município, sugere-se a padronização loco-regional de critérios de inclusão, conforme a proposta oficial central, com o registro claro dos mesmos e, também, a aplicação de métodos avaliativos periódicos, adequada capacitação da equipe de saúde e maior envolvimento da população usuária.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Incluye Bibliografía


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The prostate comprises a glandular epithelium embedded within a fibromuscular stroma. The stroma is a complex arrangement of cells and extracellular matrix (ECM) components in addition to growth factors, regulatory molecules, remodelling enzymes, blood vessels, nerves and immune cells. The principal sources of ECM components are fibroblasts and smooth muscle cells (SMC), which synthesize the structural and regulatory components of the ECM. Telocytes (TCs) were recently described as a novel stromal cell type that exhibited characteristic features. The aim of this study was to confirm the presence of TCs in prostate stromal tissue of gerbils, as the stromal compartment of this gland is a dynamic microenvironment. We used transmission electron microscopy (TEM), light microscopy and immunohistochemistry methods to provide morphological evidence for the presence of TCs. Cells that resembled TCs were observed in gerbil prostatic stroma. These cells had small cellular bodies with very thin and extremely long cellular processes. They were found primarily in the subepithelial area and also at the periphery of SMC layers. TCs also exhibited moniliform processes, caveolae and nuclei surrounded by small amounts of cytoplasm. Close contacts between TC podomers were evident, particularly in the adjacent epithelial compartment. This morphological evidence supported the presence of TCs in the gerbil prostatic stroma, which we report for the first time. © 2013 The Authors. Published by Foundation for Cellular and Molecular Medicine/Blackwell Publishing Ltd. This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.


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Studies to determine suitable levels of intensification are essential for developing sustainable aquaculture. The objective of this study was to evaluate the quality of effluents discharged from ponds stocked with 10 (D10), 20 (D20), 40 (D40), and 80 (D80) postlarvae of Macrobrachium amazonicum/m2. Intake and effluent water samples were taken throughout a 5.5-mo grow-out cycle. In that study, twelve 0.01-ha earthen ponds were stocked postlarvae with 0.01g. Average water exchange rate was 15%/d; water was discharged from the bottom of the ponds. Prawns were fed a commercial feed with 38% crude protein according to their biomass (3-10%) and the concentration of dissolved oxygen (DO). In our research, temperature, turbidity, total suspended solids, conductivity, DO, pH, biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), chemical oxygen demand (COD), N-ammonia, N-nitrite, N-nitrate, N-Kjeldahl nitrogen, total phosphorus, and soluble orthophosphate were measured every 15d throughout the experiment in the early morning (0630 to 0730h). Turbidity was lower in D10 than in D20 and D40 and total phosphorus was higher in D80 than in D10 and D20. An analysis of principal components comparing treatments and intake water showed three groups: intake, D10 and a cluster of D20, D40, and D80. On the basis of the water characteristics found in our study it appears that the farming of M. amazonicum is likely to have a low environmental impact, at least up to a stocking density of 80prawns/m2. © by the World Aquaculture Society 2013.


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The aim of the present study was to analyse the genetic and pathogenic variability of Colletotrichum spp. isolates from various organs and cultivars of mango with anthracnose symptoms, collected from different municipalities of São Paulo State, Brazil. Colletotrichum gloeosporioides isolates from symptomless citrus leaves and C. acutatum isolates from citrus flowers with post-bloom fruit drop symptoms were included as controls. Sequencing of the ITS region allowed the identification of 183 C. gloeosporioides isolates from mango; only one isolate was identified as C. acutatum. amova analysis of ITS sequences showed larger genetic variability among isolates from the same municipality than among those from different populations. fAFLP markers indicated high levels of genetic variability among the C. gloeosporioides isolates from mango and no correlation between genetic variability and isolate source. Only one C. gloeosporioides mango isolate had the same genotype as the C. gloeosporioides isolates from citrus leaves, as determined by ITS sequencing and fAFLP analysis. Pathogenicity tests revealed that C. gloeosporioides and C. acutatum isolates from either mango or citrus can cause anthracnose symptoms on leaves of mango cvs Palmer and Tommy Atkins and blossom blight symptoms in citrus flowers. These outcomes indicate a lack of host specificity of the Colletotrichum species and suggest the possibility of host migration. © 2012 British Society for Plant Pathology.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)