997 resultados para 01 Mathematical Sciences


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Sexually transmitted chlamydial infection initially establishes in the endocervix in females, but if the infection ascends the genital tract, significant disease, including infertility, can result. Many of the mechanisms associated with chlamydial infection kinetics and disease ascension are unknown. We attempt to elucidate some of these processes by developing a novel mathematical model, using a cellular automata–partial differential equation model. We matched our model outputs to experimental data of chlamydial infection of the guinea-pig cervix and carried out sensitivity analyses to determine the relative influence of model parameters. We found that the rate of recruitment and action of innate immune cells to clear extracellular chlamydial particles and the rate of passive movement of chlamydial particles are the dominant factors in determining the early course of infection, magnitude of the peak chlamydial time course and the time of the peak. The rate of passive movement was found to be the most important factor in determining whether infection would ascend to the upper genital tract. This study highlights the importance of early innate immunity in the control of chlamydial infection and the significance of motility-diffusive properties and the adaptive immune response in the magnitude of infection and in its ascension.


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Modern Engineering Asset Management (EAM) requires the accurate assessment of current and the prediction of future asset health condition. Appropriate mathematical models that are capable of estimating times to failures and the probability of failures in the future are essential in EAM. In most real-life situations, the lifetime of an engineering asset is influenced and/or indicated by different factors that are termed as covariates. Hazard prediction with covariates is an elemental notion in the reliability theory to estimate the tendency of an engineering asset failing instantaneously beyond the current time assumed that it has already survived up to the current time. A number of statistical covariate-based hazard models have been developed. However, none of them has explicitly incorporated both external and internal covariates into one model. This paper introduces a novel covariate-based hazard model to address this concern. This model is named as Explicit Hazard Model (EHM). Both the semi-parametric and non-parametric forms of this model are presented in the paper. The major purpose of this paper is to illustrate the theoretical development of EHM. Due to page limitation, a case study with the reliability field data is presented in the applications part of this study.


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Hazard and reliability prediction of an engineering asset is one of the significant fields of research in Engineering Asset Health Management (EAHM). In real-life situations where an engineering asset operates under dynamic operational and environmental conditions, the lifetime of an engineering asset can be influenced and/or indicated by different factors that are termed as covariates. The Explicit Hazard Model (EHM) as a covariate-based hazard model is a new approach for hazard prediction which explicitly incorporates both internal and external covariates into one model. EHM is an appropriate model to use in the analysis of lifetime data in presence of both internal and external covariates in the reliability field. This paper presents applications of the methodology which is introduced and illustrated in the theory part of this study. In this paper, the semi-parametric EHM is applied to a case study so as to predict the hazard and reliability of resistance elements on a Resistance Corrosion Sensor Board (RCSB).


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Expert elicitation is the process of retrieving and quantifying expert knowledge in a particular domain. Such information is of particular value when the empirical data is expensive, limited, or unreliable. This paper describes a new software tool, called Elicitator, which assists in quantifying expert knowledge in a form suitable for use as a prior model in Bayesian regression. Potential environmental domains for applying this elicitation tool include habitat modeling, assessing detectability or eradication, ecological condition assessments, risk analysis, and quantifying inputs to complex models of ecological processes. The tool has been developed to be user-friendly, extensible, and facilitate consistent and repeatable elicitation of expert knowledge across these various domains. We demonstrate its application to elicitation for logistic regression in a geographically based ecological context. The underlying statistical methodology is also novel, utilizing an indirect elicitation approach to target expert knowledge on a case-by-case basis. For several elicitation sites (or cases), experts are asked simply to quantify their estimated ecological response (e.g. probability of presence), and its range of plausible values, after inspecting (habitat) covariates via GIS.


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A mathematical model is developed to simulate the discharge of a LiFePO4 cathode. This model contains 3 size scales, which match with experimental observations present in the literature on the multi-scale nature of LiFePO4 material. A shrinking-core is used on the smallest scale to represent the phase-transition of LiFePO4 during discharge. The model is then validated against existing experimental data and this validated model is then used to investigate parameters that influence active material utilisation. Specifically the size and composition of agglomerates of LiFePO4 crystals is discussed, and we investigate and quantify the relative effects that the ionic and electronic conductivities within the oxide have on oxide utilisation. We find that agglomerates of crystals can be tolerated under low discharge rates. The role of the electrolyte in limiting (cathodic) discharge is also discussed, and we show that electrolyte transport does limit performance at high discharge rates, confirming the conclusions of recent literature.


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Experimental observations of cell migration often describe the presence of mesoscale patterns within motile cell populations. These patterns can take the form of cells moving as aggregates or in chain-like formation. Here we present a discrete model capable of producing mesoscale patterns. These patterns are formed by biasing movements to favor a particular configuration of agent–agent attachments using a binding function f(K), where K is the scaled local coordination number. This discrete model is related to a nonlinear diffusion equation, where we relate the nonlinear diffusivity D(C) to the binding function f. The nonlinear diffusion equation supports a range of solutions which can be either smooth or discontinuous. Aggregation patterns can be produced with the discrete model, and we show that there is a transition between the presence and absence of aggregation depending on the sign of D(C). A combination of simulation and analysis shows that both the existence of mesoscale patterns and the validity of the continuum model depend on the form of f. Our results suggest that there may be no formal continuum description of a motile system with strong mesoscale patterns.


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Chronicwounds fail to proceed through an orderly process to produce anatomic and functional integrity and are a significant socioeconomic problem. There is much debate about the best way to treat these wounds. In this thesis we review earlier mathematical models of angiogenesis and wound healing. Many of these models assume a chemotactic response of endothelial cells, the primary cell type involved in angiogenesis. Modelling this chemotactic response leads to a system of advection-dominated partial differential equations and we review numerical methods to solve these equations and argue that the finite volume method with flux limiting is best-suited to these problems. One treatment of chronic wounds that is shrouded with controversy is hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT). There is currently no conclusive data showing that HBOT can assist chronic wound healing, but there has been some clinical success. In this thesis we use several mathematical models of wound healing to investigate the use of hyperbaric oxygen therapy to assist the healing process - a novel threespecies model and a more complex six-species model. The second model accounts formore of the biological phenomena but does not lend itself tomathematical analysis. Bothmodels are then used tomake predictions about the efficacy of hyperbaric oxygen therapy and the optimal treatment protocol. Based on our modelling, we are able to make several predictions including that intermittent HBOT will assist chronic wound healing while normobaric oxygen is ineffective in treating such wounds, treatment should continue until healing is complete and finding the right protocol for an individual patient is crucial if HBOT is to be effective. Analysis of the models allows us to derive constraints for the range of HBOT protocols that will stimulate healing, which enables us to predict which patients are more likely to have a positive response to HBOT and thus has the potential to assist in improving both the success rate and thus the cost-effectiveness of this therapy.


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We present a novel approach for developing summary statistics for use in approximate Bayesian computation (ABC) algorithms by using indirect inference. ABC methods are useful for posterior inference in the presence of an intractable likelihood function. In the indirect inference approach to ABC the parameters of an auxiliary model fitted to the data become the summary statistics. Although applicable to any ABC technique, we embed this approach within a sequential Monte Carlo algorithm that is completely adaptive and requires very little tuning. This methodological development was motivated by an application involving data on macroparasite population evolution modelled by a trivariate stochastic process for which there is no tractable likelihood function. The auxiliary model here is based on a beta–binomial distribution. The main objective of the analysis is to determine which parameters of the stochastic model are estimable from the observed data on mature parasite worms.