The explicit hazard model – part 1: theoretical development

Autoria(s): Gorjian, Nima; Ma, Lin; Mittinty, Murthy; Yarlagadda, Prasad K.; Sun, Yong



Modern Engineering Asset Management (EAM) requires the accurate assessment of current and the prediction of future asset health condition. Appropriate mathematical models that are capable of estimating times to failures and the probability of failures in the future are essential in EAM. In most real-life situations, the lifetime of an engineering asset is influenced and/or indicated by different factors that are termed as covariates. Hazard prediction with covariates is an elemental notion in the reliability theory to estimate the tendency of an engineering asset failing instantaneously beyond the current time assumed that it has already survived up to the current time. A number of statistical covariate-based hazard models have been developed. However, none of them has explicitly incorporated both external and internal covariates into one model. This paper introduces a novel covariate-based hazard model to address this concern. This model is named as Explicit Hazard Model (EHM). Both the semi-parametric and non-parametric forms of this model are presented in the paper. The major purpose of this paper is to illustrate the theoretical development of EHM. Due to page limitation, a case study with the reliability field data is presented in the applications part of this study.





Institute Of Electrical and Electronic Engineers


Gorjian, Nima, Ma, Lin, Mittinty, Murthy, Yarlagadda, Prasad K., & Sun, Yong (2010) The explicit hazard model – part 1: theoretical development. In Proceedings of PHM 2010 Macau : IEEE - Prognostics & System Health Management Conference, Institute Of Electrical and Electronic Engineers , University of Macau, Macau, China.


Copyright 2010 Institute Of Electrical and Electronic Engineers

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CRC Integrated Engineering Asset Management (CIEAM); Faculty of Built Environment and Engineering; Faculty of Science and Technology; Mathematical Sciences; School of Engineering Systems

Palavras-Chave #Hazard #Covariate #Reliability analysis #Asset life prediction #Asset health management

Conference Paper