1000 resultados para Globigerina rubescens


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Two box cores taken off Cape Barbas (North-West Africa) have been studied using three methods. The analyses of the coarse fraction, of biogenic opal and of planktonic foraminifera revealed : 1. Core GIK12310-4 penetrates Z, Y, X and upper part of W zone, whereas core GIK12379-1 penetrates Z and upper part of Y zone. 2. Holocene sedimentation rates are 2.5 cm/1000 y for core GIK12310-4 and 6.0 cm/1000 y for core GIK12379-1. During the Y zone 5 cm/l000 y were sedimented incore GIK12310-4 and > 10-20 cm/1000 y in core GIK12379-1. 3. Paleoclimatohgical results are: arid climate and relatively warm water temperatures during the Holocene (Z zone) and during X zone; humid climate and relatively cool water temperatures within the Wuerm (Y zone) (with a non-dated more arid interval found in the middle part of the Y zone) and in the upper part of the W zone. 4. Increased contents of benthos and radiolaria in the Y zone indicate upwelling. Upwelling, characterized by high content of biogenic opal and low water temperatures, was found in core GIK12310-4 at 250 to 350 cm in the lower part of the Y zone. The plankton/benthos ratio of foraminifera, the benthos/radiolaria ratio and water temperatures derived from planktonic foraminifera, differ in both cores in the Holocene, and are nearly identical during the Wuerm.


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A high-resolution planktonic foraminifer record from a core recovered from the South China Sea (SCS) (Sonne 17938-2: 19°47.2'N, 117° 32.3E; 2840 m; Delta t c. 250-1000 years) shows rapid millennial-scale changes in the western Pacific marginal sea climate during the last 30,000 years. The SCS is the largest western Pacific marginal sea off the southeast Asian continent, the area today dominated by seasonal monsoon changes. Quantitative analyses of planktonic foraminifer faunal abundance data frorn the core indicate large downcore variations in the relative abundances of the dominant taxa since about 30,000 years ago in the isotope stage 3. Further analyses indicate that the abundance of G. inflata, a good indicator species for cold SST (~13°-19°C) and deep MLD (~100-125 m) waters shows abrupt shifts. During stages 2 and 3, the abundance record of G. infiata tends to be punctuated by quasi-periodie short intervals (~2000-3000 yrs) where its abundance reaches 15% or greater, superimposed on generally low (5-10%) background values. This pattern suggests an instability of surface ocean conditions of the SCS during the past 30,000 years. The abrupt abundance changes of G. infiata correlate well with similar climatic changes observed from a GISP2 ice core 8180, and North Atlantic core DSDP 609 N. pachyderma (s.) and lithic grain abundances during 'Heinrich evcnts'. These results suggest that the millennial-scale variability of climate is not peculiar to the Atlantic region. Apparently, the rapid SCS climatic changes during Heinrich events are driven by effective mechanisms, of particularly the effects of shifts in the latitudinal position of the Siberia High Pressure System.


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Biostratigraphy and paleoenvironmental history of deep and surficial waters of the Japan Sea are addressed using sequences recovered from the floor of the backarc basin. The study is divided into two parts: (1) foraminifer biostratigraphy and paleoenvironmental assessment of sedimentary sequences recovered from above igneous basement at the four sites and (2) detailed planktonic foraminifer paleoenvironmental analysis of Quaternary and Pliocene sequences from Sites 794 and 797 in the Yamato Basin. A total of 253 samples were examined for the foraminifer biostratigraphy and 325 samples for the detailed paleoenvironmental study of Quaternary and Pliocene sequences. Low abundance and sporadic occurrence of foraminifers limited interpretation of results. Foraminifer-bearing intervals were correlated where possible to diatom and calcareous nannofossil zonations, and the sequences were successfully assigned to the foraminifer zonation of Matsunaga. Unfortunately, extensive barren intervals and sporadic occurrences of planktonic foraminifers prevented zonation of Quaternary and Pliocene intervals, although some interesting conclusions about paleoenvironment were possible and are listed below. A sequence of Neogene (sensu lato) paleoenvironmental events were identified: (1) deepening of the Yamato basins to middle bathyal depths by the early to middle Miocene, an event contemporaneous with the age of some deep basins known from uplifted sections adjacent to the Japan Basin; (2) cooling of the Japan Sea in the early middle Miocene; (3) oxygenation of deep waters in the late Miocene; (4) further cooling of surficial water masses between the Olduvai Subchron and the Brunhes/Matuyama Boundary; and (5) extermination of lower middle bathyal faunas and replacement by upper middle bathyal faunas near the base of the Quaternary.


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Quaternary sediments were recovered at all four Sites at Leg 72. Planktonic foraminifers were abundant and well preserved, especially in the holes shielded from Antarctic Bottom Water (AABW) influence. The fauna belonged to the subtropical province marked by Globigerinoides ruber and to a lesser extent by Globorotalia inflata. Thirty planktonic foraminiferal species were distinguished, and a detailed study of the Site 517 stratigraphy was made. The Quaternary sequence of the Rio Grande Rise was subdivided slightly differently from the Bolli and Premoli Silva (1973) pattern. Five subzones were identified but some difficulties arose when a precise correlation became necessary in the subzones of the tropical provinces. Correlations could nevertheless be made, particularly with respect to the earliest Quaternary. Quaternary faunal data have been dated by isotopic stratigraphy (Vergnaud Grazzini et al.,1983) and partially contradict results previously published for this part of the Atlantic (Williams and Ledbetter, 1979). By studying the occurrence of planktonic foraminifers, we obtained more information about hydrologic variations during the Quaternary sequence of Hole 517; two broad periods were recognized. Finally, we identified the interaction between the Brazil Current and the subtropical convergence


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The Agulhas Bank region, south of Africa, is an oceanographically important and complex area. The leakage of warm saline Indian Ocean water into the South Atlantic around the southern tip of Africa is a crucial factor in the global thermohaline circulation. Foraminiferal assemblage, stable isotope and sedimentological data from the top 10 m of core MD962080, recovered from the western Agulhas Bank Slope, are used to indicate changes in water mass circulation in the southeastern South Atlantic for the last 450 kyr. Sedimentological and planktonic foraminiferal data give clear signals of cold water intrusions. The benthic stable isotope record provides the stratigraphic framework and indicates that the last four climatic cycles are represented (i.e. down to marine isotope stage (MIS) 12). The planktonic foraminiferal assemblages bear a clear transitional to subantarctic character with Globorotalia inflata and Neogloboquadrina pachyderma (dextral) being the dominant taxa. Input of cold, subantarctic waters into the region by means of leakage through the Subtropical Convergence, as part of Agulhas ring shedding, and a general cooling of surface waters is suggested by increased occurrence of the subantarctic assemblage during glacial periods. Variable input of Indian Ocean waters via the Agulhas Current is indicated by the presence of tropical/subtropical planktonic foraminiferal species Globoquadrina dutertrei, Globigerinoides ruber (alba) and Globorotalia menardii with maximum leakage occurring at glacial terminations. The continuous presence of G. menardii throughout the core suggests that the exchange of water from the South Indian Ocean to the South Atlantic Ocean was never entirely obstructed in the last 450 kyr. The benthic carbon isotope record and sediment textural data reflect a change in bottom water masses over the core location from North Atlantic Deep Water to Upper Southern Component Water. Planktonic foraminiferal assemblages and sediment composition indicate a profound change in surface water conditions over the core site approximately 200-250 kyr BP, during MIS 7, from mixed subantarctic and transitional water masses to overall warmer surface water conditions.


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From October to December in 1996, Sites 1039 through 1043 were drilled on the lower continental slope and the bottom of the Middle American Trench. Planktonic foraminifers were obtained from 377 samples of the total 487 examined. The Pliocene- to Pleistocene-age sediments of Sites 1039 and 1043 are continuous from Zones N19 through N23. At Sites 1039 and 1040, middle Miocene sediments are also continuous, encompassing Zones N8 through N12. The sequences of the upper part of Sites 1040, 1041, 1042, and 1043 are décollements, tentatively assignable to Zone N19 for Sites 1040, 1041, and 1042 and to Zone N22 for Site 1043. The oldest sediments of these sites are assigned to Zone N7 (latest early Miocene), ~17 Ma in age.


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Planktonic foraminifers were examined from 27 holes situated at 12 separate sites in the tropical Atlantic. The sites are located in various environments, including areas of upwelling, areas affected by cool currents, areas of strong dissolution, and areas that show little dissolution in warm-water settings. Paleomagnetic results were variable at these sites, but accumulation rate curves have been produced by combining the existing paleomagnetic data with the available microfaunal data. Determinations of the ages of the planktonic foraminifer datums from these accumulation rate curves show some species to be strongly diachronous, while others provide good stratigraphic markers. The warmest water sites with the least dissolution show the most complete ranges of species.


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Quantitative analysis of the late Cenozoic planktonic foraminiferal record from western Arabian Sea Site 722 revealed long term trends in the history of oceanography and climate. The modern western Arabian Sea surface waters are highly influenced by the monsoonal wind system. Summer upwelling, a result of southwestern winds, occurs along the coast of Somalia which produces distinct foraminiferal assemblages which are dominated by G. bulloides d'Orbigny. Consequently, variations in the distribution record of G. bulloides through time monitor the upwelling history associated with monsoonal activities. G. bulloides was a minor constituent of the foraminiferal fauna from the bottom of the hole (~14.5 Ma) until about 8.6 Ma ago. Then a rapid shift occurred toward higher values, up to 53% at 7.4 Ma. We interpret this rapid increase as a major step in the evolution of the monsoonal history. It is either the establishment of the system or at least a strong intensification of the monsoonal winds. At 5.5 Ma a significant drop of the G. bulloides relative abundance occurred which may indicate less upwelling, or alternatively other biota may have been favored in this period. From 5.0 Ma to Recent the G. bulloides record indicates that upwelling has occurred with minor fluctuations.


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Upwelling occurs during the summer off the coast of Oman when the Asian monsoon produces strong southwest winds in the northern Arabian Sea. Ekman transport driven by the southwest monsoon winds upwells cool nutrient-rich waters along the coast which contrast with the warmer, less productive waters offshore. The spatial pattern of foraminifers in the sediments corresponds with the coastal environmental gradient. The upwelling species Globigerina bulloides dominates the sediment assemblage on the continental margin, while Globigerinita glutinata is more abundant offshore, creating a coastal gradient in fauna. We reconstructed the upwelling faunal gradient using high resolution oxygen isotope stratigraphy to correlate between Hole 723B on the Oman Margin, and a core from the Owen Ridge (RC2761), adjacent Site 722. A gradient similar in magnitude to the present, implying upwelling conditions similar to today existed during each interglacial time during the late Pleistocene interval from 0 to 300 k.y. The gradient was reduced or absent during glacial times implying diminshed southwest winds along the coast of Oman, not strong enough to produce an environmental gradient between the coast and offshore sites.


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Cores from four Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) sites were examined for planktonic foraminifers. One sample per core (from core-catchers in Holes 806B and 807B and from Section 4 in Holes 847B and 852B) was examined through the interval representing the last 5.8 m.y. Sites 806 (0°19.1'N; 159°21.7'E) and 847 (0o12.1'N; 95°19.2'W) are beneath the equatorial divergence zone. Sites 807 (3°36.4'N; 156°37.5'E) and 852 (5°19.6'N; 110°4.6'W) are located north of the equator in the convergence zone created by the interaction of the westward-flowing South Equatorial Current (SEC) and the eastward-flowing North Equatorial Countercurrent (NECC). Specimens were identified to species and then grouped according to depth habitat and trophic level. Species richness and diversity were also calculated. Tropical neogloboquadrinids have been more abundant in the eastern than in the western equatorial Pacific Ocean throughout the last 5.8 m.y. During the mid-Pliocene (3.8-3.2 Ma), their abundance increased at all sites, while during the Pleistocene (after ~ 1.6 Ma), they expanded in the east and declined in the west. This suggests an increase in surface-water productivity across the Pacific Ocean during the closing of the Central American seaway and an exacerbation of the productivity asymmetry between the eastern and western equatorial regions during the Pleistocene. This faunal evidence agrees with eolian grain-size data (Hovan, 1995) and diatom flux data (Iwai, this volume), which suggest increases in tradewind strength in the eastern equatorial Pacific that centered around 3.5 and 0.5 Ma. The present longitudinal zonation of thermocline dwelling species, a response to the piling of warm surface water in the western equatorial region of the Pacific, seems to have developed after 2.4 Ma, not directly after the closing of the Panama seaway (3.2 Ma). Apparently, after 2.4 Ma, the piling warm water in the west overwhelmed the upwelling of nutrients into the photic zone in that region, creating the Oceanographic asymmetry that exists in the modern tropical Pacific and is reflected in the microfossil record. In the upper Miocene and lower Pliocene sediments, the ratio of thermocline-dwelling species to mixed-layer dwellers is 60%:40%. During the mid-Pliocene, the western sites became 40% thermocline and 60% mixed-layer dwellers. Subsequent to -2.4 Ma, the asymmetry increased to 20%: 80% in the west and the reverse in the east. This documents the gradual thickening of the warm-water layer piled up in the western tropical Pacific over the last 5.8 m.y. and reveals two "steps" in the biotic trend that can be associated with specific events in the physical environment.


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Paleotemperature curves were drawn from oxygen-isotope ratios in CaCO3 of planktonic foraminiferal tests and by the micropaleontological method using quantitative relationships of their species. Two series of curves yield similar results. These data confirm that isotope composition of oxygen reflects primarily temperature, and not isotope composition in ocean water. Temperature of the upper layer of ocean water increased from north to south both during the last two glaciations and in the interglacials. All three sediment cores collected from different latitudes show approximately the same amplitudes of fluctuation of mean annual temperature during times of their accumulation, as determined independently by different methods; these amplitudes are estimated as 5-7°C.


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A high-resolution history of paleoceanographic changes in the subpolar waters of the southern margin of the Subtropical Convergence Zone during the last 130 kyr, is present in foraminiferal assemblages of DSDP Site 594. The foraminifera indicate that sea-surface temperatures during the Last Interglacial Climax were warmer than today, and that between substage 5d through to the end of isotope stage 2, temperatures were mostly cooler than Holocene temperatures. The paleotemperatures suggest that (1) the Subtropical Convergence was located over the site during substage 5e, later moving further north, then moving southwards to near the site during the Holocene, and (2) the Polar Front was positioned over the Site during glacial stages 6, 4, 2 and possibly parts of stage 3. Several major events are indicated by the nannofloral assemblages during these large changes in sea-surface temperature and associated reorganization of ocean circulation. First, the time-progressive trends between E. huxleyi and medium to large Gephyrocupsa are unique to this site, with E. huxleyi dominating over medium Gephyrocupsa during stages 5c-a, middle part of stage 4 and after the middle point of stage 3. This unusual trend may (at least partly) be caused by the shift of the Polar Front across the site. Second, upwelling flora (E. huxleyi and small placoliths) increase in abundance during stages 1, 3 and 5, suggesting that upwelling or disturbance of water stratification took place during the interglacials. Thirdly, there are no significant differences between the distribution patterns of the various morphotypes of medium to large Gephyrocupsu, and the combined value of all medium Gephyrocupsu increases in abundance during glacials (stages 2 and 4 and the end of stage 6), similar to the abundance trends in benthic foraminifera. Finally, subordinate nannofossil taxa also show distinctive climatic trends during the last glacial cycle: (1) Syrucosphaera spp. are present in increased abundance during warmer extremes in climate (substages 5e, 5a, and stage 1); (2) Coccolithus pelagicus and Culcidiscus leptoporus dominate the subordinate nannofossil taxa, and their relative proportions seem to provide a useful paleoceanographic index, with C. pelagicus dominating when the Polar Front Zone is over the site (stages 6, 4 and 2), whilst C. leptoporus is relatively more abundant when the STC is positioned over the site (stages 1 and 5e). Increased abundance of C. pelagicus also can indicate intensified coastal upwelling.