945 resultados para weights of ideals


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No atual contexto ambiental é grande a demanda por informações consistentes que subsidiem o planejamento territorial, permitindo realizar avaliações ambientais e desta forma, subsidiar os setores público e privado. Essa demanda pode ser satisfeita com a integração de informações em um sistema, com propriedades e funções de processamento, possibilitando sua utilização em ambiente integrado. Assim, nesta dissertação é proposta uma metodologia para a avaliação ambiental de bacias hidrográficas que atua desde a escolha de indicadores e definição dos pesos de sua contribuição, até a execução de avaliações e espacialização de resultados em ambiente SIG. Esta metodologia é composta por duas fases distintas: avaliação da vulnerabilidade ambiental da bacia hidrográfica a partir do uso de sistemas de suporte à decisão espacial, e, avaliação da sustentabilidade da bacia através do cálculo do indicador Pegada Ecológica. Na primeira fase são adotados sistemas de suporte à decisão, bases de conhecimento, SIG e uma ferramenta que integra estes resultados permitindo a geração de avaliações, análises e/ou cenários prospectivos. Na segunda fase, a sustentabilidade da bacia é retratada a partir do cálculo da pegada ecológica que consiste na contabilização da área que uma população necessita para produzir os recursos consumidos e absorver os resíduos gerados. A comparação entre áreas mais vulneráveis e menos sustentáveis, pode nortear projetos de recuperação e conservação ambiental.


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A avaliação da qualidade de vida tem sido cada vez mais utilizada pelos profissionais da área de saúde para mensurar o impacto de doenças na vida dos pacientes, bem como para avaliar os resultados dos tratamentos realizados. O crescente interesse por protocolos de pesquisa clínica em doenças não degenerativas do quadril tem encontrado muitos obstáculos na avaliação objetiva de seus resultados, principalmente nos estudos de observação de novas intervenções terapêuticas, como a artroscopia. O Nonarthritic Hip Score (NAHS) é um instrumento de avaliação clínica, desenvolvido originalmente em inglês, cujo objetivo é avaliar a função da articulação do quadril em pacientes jovens e fisicamente ativos. O objetivo desse estudo foi traduzir esse instrumento para a língua portuguesa, adaptá-lo para a cultura brasileira e validá-lo para que possa ser utilizado na avaliação de qualidade de vida de pacientes brasileiros com dor no quadril, sem doença degenerativa. A metodologia utilizada é a sugerida por Guillemin et al. (1993) e revisado por Beaton et al. (2000), que propuseram um conjunto de instruções padronizadas para adaptação cultural de instrumentos de qualidade de vida, incluindo cinco etapas: tradução, tradução de volta, revisão pelo comitê, pré-teste e teste, com reavaliação dos pesos dos escores, se relevante. A versão de consenso foi aplicada em 30 indivíduos. As questões sobre atividades esportivas e tarefas domésticas foram modificadas, para melhor adaptação à cultura brasileira. A versão brasileira do Nonarthritic Hip Score (NAHS-Brasil) foi respondida por 64 pacientes com dor no quadril, a fim de avaliar as propriedades de medida do instrumento: reprodutibilidade, consistência interna e validade. A reprodutibilidade foi 0,9, mostrando uma forte correlação; a consistência interna mostrou correlação entre 0,8 e 0,9, considerada boa e excelente; a validade foi considerada respectivamente boa e excelente; a correlação entre NAHS-Brasil e WOMAC foi 0,9; e a correlação entre o NAHS-Brasil e Questionário Algofuncional de Lequesne foi 0,79. O Nonarthritic Hip Score foi traduzido para a língua portuguesa e adaptado à cultura brasileira, de acordo com o conjunto de instruções padronizadas para adaptação cultural de instrumentos de qualidade de vida. Sua reprodutibilidade, consistência interna e validade foram também demonstradas.


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Métodos estocásticos oferecem uma poderosa ferramenta para a execução da compressão de dados e decomposições de matrizes. O método estocástico para decomposição de matrizes estudado utiliza amostragem aleatória para identificar um subespaço que captura a imagem de uma matriz de forma aproximada, preservando uma parte de sua informação essencial. Estas aproximações compactam a informação possibilitando a resolução de problemas práticos de maneira eficiente. Nesta dissertação é calculada uma decomposição em valores singulares (SVD) utilizando técnicas estocásticas. Esta SVD aleatória é empregada na tarefa de reconhecimento de faces. O reconhecimento de faces funciona de forma a projetar imagens de faces sobre um espaço de características que melhor descreve a variação de imagens de faces conhecidas. Estas características significantes são conhecidas como autofaces, pois são os autovetores de uma matriz associada a um conjunto de faces. Essa projeção caracteriza aproximadamente a face de um indivíduo por uma soma ponderada das autofaces características. Assim, a tarefa de reconhecimento de uma nova face consiste em comparar os pesos de sua projeção com os pesos da projeção de indivíduos conhecidos. A análise de componentes principais (PCA) é um método muito utilizado para determinar as autofaces características, este fornece as autofaces que representam maior variabilidade de informação de um conjunto de faces. Nesta dissertação verificamos a qualidade das autofaces obtidas pela SVD aleatória (que são os vetores singulares à esquerda de uma matriz contendo as imagens) por comparação de similaridade com as autofaces obtidas pela PCA. Para tanto, foram utilizados dois bancos de imagens, com tamanhos diferentes, e aplicadas diversas amostragens aleatórias sobre a matriz contendo as imagens.


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In 1948, the U.S.S.R. began a global campaign of illegal whaling that lasted for three decades and, together with the poorly managed “legal” whaling of other nations, seriously depleted whale populations. Although the general story of this whaling has been told and the catch record largely corrected for the Southern Hemisphere, major gaps remain in the North Pacific. Furthermore, little attention has been paid to the details of this system or its economic context. Using interviews with former Soviet whalers and biologists as well as previously unavailable reports and other material in Russian, our objective is to describe how the Soviet whaling industry was structured and how it worked, from the largest scale of state industrial planning down to the daily details of the ways in which whales were caught and processed, and how data sent to the Bureau of International Whaling Statistics were falsified. Soviet whaling began with the factory ship Aleut in 1933, but by 1963 the industry had a truly global reach, with seven factory fleets (some very large). Catches were driven by a state planning system that set annual production targets. The system gave bonuses and honors only when these were met or exceeded, and it frequently increased the following year’s targets to match the previous year’s production; scientific estimates of the sustainability of the resource were largely ignored. Inevitably, this system led to whale populations being rapidly reduced. Furthermore, productivity was measured in gross output (weights of whales caught), regardless of whether carcasses were sound or rotten, or whether much of the animal was unutilized. Whaling fleets employed numerous people, including women (in one case as the captain of a catcher boat). Because of relatively high salaries and the potential for bonuses, positions in the whaling industry were much sought-after. Catching and processing of whales was highly mechanized and became increasingly efficient as the industry gained more experience. In a single day, the largest factory ships could process up to 200 small sperm whales, Physeter macrocephalus; 100 humpback whales, Megaptera novaeangliae; or 30–35 pygmy blue whales, Balaenoptera musculus brevicauda. However, processing of many animals involved nothing more than stripping the carcass of blubber and then discarding the rest. Until 1952, the main product was whale oil; only later was baleen whale meat regularly utilized. Falsified data on catches were routinely submitted to the Bureau of International Whaling Statistics, but the true catch and biological data were preserved for research and administrative purposes. National inspectors were present at most times, but, with occasional exceptions, they worked primarily to assist fulfillment of plan targets and routinely ignored the illegal nature of many catches. In all, during 40 years of whaling in the Antarctic, the U.S.S.R. reported 185,778 whales taken but at least 338,336 were actually killed. Data for the North Pacific are currently incomplete, but from provisional data we estimate that at least 30,000 whales were killed illegally in this ocean. Overall, we judge that, worldwide, the U.S.S.R. killed approximately 180,000 whales illegally and caused a number of population crashes. Finally, we note that Soviet illegal catches continued after 1972 despite the presence of international observers on factory fleets.


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The reflectivity spectra at different incident angles of semiconductor microcavity having heavy-hole exciton and light-hole exciton are calculated ly transfer matrix method using the linear dispersion model. Meanwhile we calculate the energy of three cavity polaritons at different incident angles formed by the coupling between cavity mode and the two exciton modes using the three harmonic oscillators coupling model, and the weights of cavity mode and the two exciton modes in the three cavity polaritons. The results indicate that there is obvious anticross between the high energy cavity polariton and the two low energy cavity polaritons with increasing incident angles, and the weights of three modes(cavity mode, heavy-hole exciton mode and light-hole exciton mode) in the three cavity polaritons increase or decrease.


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The ovaries of Kun-Ming strain mice (3 weeks) were irradiated with different doses of C-12(6+) ion in the Bragg peak or the plateau region. At 10th day after irradiation, ovarian and uterine weights were measured: normal and atretic (identified with the oocyte to be degenerating or absent) primordial, primary and preantral follicles were identified in the largest cross-section of each ovary. Percentage (%) of normal follicles of each developmental stage of oogenesis was calculated. The data showed that compared to controls, there was a dose-related decrease in percentage of normal follicles in each developmental stage. And the weights of ovary and uterus were also reduced with doses of irradiation. Moreover, these effects were much more significant in the Bragg peak region and the region close to the Bragg peak than in the beam's entrance (the plateau region). Radiosensitivity varied in different follicle maturation stages. Primordial follicles, which are thought to be extremely sensitive to ionizing irradiation, were reduced by 86.6%, while primary and preantral follicles reduced only by 72.5% and 61.8% respectively, by exposure with 6 Gy of C-12(6+) ion in the Bragg peak region and the region close to the Bragg peak. The data suggested that due to their optimal depth-dose distribution in the Bragg peak region, heavy ions are ones of the best particles for radiotherapy of tumors located next of vital organs or/and surrounded by normal tissues, especially radiosensitive tissues such as gonads.


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The acid effects of some proteins on measuring their molecular weights were studied using matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry ( MALDI-TOF-MS) and electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (ESI-MS). It was found that the signal intensity was enhanced through adjusting the acid concentration in some protein samples. In this paper, both MALDI-MS and ESI-MS was applied to examine the molecular weights of several standard proteins. And the proper acid concentration was detected in these spectra. In the meanwhile, it demonstrates that some associations of proteins in solution can be preserved into the gas phase and observed by the "soft ionization" mass spectrometry.


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Two kinds of saponins have been investigated by negative electrospray ionization (NESI) mass spectrometry. Under ESI conditions, the [M - H](-) ions of saponins were observed which provide the molecular weights of saponins. The fragment pathways of [M - H](-) ions of these two saponins depend on their structures. For steroidic saponins, [M - H](-) ion only produces the fragment ions by the losses of sugar units. For oleanolic saponins, [M - H](-) ion yields the cross-ring ions as well as the fragment ions by the losses of sugar units. Moreover, the abundance of the former is higher than that of the latter. The characteristic fragments are used to provide the sequence and some linkage information of sugar moieties of saponins. Especially, their fragment difference strongly depends on the linkage between the aglycone and the sugar moieties.


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A nnual changes of the rep roduct ive act ivity in adult male p lateau p ika (Ochotona curzoniae) , a small endemic mammal in Q inghai2T ibet P lateau, w ere invest igated from J anuary to December, 1991. A ll of the animals w ere k illed and decap itated during the nigh t (23:00~ 24:00) and the p lasma, p ineal glands, testes ep ididym is, sem inal vesicles, deferent ducts were co llected and used for biochemical, and histo logical studies. Significant changes associated with seasonal cycles were found. (1) In February~ early April, the restoration phase, the weights of testes, epididym ides and deferent ducts were increased; the process of sperm atogenesis was strengthened and testo sterone level in plasma was increased, but the pineal weight and its melatonin content were decreased. (2) During the middle of April~ late May, the sexually active phase, a significant elevation of gonadal activity was observed. In this period, gonadalw eights were increased, spermatogenesis was completed, pineal weights were decreased and melatonin contents were fluctuated at alow level. These results suggested the increasing in sexual activity as well as in the ability of testo sterone secretion. (3) A striking reduction of test icular activity appears in June~A ugust. In this inhibition phase, gonada lweight, process of sperm atogenesis, plasma testo sterone level were decreased while the pineal weight and pineal melatonin content were increased. (4) During Sep tember~ J anuary, the sexually quiescent phase, declining in weights of testes and epididymides, arrest of spermatogenesis, decreasing of plasma testo sterone concent ration, fluctuating in pineal weights and increasing in pinealmelatonin level were observed. Our findings indicated that the male pikas under natural conditions exhibited an annual rep roductive cycle. A possible relationship between pineal activity and reproductive function was also suggested.


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It is a weighting process to justify the importance of different items. This paper is about how the estimator distributes profiling the weights to different items. This paper is about using design of psychological experiment to figure out the profiles of the weights of different ranked items in three weighting methods, and in the experiment we use five topics as experimental materials. At the same time, we controlled the factors such as the familiarity about the topic and the number of items. Then we use the curve estimation to figure out the exact profiles and use ANOVA to test the topic effects. Curve estimation result shows that there is difference between the profiles of the weights of different ranking items in three weighting methods. To PA, the weighting profile is logarithmic curving style, and to DR, the weighting profile is linear style. ANOVA result shows that there are topic effects to different weighting profiles. But to go ahead, when we use point allocation (PA) to the more important items, the topics seems to have little effects. The methods have relatively more effect than the topics. The result also indicates that to PA methods, there is no significant difference the weight profiles between the fix-sum and the open-sum. This result has a contribution to the basic research to the management science and social science.


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Wydział Matematyki i Informatyki: Zakład Matematyki Dyskretnej


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This thesis investigated the block copolymer (BCP) thin film characteristics and pattern formation using a set of predetermined molecular weights of PS-b-PMMA and PS-b-PDMS. Post BCP pattern fabrication on the required base substrate a dry plasma etch process was utilised for successful pattern transfer of the BCP resist onto underlying substrate. The resultant sub-10 nm device features were used in front end of line (FEoL) fabrication of active device components in integrated circuits (IC). The potential use of BCP templates were further extended to metal and metal-oxide nanowire fabrication. These nanowires were further investigated in real-time applications as novel sensors and supercapacitors.


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This paper presents a new packet scheduling scheme called agent-based WFQ to control and maintain QoS parameters in virtual private networks (VPNs) within the confines of adaptive networks. Future networks are expected to be open heterogeneous environments consisting of more than one network operator. In this adaptive environment, agents act on behalf of users or third-party operators to obtain the best service for their clients and maintain those services through the modification of the scheduling scheme in routers and switches spanning the VPN. In agent-based WFQ, an agent on the router monitors the accumulated queuing delay for each service. In order to control and to keep the end-to-end delay within the bounds, the weights for services are adjusted dynamically by agents on the routers spanning the VPN. If there is an increase or decrease in queuing delay of a service, an agent on a downstream router informs the upstream routers to adjust the weights of their queues. This keeps the end-to-end delay of services within the specified bounds and offers better QoS compared to VPNs using static WFQ. This paper also describes the algorithm for agent-based WFQ, and presents simulation results. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The Irish Pavilion at the Venice Architecture Biennale 2012 charts a position for Irish architecture in a global culture where the modes of production of architecture are radically altered. Ireland is one of the most globalised countries in the world, yet it has developed a national culture of architecture derived from local place as a material construct. We now have to evolve our understanding in the light of the globalised nature of economic processes and architectural production which is largely dependent on internationally networked flows of products, data, and knowledge. We have just begun to represent this situation to ourselves and others. How should a global architecture be grounded culturally and philosophically? How does it position itself outside of shared national reference points?
heneghan peng architects were selected as participants because they are working across three continents on a range of competition-winning projects. Several of these are in sensitive and/or symbolic sites that include three UNESCO World Heritage sites, including the Grand Egyptian Museum in Cairo, the Giants Causeway Visitor Centre in Northern Ireland, and the new Rhine Bridge near Lorelei.
Our dialogue led us to discussing the universal languages of projective geometry and number are been shared by architects and related professionals. In the work of heneghan peng, the specific embodiment of these geometries is carefully calibrated by the choice of materials and the detailed design of their physical performance on site. The stone facade of the Giant’s Causeway Visitor Centre takes precise measure of the properties of the volcanic basalt seams from which it is hewn. The extraction of the stone is the subject of the pavilion wall drawings which record the cutting of stones to create the façade of the causeway centre.
We also identified water as an element which is shared across the different sites. Venice is a perfect place to take measure of this element which suggests links to another site – the Nile Valley which was enriched by the annual flooding of the River Nile. An ancient Egyptian rod for measuring the water level of the Nile inspired the design of the Nilometre - a responsive oscillating bench that invites visitors to balance their respective weights. This action embodies the ways of thinking that are evolving to operate in the globalised world, where the autonomous architectural object is dissolving into an expanded field of conceptual rules and systems. The bench constitutes a shifting ground located in the unstable field of Venice. It is about measurement and calibration of the weight of the body in relation to other bodies; in relation to the site of the installation; and in relation to water. The exhibit is located in the Artiglierie section of the Arsenale. Its level is calibrated against the mark of the acqua alta in the adjacent brickwork of the building which embodies a liminal moment in the fluctuating level of the lagoon.
The weights of bodies, the level of water, changes over time, are constant aspects of design across cultures and collectively they constitute a common ground for architecture - a ground shared with other design professionals. The movement of the bench required complex engineering design and active collaboration between the architects, engineers and fabricators. It is a kind of prototype – a physical object produced from digital data that explores the mathematics at play – the see-saw motion invites the observer to become a participant, to give it a test drive. It shows how a simple principle can generate complex effects that are difficult to predict and invites visitors to experiment and play with them.