893 resultados para wavelet transforms
Rotation invariance is important for an iris recognition system since changes of head orientation and binocular vergence may cause eye rotation. The conventional methods of iris recognition cannot achieve true rotation invariance. They only achieve approximate rotation invariance by rotating the feature vector before matching or unwrapping the iris ring at different initial angles. In these methods, the complexity of the method is increased, and when the rotation scale is beyond the certain scope, the error rates of these methods may substantially increase. In order to solve this problem, a new rotation invariant approach for iris feature extraction based on the non-separable wavelet is proposed in this paper. Firstly, a bank of non-separable orthogonal wavelet filters is used to capture characteristics of the iris. Secondly, a method of Markov random fields is used to capture rotation invariant iris feature. Finally, two-class kernel Fisher classifiers are adopted for classification. Experimental results on public iris databases show that the proposed approach has a low error rate and achieves true rotation invariance. © 2010.
Image content interpretation is much dependent on segmentations efficiency. Requirements for the image recognition applications lead to a nessesity to create models of new type, which will provide some adaptation between law-level image processing, when images are segmented into disjoint regions and features are extracted from each region, and high-level analysis, using obtained set of all features for making decisions. Such analysis requires some a priori information, measurable region properties, heuristics, and plausibility of computational inference. Sometimes to produce reliable true conclusion simultaneous processing of several partitions is desired. In this paper a set of operations with obtained image segmentation and a nested partitions metric are introduced.
In this paper a new double-wavelet neuron architecture obtained by modification of standard wavelet neuron, and its learning algorithm are proposed. The offered architecture allows to improve the approximation properties of wavelet neuron. Double-wavelet neuron and its learning algorithm are examined for forecasting non-stationary chaotic time series.
The article describes the method of preliminary segmentation of a speech signal with wavelet transformation use, consisting of two stages. At the first stage there is an allocation of sibilants and pauses, at the second – the further segmentation of the rest signal parts.
In this paper an outliers resistant learning algorithm for the radial-basis-fuzzy-wavelet-neural network based on R. Welsh criterion is proposed. Suggested learning algorithm under consideration allows the signals processing in presence of significant noise level and outliers. The robust learning algorithm efficiency is investigated and confirmed by the number of experiments including medical applications.
A generalized convolution with a weight function for the Fourier cosine and sine transforms is introduced. Its properties and applications to solving a system of integral equations are considered.
Mathematics Subject Classification: 44A05, 46F12, 28A78
Mathematics Subject Classification: 43A20, 26A33 (main), 44A10, 44A15
Mathematics Subject Classification: 33D15, 44A10, 44A20
Mathematics Subject Classification: 44A05, 44A35
Mathematical Subject Classification 2010: 35R11, 42A38, 26A33, 33E12.
MSC 2010: 44A20, 33C60, 44A10, 26A33, 33C20, 85A99
ACM Computing Classification System (1998): I.7, I.7.5.
Виржиния С. Кирякова - В този обзор илюстрираме накратко наши приноси към обобщенията на дробното смятане (анализ) като теория на операторите за интегриране и диференциране от произволен (дробен) ред, на класическите специални функции и на интегралните трансформации от лапласов тип. Показано е, че тези три области на анализа са тясно свързани и взаимно индуцират своето възникване и по-нататъшно развитие. За конкретните твърдения, доказателства и примери, вж. Литературата.
An approach to building a CBIR-system for searching computer tomography images using the methods of wavelet-analysis is presented in this work. The index vectors are constructed on the basis of the local features of the image and on their positions. The purpose of the proposed system is to extract visually similar data from the individual personal records and from analogous analysis of other patients.