987 resultados para viés humano
Hacia la realización del derecho humano al medio ambiente adecuado en el contexto jurídico mexicano.
Tesis (Doctor en Derecho) UANL, 2014.
Je défends actuellement trois capacités éthiques et discursives en faveur de la réalisation des êtres humains: 1) La capacité de se comprendre soi-même ; 2) La capacité de faire reposer ses jugements sur un dialogue avec les personnes concernées ; 3) La capacité de mettre en oeuvre -avec autrui- les projets de justice convenus conjointement. Je les considère ici comme des capacités visant à la «reconnaissance mutuelle». Je soutiens que les types de relation à soi du sujet qui ont été définis par Axel Honneth complètent la capacité de se comprendre soi-même. Honneth propose également une idée de justice que la deuxième capacité mentionnée réexamine. Cependant, à partir de la troisième capacité, je remets en question le concept de «lutte» chez Honneth, en présentant les avantages de la coresponsabilité. Je montre ensuite que ces trois capacités peuvent constituer des indicateurs dans toutes les sphères de la société qui sont aux prises avec des questions éthiques importantes et je donne pour exemple le milieu des entreprises. Enfin, je défends une procédure qui vise à mesurer ces indicateurs au moyen de données concrètes. Cette procédure nous permettra d’estimer la grandeur éthique d’une société grâce à l’évaluation des «capacités éthiques» de ses citoyens.
I defend three discourse ethical capabilities for human development: 1) Capability for selfunderstanding; 2) Capability to ground judgements in a dialogue with the affected; 3) Capability to carry out, with others, the justice projects agreed by common consent. Here I interpret them as capabilities for “reciprocal recognition.” I claim that the forms of selfrelation of the subject, defined by Axel Honneth, complement the capability for selfunderstanding. Honneth also offers an idea of justice that reviews the second mentioned capability. But I question the concept of “struggle” in Honneth from the perspective of the third capability, showing the advantages of co-responsibility. Then, I show that the three capabilities can be specified in indicators in each one of the spheres of the society where important ethical issues are confronted, and I give the example of what happens within the business sector. Finally, I defend a procedure to measure such indicators with concrete data. This procedure will allow us to evaluate the ethical level of a society evaluating the “ethical capabilities” of their citizens.
Reposant sur un devis qualitatif, la présente recherche vise à comprendre les attitudes des bibliothécaires québécois vis-à-vis la liberté intellectuelle et la censure dans le contexte des bibliothèques publiques. Les données ont été colligées par le biais d’entrevues semi-structurées menées auprès de 11 bibliothécaires, dont six directeurs, responsables en tout ou en partie du développement des collections ainsi que de la gestion des plaintes relatives à l’offre documentaire. Les témoignages recueillis ont fait l’objet d’une analyse thématique. À l’instar des études antérieures ayant porté sur le sujet, la présente recherche a permis de constater qu’il existait un écart entre les attitudes des participants vis-à-vis la liberté intellectuelle en tant que concept et la liberté intellectuelle en tant qu’activité. Tout en étant en faveur de la liberté d’expression, les bibliothécaires étaient en accord, sous certaines circonstances, de mesures restrictives. Plus que des défenseurs de la liberté intellectuelle, les bibliothécaires seraient ainsi des gardiens du consensus social, ayant sans cesse à (re)négocier la frontière entre les valeurs individuelles et sociétales. L’analyse des données a également permis de révéler que les bibliothécaires québécois seraient moins activement engagés que leurs collègues canadiens et américains dans la lutte pour la défense et la promotion de la liberté intellectuelle. Ce faible engagement serait notamment lié à une importante variable culturelle. L’absence de lobbies religieux et le développement tardif des bibliothèques publiques ont en effet été identifiés comme deux facteurs qui auraient une influence sur l’engagement des bibliothécaires québécois en faveur de la liberté intellectuelle.
Chapter 1 presents a brief note on the state at which the construction industry stands at present, bringing into focus the significance of the critical study. Relevance of the study, area of investigation and objectives of the study are outlined in this chapter. The 2nd chapter presents a review of the literature on the relevant areas. In the third chapter an analysis on time and cost overrun in construction highlighting the major factors responsible for it has been done. A couple of case studies to estimate loss to the nation on account of delay in construction have been presented in the chapter. The need for an appropriate estimate and a competent contractor has been emphasised for improving effectiveness in the project implementation. Certain useful equations and thoughts have been formulated on this area in this chapter that can be followed in State PWD and other Govt. organisations. Case studies on project implementation of major projects undertaken by Government sponsored/supported organizations in Kerala have been dealt with in Chapter 4. A detailed description of the project of Kerala Legislature Complex with a critical analysis has been given in this chapter. A detailed account of the investigations carried out on the construction of International Stadium, a sports project of Greater Cochin Development Authority is included here. The project details of Cochin International Airport at Nedumbassery, its promoters and contractors are also discussed in Chapter 4. Various aspects of implementation which led the above projects successful have been discussed in chapter 5. The data collected were analysed through discussion and perceptions to arrive at certain conclusions. The emergence of front-loaded contract and its impact on economics of the project execution are dealt with in this chapter. Analysis of delays in respect of the various project narrated in chapter 3 has been done here. The root causes of the project time and overrun and its remedial measures are also enlisted in this chapter. Study of cost and time overrun of any construction project IS a part of construction management. Under the present environment of heavy investment on construction activities in India, the consequences of mismanagement many a time lead to excessive expenditure which are not be avoidable. Cost consciousness, therefore has to be keener than ever before. Optimization in investment can be achieved by improved dynamism in construction management. The successful completion of coristruction projects within the specified programme, optimizing three major attributes of the process - quality, schedule and costs - has become the most valuable and challenging task for the engineer - managers to perform. So, the various aspects of construction management such as cost control, schedule control, quality assurance, management techniques etc. have also been discussed in this fifth chapter. Chapter 6 summarises the conclusions drawn from the above criticalr1 of rhajor construction projects in Kerala.
Coastal Regulation Zone (CRZ) notification was issued by the Ministry of Environment and Forest of Government of India in February 1991 as a part of the Environmental Protection Act of 1986 to protect the coast from eroding and to preserve its natural resources. The initial notification did not distinguish the variability and diversity of various coastal states before enforcing it on the various states and Union Territories. Impact assessments were not carried out to assess its impact on socio-economic life of the coastal population. For the very same reason, it was unnoticed or rather ignored till 1994 when the Supreme Court of India made a land mark judgment on the fate of the coastal aquaculture which by then had established as an economically successful industry in many South Indian States. Coastal aquaculture in its modern form was a prohibited activity within CRZ. Lately, only various stakeholders of the coast realized the real impact of the CRZ rules on their property rights andbusiness. To overcome the initial drawbacks several amendments were made in the regulation to suit regional needs. In 1995, another great transformation took place in the State of Kerala as a part of the reorganization of the local self government institutions into a decentralized three tier system called ‘‘Panchayathi Raj System’’. In 1997, the state government also decided to transfer the power with the required budget outlay to the grass root level panchayats (villages) and municipalities to plan and implement the various projects in their localities with the full participation of the local people by constituting Grama Sabhas (Peoples’ Forum). It is called the ‘‘Peoples’ Planning Campaign’’(Peoples’ Participatory Programme—PPP for Local Level Self-Governance). The management of all the resources including the local natural resources was largely decentralized to the level of local communities and villages. Integrated, sustainable coastal zone management has become the concern of the local population. The paper assesses the socio-economic impact of the centrally enforced CRZ and the state sponsored PPP on the coastal community in Kerala and suggests measures to improve the system and living standards of the coastal people within the framework of CRZ.
The article examines the commodity chain trap of marine fishery in Kerala, at both material and value terms, and its ramifications in the globalised fishery chains. The marketing chains both material and value, are very complex in nature since they involve many types of markets and large number of intermediaries and participants. The article also scrutinizes the sensitivity of consumers’ and country’s responses in terms of dietary and hygienic standards relating to seafood trade. In addition, it discusses the devastating effect about the recent stipulations like the US Bio- Terrorism Act and Shrimp anti-dumping duty on the Kerala fishery products
Kerala, a classic ecotourism destination in India, provides significant opportunities for livelihood options to the people who depend on the resources from the forest and those who live in difficult terrains. This article analyses the socio-demographic, psychographic and travel behavior patterns and its sub-characteristics in the background of foreign and domestic tourists. The data source for the article has been obtained from a primary survey of 350 randomly chosen tourists, 175 each from domestic and foreign tourists, visiting Kerala’s ecotourists destinations during August-December 2010-11. Several socio-demographic, psychographic and life style factors have been identified based on the inference from field survey. There is considerable divergence in most of the factors identified in the case of domestic and international tourists. Post-trip attributes like satisfaction and intentions to return show that the ecotourism destinations in Kerala have significant potential that can help communities in the region.
El presente m??dulo educativo es una introducci??n al concepto de medioambiente humano. Ha sido dise??ado para profesores y alumnos de los cursos inferiores de Ense??anza Secundaria y su intenci??n es clarificar y articular desde una perspectiva hol??stica los conceptos y nociones fundamentales relativos a las dimensiones culturales, sociales y naturales del medioambiente humano para as?? lograr un mejor conocimiento de la complejidad medioambiental y una mayor colaboraci??n a nivel internacional y colectivo para resolver los problemas medioambientales. Se recomienda al profesor utilizar las actividades propuestas adaptandolas a las condiciones locales y evaluando los resultados obtenidos. En la primera parte, la gu??a del profesor proporciona una perspectiva global a la que el profesor puede referirse de cara a los restantes estudios medioambientales. En la segunda parte se ofrece, en la gu??a del alumno, un an??lisis de 15 conceptos, haciendo hincapi?? en el t??rmino 'biosistema', se persigue proporcionar una terminolog??a com??n para comprender tantos los sistemas biol??gicos como los sistemas culturales del hombre.
El CEIP Manuel P??rez de Bollullos Par del Condado (Huelva) ha recibido el Primer Premio de P??ginas Web Educativas de la Junta de Andaluc??a, y ha sido galardonado con la Medalla de Oro al M??rito Educativo
Resumen basado en el de la publicaci??n
Los denominados nuevos derechos, entre los que se encuentra el derecho al medio ambiente, surgieron a raíz de las reivindicaciones vinculadas con los movimientos sociales y la sociedad civil. En esta línea, el derecho al medio ambiente supone un nuevo embate, un nuevo enfrentamiento con el señorío de la globalización neoliberal. Sin embargo, los cambios que exige su implementación como derecho en el espacio jurídico y político son de tal magnitud que la reivindicación ambiental ha sido objeto de una resistencia considerable. ¿Está tal resistencia moralmente justificada?. ¿Hay buenas razones para resistir?, ¿debemos seguir negándonos a aceptar que nuestro modo de vida tiene que dar un giro?, ¿podemos cerrar los ojos ante el cambio climático, la contaminación, los desastres naturales, sólo porque no somos nosotros, de momento, los directamente perjudicados? El libro de Claudia Irene Gutiérrez es un intento de responder a estas preguntas, una llamada de atención que puede ayudarnos a despertar de l oque podría ser una larga pesadilla. Son pocos los que en la universidad se dedican a tales cuestiones, y menos aún los que lo hacen desde el discurso jurídico. Por eso, entre otras cosas, creo que merece la pena atender a esta llamada.
Los planes de mejoramiento son el instrumento para encauzar la gestión de la calidad del agua. Esta propuesta aborda enfoques estratégicos y frentes de acción para el suministro de agua potable. Se incluye una guía metodológica y un esquema de evaluación integral, para formular planes viables y verificables.
Resumen tomado de la publicaci??n