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The determination of the potentials of zero total and free charge, pztc and pzfc respectively, were made in a wide pH range by using the CO displacement method and the same calculation assumptions used previously for Pt(1 1 1) electrodes in contact with non-specifically adsorbing anions. Calculation of the pzfc involves, in occasions, long extrapolations that lead us to the introduction of the concept of potential of zero extrapolated charge (pzec). It was observed that the pztc changes with pH but the pzec is independent of this parameter. It was observed that the pztc > pzec at pH > 3.4 but the opposite is true for pH > 3.4. At the latter pH both pzec and pztc coincide. This defines two different pH regions and means that adsorbed hydrogen has to be corrected in the “acidic” solutions at the pztc while adsorbed OH is the species to be corrected in the “alkaline” range. The comparison of the overall picture suggests that neutral conditions at the interface are attained at significantly acidic solutions than those at the bulk.


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This layer is a georeferenced raster image of the historic paper map entitled: Bacon's large-print map of the Transvaal and Orange Free State. It was published by G.W. Bacon & Co. ca. 1899. Scale [ca. 1:1,900,000]. Covers also Swaziland, Lesotho, and portions of Botswana, Zimbabwe, and Mozambique.The image inside the map neatline is georeferenced to the surface of the earth and fit to the Africa Sinusoidal projected coordinate system. All map collar and inset information is also available as part of the raster image, including any inset maps, profiles, statistical tables, directories, text, illustrations, index maps, legends, or other information associated with the principal map. This map shows features such as drainage, cities and other human settlements, territorial and administrative boundaries, roads, railroads, shoreline features, and more. Relief shown by shading and spot heights. Includes also insets: "Map showing the routes from England and India to South Africa", "Environs of Cape Town", "Lorenço Marquez [and vicinity]", 'South Africa" and "Durban and Port Natal".This layer is part of a selection of digitally scanned and georeferenced historic maps from the Harvard Map Collection. These maps typically portray both natural and manmade features. The selection represents a range of originators, ground condition dates, scales, and map purposes.


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This layer is a georeferenced raster image of the historic paper map entitled: Stanford's new map of the Orange Free State, the southern part of the South African Republic, the northern frontier of Cape Colony, Natal, Basutoland and Delagoa Bay. It was published by E. Stanford in 1899. Scale 1:1,000,000 The image inside the map neatline is georeferenced to the surface of the earth and fit to the Africa Lambert Conformal Conic projected coordinate system. All map collar and inset information is also available as part of the raster image, including any inset maps, profiles, statistical tables, directories, text, illustrations, index maps, legends, or other information associated with the principal map. This map shows features such as drainage, cities and other human settlements, roads, railroads and stations, administrative and territorial boundaries, shoreline features, and more. Relief shown by shading and spot heights.This layer is part of a selection of digitally scanned and georeferenced historic maps from the Harvard Map Collection. These maps typically portray both natural and manmade features. The selection represents a range of originators, ground condition dates, scales, and map purposes.


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Questa tesi si pone l'obiettivo di implementare in ambiente Linux un'applicazione di sincronizzazione, chiamata DTNbox, che permetta lo scambio di file tra due nodi di una rete classificabile come Delay-/Disruption-Tolerant Network (DTN), ossia una rete in cui a causa di ritardi, interruzioni, partizionamento, non sia possibile utilizzare l'usuale architettura di rete TCP/IP. E' evidente che i problemi menzionati rendono estremamente più complessa la sincronizzazione fra cartelle rispetto ad Internet, da cui le peculiarità di DTNbox rispetto ad altre applicazioni in rete visto che, ad esempio, non è possibile la sincronizzazione tramite un nodo centrale, come in Dropbox e similari, ma occorre basarsi su comunicazioni peer-to-peer. L'oggetto della mia tesi si è quindi sviluppato principalmente su tre direzioni: • Implementare, utilizzando il linguaggio di programmazione C, le funzionalità previste dal nuovo progetto per Linux • Integrarne e modificarne le parti ritenute carenti, man mano che i test parziali ne hanno mostrato la necessità • Testarne il suo corretto funzionamento Si è deciso pertanto di dare precedenza alla scrittura delle parti fondamentali del programma quali i moduli di controllo, la struttura e gestione del database e lo scambio di messaggi tra due nodi appartenenti ad una rete DTN per poter arrivare ad una prima versione funzionante del programma stesso, in modo che eventuali future tesi possano concentrarsi sullo sviluppo di una interfaccia grafica e sull'aggiunta di nuovi comandi e funzionalità accessorie. Il programma realizzato è stato poi testato su macchine virtuali grazie all'uso dello strumento Virtualbricks.


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L'obiettivo della tesi è dimostrare l'utilità e i vantaggi che può fornire il Self-Management del diabete mellito di tipo 1 in un sistema di mobile Health a partire da un modello computazionale Agent-Based. Viene quindi affrontata in maniera approfondita la tematica del mobile Health ed il suo sviluppo nei paesi a basso/medio reddito, illustrando i risultati ottenuti dalla ricerca scientifica fino ad oggi, ed il concetto di Self-Management di malattie croniche, un processo di cura caratterizzato dalla partecipazione autonoma del paziente stesso, fornendo una panoramica degli approcci computazionali sviluppati. Viene quindi studiato il diabete mellito in ogni sua caratteristica, seguito dall'illustrazione di diverse applicazioni per la gestione autonoma della suddetta patologia tutt'ora in commercio. Nel caso di studio vengono effettuate diverse simulazioni, tramite la piattaforma di simulazione MASON, per realizzare varie dinamiche della rete fisiologica di un paziente al fine di stabilire feedback qualitativi per il Self-Management della patologia.


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L'obiettivo che il presente lavoro di tesi si pone consiste nella realizzazione e sperimentazione di una infrastruttura software in grado di monitorare il traffico passante attraverso un nodo di uscita della rete Tor a fini di intelligence proattiva.


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Nel corso degli anni le fonti rinnovabili e in particolare il fotovoltaico hanno assunto un ruolo sempre più importante nel panorama energetico italiano. Si è effettuata un’analisi della tecnologia fotovoltaica illustrandone il funzionamento, le tipologie di pannelli, il calcolo dell’energia elettrica producibile e le curve caratteristiche. Dal momento che la maggior parte delle rinnovabili presenta il problema della non programmabilità dovuta alla produzione intermittente, è necessario adottare dei sistemi di accumulo. Tali sistemi vengono mostrati, con particolare riguardo per le batterie al piombo acido e per l’idrogeno immagazzinato in idruri metallici, spiegando nel dettaglio l’elettrolisi e gli elettrolizzatori PEM. Dopo questa panoramica iniziale, si è illustrato l’impianto oggetto di questa tesi, composto principalmente da due pannelli fotovoltaici, un simulatore solare, due batterie al Piombo, un elettrolizzatore, un carico e un alimentatore. In seguito viene spiegata l’attività sperimentale, svolta sulle prove di laboratorio ai fini di ottenere le curve di funzionamento dei vari componenti, tramite due approcci diversi: per il sistema atto all’elettrolisi e per tutti i suoi componenti si è usato un modello black-box, per i pannelli fotovoltaici si è usato un approccio fisico-matematico partendo dalle equazioni del simulatore solare applicandovi i dati dei pannelli del laboratorio. Una volta ottenute queste curve, si è creato un modello completo del laboratorio per simularne il funzionamento al variare dell’irraggiamento. Si è testato prima il modello su un’utenza da 3 kW, poi, dopo aver confrontato gli andamenti reali con quelli ottenuti, si sono simulate varie configurazioni per trovare quella che permette al sistema di produrre idrogeno alla potenza nominale di 250 W in una giornata senza supplemento della rete elettrica.


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This paper examines the determinants of foreign direct investment (FDI) under free trade agreements (FTAs) from a new institutional perspective. First, the determinants of FDI are theoretically discussed from a new institutional perspective. Then, FDI is statistically analyzed at the aggregate level. Kernel density estimation of firm-size reveals some evidence of "structural changes" after FTAs, as characterized by the investing firms' paid-up capital stock. Statistical tests of the average and variance of the size distribution confirm this in the case of FTAs with Asian partner countries. For FTAs with South American partner countries, the presence of FTAs seems to promote larger-scale FDIs. These results remain correlational instead of causal, and more statistical analyses would be needed to infer causality. Policy implications suggest that participants should consider "institutional" aspects of FTAs, that is, the size matters as a determinant of FDI. Future work along this line is needed to study "firm heterogeneity."


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Highly localized positive-energy states of the free Dirac electron are constructed and shown to evolve in a simple way under the action of Dirac's equation. When the initial uncertainty in position is small on the scale of the Compton wavelength, there is an associated uncertainty in the mean energy that is large compared with the rest mass of the electron. However, this does not lead to any breakdown of the one-particle description, associated with the possibility of pair-production, but rather leads to a rapid expansion of the probability density outwards from the point of localization, at speeds close to the speed of light.


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The effects of free ammonia (FA; NH3) and free nitrous acid (FNA; HNO2) concentrations on the metabolisms of an enriched ammonia oxidizing bacteria (AOB) culture were investigated using a method allowing the decoupling of growth and energy generation processes. A lab-scale sequencing batch reactor (SBR) was operated for the enrichment of an AOB culture. Fluorescent in-situ hybridization (FISH) analysis showed that 82% of the bacterial population in the SBR bound to the NEU probe specifically designed for Nitrosomonas europaea. Batch tests were carried out to measure the oxygen and ammonium consumption rates by the culture at various FA and FNA levels, in the presence or absence of inorganic carbon (CO2, HCO3, and CO32-). It was revealed that FA of up to 16.0 mgNH(3)-N (.) L-1, which was the highest concentration used in this study, did not have any inhibitory effect on either the catabolic or anabolic processes of the Nitrosomonas culture. In contrast, FNA inhibited both the growth and energy production capabilities of the Nitrosomonas culture. The inhibition on growth initiated at approximately 0.10 mgHNO(2)-(NL-1)-L-., and the data suggested that the biosynthesis was completely stopped at an FNA concentration of 0.40 mgHNO(2)-N (.) L-1. The inhibition on energy generation initiated at a slightly lower level but the Nitrosomonas culture was still oxidizing ammonia at half of the maximum rate at an FNA concentration of 0.50-0.63 mgHNO(2)-N (.) L-1. The affinity constant of the Nitrosomonas culture with respect to ammonia was determined to be 0.36 mgNH3-N (.) L-1, independent of the presence or absence of inorganic carbon. (c) 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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The cause of seasonal failure of a nitrifying municipal landfill leachate treatment plant utilizing a fixed biofilm was investigated by wastewater analyses and batch respirometric tests at every treatment stage. Nitrification of the leachate treatment plant was severely affected by the seasonal temperature variation. High free ammonia (NH3-N) inhibited not only nitrite oxidizing bacteria (NOB) but also ammonia oxidizing bacteria (AOB). In addition, high pH also increased free ammonia concentration to inhibit nitrifying activity especially when the NH4-N level was high. The effects of temperature and free ammonia of landfill leachate on nitrification and nitrite accumulation were investigated with a semi-pilot scale biofilm airlift reactor. Nitrification rate of landfill leachate increased with temperature when free ammonia in the reactor was below the inhibition level for nitrifiers. Leachate was completely nitrified up to a load of 1.5 kg NH4-N m(-3) d(-1) at 28 degrees C. The activity of NOB was inhibited by NH3-N resulting in accumulation of nitrite. NOB activity decreased more than 50% at 0.7 mg NH3-N L-1. Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) was carried out to analyze the population of AOB and NOB in the nitrite accumulating nitrifying biofilm. NOB were located close to AOB by forming small clusters. A significant fraction of AOB identified by probe Nso1225 specifically also hybridized with the Nitrosonlonas specific probe Nsm156. The main NOB were Nitrobacter and Nitrospira which were present in almost equal amounts in the biofilm as identified by simultaneous hybridization with Nitrobacter specific probe Nit3 and Nitrospira specific probe Ntspa662. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The inhibitory effects of nitrite (NO2-)/free nitrous acid (HNO2-FNA) on the metabolism of Nitrobacter were investigated using a method allowing the decoupling of the growth and energy generation processes. A lab-scale sequencing batch reactor was operated for the enrichment of a Nitrobacter culture. Fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) analysis showed that 73% of the bacterial population was Nitrobacter. Batch tests were carried out to assess the oxygen and nitrite consumption rates of the enriched culture at low and high nitrite levels, in the presence or absence of inorganic carbon. It was observed that in the absence of CO2, the Nitrobacter culture was able to oxidize nitrite at a rate that is 76% of that in the presence of CO2, with an oxygen consumption rate that is 85% of that measured in the presence of CO2. This enabled the impacts of nitrite/FNA on the catabolic and anabolic processes of Nitrobacter to be assessed separately. FNA rather than nitrite was likely the actual inhibitor to the Nitrobacter metabolism. It was revealed that FNA of up to 0.05 mg HNO2-N center dot L-1 (3.4 mu M), which was the highest FNA concentration used in this study, did not have any inhibitory effect on the catabolic processes of Nitrobacter. However, FNA initiated its inhibition to the anabolic processes of Nitrobacter at approximately 0.011 mg HNO2-N center dot L-1 (0.8 mu M), and completely stopped biomass synthesis at a concentration of approximately 0.023 mg HNO2-N center dot L-1 (1.6 mu M). The inhibitory effect could be described by an empirical inhibitory model proposed in this paper, but the underlying mechanisms remain to be revealed.


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In order to study the structure and function of a protein, it is generally required that the protein in question is purified away from all others. For soluble proteins, this process is greatly aided by the lack of any restriction on the free and independent diffusion of individual protein particles in three dimensions. This is not the case for membrane proteins, as the membrane itself forms a continuum that joins the proteins within the membrane with one another. It is therefore essential that the membrane is disrupted in order to allow separation and hence purification of membrane proteins. In the present review, we examine recent advances in the methods employed to separate membrane proteins before purification. These approaches move away from solubilization methods based on the use of small surfactants, which have been shown to suffer from significant practical problems. Instead, the present review focuses on methods that stem from the field of nanotechnology and use a range of reagents that fragment the membrane into nanometre-scale particles containing the protein complete with the local membrane environment. In particular, we examine a method employing the amphipathic polymer poly(styrene-co-maleic acid), which is able to reversibly encapsulate the membrane protein in a 10 nm disc-like structure ideally suited to purification and further biochemical study.


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Epitopes mediated by T cells lie at the heart of the adaptive immune response and form the essential nucleus of anti-tumour peptide or epitope-based vaccines. Antigenic T cell epitopes are mediated by major histocompatibility complex (MHC) molecules, which present them to T cell receptors. Calculating the affinity between a given MHC molecule and an antigenic peptide using experimental approaches is both difficult and time consuming, thus various computational methods have been developed for this purpose. A server has been developed to allow a structural approach to the problem by generating specific MHC:peptide complex structures and providing configuration files to run molecular modelling simulations upon them. A system has been produced which allows the automated construction of MHC:peptide structure files and the corresponding configuration files required to execute a molecular dynamics simulation using NAMD. The system has been made available through a web-based front end and stand-alone scripts. Previous attempts at structural prediction of MHC:peptide affinity have been limited due to the paucity of structures and the computational expense in running large scale molecular dynamics simulations. The MHCsim server (http://igrid-ext.cryst.bbk.ac.uk/MHCsim) allows the user to rapidly generate any desired MHC:peptide complex and will facilitate molecular modelling simulation of MHC complexes on an unprecedented scale.


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Human mesenchymal stem cell (hMSC) therapies are currently progressing through clinical development, driving the need for consistent, and cost effective manufacturing processes to meet the lot-sizes required for commercial production. The use of animal-derived serum is common in hMSC culture but has many drawbacks such as limited supply, lot-to-lot variability, increased regulatory burden, possibility of pathogen transmission, and reduced scope for process optimization. These constraints may impact the development of a consistent large-scale process and therefore must be addressed. The aim of this work was therefore to run a pilot study in the systematic development of serum-free hMSC manufacturing process. Human bone-marrow derived hMSCs were expanded on fibronectin-coated, non-porous plastic microcarriers in 100mL stirred spinner flasks at a density of 3×105cells.mL-1 in serum-free medium. The hMSCs were successfully harvested by our recently-developed technique using animal-free enzymatic cell detachment accompanied by agitation followed by filtration to separate the hMSCs from microcarriers, with a post-harvest viability of 99.63±0.03%. The hMSCs were found to be in accordance with the ISCT characterization criteria and maintained hMSC outgrowth and colony-forming potential. The hMSCs were held in suspension post-harvest to simulate a typical pooling time for a scaled expansion process and cryopreserved in a serum-free vehicle solution using a controlled-rate freezing process. Post-thaw viability was 75.8±1.4% with a similar 3h attachment efficiency also observed, indicating successful hMSC recovery, and attachment. This approach therefore demonstrates that once an hMSC line and appropriate medium have been selected for production, multiple unit operations can be integrated to generate an animal component-free hMSC production process from expansion through to cryopreservation.