992 resultados para requirements practices
"Published online: 29 March 2016"
Apresentação realizada em 23 outubro de 2015 no: National Workshop for Open Access: «Open Access to research publications & data», Nicosia, Chipre. Também acessível em: http://hdl.handle.net/10797/14460
Inscripto en el análisis del discurso interaccional de tradición angloamericana y optando por un abordaje metodológico etnográfico, este proyecto plantea investigar las relaciones entre textos orales y entre textos orales y escritos vinculados en cadenas textuales en un acontecimiento comunicativo institucional en el que tales relaciones tienen consecuencias directas en la confiabilidad de la información e intervienen en la construcción del conocimiento oficial. La situación comunicativa elegida es el examen y el contraexamen de testigos comunes durante procesos penales orales, de formato común no abreviado, en la jurisdicción de Córdoba capital. En las interacciones verbales con litigantes y jueces en las que emerge el testimonio se ponen en juego otros textos orales (en forma de citas de lo dicho antes por el mismo testigo u otras personas, referencias a rumores u opiniones colectivas, etc.) y textos escritos (actas de secuestro, informes periciales, actas de las declaraciones testimoniales en la etapa de instrucción, etc.). El foco de atención son las prácticas asociadas a la intertextualidad puesto que condicionan el carácter de la prueba testimonial producida ante el juzgador. Postulamos que los litigantes despliegan tácticas locales y estrategias globales reconocibles y recurrentes vinculadas al tratamiento de diversas categorías de textos previos. Además, planteamos averiguar si la participación de los jueces en interacción con los testigos es de suficiente injerencia como para ser un modo importante de generación de prueba testimonial. El enfoque metodológico general es etnográfico y analíticodiscursivo. Se seleccionará una causa por delito grave, se presenciará el debate en la cámara y se registrará el audio de todas las audiencias. Los datos a analizar serán los segmentos en las interacciones en los que se incorpora la lectura o se cita las actas de las declaraciones indagatorias o testimoniales anteriores, y los segmentos en los que se requiere, en calidad de prueba testimonial, la reproducción de dichos. Se procederá a partir de los detalles de la superficie textual y la pragmática de los intercambios y aprovechando el valor heurístico del concepto de voz, buscando identificar patrones recurrentes y los mecanismos generales que los rigen. Sobre esa base, se considerarán los intercambios verbales como interacción social que emerge moldeada por condiciones situacionales e institucionales y otros factores, tales como la incidencia de la pertenencia a grupos sociales o profesionales. Con el estudio se obtendrá una visión de prácticas cotidianas asociadas a la intertextualidad que son de crucial importancia para el carácter de la prueba testimonial producida ante el juzgador. Este paso nos acercará a conocer cómo se lleva a cabo efectivamente la administración de justicia penal y permitirá valorar los patrones de conducta a la luz de las normas procesales. In line with the Anglo-American tradition of situated discourse analysis, this project aims at tracing the links between oral texts and between oral and written texts related in textual chains which are present in an institutional event in which such relations have a direct consequence on the reliability of the information given and have an impact on the construction of what counts as official knowledge. The communicative situation under study is that of the direct and cross-examination of lay witnesses during a criminal trial in the city of Córdoba. During the face-to-face interactions between trial lawyers and judges in which the testimony takes place, other oral texts and written texts get incorporated. The focus of this research is centered on practices of intertextuality as they condition the nature of the oral evidence produced. It is argued that trial lawyers use recurrent local tactics and global strategies that are related to the treatment given to different categories of previous texts. Another aim of this study is to examine if judge’s interventions have an impact on the generation of the oral evidence. The data will come from a criminal trial that will be audio-taped in its entirety. Ethnographic observations of a criminal trial will be made. The focus of analysis will be on segments of interactions in which previous texts are read aloud or incorporated as quotes. After carrying out a detailed analysis of the surface of texts and the pragmatics of the exchanges, recurrent patterns and the general mechanisms that condition their emergence will be described. In this way, verbal exchanges will be considered social interactions that unfold conditioned by situational, institutional and social factors. This study will examine the relationship between intertextuality and the institutional practice of providing oral evidence. This will help understand how justice is actually administered and how patterns of behavior are valued according to institutional norms.
The sustained economic growth that has been experienced in the Irish economy in recent years has relied, to a large extent, on the contribution and performance of those industry sectors that possess the ability to provide high-value-added products and services to domestic and international markets. One such contributor has been the Technology sector. However, the performance of this sector relies upon the availability of the necessary capabilities and competencies for Technology companies to remain competitive. The Expert Group on Future Skills Needs have forecasted future skills shortages in this sector. The purpose of this research has been to examine the extent to which Irish Technology companies are taking measures to meet changing skills requirements, through training and development interventions. Survey research methods (in the form of a mail questionnaire, supported by a Web-based questionnaire) have been used to collect information on the expenditure on, and approach to, training and development in these companies, in addition to the methods, techniques and tools/aids that are used to support the delivery of these activities. The contribution of Government intervention has also been examined. The conclusions have been varied. When the activities of the responding companies are considered in isolation, the picture to emerge is primarily positive. Although the expenditure on training and development is slightly lower than that indicated in previous studies, the results vary by company size. Technical employees are clearly the key focus of training provision, while Senior Managers and Directors, Clerical and Administrative staff and Manual workers are a great deal more neglected in training provision. Expenditure on, and use of, computer-based training methods is high, as is the use of most of the specified techniques for facilitating learning. However, when one considers the extent to which external support (in the form of Government interventions and cooperation with other companies and with education and training providers) is integrated into the overall training practices of these companies, significant gaps in practice are identified. The thesis concludes by providing a framework to guide future training and development practices in the Technology sector.
As manufacturers face an increasingly competitive environment, they seek out opportunities to reduce production costs without negatively affecting the yield or the quality of their finished products. The challenge of maintaining high product quality while simultaneously reducing production costs can often be met through investments in energy efficient technologies and energy efficiency practices. Energy management systems can offer both technological and best practice efficiencies in order to achieve substantial savings. A strong energy management system provides a solid foundation for an organisation to reduce production costs and improve site efficiency. The I.S EN16001 energy management standard specifies the requirements for establishing, implementing, maintaining and improving an energy management system and represents the latest best practice for energy management in Ireland. The objective of the energy management system is to establish a systematic approach for improving energy performance continuously. The I.S EN16001 standard specifies the requirements for continuous improvement through using energy more efficiently. The author analysed how GlaxoSmithKline’s (GSK) pharmaceutical manufacturing facility in Cork implemented the I.S. EN16001 energy management system model, and defined how energy saving opportunities where identified and introduced to improve efficiency performance. The author performed an extensive literature research in order to determine the current status of the pharmaceutical industry in Ireland, the processes involved in pharmaceutical manufacturing, the energy users required for pharmaceutical manufacturing and the efficiency measures that can be applied to these energy users in order to reduce energy consumption. The author then analysed how energy management standards are introduced to industry and critically analysed the driving factors for energy management performance in Ireland through case studies. Following an investigation as to how the I.S. EN16001 energy management standard is operated in GSK, a critical analysis of the performance achieved by the GSK energy management system is undertaken in order to determine if implementing the I.S EN16001 standard accelerates achieving energy savings. Since its introduction, the I.S. EN16001 model for energy management has enabled GSK to monitor, target and identify energy efficiency opportunities throughout the site. The model has put in place an energy management system that is continuously reviewed for improvement and to date has reduced GSK’s site operations cost by over 30% through technical improvements and generating energy awareness for smarter energy consumption within the GSK Cork site. Investment in I.S. EN16001 has proved to be a sound business strategy for GSK especially in today's manufacturing environment.
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Magdeburg, Univ., Fak. für Wirtschaftswiss., Diss., 2013
Species distribution models (SDMs) are increasingly used to predict environmentally induced range shifts of habitats of plant and animal species. Consequently SDMs are valuable tools for scientifically based conservation decisions. The aims of this paper are (1) to identify important drivers of butterfly species persistence or extinction, and (2) to analyse the responses of endangered butterfly species of dry grasslands and wetlands to likely future landscape changes in Switzerland. Future land use was represented by four scenarios describing: (1) ongoing land use changes as observed at the end of the last century; (2) a liberalisation of the agricultural markets; (3) a slightly lowered agricultural production; and (4) a strongly lowered agricultural production. Two model approaches have been applied. The first (logistic regression with principal components) explains what environmental variables have significant impact on species presence (and absence). The second (predictive SDM) is used to project species distribution under current and likely future land uses. The results of the explanatory analyses reveal that four principal components related to urbanisation, abandonment of open land and intensive agricultural practices as well as two climate parameters are primary drivers of species occurrence (decline). The scenario analyses show that lowered agricultural production is likely to favour dry grassland species due to an increase of non-intensively used land, open canopy forests, and overgrown areas. In the liberalisation scenario dry grassland species show a decrease in abundance due to a strong increase of forested patches. Wetland butterfly species would decrease under all four scenarios as their habitats become overgrown
El projecte que es presenta és l’estudi de diferents sistemes integrats (ERP) per a la seva implementació en una empresa de desenvolupament de software. Els sistemes integrats són sistemes de gestió de la informació que integren i automatitzen moltes de les pràctiques del negoci d’una empresa per a facilitar-ne l’intercanvi d’informació entre les diferents parts. El projecte ha estat desenvolupat seguint la metodologia METRICA per a la implementació de software, i a partir d’aquesta metodologia s’han estudiat les característiques de l’empresa i posteriorment s’ha fet un anàlisi dels diferents sistemes integrats que podrien ser bones opcions per a implementar-los en l’empresa estudiada. Finalment, s’ha escollit el sistema integrat que més requisits acomplia per a ser instal·lat en l’empresa.
En el presente estudio se analizan los sistemas de gestión de RSU de Alemania, Noruega y California, considerados best-practices, desde la perspectiva de la creación de las políticas que los han hecho posibles. De este análisis se destacan como elementos importantes el liderazgo institucional, los acuerdos con la industria y el debate social. Posteriormente se analiza el caso de España y de Cataluña, comparándolo con los casos destacados y los elementos seleccionados. En este análisis se sigue la evolución de su legislación, planes y programas y se consideran los elementos que definen el panorama actual. Finalmente, siguiendo las recomendaciones de diversos autores y la voluntad del actual programa catalán, se plantea un sistema participativo para la elaboración de estas políticas.
Chrysomya albiceps specimens were obtained from colonies established with larvae and adults collected at the Federal Rural University in Rio de Janeiro, Seropédica, State of Rio de Janeiro. The larval stage of C. albiceps was allowed to develop in climatic chambers at temperatures of 18, 22, 27 and 32ºC, and the pupal stage was allowed to develop at 22, 27 and 32ºC (60 ± 10% RH and 14 hr photoperiod). The duration and viability of the larval stage of C. albiceps at 18, 22, 27 and 32ºC were 21.30, 10.61, 5.0 and 4.0 days and 76.5, 88.5, 98.5 and 99.5%, respectively, with mean mature larval weights of 45.16, 81.86, 84.35 and 70.53 mg, respectively. Mean duration and viability of the pupal stage at 22, 27 and 32ºC were 9.36, 4.7 and 3.0 days and 93.8, 100 and 100%, respectively. The basal temperature for the larval and pupal stage and for the larval and adult phase were 15.04, 17.39 and 15.38ºC, corresponding to 65.67, 44.15 and 114.23 DD.