939 resultados para regional public finance
A vállalati pénzgazdálkodás a vállalati pénzügyek egyik kiemelt területe. Vállalatcsoporton belül a centralizált pénzgazdálkodás manapság már elképzelhetetlen erre a célra fejlesztett banki cash-management szolgáltatások nélkül. A cikk célja bemutatni ezen banki termékek helyét, szerepét a mai vállalati banki szervezetben, csoportosítani és a struktúrák részletezésével elemezni a folyamatosan fejlődő és immár a teljes vállalati szegmensben egyre népszerűbb "netting", "cash pool", "information pool" termékeket. Egyértelmű következtetésünk, hogy a banki pénzforgalmi szolgáltatásoknak egyik dinamikusan fejlődő területéről van szó, amelynek a globalizációval a regionális terjeszkedéssel, a vállalatcsoportok kialakulásával folyamatosan lépést kell tartania. A tanulmányban külön elemzési szempont a termékek, bevezetésének különféle szempontjai, körülményei és kockázatai.
The Bakken region of North Dakota and Montana has experienced perhaps the greatest effects of increased oil and gas development in the United States, with major implications for local governments. Though development of the Bakken began in the early 2000s, large-scale drilling and population growth dramatically affected the region from roughly 2008 through today. This case study examines the local government fiscal benefits and challenges experienced by Dunn County and Watford City, which lie near the heart of the producing region. For both local governments, the initial growth phase presented major fiscal challenges due to rapidly expanding service demands and insufficient revenue. In the following years, these challenges eased as demand for services slowed due to declining industry activity and state tax policies redirected more funds to localities. Looking forward, both local governments describe their fiscal health as stronger because of the Bakken boom, though higher debt loads and an economy heavily dependent on the volatile oil and gas industry each pose challenges for future fiscal stability.
Oil and gas production generates substantial revenue for state and local governments. This report examines revenue from oil and gas production flowing to local governments through four mechanisms: (i) state taxes or fees on oil and gas production; (ii) local property taxes on oil and gas property; (iii) leasing of state-owned land; and (iv) leasing of federally owned land. We examine every major oil- and gas-producing state and find that the share of oil and gas production value allocated to and collected by local governments ranges widely, from 0.5 percent to more than 9 percent due to numerous policy differences among states. School districts and trust funds endowing future school operations tend to see the highest share of revenue, followed by counties. Municipalities and other local governments with more limited geographic boundaries tend to receive smaller shares of oil and gas driven revenue. Some states utilize grant programs to allocate revenue to where impacts from the industry are greatest. Others send most revenue to state operating or trust funds, with little revenue earmarked specifically for local governments.
Oil and gas production in the United States has increased dramatically in the past 10 years. This growth has important implications for local governments, which often see new revenues from a variety of sources: property taxes on oil and gas property, sales taxes driven by the oil and gas workforce, allocations of state revenues from severance taxes or state and federal leases, leases on local government land, and contributions from oil and gas companies to support local services. At the same time, local governments tend to experience a range of new costs such as road damage caused by heavy industry truck traffic, increased demand for emergency services and law enforcement, and challenges with workforce retention. This report examines county and municipal fiscal effects in 14 oil- and gas-producing regions of eight states: AK, CA, KS, OH, OK, NM, UT, and WV. We find that for most local governments, oil and gas development—whether new or longstanding—has a positive effect on local public finances. However, effects can vary substantially due to a variety of local factors and policy issues. For some local governments, particularly those in rural regions experiencing large increases in development, revenues have not kept pace with rapidly increased costs and demand for services, particularly on road repair.
The aim of this paper is to carry out an economic and financial study of the Special Employment Centres in Castile and León based on a classification of these entities’ registered legal personalities in order to view how the economic crisis that began at the end of 2007 may have affected them. Various items from the Centres’ financial statements are analysed and the results are compared to those from the period 2007-2013 as to provide a broader perspective of their size, development, growth and behaviour. The following economic figures were used: total assets, turnover and revenue. The variable “employment” is compared with the subsidies received by the Centres, showing that the crisis does affect the Centres depending on their registered legal personalities. Associations and physical persons are the most affected personalities, to the point of possible extinction. An account reversal for the Centres is also included in this article, which measures the percentage of public aid received by the Centres that is returned to society.
Wydział Prawa i Administracji: Katedra Prawa Finansowego
Este trabalho visa analisar as características dos municípios que se emanciparam no Rio Grande do Sul, analisando diversos aspectos econômicos entre os anos de 1997 e 2005, comparando com os municípios que deram origem a eles. Utilizando o Coeficiente de Gini, em uma análise que utiliza o orçamento municipal per capita, um instrumento muito importante para comparação da capacidade fiscal dos municípios, busca-se observar se as emancipações contribuíram para uma melhor distribuição orçamentária no Estado. As análises indicaram que os municípios emancipados obtiveram um avanço nos indicadores estudados no período de 15 anos, inclusive com uma diminuição da dependência frente aos repasses da União e uma melhora significativa na capacidade de arrecadação própria. Também se verificou que num primeiro momento houve uma melhora na distribuição orçamentária, mas analisando o longo prazo a curva se inverte, concluindo que as emancipações não resultaram em uma melhor distribuição.
O objetivo deste artigo, apoiado nos principais indicadores da economia global e nacional, é pro-mover uma análise dos efeitos da crise mundial e as perspectivas de crescimento da economia bra-sileira no período de 2013-2015. O referencial teórico está apoiado nas Teorias Keynesiana, Neoins-titucionalista e das Finanças Públicas. Trata-se de um artigo bibliográfico, descritivo e qualitativo, cujas discussões estão baseadas nas projeções contidas nos relatórios das principais instituições multilaterais e nacionais brasileiras, em especial nas variáveis econômicas mais relevantes como o crescimento da economia mundial, do comportamento do nível de emprego e da inflação. Os re-sultados das discussões, a partir das análises dos documentos citados, evidenciam que a crise eco-nômica mundial continua impactando de forma preocupante na maioria dos países, em especial, dos países membros da Zona do Euro e Estados Unidos, e que o desempenho da economia brasi-leira deverá crescer num ritmo menor nos próximos anos. Essas constatações permite concluir que se faz necessário a definição de um diagnóstico consistente para o Brasil, que permita uma mudan-ça estrutural no potencial de expansão da economia do país, em especial, preparando de forma mais adequada o seu ambiente macro e microeconômico. _______________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACT
La disciplina del pareggio di bilancio è in continua evoluzione, soprattutto a fronte delle nuove esigenze finanziarie per contrastare la pandemia. Questo elaborato, studiando la governance economica strutturata dopo la crisi dei debiti, le derivanti scelte italiane in materia di costituzionalizzazione del pareggio di bilancio e le conseguenze sulle autonomie locali, dimostra come il sistema di gestione delle finanze pubbliche a livello comunitario si stia completando, generando un rapporto normativo ciclico tra il livello europeo e quello locale. Ne è emersa una conflittualità tra le Regioni e lo Stato, che è analizzata al fine di comprendere la giustiziabilità costituzionale del pareggio di bilancio, osservando le esigenze di bilanciamento tra l’equilibrio finanziario e la tutela dei diritti sociali. La Corte Costituzionale ha recentemente conferito, in via giurisprudenziale, alla Corte dei Conti la potestà di svolgere un controllo diretto di costituzionalità del rispetto dell’equilibrio di bilancio degli enti nazionali e territoriali. Particolare attenzione viene data, poi, a seguito degli effetti della pandemia da Covid-19 sui bilanci degli Stati. A fronte della crisi pandemica, per la prima volta dall’approvazione del TSCG, la Commissione ha attivato la clausola di salvaguardia generale per sospendere il Patto di Stabilità (c.d. escape clause). Questa clausola ha permesso ai Paesi di ricorrere agli scostamenti di bilancio. Viene infine analizzato il piano “Next Generation EU”, che centralizza i prestiti verso gli Stati membri nel bilancio dell’Unione ed attinge dal mercato dei capitali le risorse necessarie per finanziare un totale di 750 miliardi, attraverso l’emissione di obbligazioni “Eu Bills”. Per la prima volta nella storia, l’Unione, nelle parole della Commissione, agisce sui mercati come se fosse uno Stato. La portata straordinaria del NGEU, con l’emissione di titoli europei, porta ad una sostanziale mutualizzazione dei debiti ed appare come un passo fondamentale verso il completamento dell’UEM e di un sistema federale.
Item 1013-A, 1013-B (microfiche)
Mode of access: Internet.
This paper aims to contribute to the debate about the role of the public sector in stimulating greater use of private sector equity for business start-up and growth in two ways. First, to examine the extent to which the provision of public sector equity finance enables individual firms to raise additional funds in the private sector market place. Second, to consider the methodological implications for an economic impact assessment of industrial policy interventions (especially those which include an equity component) at the level of the individual firm. We assess the extent to which there may be indirect positive effects (externalities) associated with public sector financial assistance to individual firms and if so how they distort standard evaluation methodologies designed to estimate the level of additionality of that support. The paper draws upon the results of a recent study of the impact of Enterprise Ireland (EI) financial assistance to indigenous Irish industry in the period 2000 to 2002. The paper demonstrates that a process of re-calibration is necessary in estimates of economic impact in order to account for these positive externalities and the result in this study was a ‘boost’ to additionality. In operational and conceptual terms, the study underlines the importance of the relationship between private and public sector sources of equity finance as an important dynamic in the attempt by industrial and regional policy to stimulate the number of firms with viable investment proposals accessing external equity finance.
International Journal of Engineering and Industrial Management, nº 1, p. 195-208