963 resultados para reflectance signature


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We present a new approach to diffuse reflectance estimation for dynamic scenes. Non-parametric image statistics are used to transfer reflectance properties from a static example set to a dynamic image sequence. The approach allows diffuse reflectance estimation for surface materials with inhomogeneous appearance, such as those which commonly occur with patterned or textured clothing. Material editing is also possible by transferring edited reflectance properties. Material reflectance properties are initially estimated from static images of the subject under multiple directional illuminations using photometric stereo. The estimated reflectance together with the corresponding image under uniform ambient illumination form a prior set of reference material observations. Material reflectance properties are then estimated for video sequences of a moving person captured under uniform ambient illumination by matching the observed local image statistics to the reference observations. Results demonstrate that the transfer of reflectance properties enables estimation of the dynamic surface normals and subsequent relighting combined with material editing. This approach overcomes limitations of previous work on material transfer and relighting of dynamic scenes which was limited to surfaces with regions of homogeneous reflectance. We evaluate our approach for relighting 3D model sequences reconstructed from multiple view video. Comparison to previous model relighting demonstrates improved reproduction of detailed texture and shape dynamics.


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An ongoing canine distemper epidemic was first detected in Switzerland in the spring of 2009. Compared to previous local canine distemper outbreaks, it was characterized by unusually high morbidity and mortality, rapid spread over the country, and susceptibility of several wild carnivore species. Here, the authors describe the associated pathologic changes and phylogenetic and biological features of a multiple highly virulent canine distemper virus (CDV) strain detected in and/or isolated from red foxes (Vulpes vulpes), Eurasian badgers (Meles meles), stone (Martes foina) and pine (Martes martes) martens, from a Eurasian lynx (Lynx lynx), and a domestic dog. The main lesions included interstitial to bronchointerstitial pneumonia and meningopolioencephalitis, whereas demyelination-the classic presentation of CDV infection-was observed in few cases only. In the brain lesions, viral inclusions were mainly in the nuclei of the neurons. Some significant differences in brain and lung lesions were observed between foxes and mustelids. Swiss CDV isolates shared together with a Hungarian CDV strain detected in 2004. In vitro analysis of the hemagglutinin protein from one of the Swiss CDV strains revealed functional and structural differences from that of the reference strain A75/17, with the Swiss strain showing increased surface expression and binding efficiency to the signaling lymphocyte activation molecule (SLAM). These features might be part of a novel molecular signature, which might have contributed to an increase in virus pathogenicity, partially explaining the high morbidity and mortality, the rapid spread, and the large host spectrum observed in this outbreak.


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We analysed the Mo isotope composition of a comprehensive series of molybdenite samples from the porphyry- type Questa deposit (NM, USA), as well as one rhyolite and one granite sample, directly associated with the Mo mineralization. The δ98Mo of the molybdenites ranges between −0.48‰ and +0.40‰, with a median at −0.05‰. The median Mo isotope composition increases from early magmatic (−0.29‰) to hydrothermal (−0.05‰) breccia mineralization (median bulk breccia = −0.17‰) to late stockwork veining (+0.22‰). Moreover, variations of up to 0.34‰ are found between different molybdenite crystals within an individual hand specimen. The rhyolite sample with 0.12 μg g−1 Mo has δ98Mo = −0.57‰ and is lighter than all molybde- nites from the Questa deposit, interpreted to represent the igneous leftover after aqueous ore fluid exsolution. We recognize three Mo isotope fractionation processes that occur between about 700 and 350 °C, affecting the Mo iso- tope composition of magmatic–hydrothermal molybdenites. Δ1Mo: Minerals preferentially incorporate light Mo isotopes during progressive fractional crystallization in subvolcanic magma reservoirs, leaving behind a melt enriched in heavy Mo isotopes. Δ2Mo: Magmatic–hydrothermal fluids preferentially incorporate heavy Mo iso- topes upon fluid exsolution. Δ3Mo: Light Mo isotopes get preferentially incorporated in molybdenite during crys- tallization from an aqueous fluid, leaving behind a hydrothermal fluid that gets heavier with progressive molybdenite crystallization. The sum of all three fractionation processes produces molybdenites that record heavier δ98Mo compositions than their source magmas. This implies that the mean δ98Mo of molybdenites published so far (~0.4‰) likely represents a maximum value for the Mo isotope composition of Phanerozoic igneous upper crust.


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We have measured the bidirectional reflectance of spherical micrometer-sized water-ice particles in the visible spectral range over a wide range of incidence and emission angles. The small ice spheres were produced by spraying fine water droplets directly into liquid nitrogen. The resulting mean particle radii are 1.47 + 0.96 - 0.58 μm. Such a material shares many properties with ice in comets and at the surface of icy satellites. Measurements show that the fresh sample material is highly backscattering, contrasting with natural terrestrial snow and frost. The formation of agglomerates of particles during the sample production results in a noticeable variability of the photometric properties of the samples in their initial state. We have also observed significant temporal evolutions of the scattering behavior of the samples, shifting towards more forward scattering within some tens of hours, resulting most likely from sintering processes. All reflectance data are fitted by the Hapke photometric model (1993 and 2002 formulation) with a one/two/three-parameter Henyey-Greenstein phase function and the resulting Hapke parameters are provided. These parameters can be used to compare laboratory results with the observed photometric behaviors of astronomical objects. We show, in particular, that the optical properties of the fresh micrometer-sized ice samples can be used to reproduce the predominant backscattering in the phase curves of Enceladus and Europa.


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Images of an object under different illumination are known to provide strong cues about the object surface. A mathematical formalization of how to recover the normal map of such a surface leads to the so-called uncalibrated photometric stereo problem. In the simplest instance, this problem can be reduced to the task of identifying only three parameters: the so-called generalized bas-relief (GBR) ambiguity. The challenge is to find additional general assumptions about the object, that identify these parameters uniquely. Current approaches are not consistent, i.e., they provide different solutions when run multiple times on the same data. To address this limitation, we propose exploiting local diffuse reflectance (LDR) maxima, i.e., points in the scene where the normal vector is parallel to the illumination direction (see Fig. 1). We demonstrate several noteworthy properties of these maxima: a closed-form solution, computational efficiency and GBR consistency. An LDR maximum yields a simple closed-form solution corresponding to a semi-circle in the GBR parameters space (see Fig. 2); because as few as two diffuse maxima in different images identify a unique solution, the identification of the GBR parameters can be achieved very efficiently; finally, the algorithm is consistent as it always returns the same solution given the same data. Our algorithm is also remarkably robust: It can obtain an accurate estimate of the GBR parameters even with extremely high levels of outliers in the detected maxima (up to 80 % of the observations). The method is validated on real data and achieves state-of-the-art results.


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Background Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is the most common chronic liver disorder in industrialized countries, yet its pathophysiology is incompletely understood. Small-molecule metabolite screens may offer new insights into disease mechanisms and reveal new treatment targets. Methods Discovery (N = 33) and replication (N = 66) of liver biopsies spanning the range from normal liver histology to non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) were ascertained ensuring rapid freezing under 30 s in patients. 252 metabolites were assessed using GC/MS. Replicated metabolites were evaluated in a murine high-fat diet model of NAFLD. Results In a two-stage metabolic screening, hydroquinone (HQ, pcombined = 3.0 × 10−4) and nicotinic acid (NA, pcombined = 3.9 × 10−9) were inversely correlated with histological NAFLD severity. A murine high-fat diet model of NAFLD demonstrated a protective effect of these two substances against NAFLD: Supplementation with 1% HQ reduced only liver steatosis, whereas 0.6% NA reduced both liver fat content and serum transaminase levels and induced a complex regulatory network of genes linked to NALFD pathogenesis in a global expression pathway analysis. Human nutritional intake of NA equivalent was also consistent with a protective effect of NA against NASH progression. Conclusion This first small-molecular screen of human liver tissue identified two replicated protective metabolites. Either the use of NA or targeting its regulatory pathways might be explored to treat or prevent human NAFLD.


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A search for direct chargino production in anomaly-mediated supersymmetry breaking scenarios is performed in p p collisions at root s = 7 TeV using 4.7 fb(-1) of data collected with the ATLAS experiment at the LHC. In these models, the lightest chargino is predicted to have a lifetime long enough to be detected in the tracking detectors of collider experiments. This analysis explores such models by searching for chargino decays that result in tracks with few associated hits in the outer region of the tracking system. The transverse-momentum spectrum of candidate tracks is found to be consistent with the expectation from the Standard Model background processes and constraints on chargino properties are obtained.


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A search is presented for direct chargino production based on a disappearing-track signature using 20.3  fb−1 of proton-proton collisions at s√=8  TeV collected with the ATLAS experiment at the LHC. In anomaly-mediated supersymmetry breaking (AMSB) models, the lightest chargino is nearly mass degenerate with the lightest neutralino and its lifetime is long enough to be detected in the tracking detectors by identifying decays that result in tracks with no associated hits in the outer region of the tracking system. Some models with supersymmetry also predict charginos with a significant lifetime. This analysis attains sensitivity for charginos with a lifetime between 0.1 and 10 ns, and significantly surpasses the reach of the LEP experiments. No significant excess above the background expectation is observed for candidate tracks with large transverse momentum, and constraints on chargino properties are obtained. In the AMSB scenarios, a chargino mass below 270 GeV is excluded at 95% confidence level.


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The objects of study in this thesis are knots. More precisely, positive braid knots, which include algebraic knots and torus knots. In the first part of this thesis, we compare two classical knot invariants - the genus g and the signature σ - for positive braid knots. Our main result on positive braid knots establishes a linear lower bound for the signature in terms of the genus. In the second part of the thesis, a positive braid approach is applied to the study of the local behavior of polynomial functions from the complex affine plane to the complex numbers. After endowing polynomial function germs with a suitable topology, the adjacency problem arises: for a fixed germ f, what classes of germs g can be found arbitrarily close to f? We introduce two purely topological notions of adjacency for knots and discuss connections to algebraic notions of adjacency and the adjacency problem.


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The reciprocal interaction between cancer cells and the tissue-specific stroma is critical for primary and metastatic tumor growth progression. Prostate cancer cells colonize preferentially bone (osteotropism), where they alter the physiological balance between osteoblast-mediated bone formation and osteoclast-mediated bone resorption, and elicit prevalently an osteoblastic response (osteoinduction). The molecular cues provided by osteoblasts for the survival and growth of bone metastatic prostate cancer cells are largely unknown. We exploited the sufficient divergence between human and mouse RNA sequences together with redefinition of highly species-specific gene arrays by computer-aided and experimental exclusion of cross-hybridizing oligonucleotide probes. This strategy allowed the dissection of the stroma (mouse) from the cancer cell (human) transcriptome in bone metastasis xenograft models of human osteoinductive prostate cancer cells (VCaP and C4-2B). As a result, we generated the osteoblastic bone metastasis-associated stroma transcriptome (OB-BMST). Subtraction of genes shared by inflammation, wound healing and desmoplastic responses, and by the tissue type-independent stroma responses to a variety of non-osteotropic and osteotropic primary cancers generated a curated gene signature ("Core" OB-BMST) putatively representing the bone marrow/bone-specific stroma response to prostate cancer-induced, osteoblastic bone metastasis. The expression pattern of three representative Core OB-BMST genes (PTN, EPHA3 and FSCN1) seems to confirm the bone specificity of this response. A robust induction of genes involved in osteogenesis and angiogenesis dominates both the OB-BMST and Core OB-BMST. This translates in an amplification of hematopoietic and, remarkably, prostate epithelial stem cell niche components that may function as a self-reinforcing bone metastatic niche providing a growth support specific for osteoinductive prostate cancer cells. The induction of this combinatorial stem cell niche is a novel mechanism that may also explain cancer cell osteotropism and local interference with hematopoiesis (myelophthisis). Accordingly, these stem cell niche components may represent innovative therapeutic targets and/or serum biomarkers in osteoblastic bone metastasis.