1000 resultados para partilha de alimento


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Effective incorporation of a probiotic into foods requires the culture to remain viable all along processing and storage, without adverse alterations to sensory characteristics. The objective of this work was developing Minas-type fresh cheese with probiotic properties from buffalo milk. Four batches of Minas-type fresh cheese were prepared using buffalo milk: batch T1 in which neither culture nor lactic acid added; batch T3 in which only lactic acid added; batches T2 and T4 , both added of Lactobacillus acidophilus LAC 4, but T4 was also acidified. Resulting cheeses were evaluated for probiotic culture stability, texture profile, sensory acceptance, and changes in pH. The T4 probiotic cheese presented hardness, gumminess, and chewiness significantly lower than the other treatments. However, values for springiness and cohesiveness did not differ between all cheeses, and no sensory differences (p > 0.05) were found between treatments for texture, taste, and overall acceptance. The addition of probiotic to the acidified cheese (T4) yielded best aroma. The populations of L. acidophilus were greater than 10(6) CFU g-1 after 28 days of storage all products. Minas-type fresh cheese from buffalo milk is a suitable food for the delivery of L. acidophilus, since the culture remained viable during the shelf life of the products and did not negative affect analysed parameters.


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In order to evaluate the effect of environmental temperature on ruminal fermentation and on mineral levels of growing ruminants, it was used 12 male calves (initial average weight 82.9 ± 7.7 kg, 100 days of age), were employed in a randomized block design (by weight) experiment, with repeated weight measurement and two environmental temperatures: thermoneutral (24ºC) and heat-stressed (33ºC), during 38 days. The animals exposed to 33ºC presented lower dry matter ingestion, lower T3 (triiodothyronine) serum level, higher ammoniacal nitrogen (NH3-N) level in the rumen liquid, and higher rectal and body temperatures during all the experimental period when compared to the animals kept in thermoneutral environment (24ºC). The animals kept under heat stress environment (33ºC) presented higher calcium serum level, which was the highest on 31st day and the lowest on the 38th day of the experiment; phosphorus level was the lowest during all the experimental period; sodium level was lower on the 17th, 31st and 38th experimental days. Potassium and zinc levels were lower after 24 days; copper level was lower until the 24th day; magnesium level was higher until the 17th day, if compared to the ones from the animals kept in thermoneutral environment (24ºC). The heat-stressed animals presented higher levels of ammoniacal nitrogen in the ruminal liquid and a decrease in the phosphorus, sodium, potassium and zinc serum levels. These results show the necessity of changes on feed management to ruminants in temperatures over the thermal comfort limits so that performance loss is decreased.


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As abelhas são consideradas os principais polinizadores em ambientes naturais e agrícolas. Esse serviço ecossistêmico é essencial para a manutenção das populações selvagens de plantas e para a produção de alimento nos ambientes agrícolas e está ameaçado em várias regiões do mundo. O desmatamento é uma das causas principais porque ele afeta as populações de abelhas. A conservação das florestas é necessária para a manutenção das populações de abelhas e da polinização nas paisagens agrícolas.


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Several sample preparation strategies were employed for determination and fractionation of barium in Brazil nuts using measurements by graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry (GF AAS) and inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry with axial view (ICP OES). This food is widely consumed because of its nutritional value and good taste. The chemical analysis of Brazil nuts is not trivial due to their complex matrix. The fractionation of barium in Brazil nuts was studied owing to the toxicity of this element and the strong correlation between chemical form and absorption. Total concentrations of barium varied from 860 to 2084 mg kg-1. Sequential extractions were performed based on solubility in different media and also according to lipids, proteins and low molecular weight fractions (LMW). The greatest contents of barium were determined in the LMW and in the water insoluble fractions with concentrations in the range 778 to 1606 and 551 to 1520 mg kg-1, respectively. Based on these results it can be inferred that Ba is not absorbed when Brazil nuts are ingested. Considering both the contents of barium and sulfur in different fractions and stoichiometric calculations it was also possible to assume that barium occurs mainly in the BaSO4 form. The presence of this chemical form was also confirmed by thermogravimetric measurements.


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Sandy beaches are among the most extensive environments in Brazil and are generally threatened by disorderly urban growth due to their location along the coast, where human populations tend to concentrate. This is especially true in southeastern Brazil, where the largest urban areas are located. Thus, better knowledge regarding these natural resources is of considerable importance. The surf zone of sandy beaches is inhabited by a number of fish species, including juveniles seeking both food and shelter from predators. An ecological survey was conducted in the surf zone of Itamambuca beach in the city of Ubatuba, São Paulo State, Brazil, in order to evaluate the composition, structure and dynamics of the fish fauna using community descriptors. Diurnal and nocturnal samples were taken with a beach seine at five oceanographic stations over a 12-month period. Water temperature and salinity were also recorded. A total of 2,147 individuals representing 34 species and 18 families were sampled. The main variation in fish fauna was detected on the diel level, followed by a spatial repartition possibly related to salinity. Seasonal variation was also observed. The five most important species in the overall context were Atherinella brasiliensis, Eucinostomus melanopterus, Mugil sp., Trachinotus goodei and Atherinella blackburni.


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Population structure of the lancelet Branchiostoma caribaeum Sandevall, 1853 was studied in four surveys, corresponding to austral seasons, in a tropical bay, southeast of Brazil. Abundance was higher in the spring and was positively correlated to coarse sediments, limiting its occurrence to some sectors of the sampling area. Body length and biomass differed seasonally but not between sexes. Sexually mature individuals occurred in all seasons, suggesting continuous breeding that is typical of tropical species. Variation in the frequency of small specimens indicates temporal differences in the intensity of breeding. The body length of recruits differed from other population of lancelets and the small length which B. caribaeum attained sexual maturity in Guanabara Bay may be related to local environmental stress or the great availability of food.


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OBJECTIVE: To analyze the monounsaturated and polyunsaturated trans fatty acid intake among the general population. METHODS: A cross-sectional study was conducted in São Paulo, Southeastern Brazil, in 2003, on a representative sample of 2,298 male and female subjects, including 803 adolescents (12 to 19 years), 713 adults (20 to 59 years) and 782 elderly people (60 years or over). Food intake was measured using 24-hour recall. Mean trans fatty acid intake was described according to gender and age group. RESULTS: The mean trans fatty acid intake was 5.0 g/day (SE = 0.1), accounting for 2.4% (SE = 0.1) of total energy and 6.8% (SE = 0.1) of total lipids. The adolescents had the highest mean intake levels (7.4 g/day; 2.9% of energy) while the adults and the elderly had similar intake (2.2% of energy for both; 6.4% of lipids and 6.5% of lipids, respectively). The mean trans fatty acid intake among adult and elderly women (approximately 2.5% of energy and 7.0% of lipids) was higher than among men in the same age group. The food item with the highest contribution towards trans fatty acids was margarine, accounting for more than 30% of total intake, followed by filled cookies among adolescents and meat among adults and the elderly. CONCLUSIONS: The trans fatty acid intake is above the level recommended by the World Health Organization. Replacement of the trans fatty acids in manufactured food items may be an effective measure for reducing trans fatty acid intake in Brazil.


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CONTEXTO: Comportamentos de risco para transtornos alimentares envolvem atitudes e práticas inadequadas para com o alimento e o peso e podem ser avaliados com base em instrumentos validados. OBJETIVOS: Avaliar comportamento de risco para transtornos alimentares em universitárias brasileiras das cinco regiões do país. MÉTODOS: 2.483 universitárias responderam ao Teste de Atitudes Alimentares (EAT-26) nas cinco regiões. A pontuação no teste foi comparada entre as regiões por meio do teste qui-quadrado. Possíveis associações ou correlações com curso de graduação, idade, estado nutricional, renda individual e escolaridade do chefe da família foram avaliadas pelos coeficientes de Pearson e Spearman. Uma análise de covariância comparou o escore do EAT entre as regiões. RESULTADOS: A frequência de comportamento de risco para transtornos alimentares variou de 23,7% a 30,1% nas cinco regiões e não houve diferença na pontuação média do EAT e na proporção de escores positivos para comportamento de risco entre as regiões. Não houve forte correlação do escore do EAT com nenhuma das variáveis. CONCLUSÃO: Universitárias brasileiras apresentam alta frequência de comportamentos de risco para TA em todas as regiões do país. Medidas de prevenção devem ser planejadas para a população jovem feminina do Brasil.


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INTRODUÇÃO: A despeito do aumento expressivo da população idosa nos últimos anos, são escassos os estudos brasileiros relacionados ao consumo alimentar desses indivíduos. OBJETIVOS: Propor uma lista de alimentos mais consumidos por idosos residentes na Zona Leste de São Paulo e analisar os alimentos que contribuem para o consumo de nutrientes relevantes ao estado nutricional e, consequentemente, à saúde dos idosos. MÉTODOS: Foram avaliados 100 indivíduos acima de 60 anos, frequentadores de um centro de referência. Para caracterização do estado nutricional foi calculado o Índice de Massa Corporal (IMC). Para elaboração das listas de alimentos foram aplicados dois recordatórios alimentares de 24 horas (RA24h) em duas estações diferentes do ano, que foram analisados quanto à frequência de consumo de cada alimento e quanto à contribuição percentual de energia, macronutrientes, fibras, cálcio e vitamina D. RESULTADOS: Com relação ao estado nutricional, 52% apresentaram o IMC < 28 kg/m²; 15% entre 28 e 30 kg/m²; 26% entre 30 e 35 kg/m² e 7% com IMC > 35 kg/m². O aspecto positivo da dieta foi a preservação de hábitos saudáveis como o consumo de arroz e feijão, e também de vegetais verde-escuros. Como aspecto negativo observou-se que a dieta dos idosos é monótona, pois poucos alimentos contribuem para o consumo de vários nutrientes. Além disso, houve um elevado consumo de carboidratos refinados em detrimento do consumo de alimentos integrais. CONCLUSÕES: As listas de alimentos obtidas, além de permitirem a reflexão sobre intervenções educativas, permitem o desenvolvimento subsequente de um Questionário de Frequência Alimentar específico para esse grupo.


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O financiamento do SUS é regido pelo modelo de federalismo fiscal, pelas regras de partilha do Orçamento da Seguridade Social (OSS), por normas do Ministério da Saúde, e pela Emenda Constitucional nº. 29 (EC-29), que vincula à saúde recursos dos entes federados brasileiros. Discute-se aqui a sustentabilidade do gasto público com saúde no nível municipal. Foram estudados 21 municípios, utilizando-se dados dos balanços municipais. De 1996 a 2006 as receitas correntes gerais per capita subiram 280% acima da inflação acumulada e do Produto Interno Bruto (PIB) nacional, variando conforme o porte do município, o qual também definiu a composição dos orçamentos municipais. Já o orçamento que conforma a base da EC-29 elevou-se bem menos (178%), impondo limitações ao incremento da contrapartida municipal em saúde. Acredita-se que o observado nesses municípios se reproduza em milhares de municípios brasileiros e comprometa a capacidade de investimento municipal em saúde, principalmente a partir de 2008. A situação ainda pode se agravar tendo em vista a extinção da Contribuição Provisória sobre a Movimentação ou Transmissão de Valores e de Créditos e Direitos de Natureza Financeira (CPMF), a tramitação dos Projetos de Lei nº. 306/08 e nº. 233/08, e a recessão mundial, a partir da crise do sistema financeiro norte-americano.


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As dietas de baixo índice glicêmico e baixa carga glicêmica têm sido associadas à redução do risco de doenças crônicas. Por esse motivo há um interesse crescente na sua aplicação para avaliação e orientação nutricional. No entanto, existem limitações quanto ao uso de dados publicados de índice glicêmico e carga glicêmica, pela variedade e formas de processamento dos alimentos vegetais existentes. Devido à dificuldade de realização de ensaios in vivo, uma vez que são custosos, trabalhosos, invasivos e necessitam de período considerável de experimentação, foram desenvolvidas metodologias in vitro que, a partir da velocidade de digestão dos carboidratos, permitem estimar o índice glicêmico dos alimentos de forma prática, simples e econômica. O presente trabalho apresenta o uso de um marcador in vitro, o índice de hidrólise, na estimativa do índice glicêmico e da carga glicêmica, o método mais empregado por pesquisadores brasileiros, visando à sua aplicação por profissionais da área de Nutrição. Os cálculos e as interpretações para estimativa do Índice glicêmico e da carga glicêmica são apresentados por meio de um exemplo prático com alguns alimentos brasileiros e com o grão de amaranto submetido a diferentes processamentos. Na ausência de dados referentes à resposta glicêmica do alimento de interesse, os valores do marcador in vitro podem ser utilizados para estimar o índice glicêmico e a carga glicêmica dos alimentos. Porém, este marcador não deve ser utilizado indiscriminadamente, uma vez que leva em consideração apenas os fatores intrínsecos aos alimentos que influenciam o aproveitamento dos carboidratos disponíveis.


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The weevil subfamily Scolytinae includes beetles which may feed on the bark, trunk or roots of both live and dead trees and are sometimes considered forest and silvicultural pests. Less frequently, some species feed on seeds and may be cause economic losses when associated to plant cultivars. Spermophthorus apuleiae Costa-Lima is a Neotropical Scolytinae formerly recorded to be "associated" with seeds of Caesalpinia ferrea var. leiostachya Benth, a Brazilian tree popularly known in Portuguese as "pau-ferro". Hitherto, it was not clear whether these beetles actually feed on the seeds of that plant. In order to investigate the ability of S. apuleiae to feed on seeds of "pau-ferro", observations were done and colonies of these beetles were established. Both in the field and in captivity the beetles were not observed feeding on the seeds. Even when beetles were exposed to seeds as the only source of food they were incapable of boring or eating the seeds and died. Our data therefore suggest that S. apuleiae is a frugivorous species which peculiarly does not eat seeds of "pau-ferro".


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Ten young rumen-cannulated crossbred steers were randomly divided into two groups: a control group (C; n=4), which was fed a balanced diet for daily weight gain of 900g; and a pronounced energy-deprived group (PED; n=6), receiving 30% less of the required energy for maintenance. After 140 days of these alimentary regimes, rumen fluid and urine samples were collected for biochemical and functional tests, before feeding and at 1, 3, 6, and 9 hours after feeding. The energy-deprivation diet caused a significant reduction in the number of Entodinium, Eodinium, Isotricha, Dasytricha, Eremoplastron, Eudiplodinium, Metadinium, Charonina, Ostracodinium, and Epidinium protozoa. There was no effect of the time of sampling in both groups on the total number of ciliates in rumen fluid. A higher number of protozoan forms in binary division were recorded in the control group, at the 6th and 9th hours after feeding (P<0.019). There was a high positive correlation between the total count of protozoans in rumen fluid and glucose fermentation, ammonia, and urinary allantoin excretion index; and a negative correlation between the total count of protozoa and metilene blue reduction, and a medium correlation between the total count of protozoa and total volatile fatty acids concentration. The determination of the protozoa populations does not imply in the use of complex and hard-to-execute techniques, although it is time consuming and needs practice. This exam particularly helps in clinical expected diagnosis.


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O estudo foi realizado com o objetivo de avaliar o resultado econômico e o desempenho de leitões na fase de creche alimentados com rações formuladas com base nos nutrientes digestíveis da silagem de grãos úmidos de milho. Foram utilizados 18 leitões mestiços (Landrace × Large White) com peso médio inicial de 16,01 kg no experimento de digestibilidade e 60 leitões mestiços com peso médio inicial de 7,11 kg no experimento de desempenho. O delineamento experimental nos dois experimentos foi em blocos ao acaso. No experimento de digestibilidade, avaliou-se uma ração-referência contendo ou não 30% de milho seco moído (30%) e silagem de grãos úmidos de milho e, no experimento de desempenho, avaliaram-se quatro rações: à base de grãos de milho seco moídos; à base de silagem de grãos úmidos de milho (SGUM) em substituição a 100% do milho seco, com base na matéria seca; à base de SGUM, considerando o valor de energia digestível da silagem determinado no experimento de digestibilidade; e à base de SGUM, considerando os valores de energia digestível, proteína digestível e fósforo disponível da silagem, determinados no experimento de digestibilidade. A digestibilidade aparente de matéria seca (MS), proteína bruta (PB), fósforo (P) e cálcio (Ca) e o nível de energia digestível foram maiores para a ração à base de SGUM formulada considerando os valores nutricionais determinados no experimento de digestibilidade. Durante o período total do experimento de desempenho (0 a 32 dias), a SGUM proporcionou melhor conversão alimentar e os menores custos/kg de peso ganho, mas não foram observadas diferenças no ganho diário de peso e no consumo diário de ração. Na formulação de rações com silagem de grãos úmidos de milho para suínos, deve-se considerar o valor nutricional, principalmente o teor de energia digestível, desse alimento.


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Hundreds of plant species have been studied in order to find out the active ingredient responsible for their insecticidal activity against the pests of economic importance. To verify the insecticidal activity in the husk of stem of Croton urucurana Baillon 1864 (Euphorbiaceae) against Anagasta kuehniella Zeller 1879 (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae), the methanolic (EMeOH) extract, dichloromethane fraction (FDM), ethyl acetate fraction (FAE) and crude resin, incorporated into an artificial diet were evaluated. EMeOH (0.5, 1.0 and 2.0%) and crude resin (2.0%) interfered with neither the weight nor the survival of fourth instar larvae and other analyzed parameters. FDM (2.0%) fraction caused mortality of 65%, and the artificial diet containing 2.0, 1.0 and 0.5% FAE caused 100, 55 and 68% mortality respectively when compared with the control, confirming the least efficiency rates of food conversion for FDM(2.0%) and FAE(1.0%). The tryptic analysis performed with the midgut fluid of fourth-instar larvae demonstrated that tryptic and chymiotryptic activities for the larvae fed artificial diet containing EMeOH and crude resin were not different.