890 resultados para knowledge-based systems


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After being designed, a product has to be manufactured, which means converting concepts and information into a real, physical object. This requires a big amount of resources and a careful planning. The product manufacturing must be designed too, and that is called Industrialization Design. An accepted methodology for this activity is starting defining simple structures and then progressively increasing the detail degree of the manufacturing solution. The impact of decisions taken at first stages of Industrialization Design is remarkable, and software tools to assist designers are required. In this paper a Knowledge Based Application prototype for the Industrialization Design is presented. The application is implemented within the environment CATIA V5/DELMIA. A case study with a simple Product from aerospace sector illustrates the prototype development.


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We present a theoretical framework and a case study for reusing the same conceptual and computational methodology for both temporal abstraction and linear (unidimensional) space abstraction, in a domain (evaluation of traffic-control actions) significantly different from the one (clinical medicine) in which the method was originally used. The method, known as knowledge-based temporal abstraction, abstracts high-level concepts and patterns from time-stamped raw data using a formal theory of domain-specific temporal-abstraction knowledge. We applied this method, originally used to interpret time-oriented clinical data, to the domain of traffic control, in which the monitoring task requires linear pattern matching along both space and time. First, we reused the method for creation of unidimensional spatial abstractions over highways, given sensor measurements along each highway measured at the same time point. Second, we reused the method to create temporal abstractions of the traffic behavior, for the same space segments, but during consecutive time points. We defined the corresponding temporal-abstraction and spatial-abstraction domain-specific knowledge. Our results suggest that (1) the knowledge-based temporal-abstraction method is reusable over time and unidimensional space as well as over significantly different domains; (2) the method can be generalized into a knowledge-based linear-abstraction method, which solves tasks requiring abstraction of data along any linear distance measure; and (3) a spatiotemporal-abstraction method can be assembled from two copies of the generalized method and a spatial-decomposition mechanism, and is applicable to tasks requiring abstraction of time-oriented data into meaningful spatiotemporal patterns over a linear, decomposable space, such as traffic over a set of highways.


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After being designed, a product has to be manufactured, which means converting concepts and information into a real, physical object. This requires a big amount of resources and a careful planning. The product manufacturing must be designed too, and that is called Industrialization Design. An accepted methodology for this activity is starting defining simple structures and then progressively increasing the detail degree of the manufacturing solution. The impact of decisions taken at first stages of Industrialization Design is remarkable, and software tools to assist designers are required. In this paper a Knowledge Based Application prototype for the Industrialization Design is presented. The application is implemented within the environment CATIA V5/DELMIA. A case study with a simple Product from aerospace sector illustrates the prototype development.


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Optical filters are crucial elements in optical communication networks. Their influence toward the optical signal will affect the communication quality seriously. In this paper we will study and simulate the optical signal impairment and crosstalk penalty caused by different kinds of filters, which include Butterworth, Bessel, Fiber Bragg Grating (FBG) and Fabry-Perot (F-P). Signal impairment from filter concatenation effect and crosstalk penalty from out-band and in-band are analyzed from Q-penalty, eye opening penalty (EOP) and optical spectrum. The simulation results show that signal impairment and crosstalk penalty induced by the Butterworth filter is the minimum among these four types of filters. Signal impairment caused by filter concatenation effect shows that when center frequency of all filters is aligned perfectly with the laser's frequency, 12 50-GHz Butterworth filters can be cascaded, with 1-dB EOP. This value is reduced to 9 when the center frequency is misaligned with 5 GHz. In the 50-GHz channel spacing DWDM networks, total Q-penalty induced by a pair of Butterworth filters based demultiplexer and multiplexer is lower than 0.5 dB when the filter bandwidth is in the range of 42-46 GHz.


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Debido al gran incremento de datos digitales que ha tenido lugar en los últimos años, ha surgido un nuevo paradigma de computación paralela para el procesamiento eficiente de grandes volúmenes de datos. Muchos de los sistemas basados en este paradigma, también llamados sistemas de computación intensiva de datos, siguen el modelo de programación de Google MapReduce. La principal ventaja de los sistemas MapReduce es que se basan en la idea de enviar la computación donde residen los datos, tratando de proporcionar escalabilidad y eficiencia. En escenarios libres de fallo, estos sistemas generalmente logran buenos resultados. Sin embargo, la mayoría de escenarios donde se utilizan, se caracterizan por la existencia de fallos. Por tanto, estas plataformas suelen incorporar características de tolerancia a fallos y fiabilidad. Por otro lado, es reconocido que las mejoras en confiabilidad vienen asociadas a costes adicionales en recursos. Esto es razonable y los proveedores que ofrecen este tipo de infraestructuras son conscientes de ello. No obstante, no todos los enfoques proporcionan la misma solución de compromiso entre las capacidades de tolerancia a fallo (o de manera general, las capacidades de fiabilidad) y su coste. Esta tesis ha tratado la problemática de la coexistencia entre fiabilidad y eficiencia de los recursos en los sistemas basados en el paradigma MapReduce, a través de metodologías que introducen el mínimo coste, garantizando un nivel adecuado de fiabilidad. Para lograr esto, se ha propuesto: (i) la formalización de una abstracción de detección de fallos; (ii) una solución alternativa a los puntos únicos de fallo de estas plataformas, y, finalmente, (iii) un nuevo sistema de asignación de recursos basado en retroalimentación a nivel de contenedores. Estas contribuciones genéricas han sido evaluadas tomando como referencia la arquitectura Hadoop YARN, que, hoy en día, es la plataforma de referencia en la comunidad de los sistemas de computación intensiva de datos. En la tesis se demuestra cómo todas las contribuciones de la misma superan a Hadoop YARN tanto en fiabilidad como en eficiencia de los recursos utilizados. ABSTRACT Due to the increase of huge data volumes, a new parallel computing paradigm to process big data in an efficient way has arisen. Many of these systems, called dataintensive computing systems, follow the Google MapReduce programming model. The main advantage of these systems is based on the idea of sending the computation where the data resides, trying to provide scalability and efficiency. In failure-free scenarios, these frameworks usually achieve good results. However, these ones are not realistic scenarios. Consequently, these frameworks exhibit some fault tolerance and dependability techniques as built-in features. On the other hand, dependability improvements are known to imply additional resource costs. This is reasonable and providers offering these infrastructures are aware of this. Nevertheless, not all the approaches provide the same tradeoff between fault tolerant capabilities (or more generally, reliability capabilities) and cost. In this thesis, we have addressed the coexistence between reliability and resource efficiency in MapReduce-based systems, looking for methodologies that introduce the minimal cost and guarantee an appropriate level of reliability. In order to achieve this, we have proposed: (i) a formalization of a failure detector abstraction; (ii) an alternative solution to single points of failure of these frameworks, and finally (iii) a novel feedback-based resource allocation system at the container level. Finally, our generic contributions have been instantiated for the Hadoop YARN architecture, which is the state-of-the-art framework in the data-intensive computing systems community nowadays. The thesis demonstrates how all our approaches outperform Hadoop YARN in terms of reliability and resource efficiency.


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LLas nuevas tecnologías orientadas a la nube, el internet de las cosas o las tendencias "as a service" se basan en el almacenamiento y procesamiento de datos en servidores remotos. Para garantizar la seguridad en la comunicación de dichos datos al servidor remoto, y en el manejo de los mismos en dicho servidor, se hace uso de diferentes esquemas criptográficos. Tradicionalmente, dichos sistemas criptográficos se centran en encriptar los datos mientras no sea necesario procesarlos (es decir, durante la comunicación y almacenamiento de los mismos). Sin embargo, una vez es necesario procesar dichos datos encriptados (en el servidor remoto), es necesario desencriptarlos, momento en el cual un intruso en dicho servidor podría a acceder a datos sensibles de usuarios del mismo. Es más, este enfoque tradicional necesita que el servidor sea capaz de desencriptar dichos datos, teniendo que confiar en la integridad de dicho servidor de no comprometer los datos. Como posible solución a estos problemas, surgen los esquemas de encriptación homomórficos completos. Un esquema homomórfico completo no requiere desencriptar los datos para operar con ellos, sino que es capaz de realizar las operaciones sobre los datos encriptados, manteniendo un homomorfismo entre el mensaje cifrado y el mensaje plano. De esta manera, cualquier intruso en el sistema no podría robar más que textos cifrados, siendo imposible un robo de los datos sensibles sin un robo de las claves de cifrado. Sin embargo, los esquemas de encriptación homomórfica son, actualmente, drás-ticamente lentos comparados con otros esquemas de encriptación clásicos. Una op¬eración en el anillo del texto plano puede conllevar numerosas operaciones en el anillo del texto encriptado. Por esta razón, están surgiendo distintos planteamientos sobre como acelerar estos esquemas para un uso práctico. Una de las propuestas para acelerar los esquemas homomórficos consiste en el uso de High-Performance Computing (HPC) usando FPGAs (Field Programmable Gate Arrays). Una FPGA es un dispositivo semiconductor que contiene bloques de lógica cuya interconexión y funcionalidad puede ser reprogramada. Al compilar para FPGAs, se genera un circuito hardware específico para el algorithmo proporcionado, en lugar de hacer uso de instrucciones en una máquina universal, lo que supone una gran ventaja con respecto a CPUs. Las FPGAs tienen, por tanto, claras difrencias con respecto a CPUs: -Arquitectura en pipeline: permite la obtención de outputs sucesivos en tiempo constante -Posibilidad de tener multiples pipes para computación concurrente/paralela. Así, en este proyecto: -Se realizan diferentes implementaciones de esquemas homomórficos en sistemas basados en FPGAs. -Se analizan y estudian las ventajas y desventajas de los esquemas criptográficos en sistemas basados en FPGAs, comparando con proyectos relacionados. -Se comparan las implementaciones con trabajos relacionados New cloud-based technologies, the internet of things or "as a service" trends are based in data storage and processing in a remote server. In order to guarantee a secure communication and handling of data, cryptographic schemes are used. Tradi¬tionally, these cryptographic schemes focus on guaranteeing the security of data while storing and transferring it, not while operating with it. Therefore, once the server has to operate with that encrypted data, it first decrypts it, exposing unencrypted data to intruders in the server. Moreover, the whole traditional scheme is based on the assumption the server is reliable, giving it enough credentials to decipher data to process it. As a possible solution for this issues, fully homomorphic encryption(FHE) schemes is introduced. A fully homomorphic scheme does not require data decryption to operate, but rather operates over the cyphertext ring, keeping an homomorphism between the cyphertext ring and the plaintext ring. As a result, an outsider could only obtain encrypted data, making it impossible to retrieve the actual sensitive data without its associated cypher keys. However, using homomorphic encryption(HE) schemes impacts performance dras-tically, slowing it down. One operation in the plaintext space can lead to several operations in the cyphertext space. Because of this, different approaches address the problem of speeding up these schemes in order to become practical. One of these approaches consists in the use of High-Performance Computing (HPC) using FPGAs (Field Programmable Gate Array). An FPGA is an integrated circuit designed to be configured by a customer or a designer after manufacturing - hence "field-programmable". Compiling into FPGA means generating a circuit (hardware) specific for that algorithm, instead of having an universal machine and generating a set of machine instructions. FPGAs have, thus, clear differences compared to CPUs: - Pipeline architecture, which allows obtaining successive outputs in constant time. -Possibility of having multiple pipes for concurrent/parallel computation. Thereby, In this project: -We present different implementations of FHE schemes in FPGA-based systems. -We analyse and study advantages and drawbacks of the implemented FHE schemes, compared to related work.


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We introduce a method of functionally classifying genes by using gene expression data from DNA microarray hybridization experiments. The method is based on the theory of support vector machines (SVMs). SVMs are considered a supervised computer learning method because they exploit prior knowledge of gene function to identify unknown genes of similar function from expression data. SVMs avoid several problems associated with unsupervised clustering methods, such as hierarchical clustering and self-organizing maps. SVMs have many mathematical features that make them attractive for gene expression analysis, including their flexibility in choosing a similarity function, sparseness of solution when dealing with large data sets, the ability to handle large feature spaces, and the ability to identify outliers. We test several SVMs that use different similarity metrics, as well as some other supervised learning methods, and find that the SVMs best identify sets of genes with a common function using expression data. Finally, we use SVMs to predict functional roles for uncharacterized yeast ORFs based on their expression data.


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In t-norm based systems many-valued logic, valuations of propositions form a non-countable set: interval [0,1]. In addition, we are given a set E of truth values p, subject to certain conditions, the valuation v is v=V(p), V reciprocal application of E on [0,1]. The general propositional algebra of t-norm based many-valued logic is then constructed from seven axioms. It contains classical logic (not many-valued) as a special case. It is first applied to the case where E=[0,1] and V is the identity. The result is a t-norm based many-valued logic in which contradiction can have a nonzero degree of truth but cannot be true; for this reason, this logic is called quasi-paraconsistent.


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Plane model extraction from three-dimensional point clouds is a necessary step in many different applications such as planar object reconstruction, indoor mapping and indoor localization. Different RANdom SAmple Consensus (RANSAC)-based methods have been proposed for this purpose in recent years. In this study, we propose a novel method-based on RANSAC called Multiplane Model Estimation, which can estimate multiple plane models simultaneously from a noisy point cloud using the knowledge extracted from a scene (or an object) in order to reconstruct it accurately. This method comprises two steps: first, it clusters the data into planar faces that preserve some constraints defined by knowledge related to the object (e.g., the angles between faces); and second, the models of the planes are estimated based on these data using a novel multi-constraint RANSAC. We performed experiments in the clustering and RANSAC stages, which showed that the proposed method performed better than state-of-the-art methods.


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"College of Engineering, UILU-ENG-89-1757."


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Discourse about knowledge-based economies rarely moves beyond the commercialization of science and engineering, and is locked in the discursive limits of functionalism. We argue that these discourses limit the scope of what knowledge-based economies might achieve because they are uninformed by an adequate conception of knowledge. In particular, knowledge management and knowledge-based economy discourse has not included the axiological dimension of knowledge that leads to wisdom. Taking an axiological perspective, we can discuss policy frameworks aimed at producing the social structures needed to bring fully formed and fully functioning knowledge societies into being. We argue that while the dominant discourse of industrial modernity remains rationalist, functionalist, utilitarian and technocratic, knowledge-based economies will resemble a savant rather than a sage. A wisdom-based renaissance of humanistic epistemology is needed to avoid increasing social dysfunction and a lack of wisdom in complex technological societies.


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Owing to the high degree of vulnerability of liquid retaining structures to corrosion problems, there are stringent requirements in its design against cracking. In this paper, a prototype knowledge-based system is developed and implemented for the design of liquid retaining structures based on the blackboard architecture. A commercially available expert system shell VISUAL RULE STUDIO working as an ActiveX Designer under the VISUAL BASIC programming environment is employed. Hybrid knowledge representation approach with production rules and procedural methods under object-oriented programming are used to represent the engineering heuristics and design knowledge of this domain. It is demonstrated that the blackboard architecture is capable of integrating different knowledge together in an effective manner. The system is tailored to give advice to users regarding preliminary design, loading specification and optimized configuration selection of this type of structure. An example of application is given to illustrate the capabilities of the prototype system in transferring knowledge on liquid retaining structure to novice engineers. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.