949 resultados para intraocular pressure
Bakgrund: Glaukom är en kronisk progressiv ögonsjukdom och en av den främsta orsaken till blindhet i världen. Intraockulärt trycksänkande ögondroppar är den vanligaste behandlingsmetoden och följsamhet är mycket viktigt för att minska progression av sjukdomen och risken att bli blind. Tidigare studier har visat att det finns en bristande följsamhet hos patienter med denna behandling. Syfte: Att belysa de faktorer som påverkar patientens följsamhet så att sjuksköterskan ska få en bättre förståelse och kunna vägleda patienten till en bättre följsamhet. Metod: En systematisk litteraturstudie genomfördes baserad på 14 vetenskapliga artiklar med både kvalitativ och kvantitativ ansats. Resultat: Det finns många olika faktorer som påverkar patientens följsamhet i behandlingen med ögondroppar. Det kan vara faktorer som är orsakade av sjukvårdspersonal, av patienten själv samt av miljö/socioekonomiska skäl. Slutsats: Det är viktigt att fortsätta forska på de faktorer som påverkar patienters följsamhet vid ögondroppsbehandling för att sjuksköterskan ska kunna vägleda till en ökad följsamhet.
Le glaucome est un groupe hétérogène de maladies qui sont caractérisées par l’apoptose des cellules ganglionnaires de la rétine et la dégénérescence progressive du nerf optique. Il s’agit de la première cause de cécité irréversible, qui touche environ 60 millions de personnes dans le monde. Sa forme la plus commune est le glaucome à angle ouvert (GAO), un trouble polygénique causé principalement par une prédisposition génétique, en interaction avec d’autres facteurs de risque tels que l’âge et la pression intraoculaire élevée (PIO). Le GAO est une maladie génétique complexe, bien que certaines formes sévères sont autosomiques dominantes. Dix-sept loci ont été liés à la maladie et acceptés par la « Human Genome Organisation » (HUGO) et cinq gènes ont été identifiés à ces loci (MYOC, OPTN, WDR36, NTF4, ASB10). Récemment, des études d’association sur l’ensemble du génome ont identifié plus de 20 facteurs de risque fréquents, avec des effets relativement faibles. Depuis plus de 50 ans, notre équipe étudie 749 membres de la grande famille canadienne-française CA où la mutation MYOCK423E cause une forme autosomale dominante de GAO dont l’âge de début est fortement variable. Premièrement, il a été montré que cette variabilité de l’âge de début de l’hypertension intraoculaire possède une importante composante génétique causée par au moins un gène modificateur. Ce modificateur interagit avec la mutation primaire et altère la sévérité du glaucome chez les porteurs de MYOCK423E. Un gène modificateur candidat WDR36 a été génotypé dans 2 grandes familles CA et BV. Les porteurs de variations non-synonymes de WDR36 ainsi que de MYOCK423E de la famille CA ont montré une tendance à développer la maladie plus jeune. Un outil de forage de données a été développé pour représenter des informations connues relatives à la maladie et faciliter la priorisation des gènes candidats. Cet outil a été appliqué avec succès à la dépression bipolaire et au glaucome. La suite du projet consiste à finaliser un balayage de génome sur la famille CA et à séquencer les loci afin d’identifier les variations modificatrices du glaucome. Éventuellement, ces variations permettront d’identifier les individus dont le glaucome risque d’être plus agressif.
Objective Primary open angle glaucoma (POAG) is the most common type of glaucoma in Africa. We carried out a study to determine the clinical presentation pattern of patients with primary open angle glaucoma (POAG) at a tertiary hospital in Malawi. Design A cross-sectional study Setting Lions Sight First Eye Hospital—a major referral and teaching state eye hospital in Blantyre, Malawi Subjects Study participants were newly diagnosed POAG patients at specialist eye clinic during study period. Results A total of 60 POAG patients were recruited into the study. The mean age was 58.7 years (SD= 16.6, range 18 - 86). There were more male (44, 73.3%) than female (16, 27.7%) patients. The majority of patients (73%) presented one year after onset of visual symptoms. Twenty-six patients (43%) had unilateral blindness (visual acuity < 3/60; WHO classification), while nine patients (15%) presented with bilateral blindness. A vertical cup-to-disc ratio (CDR) of 0.8 or worse was seen in 92 eyes (79%). The mean intraocular pressure (IOP) reading was 35.5 mmHg (SD 13.30). Of the thirty-three eyes that successfully underwent visual field analysis, very advanced defects were recorded in 12 eyes (36%). Conclusion This study demonstrates delayed presentation and male predominance among POAG patients at a tertiary eye hospital in Malawi. Glaucoma intervention programmes should aim at identifying patients with treatable glaucoma with particular attention to women.
Purpose.: 5-Methoxy-carbonylamino-N-acetyltryptamine (5-MCA-NAT, a melatonin receptor agonist) produces a clear intraocular pressure (IOP) reduction in New Zealand White rabbits and glaucomatous monkeys. The goal of this study was to evaluate whether the hypotensive effect of 5-MCA-NAT was enhanced by the presence of cellulose derivatives, some of them with bioadhesive properties, as well as to determine whether these formulations were well tolerated by the ocular surface. Methods.: Formulations were prepared with propylene glycol (0.275%), carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC, 0.5% and 1.0%) of low and medium viscosity and hydroxypropylmethyl cellulose (0.3%). Quantification of 5-MCA-NAT (100 μM) was assessed by HPLC. In vitro tolerance was evaluated by the MTT method in human corneal-limbal epithelial cells and normal human conjunctival cells. In vivo tolerance was analyzed by biomicroscopy and specular microscopy in rabbit eyes. The ocular hypotensive effect was evaluated measuring IOP for 8 hours in rabbit eyes. Results.: All the formulations demonstrated good in vitro and in vivo tolerance. 5-MCA-NAT in CMC medium viscosity 0.5% was the most effective at reducing IOP (maximum IOP reduction, 30.27%), and its effect lasted approximately 7 hours. Conclusions.: The hypotensive effect of 5-MCA-NAT was increased by using bioadhesive polymers in formulations that are suitable for the ocular surface and also protective of the eye in long-term therapies. The use of 5-MCA-NAT combined with bioadhesive polymers is a good strategy in the treatment of ocular hypertension and glaucoma.
The research on the effect of melatonin on intraocular pressure (IOP) is reviewed from the hystorical point of view of our laboratory. The original idea of melatonin modulating intraocular pressure has been improved by using selective compounds for MT2 and specially melatonin MT3 receptors. The selective compound 5-methoxyamino N-acetyltryptamine (5-MCA-NAT) has been an attractive compound due to its ability to reduce IOP about 40%, therefore being a good candidate to the treatment of the ocular hypertension linked to glaucoma. More compounds have been developed and tested permitting us to have a more accurate panorama of those receptors controlling the relevant process of intraocular pressure.
TRPV4 activation triggers the release of melatonin from human non-pigmented ciliary epithelial cells
Melatonin is a neurohormone mainly produced in the pineal gland; nevertheless, various ocular structures such as the ciliary body, lens and the retina produce it. One of the roles of melatonin in the eye is the modulation of intraocular pressure, although little is known about the mechanisms that causes its presence in the aqueous humour. TRPV4 is a membrane channel which is activated by both physical and chemical stimuli. Therefore, this channel is sensitive to osmotic and hydrostatic pressure. As a consequence, TRPV4 results as an interesting candidate to study the relation between the activation of the TRPV4 channel and the production of melatonin. In this sense we have studied the role of the TRPV4 agonist GSK1016790A to modulate the production of melatonin in a cell line derived from human non-pigmented ciliary epithelial cells. The stimulation of the TRPV4 produced an increase in the extracellular melatonin levels changing from 8.5 ± 0.6 nM/well/30 min (control) to 23.3 ± 2.1 nM/well/30 min after 10 nM GSK1016790A application, this action being blocked by the selective antagonist RN 1734. The activation of the TRPV4 by GSK1016790A permitted to observe a melatonin increase which was concentration-dependent, and provided a pD2 value of −8.5 ± 0.1 (EC50 of 3.0 nM). In conclusion, the activation of the TRPV4 present in human non-pigmented ciliary epithelial cells can modulate the presence of extracellular melatonin, this being of relevance since this substance controls the dynamics of the aqueous humour.
To develop a disease activity index for patients with uveitis (UVEDAI) encompassing the relevant domains of disease activity considered important among experts in this field. The steps for designing UVEDAI were: (a) Defining the construct and establishing the domains through a formal judgment of experts, (b) A two-round Delphi study with a panel of 15 experts to determine the relevant items, (c) Selection of items: A logistic regression model was developed that set ocular inflammatory activity as the dependent variable. The construct “uveitis inflammatory activity” was defined as any intraocular inflammation that included external structures (cornea) in addition to uvea. Seven domains and 15 items were identified: best-corrected visual acuity, inflammation of the anterior chamber (anterior chamber cells, hypopyon, the presence of fibrin, active posterior keratic precipitates and iris nodules), intraocular pressure, inflammation of the vitreous cavity (vitreous haze, snowballs and snowbanks), central macular edema, inflammation of the posterior pole (the presence and number of choroidal/retinal lesions, vascular inflammation and papillitis), and global assessment from both (patient and physician). From all the variables studied in the multivariate model, anterior chamber cell grade, vitreous haze, central macular edema, inflammatory vessel sheathing, papillitis, choroidal/retinal lesions and patient evaluation were included in UVEDAI. UVEDAI is an index designed to assess the global ocular inflammatory activity in patients with uveitis. It might prove worthwhile to motorize the activity of this extraarticular manifestation of some rheumatic diseases.
OBJETIVO: Verificar influência da idade no comportamento da pressão intraocular (PIO) em população acima de 40 anos. MÉTODOS: Neste estudo observacional transversal realizado no município de Piraquara - PR, a PIO foi aferida através da tonometria de Goldmann. Todos os indivíduos foram submetidos a exame de triagem, sendo os suspeitos de glaucoma ou hipertensão ocular encaminhados ao atendimento de retorno para realização de exame oftalmológico completo. Para fins de análise estatística, os pacientes foram divididos em grupos etários (40-49; 50-59; 60-69 e acima de 70 anos). Posteriormente todos os pacientes portadores de glaucoma ou suspeita, hipertensão arterial sistêmica (HAS) ou Diabetes mellitus (DM) foram excluídos. RESULTADOS: Avaliaram-se 3360 indivíduos com média de idade de 54,04 ± 10,52 anos, sendo 59,79% do sexo feminino. Não se observou diferença estatisticamente significativa entre a média da PIO nos diferentes grupos etários (p=0,19; teste ANOVA). da mesma forma, não foi observada correlação significativa entre a PIO e a idade (p = 0,11; correlação linear de Pearson). Após exclusão dos indivíduos portadores de HAS (1671), DM (n=360), glaucoma ou suspeita de glaucoma (n=161) não se observou diferença estatisticamente significativa entre a média da PIO e a idade (p=0,17; teste ANOVA). No entanto, uma fraca correlação negativa, porém significativa, foi encontrada entre PIO e idade (p=0,03; R=-0,055, correlação linear Pearson). CONCLUSÃO: Na presente amostra, não foi observada influência significativa da idade na PIO, entretanto, após a exclusão de indivíduos com glaucoma, HAS e DM, observou-se uma fraca correlação linear negativa e significativa entre as duas variáveis.
Estudos sugerem que a atividade física promove redução e contribui no controle da Pressão Intraocular (PIO). O objetivo foi verificar o efeito de diferentes exercícios na PIO. Quinze voluntários foram submetidos a 3 sessões de 30min de exercícios resistidos (3 x 8 repetições a 80%1RM), aeróbio contínuo (60% da Frequência Cardíaca de Reserva [FCR]), aeróbio intervalado (2min a 50% alternando com 1min a 80% da FCR). PIO foi mensurada antes (M1), durante (M2-15min), imediatamente após a sessão (M3) e na recuperação (5min [R1] e 10min [R2]). Adotou-se ANOVA para tratamento estatístico. Houve redução significativa da PIO nas 3 sessões de exercício (M2 e M3). Na recuperação, PIO permaneceu reduzida após 5min (R1) em todos os modelos. Porém, aos 10min (R2) estava menor que M1 apenas na sessão de exercício intervalado. Os resultados sugerem que o exercício intervalado pode ser mais efetivo que o contínuo e resistido na diminuição da PIO.