983 resultados para inductively coupled plasma


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Equilateral-triangle-resonator (ETR) microlasers with an output waveguide connected to one of the vertices of the ETR are fabricated using standard photolithography and inductively-coupled-plasma etching techniques. Continuous-wave electrically injected 1550 nm ETR laser with side length ranged from 15 to 30 tm are realized at room temperature.


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This paper describes the design and fabrication process of a two-dimensional GaAs-based photonic crystal nanocavity and analyzes the optical characterization of cavity modes at room temperature. Single InAs/InGaAs quantum dots (QDs) layer was embedded in a GaAs waveguide layer grown on an Al0.7Ga0.3As layer and GaAs substrate. The patterning of the structure and the membrane release were achieved by using electron-beam lithography, reaction ion etching, inductively coupled plasma etching and selective wet etching. The micro-luminescence spectrum is recorded from the fabricated nanocavities, and it is found that some high-order cavity modes are clearly observed besides the lowest-order resonant mode is exhibited in spite of much high rate of nonradiative recombination. The variance of resonant modes is also discussed as a function of r/a ratio and will be used in techniques aimed to improve the probability of achieving spectral coupling of a single QD to a cavity mode.


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本论文分为两部分:1. 综述部分(第一章和第二章),评述了悬浮进样方式在电感耦合等离子体发射光谱法(ICP-OES)中的研究与应用;电感耦合等离子体质谱(ICP-MS)中碰撞/反应池技术研究的新进展。2. 实验部分(第三章至第九章),内容包括针对不同性质的样品悬浮液选择适当的稳定剂和悬浮雾化ICP-OES的校准方法研究;以混合碰撞/反应气体解决难度较大的高纯氧化钕中稀土杂质测定的干扰问题;以及浊点萃取-石墨炉原子吸收法测定环境样品中痕量镉、氢化物发生-原子荧光光谱法测定铅基合金中砷和植物样品中锗等实用性强的分析方法研究。 ICP的传统进样方式是将样品转化成水溶液形式,以溶液方式进样。然而大多数样品是以固态形式存在,许多样品相当难溶或难熔。采用直接固体进样方法对这些样品进行分析,是分析工作者追求的目标之一。悬浮液进样是一种固体直接进样方法,除了具有其它固体进样技术的优点外,其最大优点是可以像溶液雾化一样用标准水溶液校准。本研究针对实际分析工作中遇到的具体样品,对悬浮进样ICP-OES技术进行了比较深入的研究,成功解决了样品处理繁琐和样品难以处理等困难。对特殊地质样品和激光晶体材料(Nd:YAG)的悬浮进样分析进行了探索。主要工作为:①建立分析地质样品中主量和微量元素的方法,标准水溶液可以成功地用于校准。优点是可以同时对地质样品中的Si和其它元素进行分析,避免了传统分析时需分别处理样品的麻烦。②探索了分析铌钽矿中铌和钽的应用。由于铌和钽具有强抗化学腐蚀性,所以溶液进样分析时样品处理过程复杂。结果表明,以标准水溶液校准时,只要样品研磨时间延长至5 h,即可获得悬浮进样的满意的回收率。③研究了分析掺钕钇铝石榴石(Nd:YAG)中钕掺杂量的可行性。研究表明,加入适量聚丙烯酸作分散剂并调节pH为6,可以得到稳定悬浮液;以通用标准加入法(GSAM)校准可以得到满意的结果。 我国的稀土资源占世界的80%以上,高纯稀土氧化物是高科技领域中的重要材料。碰撞/反应池技术是目前四极杆ICP-MS消除干扰的先进技术,可以选择性地减少某些基体干扰,使背景和检测限得到显著的改进。本实验选择氧化钕(有7个同位素)作为研究对象,采用碰撞/反应池技术重点解决四极杆ICP-MS方法对高纯Nd2O3中稀土杂质进行测定时,基体Nd对Tb、Dy和Ho严重的氧化物或氢氧化物干扰难题。研究结果如下:①在四极杆高分辨率模式下,可以消除Nd对Pr的相邻峰的拖尾干扰;②采用碰撞/反应池技术,设计了10% O2-10% Ar-80% He混合气体作为碰撞/反应气,将Tb、Dy和Ho分别转化为相应的氧化物离子进行测定,成功地消除了基体Nd对Ho的干扰;Nd对Tb和Dy造成干扰的表观浓度显著降低。本方法可直接测定纯度为6N的高纯Nd2O3中的Ho;对纯度为6N的高纯Nd2O3中的Tb和Dy进行扣除,可以分析纯度达5N的高纯Nd2O3中的Tb和Dy。与文献报道的其它消除基体Nd干扰的方法相比较,此方法能够对纯度更高的Nd2O3进行直接分析,且操作简便。此方法也可进一步拓宽,有望解决其它轻稀土氧化物对中重稀土检测的质谱干扰问题。 论文的7~9章的工作包括:浊点萃取-GFAAS测定环境样品中痕量镉、HG-AFS分析铅基合金中砷和植物样品中锗的研究。针对实际分析工作中的具体困难,以上工作分别解决了分析元素含量低、测定干扰严重及样品处理的问题,建立了实用性强、准确度高的分析方法,具有实际应用价值。


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InGaN/GaN multiple quantum well-based light-emitting diode (LED) nanopillar arrays were fabricated using Ni self-assembled nanodots as etching mask. The Ni nanodots were fabricated with a density of 6 x 10(8)-1.5 x 10(9) cm(-2) and a dimension of 100-250 nm with varying Ni thickness and annealing duration time. Then LED nanopillar arrays with diameter of approximately 250 nm and height of 700 nm were fabricated by inductively coupled plasma etching. In comparison to the as-grown LED sample an enhancement by a factor of four of photoluminescence (PL) intensity is achieved for the nanopillars and a blueshift as well as a decrease in full width at half maximum of the PL peak are also observed. The method of additional chemical etching was used to remove the etching-induced damage. Then nano-LED devices were further completed using a planarization approach to deposit p-type electrode on the tips of nanopillars. The current-voltage curves of both nanopillars and planar LED devices are measured for comparison.


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An InP-based one-dimensional photonic crystal quantum cascade laser is realized. With photo lithography instead of electron beam lithography and using inductively coupled plasma etching, four-period air-semiconductor couples are defined as Bragg reflectors at one end of the resonator. The spectral measurement at 80K shows the quasi-continuous-wave operation with the wavelength of 5.36μm for a 22μm-wide and 2mm-long epilayer-up bonded device.


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A high performance AlAs/In0.53 Ga0.47 As/InAs resonant tunneling diode (RTD) on InP substrate is fabricated by inductively coupled plasma etching. This RTD has a peak-to-valley current ratio (PVCR) of 7. 57 and a peak current density Jp = 39.08kA/cm^2 under forward bias at room temperature. Under reverse bias, the corresponding values are 7.93 and 34.56kA/cm^2 . A resistive cutoff frequency of 18.75GHz is obtained with the effect of a parasitic probe pad and wire. The slightly asymmetrical current-voltage characteristics with a nominally symmetrical structure are also discussed.


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Equilateral triangle semiconductor microcavities with tensile-strained InGaAsP multi-quantum-well asthe active region are fabricated by the inductively coupled plasma (ICP) etching technique. The modecharacteristics of the fabricated microcavities are investigated by photoluminescence, and enhanced peaksof the photoluminescence spectra corresponding to the fundamental transverse modes are observed formicrocavities with side lengths of 5 and 10 μm. The mode wavelength spacings measured experimentallycoincide very well with those obtained by the theoretical formulae.


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采用微波消解、电感耦合高频等离子体原子发射光谱(ICP-AES)的方法,对62份不同小麦品种(系)中锌、铁、铜、钙、钠和钾的含量进行了测定。同时利用红外线品质测定仪对主要品质指标粗蛋白、湿面筋、沉降值进行了测定。结果表明,不同小麦品种(系)中各种矿质元素的含量存在差异,2006年小麦品种中铁含量变幅为18.55-58.19 ug/g,平均为30.83ug/g ,最高与最低的相差39.64ug/g;锌含量变幅为5.70-25.80 ug/g,平均为15.13ug/g ,最高与最低相差20.10ug/g。2008年小麦品种(系)中铁含量变幅为16.68-52.25 ug/g,平均为30.10ug/g,最高与最低相差35.58ug/g;锌含量变幅为12.29-33.47 ug/g,平均为21.11ug/g,最高与最低相差21.18ug/g;钙含量变幅为167.53-348.80ug/g,平均为248.59ug/g,最高与最低相差192.59ug/g;铜含量变幅为2.32-5.83 ug/g,平均为2.98ug/g,最高与最低的相差3.61ug/g;钾含量变幅为1822.71-4414.91 ug/g,平均为2617.87ug/g,最高与最低的相差2634.72ug/g;钠含量变幅为10.25-39.82 ug/g,平均为23.05ug/g,最高与最低的相差29.57ug/g。 两年不同小麦品种(系)中矿质元素的含量分析结果表明:铁、铜、钙、钠和钾含量年际变化不明显,说明小麦对铁、铜、钙、钠和钾的吸收较稳定;锌含量变化较大,可能受环境的影响比较大。分析各矿质元素含量与粗蛋白、湿面筋、沉降值及元素之间的相关关系,结果表明,锌含量与粗蛋白含量呈极显著正相关关系,相关系数为0.317,与湿面筋含量之间呈显著正相关,相关系数达到0.246;铁含量与粗蛋白含量呈显著的正相关关系,相关系数是0.262;铜、钙、钠和钾含量与粗蛋白含量、湿面筋和沉降值之间存在正相关,但不显著,其中钠与沉降值之间为负相关。表明施锌或铁对提高小麦粗蛋白和湿面筋有显著效应,其余矿质元素有促进作用但不明显。 利用RAPD分子标记技术对川育23、41058、川育20及其父母本进行分析,力图从分子水平找到小麦矿质元素含量之间的差异性,琼脂糖电泳结果表明不同的小麦品种(系)间扩增出了差异条带。 以上研究结果,将对筛选“微量营养强化型”小麦新材料,选育“微量营养强化型”小麦新品种奠定基础。 62 different wheat cultivars was digested with HNO3 in a tightly closed vessel heated under micro-wave,then contents of zinc,iron,copper,calcium,sodium and potassium were determined by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectroscopy(ICP-AES).The main indexes of wheat quality such as total protein、wet glu and sedimentation volume were detected by Infratec 1255 Food & Feed Analyzer at the same time.The obtained results showed that variation for all of the mineral elements concentrations among different cultivars were observed .In 2006, the amplitude variation of the iron content was 18.55-58.19 ug/g,the average value was 30.83ug/g,and 39.64ug/g between the highest-content cultivar and the lowest one; the amplitude variation of the zinc content was 5.70-25.8 ug/g,the average value was 15.13ug/g,and 20.10ug/g between the highest-content cultivar and the lowest one.In 2008, the amplitude variation of the iron content was 16.68-52.25 ug/g,the average value was 30.10ug/g,and 35.58ug/g between the highest-content cultivar and the lowest one; the amplitude variation of the zinc content was 12.29-33.47 ug/g,the average value was 21.11ug/g,and 21.18ug/g between the highest-content cultivar and the lowest one; the amplitude variation of the calcium content was 167.53-348.80ug/g,the average value was 248.59ug/g,and 192.59ug/g between the highest-content cultivar and the lowest one; the amplitude variation of the copper content was 2.32-5.83 ug/g,the average value was 2.98ug/g,and 3.61ug/g between the highest-content cultivar and the lowest one; the amplitude variation of the potassium content was 1822.71-4414.91 ug/g,the average value was 2617.87ug/g,and 2634.72ug/g between the highest-content cultivar and the lowest one; the amplitude variation of the sodium content was 10.25-39.82 ug/g,the average value was 23.05ug/g,and 29.57ug/g between the highest-content cultivar and the lowest one. Analysis was made on the annual variation of mineral elements content in different Wheat cultivars ,the result shows:there is no obvious difference of iron ,copper ,sodium、calcium and potassium concentrations in wheat cultivars, suggesting the absorption of the iron, copper, sodium、calcium and potassium by wheat are relatively steady ,but zinc concentrations change obviously ,maybe influenced heavily by environment . The correlation between mineral elements 、mineral elements and total protein、mineral elements and sedimentation volume as well as mineral elements and wet glut were analysed in this paper, the result showed that there was significant positive correlation between zinc content and total protein (the correlation coefficient is 0.317), positive correlation between zinc content and wet glu (the correlation coefficient is 0.246), positive correlation between iron content and total protein (the correlation coefficient is 0.262). there was positive but not obvious correlation between the contents of copper, calcium, sodium or potassium and total protein, wet glut or sedimentation volume,among which was negative correlation between sodium and sedimentation volume.It was indicated zinc or iron fertilization has prominent effects in improving the total protein in wheat, the rest mineral elements have Non- obvious facilitation. The study then forecasted the genetic difference of different wheat by the molecular marker of RAPD in order to find differences in molecular level. Chuanyu23、41058、chuanyu20 as well as their male and female parents were analysed by RAPD markers,Agarose gel electrophoresis of DNA revealed the appearance of differential bands . The above-mentioned results of this study establish the foundation to screening the new materials of wheat of " strengthening type of micro- nutrition ", and to breeding the new wheat cultivars of" strengthening type of micro- nutrition ".


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Black Pearls 2000 (designated as BP- 2000) and Vulcan XC-72 (designated as XC-72) carbon blacks were chosen as supports to prepare 40 wt % (the targeted value) Pt/C catalysts by a modified polyol process. The carbon blacks were characterized by N-2 adsorption and Fourier tranform infrared spectroscopy. The prepared catalysts were characterized by inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy, transmission electron microscopy, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), in situ cyclic voltammetry, and current-voltage curves. On BP- 2000, Pt nanoparticles were larger in size and more unevenly distributed than on XC-72. It was observed by SEM that the corresponding catalyst layer on BP- 2000 was thicker than that of XC-72 based catalyst at almost the identical catalyst loading. And the BP- 2000 supported catalyst gave a better single cell performance at high current densities. These results suggest that the performance improvement is due to the enhanced oxygen diffusion and water removal capability when BP- 2000 is used as cathode catalyst support. (C) 2004 The Electrochemical Society.


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Arabinogalactan derivatives conjugated with gad olinium-diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid (Gd-DTPA) by ethylenediamine (Gd-DTPA-CMAG-A(2)) or hexylamine (Gd-DTPA-CMAG-A(6)) have been synthesized and characterized by means of Fourier transform infrared spectra (FTIR), C-13 nuclear magnetic resonance (C-13 NMR), size exclusion chromatography (SEC), and inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES).


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Three-dimensional flowerlike Lu2O3 and Lu2O3:Ln(3+) (Ln = Eu, Th, Dy, Pr, Sm, Er, Ho, Tm) microarchitectures have been successfully synthesized via ethylene glycol (EG)-mediated hydrothermal method followed by a subsequent heat treatment process. X-ray diffraction, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, energy-dispersive X-ray spectra, thermogravimetric and differential thermal analysis, elemental analysis, inductively coupled plasma atomic absorption spectrometric analysis, ion chromatogram analysis, X-ray photoelectron spectra, scanning electron microscopy, transmission electron microscopy, photoluminescence spectra as well kinetic decays, and cathodoluminescence spectra were used to characterize the samples. Hydrothermal temperature, EG, and CH3COONa play critical roles in the formation of the lutetium oxide precursor microflowers. The reaction mechanism and the self-assembly evolution process have been proposed. The as-formed lutetium oxide precursor could transform to Lu2O3 With their original flowerlike morphology and slight shrinkage in the size after postannealing process.


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Nonviral vectors are safer than viral systems for gene therapy applications. However, the limited efficacy always prevents their being widely used in clinical practice. Aside from searching new gene nonviral vectors, many researchers focus on finding out new substances to improve the transfection efficiency of existent vectors. In this work, we found a transfection enhancer, nocodazole (NCZ), for dimethyldioctadecylammonium (DODAB, a cationic lipid) bilayer coated gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) mediated gene delivery. It was found that NCZ produces 3-fold transfection enhancement to HEK 293T cells assessed by flow cytometry (FCM). The result was further confirmed by luciferase assay, in which NCZ induced more than 5 times improvement in transfection efficiency after 48 h of transfection. The results from the inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) and FCM showed that NCZ did not affect the internalization of DODAB-AuNPs/DNA complexes. The trafficking of the complexes by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) indicated that the interrupted transportation of the complexes to the lysosomes contributed greatly to the transfection enhancement.


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We report here a facile method to obtain folic acid (FA)-protected gold nanoparticles (Au NPs) by heating an aqueous solution of HAuCl4/FA in which FA acts as both the reducing and stabilizing agent. The successful formation of FA-protected Au NPs is demonstrated by UV/Vis spectroscopy, transmission electron microscopy (TEM), selected-area electron diffraction (SAED), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). ne intracellular uptake of these nanoparticles is facilitated by HeLa cells overexpressing the folate reporter, which itself is significantly inhibited by free FA in a competitive assay as quantified by inductively coupled plasma mass spectroscopy (ICP-MS). This simple one-step approach affords a new perspective for creating functional nanomaterials, and the resulting biocompatible, functional Au NPs may find some prospective applications in various biomedical fields.