997 resultados para high-Tc superconductors


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Deep Sea Drilling Project Site 480 (27°54.10'N, 111°39.34'W; 655 m water depth) contains a high resolution record of paleoceanographic change of the past 15000 years for the Guaymas Basin, a region of very high diatom productivity within the central Gulf of California. Analyses of diatoms and silicoflagellates were completed on samples spaced every 40-50 yr, whereas ICP-AES geochemical analyses were completed on alternate samples (sample spacing 80-100 yr). The Bolling-Allerod interval (14.6-12.9 ka) (note, ka refers to 1000 calendar years BP throughout this report) is characterized by an increase in biogenic silica and a decline in calcium carbonate relative to surrounding intervals, suggesting conditions somewhat similar to those of today. The Younger Dryas event (12.9-11.6 ka) is marked by a major drop in biogenic silica and an increase in calcium carbonate. Increasing relative percentage contributions of Azpeitia nodulifera and Dictyocha perlaevis (a tropical diatom and silicoflagellate, respectively) and reduced numbers of the silicoflagellate Octactis pulchra are supportive of reduced upwelling of nutrient-rich waters. Between 10.6 and 10.0 ka, calcium carbonate and A. nodulifera abruptly decline at DSDP 480, while Roperia tesselata, a diatom indicative of winter upwelling in the modern-day Gulf, increases sharply in numbers. A nearly coincident increase in the silicoflagellate Dictyocha stapedia suggests that waters above DSDP 480 were more similar to the cooler and slightly more saline waters of the northern Gulf during much of the early and middle parts of the Holocene (~10 to 3.2 ka). At about 6.2 ka a stepwise increase in biogenic silica and the reappearance of the tropical diatom A. nodulifera marks a major change in oceanographic conditions in the Gulf. A winter shift to more northwesterly winds may have occurred at this time along with the onset of periodic northward excursions (El Nino-driven?) of the North Equatorial Countercurrent during the summer. Beginning between 2.8 and 2.4 ka, the amplitude of biogenic silica and wt% Fe, Al, and Ti (proxies of terrigenous input) increase, possibly reflecting intensification of ENSO cycles and the establishment of modern oceanographic conditions in the Gulf. Increased numbers of O. pulchra after 2.8 ka suggest enhanced spring upwelling.


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We used piston cores recovered in the western Bering Sea to reconstruct millennial-scale changes in marine productivity and terrigenous matter supply over the past ~180 kyr. Based on a geochemical multi-proxy approach, our results indicate closely interacting processes controlling marine productivity and terrigenous matter supply comparable to the situation in the Okhotsk Sea. Overall, terrigenous inputs were high, whereas export production was low. Minor increases in marine productivity occurred during intervals of Marine Isotope Stage 5 and interstadials, but pronounced maxima were recorded during interglacials and Termination I. The terrigenous material is suggested to be derived from continental sources on the eastern Bering Sea shelf and to be subsequently transported via sea ice, which is likely to drive changes in surface productivity, terrigenous inputs, and upper-ocean stratification. From our results we propose glacial, deglacial, and interglacial scenarios for environmental change in the Bering Sea. These changes seem to be primarily controlled by insolation and sea-level forcing which affect the strength of atmospheric pressure systems and sea-ice growth. The opening history of the Bering Strait is considered to have had an additional impact. High-resolution core logging data (color b*, XRF scans) strongly correspond to the Dansgaard-Oeschger climate variability registered in the NGRIP ice core and support an atmospheric coupling mechanism of Northern Hemisphere climates.


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Sorption of volatile hydrocarbon gases (VHCs) to marine sediments is a recognized phenomenon that has been investigated in the context of petroleum exploration. However, little is known about the biogeochemistry of sorbed methane and higher VHCs in environments that are not influenced by thermogenic processes. This study evaluated two different extraction protocols for sorbed VHCs, used high pressure equipment to investigate the sorption of methane to pure clay mineral phases, and conducted a geochemical and mineralogical survey of sediment samples from different oceanographic settings and geochemical regimes that are not significantly influenced by thermogenic gas. Extraction of sediments under alkaline conditions yielded higher concentrations of sorbed methane than the established protocol for acidic extraction. Application of alkaline extraction in the environmental survey revealed the presence of substantial amounts of sorbed methane in 374 out of 411 samples (91%). Particularly high amounts, up to 2.1 mmol kg**-1 dry sediment, were recovered from methanogenic sediments. Carbon isotopic compositions of sorbed methane suggested substantial contributions from biogenic sources, both in sulfate-depleted and sulfate-reducing sediments. Carbon isotopic relationships between sorbed and dissolved methane indicate a coupling of the two pools. While our sorption experiments and extraction conditions point to an important role for clay minerals as sorbents, mineralogical analyses of marine sediments suggest that variations in mineral composition are not controlling variations in quantities of sorbed methane. We conclude that the distribution of sorbed methane in sediments is strongly influenced by in situ production.


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Based on a high-resolution sediment record from a submarine meandering canyon system offshore the present-day hyperarid Saharan Africa, two phases of turbidity-current activity can be distinguished during the past 13,000 years. Frequent, siliciclastic turbidity currents can be related to deglacial sea-level history, whereas rhythmically recurring fine-grained and carbonate-rich turbidity currents with recurrence times of roughly 900 years are inferred for the Holocene. Various trigger mechanisms can be considered to initiate turbidity currents, but only a few can explain a periodic turbidite activity. A comparison of Holocene turbidite recurrence times and basic cycles of 900 and 1,800 years found in various Holocene paleoclimate studies suggests that a previously unrecognized climate-related coupling may be active.


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Independent measurements of radiation, sensible and latent heat fluxes and the ground heat flux are used to describe the annual cycle of the surface energy budget at a high-arctic permafrost site on Svalbard. During summer, the net short-wave radiation is the dominant energy source, while well developed turbulent processes and the heat flux in the ground lead to a cooling of the surface. About 15% of the net radiation is consumed by the seasonal thawing of the active layer in July and August. The Bowen ratio is found to vary between 0.25 and 2, depending on water content of the uppermost soil layer. During the polar night in winter, the net long-wave radiation is the dominant energy loss channel for the surface, which is mainly compensated by the sensible heat flux and, to a lesser extent, by the ground heat flux, which originates from the refreezing of the active layer. The average annual sensible heat flux of -6.9 W/m**2 is composed of strong positive fluxes in July and August, while negative fluxes dominate during the rest of the year. With 6.8 W/m**2, the latent heat flux more or less compensates the sensible heat flux in the annual average. Strong evaporation occurs during the snow melt period and particularly during the snow-free period in summer and fall. When the ground is covered by snow, latent heat fluxes through sublimation of snow are recorded, but are insignificant for the average surface energy budget. The near-surface atmospheric stratification is found to be predominantly unstable to neutral, when the ground is snow-free, and stable to neutral for snow-covered ground. Due to long-lasting near-surface inversions in winter, an average temperature difference of approximately 3 K exists between the air temperature at 10 m height and the surface temperature of the snow.


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El cáncer de próstata es el tipo de cáncer con mayor prevalencia entre los hombres del mundo occidental y, pese a tener una alta tasa de supervivencia relativa, es la segunda mayor causa de muerte por cáncer en este sector de la población. El tratamiento de elección frente al cáncer de próstata es, en la mayoría de los casos, la radioterapia externa. Las técnicas más modernas de radioterapia externa, como la radioterapia modulada en intensidad, permiten incrementar la dosis en el tumor mientras se reduce la dosis en el tejido sano. Sin embargo, la localización del volumen objetivo varía con el día de tratamiento, y se requieren movimientos muy pequeños de los órganos para sacar partes del volumen objetivo fuera de la región terapéutica, o para introducir tejidos sanos críticos dentro. Para evitar esto se han desarrollado técnicas más avanzadas, como la radioterapia guiada por imagen, que se define por un manejo más preciso de los movimientos internos mediante una adaptación de la planificación del tratamiento basada en la información anatómica obtenida de imágenes de tomografía computarizada (TC) previas a la sesión terapéutica. Además, la radioterapia adaptativa añade la información dosimétrica de las fracciones previas a la información anatómica. Uno de los fundamentos de la radioterapia adaptativa es el registro deformable de imágenes, de gran utilidad a la hora de modelar los desplazamientos y deformaciones de los órganos internos. Sin embargo, su utilización conlleva nuevos retos científico-tecnológicos en el procesamiento de imágenes, principalmente asociados a la variabilidad de los órganos, tanto en localización como en apariencia. El objetivo de esta tesis doctoral es mejorar los procesos clínicos de delineación automática de contornos y de cálculo de dosis acumulada para la planificación y monitorización de tratamientos con radioterapia adaptativa, a partir de nuevos métodos de procesamiento de imágenes de TC (1) en presencia de contrastes variables, y (2) cambios de apariencia del recto. Además, se pretende (3) proveer de herramientas para la evaluación de la calidad de los contornos obtenidos en el caso del gross tumor volumen (GTV). Las principales contribuciones de esta tesis doctoral son las siguientes: _ 1. La adaptación, implementación y evaluación de un algoritmo de registro basado en el flujo óptico de la fase de la imagen como herramienta para el cálculo de transformaciones no-rígidas en presencia de cambios de intensidad, y su aplicabilidad a tratamientos de radioterapia adaptativa en cáncer de próstata con uso de agentes de contraste radiológico. Los resultados demuestran que el algoritmo seleccionado presenta mejores resultados cualitativos en presencia de contraste radiológico en la vejiga, y no distorsiona la imagen forzando deformaciones poco realistas. 2. La definición, desarrollo y validación de un nuevo método de enmascaramiento de los contenidos del recto (MER), y la evaluación de su influencia en el procedimiento de radioterapia adaptativa en cáncer de próstata. Las segmentaciones obtenidas mediante el MER para la creación de máscaras homogéneas en las imágenes de sesión permiten mejorar sensiblemente los resultados de los algoritmos de registro en la región rectal. Así, el uso de la metodología propuesta incrementa el índice de volumen solapado entre los contornos manuales y automáticos del recto hasta un valor del 89%, cercano a los resultados obtenidos usando máscaras manuales para el registro de las dos imágenes. De esta manera se pueden corregir tanto el cálculo de los nuevos contornos como el cálculo de la dosis acumulada. 3. La definición de una metodología de evaluación de la calidad de los contornos del GTV, que permite la representación de la distribución espacial del error, adaptándola a volúmenes no-convexos como el formado por la próstata y las vesículas seminales. Dicha metodología de evaluación, basada en un nuevo algoritmo de reconstrucción tridimensional y una nueva métrica de cuantificación, presenta resultados precisos con una gran resolución espacial en un tiempo despreciable frente al tiempo de registro. Esta nueva metodología puede ser una herramienta útil para la comparación de distintos algoritmos de registro deformable orientados a la radioterapia adaptativa en cáncer de próstata. En conclusión, el trabajo realizado en esta tesis doctoral corrobora las hipótesis de investigación postuladas, y pretende servir como cimiento de futuros avances en el procesamiento de imagen médica en los tratamientos de radioterapia adaptativa en cáncer de próstata. Asimismo, se siguen abriendo nuevas líneas de aplicación futura de métodos de procesamiento de imágenes médicas con el fin de mejorar los procesos de radioterapia adaptativa en presencia de cambios de apariencia de los órganos, e incrementar la seguridad del paciente. I.2 Inglés Prostate cancer is the most prevalent cancer amongst men in the Western world and, despite having a relatively high survival rate, is the second leading cause of cancer death in this sector of the population. The treatment of choice against prostate cancer is, in most cases, external beam radiation therapy. The most modern techniques of external radiotherapy, as intensity modulated radiotherapy, allow increasing the dose to the tumor whilst reducing the dose to healthy tissue. However, the location of the target volume varies with the day of treatment, and very small movements of the organs are required to pull out parts of the target volume outside the therapeutic region, or to introduce critical healthy tissues inside. Advanced techniques, such as the image-guided radiotherapy (IGRT), have been developed to avoid this. IGRT is defined by more precise handling of internal movements by adapting treatment planning based on the anatomical information obtained from computed tomography (CT) images prior to the therapy session. Moreover, the adaptive radiotherapy adds dosimetric information of previous fractions to the anatomical information. One of the fundamentals of adaptive radiotherapy is deformable image registration, very useful when modeling the displacements and deformations of the internal organs. However, its use brings new scientific and technological challenges in image processing, mainly associated to the variability of the organs, both in location and appearance. The aim of this thesis is to improve clinical processes of automatic contour delineation and cumulative dose calculation for planning and monitoring of adaptive radiotherapy treatments, based on new methods of CT image processing (1) in the presence of varying contrasts, and (2) rectum appearance changes. It also aims (3) to provide tools for assessing the quality of contours obtained in the case of gross tumor volume (GTV). The main contributions of this PhD thesis are as follows: 1. The adaptation, implementation and evaluation of a registration algorithm based on the optical flow of the image phase as a tool for the calculation of non-rigid transformations in the presence of intensity changes, and its applicability to adaptive radiotherapy treatment in prostate cancer with use of radiological contrast agents. The results demonstrate that the selected algorithm shows better qualitative results in the presence of radiological contrast agents in the urinary bladder, and does not distort the image forcing unrealistic deformations. 2. The definition, development and validation of a new method for masking the contents of the rectum (MER, Spanish acronym), and assessing their impact on the process of adaptive radiotherapy in prostate cancer. The segmentations obtained by the MER for the creation of homogenous masks in the session CT images can improve significantly the results of registration algorithms in the rectal region. Thus, the use of the proposed methodology increases the volume overlap index between manual and automatic contours of the rectum to a value of 89%, close to the results obtained using manual masks for both images. In this way, both the calculation of new contours and the calculation of the accumulated dose can be corrected. 3. The definition of a methodology for assessing the quality of the contours of the GTV, which allows the representation of the spatial distribution of the error, adapting it to non-convex volumes such as that formed by the prostate and seminal vesicles. Said evaluation methodology, based on a new three-dimensional reconstruction algorithm and a new quantification metric, presents accurate results with high spatial resolution in a time negligible compared to the registration time. This new approach may be a useful tool to compare different deformable registration algorithms oriented to adaptive radiotherapy in prostate cancer In conclusion, this PhD thesis corroborates the postulated research hypotheses, and is intended to serve as a foundation for future advances in medical image processing in adaptive radiotherapy treatment in prostate cancer. In addition, it opens new future applications for medical image processing methods aimed at improving the adaptive radiotherapy processes in the presence of organ’s appearance changes, and increase the patient safety.


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In this short review, we provide some new insights into the material synthesis and characterization of modern multi-component superconducting oxides. Two different approaches such as the high-pressure, high-temperature method and ceramic combinatorial chemistry will be reported with application to several typical examples. First, we highlight the key role of the extreme conditions in the growth of Fe-based superconductors, where a careful control of the composition-structure relation is vital for understanding the microscopic physics. The availability of high-quality LnFeAsO (Ln = lanthanide) single crystals with substitution of O by F, Sm by Th, Fe by Co, and As by P allowed us to measure intrinsic and anisotropic superconducting properties such as Hc2, Jc. Furthermore, we demonstrate that combinatorial ceramic chemistry is an efficient way to search for new superconducting compounds. A single-sample synthesis concept based on multi-element ceramic mixtures can produce a variety of local products. Such a system needs local probe analyses and separation techniques to identify compounds of interest. We present the results obtained from random mixtures of Ca, Sr, Ba, La, Zr, Pb, Tl, Y, Bi, and Cu oxides reacted at different conditions. By adding Zr but removing Tl, Y, and Bi, the bulk state superconductivity got enhanced up to about 122 K.


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Aim. The purpose of this experiment was to assess the levels of muscle soreness, serum total cholesterol (TC) and creatine kinase (CK) in the first 48 hours following fatiguing eccentric exercise performed with the triceps brachii. Methods. Eleven untrained male college students performed a total of 50 eccentric elbow extensions in 8 sets (6x7 and 2x4) with a load equal to 85% of their maximal concentric elbow extension strength. Isometric elbow extension strength, muscle soreness and circumference, and serum CK and TC concentrations were measured before, immediately after, and 2, 24 and 48 hours after the exercise. Results. Statistically reliable changes in isometric strength, serum CK and TC, muscle soreness and upper arm circumference occurred within the first 48 hours following eccentric exercise. Serum TC concentrations exhibited a very rapid (within 2 hours) reduction from pre-exercise values after eccentric exercise to a relatively stable concentration of approximately 85% of baseline. Conclusion. These results suggest that serum TC concentration may follow the time-course of reductions in force generating capacity more closely than other biochemical markers of muscle damage.


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The metallic state of high-temperature copper-oxide superconductors, characterized by unusual and distinct temperature dependences in the transport properties(1-4), is markedly different from that of textbook metals. Despite intense theoretical efforts(5-11), our limited understanding is impaired by our inability to determine experimentally the temperature and momentum dependence of the transport scattering rate. Here, we use a powerful magnetotransport probe to show that the resistivity and the Hall coefficient in highly doped Tl2Ba2CuO6+delta originate from two distinct inelastic scattering channels. One channel is due to conventional electron electron scattering; the other is highly anisotropic, has the same symmetry as the superconducting gap and a magnitude that grows approximately linearly with temperature. The observed form and anisotropy place tight constraints on theories of the metallic state. Moreover, in heavily doped non-superconducting La2-xSrxCuO4, this anisotropic scattering term is absent(12), suggesting an intimate connection between the origin of this scattering and superconductivity itself.


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We present a group theoretical analysis of several classes of organic superconductor. We predict that highly frustrated organic superconductors, such as K-(ET)(2)Cu-2(CN)(3) (where ET is BEDT-TTF, bis(ethylenedithio) tetrathiafulvalene) and beta'-[Pd(dmit)(2)](2)X, undergo two superconducting phase transitions, the first from the normal state to a d-wave superconductor and the second to a d + id state. We show that the monoclinic distortion of K-(ET)(2)Cu(NCS)(2) means that the symmetry of its superconducting order parameter is different from that of orthorhombic-K-(ET)(2)Cu[N(CN)(2)] Br. We propose that beta'' and theta phase organic superconductors have d(xy) + s order parameters.


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Thesis (Master's)--University of Washington, 2016-08


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La culture sous abris avec des infrastructures de type grands tunnels est une nouvelle technologie permettant d’améliorer la production de framboises rouges sous des climats nordiques. L’objectif principal de ce projet de doctorat était d’étudier les performances de ces technologies (grands tunnels vs. abris parapluie de type Voen, en comparaison à la culture en plein champ) et leur effets sur le microclimat, la photosynthèse, la croissance des plantes et le rendement en fruits pour les deux types de framboisiers non-remontants et remontants (Rubus idaeus, L.). Puisque les pratiques culturales doivent être adaptées aux différents environnements de culture, la taille d’été (pour le cultivar non-remontant), l’optimisation de la densité des tiges (pour le cultivar remontant) et l’utilisation de bâches réfléchissantes (pour les deux types des framboisiers) ont été étudiées sous grands tunnels, abris Voen vs. en plein champ. Les plants cultivés sous grands tunnels produisent en moyenne 1,2 et 1,5 fois le rendement en fruits commercialisables que ceux cultivés sous abri Voen pour le cv. non-remontant ‘Jeanne d’Orléans’ et le cv. remontant ‘Polka’, respectivement. Comparativement aux framboisiers cultivés aux champs, le rendement en fruits des plants sous grands tunnels était plus du double pour le cv. ‘Jeanne d’Orléans’ et près du triple pour le cv. ‘Polka’. L’utilisation de bâches réfléchissantes a entrainé un gain significatif sur le rendement en fruits de 12% pour le cv. ‘Jeanne d’Orléans’ et de 17% pour le cv. ‘Polka’. La taille des premières ou deuxièmes pousses a significativement amélioré le rendement en fruits du cv. ‘Jeanne d’Orléans’ de 26% en moyenne par rapport aux framboisiers non taillés. Des augmentations significatives du rendement en fruits de 43% et 71% du cv. ‘Polka’ ont été mesurées avec l’accroissement de la densité à 4 et 6 tiges par pot respectivement, comparativement à deux tiges par pot. Au cours de la période de fructification du cv. ‘Jeanne d’Orléans’, les bâches réfléchissantes ont augmenté significativement la densité de flux photonique photosynthétique (DFPP) réfléchie à la canopée inférieure de 80% en plein champ et de 60% sous grands tunnels, comparativement à seulement 14% sous abri Voen. Durant la saison de fructification du cv. ‘Polka’, un effet positif de bâches sur la lumière réfléchie (jusqu’à 42%) a été mesuré seulement en plein champ. Dans tous les cas, les bâches réfléchissantes n’ont présenté aucun effet significatif sur la DFPP incidente foliaire totale et la photosynthèse. Pour le cv. ‘Jeanne d’Orléans’, la DFPP incidente sur la feuille a été atténuée d’environ 46% sous le deux types de revêtement par rapport au plein champ. Par conséquent, la photosynthèse a été réduite en moyenne de 43% sous grands tunnels et de 17% sous abris Voen. Des effets similaires ont été mesurés pour la DFPP incidente et la photosynthèse avec le cv. Polka. En dépit du taux de photosynthèse des feuilles individuelles systématiquement inférieur à ceux mesurés pour les plants cultivés aux champs, la photosynthèse de la plante entière sous grands tunnels était de 51% supérieure à celle observée au champ pour le cv. ‘Jeanne d’Orléans’, et 46% plus élevée pour le cv. ‘Polka’. Ces résultats s’expliquent par une plus grande (près du double) surface foliaire pour les plants cultivés sous tunnels, qui a compensé pour le plus faible taux de photosynthèse par unité de surface foliaire. Les températures supra-optimales des feuilles mesurées sous grands tunnels (6.6°C plus élevé en moyenne que dans le champ), ainsi que l’atténuation de la DFPP incidente (env. 43%) par les revêtements de tunnels ont contribué à réduire le taux de photosynthèse par unité de surface foliaire. La photosynthèse de la canopée entière était étroitement corrélée avec le rendement en fruits pour les deux types de framboisiers rouges cultivés sous grands tunnels ou en plein champ.


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La modélisation de la cryolite, utilisée dans la fabrication de l’aluminium, implique plusieurs défis, notament la présence de discontinuités dans la solution et l’inclusion de la difference de densité entre les phases solide et liquide. Pour surmonter ces défis, plusieurs éléments novateurs ont été développés dans cette thèse. En premier lieu, le problème du changement de phase, communément appelé problème de Stefan, a été résolu en deux dimensions en utilisant la méthode des éléments finis étendue. Une formulation utilisant un multiplicateur de Lagrange stable spécialement développée et une interpolation enrichie a été utilisée pour imposer la température de fusion à l’interface. La vitesse de l’interface est déterminée par le saut dans le flux de chaleur à travers l’interface et a été calculée en utilisant la solution du multiplicateur de Lagrange. En second lieu, les effets convectifs ont été inclus par la résolution des équations de Stokes dans la phase liquide en utilisant la méthode des éléments finis étendue aussi. Troisièmement, le changement de densité entre les phases solide et liquide, généralement négligé dans la littérature, a été pris en compte par l’ajout d’une condition aux limites de vitesse non nulle à l’interface solide-liquide pour respecter la conservation de la masse dans le système. Des problèmes analytiques et numériques ont été résolus pour valider les divers composants du modèle et le système d’équations couplés. Les solutions aux problèmes numériques ont été comparées aux solutions obtenues avec l’algorithme de déplacement de maillage de Comsol. Ces comparaisons démontrent que le modèle par éléments finis étendue reproduit correctement le problème de changement phase avec densités variables.


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Svalbard is a heavily glacier-covered archipelago in the Arctic. Dickson Land (DL), in the central part of the largest island, Spitsbergen, is relatively arid, and as a result, glaciers there are relatively small and restricted mostly to valleys and cirques. This study presents a comprehensive analysis of glacier changes in DL based on inventories compiled from topographic maps and digital elevation models for the Little Ice Age maximum (LIA), the 1960s, 1990 and 2009/11. Total glacier area decreased by ~38 % since the LIA maximum, and front retreat has increased over the study period. Recently, most of the local glaciers have been consistently thinning in all elevation bands, in contrast to larger Svalbard ice masses which remain closer to balance. The mean 1990–2009/11 geodetic mass balance of glaciers in DL is among the most negative from the Svalbard regional means known from the literature.


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Purpose: To investigate the pathogenesis of high fat diet (HFD)-induced hyperlipidemia (HLP) in mice, rats and hamsters and to comparatively evaluate their sensitivity to HFD. Methods: Mice, rats and hamsters were fed with high-fat diet formulation (HFD, n = 8) or a control diet (control, n = 8) for 4 weeks. Changes in body weight, relative liver weight, serum lipid profile, expressions of hepatic marker gene of lipid metabolism and liver morphology were observed in three hyperlipidemic models. Results: Elevated total cholesterol (TC), triglyceride, low density lipoprotein-cholesterol (LDL-C) and high density lipoprotein-cholesterol (HDL-C) levels and body weight were observed in all hyperlipidemic animals (p < 0.05), while hepatic steatosis was manifested in rat and hamster HLP models, and increased hepatic TC level was only seen (p < 0.05) in hamster HLP model. Suppression of HMG-CoA reductase and up-regulation of lipoproteinlipase were observed in all HFD groups. Hepatic gene expression of LDLR, CYP7A1, LCAT, SR-B1, and ApoA I, which are a response to reverse cholesterol transport (RCT), were inhibited by HFD in the three models. Among these models, simultaneous suppression of HMG-CR, LCAT, LDLR and SR-BI and elevated LPL were features of the hamster model. Conclusion: As the results show, impaired RCT and excessive fat accumulation are major contributors to pathogenesis of HFD-induced murine HLP. Thus, the hamster model is more appropriate for hyperlipidemia research.