940 resultados para family dispute resolution
Internets ökade betydelse gjorde att företagen började inse vilka problem som kan uppstå av att en webbsida med ett domännamn i form av deras varumärke olovligen handhas av en utomstående part. Konflikterna blev därför fler medan existerande tvistlösningsmekanismer ansågs dyra, tungrodda och ineffektiva. Ur detta behov föddes sedermera Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy (UDRP). Detta internationella tvistlösningsförfarande skapades för att tillämpas på s.k. cybersquatting, dvs. situationer där domännamn, som inkräktar på andras varu- eller servicemärken, registreras i ond tro t.ex. för framtida försäljning. Jag granskar i denna avhandling huvudsakligen förutsättningarna för överföring eller upphävning av domännamnsregistreringar i enlighet med UDRP, varför jag fokuserar på artikel 4.a och då i synnerhet på innebörden av begreppet ”registrering och användning i ond tro”. Arbetet bygger huvudsakligen på en analys av de avgöranden som fattats inom ramen för UDRP. Syftet är att genom en systematisk undersökning av tillämpningen av begreppet ond tro beskriva och utvärdera rättstillämpningen inom UDRP. De granskade avgörandena är 396 st. till antalet och har meddelats under tidsperioden 14.1.2000-15.8.2001.
O presente estudo tem por objetivo analisar a contribuição dos conflitos para a evolução do Direito e das formas de solucioná-lo. Tem por finalidade estudar o desenvolvimento da jurisdição e do processo nos conhecidos Estado Liberal, Estado Social e Estado Constitucional. O estudo oferece ênfase à incidência do constitucionalismo sobre o direito, em especial ao Direito Processual. O processo justo e suas garantias, extraídas da Constituição Federal, transformaram o processo em instrumento de concretização das normas constitucionais. A crescente litigiosidade e dependência dos cidadãos relativamente a decisão adjudicada impõem uma necessária reformulação da cultura processual. Neste ponto, o empoderamento ganha destaque como meio de fomentar a utilização de meios consensuais para solução de conflitos. Tais meios são observados como complemento e instrumentos para o afastamento da crise de efetividade experimentado pela jurisdição. A introdução, no processo, de meios consensuais de solução de conflitos, como a mediação judicial, pretende fomentar o desenvolvimento do modelo cooperativo de processo. Consequentemente, a maior participação das partes no processo de construção da solução a ser aplicada ao conflito que as envolve, contribui para a maior efetividade da prestação jurisdicional. Examina-se, cautelosamente, a introdução dos meios consensuais de solução de conflitos no processo judicial de modo que as características essenciais de cada um não sejam perdidas ou transformadas, sob pena de desvirtuar-se a mediação judicial. É preciso assegurar a compatibilidade entre ambos, bem como a aplicação das garantias fundamentais do processo.
O processo civil precisa de ordem, simplicidade e eficiência para atingir o seu escopo de prestação de uma tutela jurisdicional adequada, justa e célere. Para tanto, o ordenamento processual tem sofrido relevantes modificações com o objetivo de se adaptar às novas exigências sociais e jurídicas, em que o formalismo deve servir para proteger, e não para derrubar. Além disso, variadas técnicas processuais têm sido utilizadas para conferir mais efetividade à tutela jurisdicional, sem prejuízo da necessária segurança jurídica. Nesse contexto se insere a ordem pública processual, que embora possa ter uma interessante abordagem principiológica, atua no processo como técnica de controle da regularidade de atos e do procedimento. Por sua vez, o papel do magistrado na gestão dessa técnica se mostra fundamental para ela atinja seu objetivo, que é eliminar do processo os defeitos capazes de macular a sua integridade, bem como a legitimidade da tutela judicial. O controle adequado e tempestivo da regularidade dos atos e do procedimento é um dever do juiz e também uma garantia das partes. Dessa forma, a tese busca identificar as questões processuais passíveis de controle, de acordo com o grau de interesse público que cada uma revela, sendo certo que a lei, a doutrina e a jurisprudência servem de fonte e ainda podem modular a relevância da matéria conforme tempo e espaço em que se observam. Por sua vez, a importância da avaliação do interesse público de cada questão processual reflete no regime jurídico que será estabelecido e as consequências que se estabelecem para os eventuais defeitos com base nas particularidades do caso concreto. Ademais, identificada a irregularidade, o processo civil oferece variadas técnicas de superação, convalidação e flexibilização do vício antes de se declarar a nulidade de atos processuais ou de se inadmitir o procedimento adotado pela parte, numa forma de preservar ao máximo o processo. Já no âmbito recursal, embora haja requisitos específicos de admissibilidade, os vícios detectados em primeiro grau de jurisdição perdem força em segundo grau e perante os Tribunais Superiores, haja vista a necessidade casa vez maior de se proporcionar ao jurisdicionado a entrega da prestação jurisdicional completa, ou seja, com o exame do mérito. Registre-se, ainda, a possibilidade de controle judicial nos meios alternativos de resolução de conflitos, uma vez que também devem se submeter a certos requisitos, para que sejam chancelados e legitimados. Como se observa, a abrangência do tema da ordem pública processual faz com que o ele seja extenso e complexo, o que normalmente assusta os operadores do direito. Portanto, o intento deste estudo é não só descrever o assunto, mas também adotar uma linguagem diferenciada, proporcionando uma nova forma de abordar e sistematizar o que ainda parece ser um dogma em nosso sistema processual.
Ante a crescente utilização dos meios eletrônicos como forma de viabilizar o comércio de produtos e serviços além das fronteiras estatais o presente estudo tem como escopo identificar os desafios oriundos do embate entre a realidade cibernética e o direito internacional contemporâneo, pontuando, de forma crítica, as soluções descortinadas pela sociedade internacional. Isto porque as questões de direito internacional, já conflituosas no âmbito do comércio internacional tradicional, se mostram ainda mais subjetivas no peculiar ambiente virtual, em regra desmaterializado e a desterritorializado. Tais características e peculiaridades refletem na identificação da jurisdição e da lei aplicável no contrato eletrônico, nas soluções para o combate do cibercrime e na solução alternativa de conflitos, ademais de outros temas que foram possíveis de serem abordados neste estudo. Para tanto é proposto um exame das soluções até então desenvolvidas para a regularização e/ou padronização das condutas no âmbito do comércio internacional por via eletrônica, colacionando a normativa e a jurisprudência implementadas e/ou em desenvolvimento na área.
We present a layered architecture for secure e-commerce applications and protocols with fully automated dispute-resolution process, robust to communication failures and malicious faults. Our design is modular, with precise yet general-purpose interfaces and functionalities, and allows usage as an underlying secure service to different e-commerce, e-banking and other distributed systems. The interfaces support diverse, flexible and extensible payment scenarios and instruments, including direct buyer-seller payments as well as (the more common) indirect payments via payment service providers (e.g. banks). Our design is practical, efficient, and ensures reliability and security under realistic failure and delay conditions.
This paper explores the non-adoption of an innovation via the concept of hybrid genres, that is digital genres that emerge from a non-digital material precedent. As instances of innovation these are often resisted because they disturb the order of activity and balance of power relations in a given situation, or require users to make conceptual and physical adaptation efforts that they consider too costly. The authors investigate such issues with a case study of the introduction of a hybrid digital genre, ODR or online dispute resolution, in legal practice
Dissertação de Mestrado apresentada à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ciências Empresariais
This article examines the practices adopted by firms in the Republic of Ireland to manage conflict involving groups of employees, focusing in particular on the uptake of 'alternative dispute resolution practices'. The article reveals that conflict management practices take the form of 'systems', and it estimates the incidence of innovative conflict management systems, incorporating alternative dispute resolution (ADR) practices, as involving about 30 per cent of firms. A series of influences are shown to be associated with innovative, ADR-based conflict management systems, especially commitment-oriented HRM practices and whether unions are recognized. © Blackwell Publishing Ltd/London School of Economics 2010.
The construction industry notoriously excels at dispute creation both in Ireland and abroad. This paper examines mediation in the Irish construction industry as a means of conflict and dispute resolution. It aims to identify success factors for appropriate competencies and processes required by mediators and other parties operating in the construction industry. Methodology includes a thorough review of the literature, followed by detailed interviews from industry experts to elicit and highlight the core competencies required. To aid in the analysis, qualitative analysis using mind mapping software was used. The findings suggest that facilitative mediation was best suited for the Irish construction industry. 13 and 17 success factors were identified as key skills necessary for a mediator and for a successful mediation process. For the skills, it ranges across behavioural, technical and intellectual skills. The mediation process factors can be split into actions of the mediator and other parties in the dispute. The results are similar to those identified in other countries and provide a good reference point for the development of the global construction industry. By following the findings of this report mediators and parties in dispute can improve processes and be more successful in mediation outcomes as a means of resolving conflicts and dispute.
The construction industry notoriously excels at dispute creation – both in Ireland and world wide. This paper exams mediation in the Irish construction industry based around critical success factors in the competencies and processes required by mediators operating in the construction industry. Through conducting the relevant analysis, it was possible to extract and outline the resulting critical success factors in process and competencies of mediators in the Irish construction industry. This was achieved through a review of the literature, followed by detailed interviews from industry experts to elicit and highlight the core competencies required. To aid in the study, qualitative analysis using mind mapping software was adopted, thus assisting the identification of the key factors. Following analysis, facilitative mediation was identified as best suited for the industry in question; recommendations and experience were key for mediator selection and five and six factors were identified for mediator skills and mediation critical success factors respectively. The results returned are similar to those determined by authors in other countries and provide a good reference point for the development the industry. By following the findings of this report mediators and parties in dispute can improve processes and be more successful in outcomes. In this study the author shows that mediation is an effective and appropriate method of resolving disputes within the Irish construction industry.
New ways of managing conflict are increasingly important features of work and employment in organizations. In the book the world's leading scholars in the field examine a range of innovative alternative dispute resolution (ADR) practices, drawing on international research and scholarship and covering both case studies of major exemplars and developments in countries in different parts of the global economy. Developments in the management of individual and collective conflict at work are addressed, as are innovations in both unionized and non-union organizations and in the private and public sectors.
New practices for managing conflict in organizations are set in the context of trends in workplace conflict and perspectives on how conflict should be understood and addressed. Part 1 examines the changing context of conflict management by addressing the main frameworks for understanding conflict management, the trend in conflict at work, developments in employment rights, and the influence of HRM on conflict management. Part 2 covers the main approaches to conflict management in organizations, addressing both conventional and alternative approaches to conflict resolution. Conventional grievance handling and third-party processes in conflict resolution are examined as well as the main ADR practices, including conflict management in non-union firms, the role of the organizational ombudsman, mediation, interest-based bargaining, line and supervisory management, and the concept of conflict management systems. Part 3 presents case studies of exemplars and innovators in the field, covering mediation in the US postal service, interest-based bargaining at Kaiser-Permanente, 'med-arb' in the New Zealand Police, and judicial mediation in UK employment tribunals. Part 4 covers international developments in conflict management in Germany, Japan, The United States, Australia, New Zealand, the United Kingdom and China.
This Handbook gives a comprehensive overview of this growing field, which has seen an huge increase in programmes of study in university business and law schools and in executive education programmes.
This paper reviews decisions from the Northern Ireland and England and Wales High Courts and Courts of Appeal as well as the UK Supreme Court relating to tort and principally to the tort of negligence in the past 12 months or so.
In structure, the paper will be presented in four parts. First, three preliminary points relating to contemporary features of the NI civil courts: personal litigants – Devine v McAteer [2012] NICA 30 (7 September 2012); pre-action protocols – Monaghan v Graham [2013] NIQB 53 (3 May 2013); and the rise of alternative dispute resolution. On the last named issue, the recent decision of PGF II SA v OMFS Company 1 Ltd [2013] EWCA Civ 1288 (23 October 2013) on unreasonable refusal to mediate, will be discussed.
Second, the paper moves to consider the law of negligence generally and case law from the NI High Court reiterating Lord Hoffmann’s view in Tomlinson v Congleton Borough Council [2004] 1 AC 46 that no duty of care arises from obvious risks of injury. In this, reference will be made to the application of the above “Hoffmann principle” in West Sussex County Council v Pierce [2013] EWCA Civ 1230 (16 October 2013), which concerned an accident sustained by a child at school. A similar set of facts was presented recently to the UK Supreme Court in Woodland v Essex County Council [2013] UKSC 66 (23 October 2013). The decision there, on non-delegable duties of care, will have a significant impact for schools in the provision of extracurricular activities.
Third, I will review a NI case of note on the duty of care of solicitors in the context of professional negligence in the context of conflicting advice by counsel.
Fourth, I will examine a series of cases on employer liability and including issues such as the duty of care towards the volunteer worker; tort and safety at work principles generally; and, more specifically, the duty of care of the employer towards an employee who suffers psychiatric illness as a result of stress and/or harassment at work. On the issue of workplace stress, the NI courts have made extensive reference to the Hale LJ principles found in the Court of Appeal decision of Hatton v Sutherland [2002] 1 All ER 1 and applied to those who have suffered trauma in reporting on or policing “the troubles” in Northern Ireland. On the issue of statutory harassment at work, the paper will also mention the UK Supreme Court’s decision in Hayes v Willoughby [2013] UKSC 17 (20 March 2013).
Drawing on my experience of a number of sports dispute resolution tribunals in the UK and Ireland (such as Sports Resolutions UK; Just Sport Ireland; the Football Association of Ireland’s Disciplinary Panel and the Gaelic Athletic Association’s Dispute Resolution Authority) I intend to use this paper to review the legal arguments typically made in sports-related arbitrations. These points of interest can be summarised as a series of three questions: the fairness question; the liability question; the penalty question.
In answer to the fairness question, the aim is to give a brief outline on best practice in establishing a "fair" sports disciplinary tribunal. The answer, I believe, is always twofold in nature: first, and to paraphrase Lord Steyn in R v Secretary of State For The Home Department, Ex Parte Daly [2001] UKHL 26 at [28] "in law, context is everything" – translated into the present matter, this means that in sports disciplinary cases, the more serious the charges against the individual (in terms of reputational damage, economic impact and/or length of sanction); the more tightly wrapped the procedural safeguards surrounding any subsequent disciplinary hearing must be. A fair disciplinary system will be discussed in the context of the principles laid down in Article 8 of the World Anti-Doping Code which, in effect, acts as sport’s Article 6 of the ECHR on a right to a fair trial.
Following on from the above, in the 60 or so sports arbitrations that I have heard, there are two further points of interest. First, the claim before the arbitral panel will often be framed in an argument that, for various reasons of substantive and procedural irregularity, the sanction imposed on the appellant should be quashed ("the liability"). Second, and in alternative, that the sanction imposed was wholly disproportionate ("the penalty").
The liability issue usually breaks down into two further questions. First, what is the nature of the legal duty upon a sports body in exercising its disciplinary remit? Second, to what extent does a de novo hearing on appeal cure any apparent defects in a hearing of first instance? The first issue often results in an arbitral panel debating the contra preferentum approach to the interpretation of a contested rule i.e., the sports body’s rules in question are so ambiguous that they should be interpreted in a manner to the detriment of the rule maker and in favour of the appellant. On the second matter, it now appears to be a general principle of sports law, administrative law and even human rights law that even if a violation of the principles of natural justice takes place at the first instance stage of a disciplinary process, they may be cured on de novo appeal. Authority for this approach can be found at the Court of Arbitration for Sport and in particular in CAS 2009/A/1920 FK Pobeda, Aleksandar Zabrcanec, Nikolce Zdraveski v UEFA at para 87.
The question on proportionality asks what, aside from precedent found within the decisions of the sports body in question, are the general legal principles against which a sanction by a sports disciplinary body can be benchmarked in order to ascertain whether it is disproportionate in length or even irrational in nature?
On the matter of (dis)proportionality of sanction, the debate is usually guided by the authority in Bradley v the Jockey Club [2004] EWHC 2164 (QB) and affirmed at [2005] EWCA Civ 1056. The Bradley principles on proportionality of sports-specific sanctions, recently cited with approval at the Court of Arbitration for Sport, will be examined in this presentation.
Finally, an interesting application of many of the above principles (and others such as the appropriate standard of proof in sports disciplinary procedures) can be made to recent match-fixing or corruption related hearings held by the British Horse Racing Authority, the integrity units of snooker and tennis, and at the Court of Arbitration for Sport.
This article argues that the expansion of individual employment rights is presenting a series of challenges to the collective model of economic citizenship that prevailed in most of the Anglo-American world during the last century. We examine developments in the management of workplace conflict in Anglo-American countries to highlight the institutional manoeuvrings that have been taking place to mould the nature of national regimes of employment rights. We argue that Governments almost everywhere are actively seeking to create institutional regimes that weaken the impact of employment legislation and we find that statutory dispute resolution agencies are eagerly trying to develop organizational identities that are aligned with rights-based employment disputes.