865 resultados para extended regime-switching GARCH
INTRODUCTION: Extended spectrum β-lactamases (ESBLs) are enzymes that degrade β-lactam antibiotics and have been reported to be an important cause of nosocomial infection in worldwide. METHODS: During 2009, 659 enterobacteria strains were isolated from different clinical specimens and tested for ESBL production. The disk approximation test, combined disk method and addition of clavulanic acid were used for phenotypic detection of the ESBL-producing strains and PCR for detection of the blaTEM and blaCTX-M genes. RESULTS: Among the isolates, 125 were ESBL producers. The blaCTX-M and blaTEM genes were detected in 90.4% and 75% of the strains, respectively. Most strains were isolated from urine. Klebsiella pneumoniae was the most prevalent organism. Microorganisms presented high resistance to the antibiotics. CONCLUSIONS: These results support the need for extending ESBL detection methods to different pathogens of the Enterobacteriaceae family because these methods are only currently standardized by the CLSI for Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Klebsiella oxytoca and Proteus mirabilis. Carbapenems were the antibiotic class of choice for the treatment of infections caused by ESBL-producing Enterobacteriaceae.
This paper offers a new approach to estimating time-varying covariance matrices in the framework of the diagonal-vech version of the multivariate GARCH(1,1) model. Our method is numerically feasible for large-scale problems, produces positive semidefinite conditional covariance matrices, and does not impose unrealistic a priori restrictions. We provide an empirical application in the context of international stock markets, comparing the nev^ estimator with a number of existing ones.
O comportamento das águas pluviais em meio urbano é muito diferente do que ocorre em ambientes naturais, principalmente devido à elevada percentagem de superfícies impermeáveis nas nossas cidades. Temos maiores volumes de escoamento gerados; maiores velocidades de escoamento; menor retenção de contaminantes difusos; e propagação rápida para jusante de problemas de cheias e de qualidade da água. Presentemente, a gestão de águas pluviais em meio urbano começa a ser encarada numa perspectiva de aproximação ao comportamento dos meios naturais. A Drenagem Urbana Sustentável está a assumir-se como um conceito de gestão que tem como objectivo gerir a água de uma forma “descentralizada”, promovendo localmente a sua infiltração e retenção distribuídas por toda a bacia. O objecto deste trabalho foi a avaliação do efeito da rugosidade dos sistemas de drenagem sobre os caudais de ponta de cheia. Para isso propôs-se uma solução de drenagem com escoamento superficial em paralelo com os colectores pluviais, dividindo a drenagem entre os dois meios. Baseado nas curvas de intensidade-duração-frequência para a maior parte do território nacional, bem como em eventos de precipitação registados, abordou-se o problema criando um modelo conceptual com o programa informático StormWater Management Model (SWMM 5) da Environment Protection Agency (EPA), para comparar os caudais de ponta de sistemas de drenagem pluvial com ou sem o apoio de estruturas de transporte de caudais com rugosidades aumentadas. Foram considerados diversos cenários, com diferentes rugosidades, inclinações do terreno e dimensão dos sistemas. Os resultados das simulações indicam reduções de caudais de ponta na ordem dos 30% resultantes do escoamento superficial de parte dos caudais, principalmente devido ao aumento de rugosidade que a drenagem à superficie pode proporcionar.
In, Lusíada – Direito, II Série, nº 3 de 2005
In, O Direito, ano 132º, Lisboa, (Julho-Dezembro)de 2000, III-IV
Technologic and socio-economic mutations have always determined challenges not only to lawyers, but to law itself. These phenomena have occurred specially when trying to deal with the hard task of finding solutions for the current increasing mismatch of social interests, for example, bank secrecy and money laundering. Usually occurring simultaneously, they are typical examples of outcomes generated by technological and socio-economic innovations that have become fashionable and captured international attention. At the same time, bank secrecy and money laundering support interests belonging to different dimensions, deserving to be balanced in the light of the heterogeneous mechanisms provided by the law to its practitioners and society as a hole. In order to achieve an outcome in accordance with the Rule of Law´s principles, lawyers´ tools are consequently subordinated to constitutional and social justice. Guided by this purpose, we performed the present study, aiming to analyse bank secrecy and money laundering in the light of the current stablished juridical procedures. We intended to develop a prudent point of view that is also in accordance with social reality. In sum, we demonstrate that bank secrecy should adopt a flexible character, embedding new settings and following the socio-economic path in a globalized world with constant innovations.
The present paper was prepared for the course “Project III”, with the supervision of Prof. António Moniz, reporting on the author speaking notes at the Winter School on Technology Assessment, 6-7 December 2010, as part of the Doctoral Programme on Technology Assessment at FCT-UNL.
Introduction Our objective was to evaluate the influence of rainfall regime on the population dynamics of Biomphalaria in a potential urban focus of schistosomiasis in Aracaju, Brazil, during 2009-2010. Methods Snails were collected monthly and were counted, measured and identified; the level of infection and fecal contamination at the sampling sites was determined; rainfall data were obtained. Results High levels of fecal contamination were observed, and the abundance of Biomphalaria glabrata increased during the rainy and post-rainy seasons. The snails' size was variable, and infected snails were identified independently of rainfall. Conclusions These results provide evidence of anthropogenic and climate interference in an urban focus of schistosomiasis in the Aracaju metropolitan area.
A máquina elétrica de relutância comutada (MERC) é, inerentemente, um conversor eletromecânico de velocidade variável, facilmente controlado através dos instantes de excitação e desexcitação do circuito magnético partilhado pelas fases. A sua robustez e simplicidade construtiva (só enrolamentos concentrados no estator), flexibilidade de controlo, bom rendimento numa gama alargada de velocidades, a sua fiabilidade e tolerância a defeitos fazem desta máquina uma opção válida para sistemas de conversão de energia caraterizados por baixas velocidades. A tendência crescente de instalar turbinas eólicas em offshore, para além dos desafios económicos e tecnológicos que levanta, torna a fiabilidade e a tolerância a defeitos, requisitos de vital importância. Neste contexto, a potencial aplicação da MERC a geradores eólicos sem recurso a caixa de velocidades, já que esta penaliza o custo, o volume e a fiabilidade do sistema, serviu de motivação a este trabalho. Nesta dissertação apresentam-se, numa perspetiva comparativa, diferentes paradigmas construtivos da MERC para o funcionamento gerador em regime de baixas velocidades, caraterístico dos aproveitamentos de energias renováveis. Para o efeito, formularam-se leis de escala apropriadas a análises dimensionais de topologias diferenciadas pelas caraterísticas dos circuitos elétrico e magnético e do seu posicionamento relativo. Estes modelos de escala permitiram introduzir constrangimentos físicos e dos materiais que condicionam o projeto da máquina, como a saturação magnética e limites de temperatura. Das análises dimensionais e validação com elementos finitos, elegeu-se uma estrutura magnética modular com caminhos de fluxo curtos que foi comparada com um protótipo de MERC regular, previsto para equipar um gerador eólico. Quando comparadas as duas topologias, assumindo dimensões idênticas, a modular apresentou um significativo ganho de potência específica mantendo bons níveis de rendimento. Pretende-se assim alargar a discussão do projeto das MERC, geralmente confinado a topologias regulares, a um contexto mais abrangente que inclua novos paradigmas construtivos.
INTRODUCTION: Epidemiological data on the prevalence of extended-spectrum β-lactamases (ESBLs) are scarce in Brazil despite the fact that these data are essential for empirical treatment and control measures. The objective of this study was to evaluate the prevalence of different ESBLs by type and distribution in a tertiary hospital in southern Brazil. METHODS: We evaluated 1,827 enterobacterial isolates between August 2003 and March 2008 isolated from patients at a tertiary hospital. Samples were identified using a Vitek automated system and were confirmed by biochemical testing. The identified ESBL strains were characterized by phenotypic methods, polymerase chain reaction (PCR), and sequencing. Genetic similarities were evaluated by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis. RESULTS: It was 390 (21.3%) ESBL-producing strains, which expressed the ESBLs CTX-M (292), SHV (84), CTX and SHV (10), TEM (2), and PER (2). CONCLUSIONS: The prevalence of ESBL-expressing strains was high, especially in Klebsiella pneumoniae and Enterobacter spp. CTX-M was the predominant type of ESBL observed, and its genetic variability indicates a polyclonal distribution.
AbstractINTRODUCTIONThe aim of this study was to detect the prevalence of the extended-spectrum beta-lactamase (ESBL)-encoding CTX-M gene in Escherichia coliisolates.METHODS:Phenotypic screening of 376 E. coli isolates for ESBL was conducted using disk diffusion. ESBL-producing isolates were tested using PCR and specific primers. The blaCTX-M cluster was identified using the RFLP method, and its genotype was sequenced.RESULTS:From 202 ESBL-producing E. coli , 185 (91.5%) possessed CTX-M genes. CTX-M-1 subtypes were found in 98% of the isolates. The blaCTX-M gene was identical to CTX-M-15.CONCLUSIONS:A high prevalence of CTX-M-1-producing E. coli apparently exists in Shiraz, Iran.
Abstract: INTRODUCTION: Nosocomial infections are closely associated with antimicrobial drug resistance. One of the most important mechanisms of resistance to β-lactam antibiotics is the production of extended spectrum β-lactamases (ESBLs). The objective of the present study was to evaluate the prevalence and antimicrobial susceptibility profile of ESBL-producing strains and to assess the evolution of antimicrobial drug resistance between 2007 and 2013 at the Hospital São Vicente de Paulo, Passo Fundo, State of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. METHODS: We conducted a descriptive, observational, cross-sectional study. Bacterial culture was performed from January to December 2013. The antimicrobial susceptibility profile of these cultures was determined using the disk diffusion method. Phenotypic screening for ESBL production was performed using the disk approximation method. RESULTS : We analyzed a total of 19,112 cultures, 11.5% of which were positive for Enterobacteriaceae. Of these, 30.3% of the isolates were positive for ESBL production, and the most prevalent species was Klebsiella sp. (37.5%). Over 95% of these isolates showed reduced susceptibility to all cephalosporins, aztreonam, and amoxicillin/clavulanic acid. The isolates also showed high sensitivity to the following antimicrobials: amikacin, meropenem, and piperacillin/tazobactam. Overall, the resistance rates among ESBL-producing Enterobacteriaceae decreased from 2007 to 2013. CONCLUSIONS : In our hospital, the increased sensitivity to certain antimicrobial agents seems to be directly related to the implementation of improvements in the methods to prevent and control nosocomial infections in addition to the natural development of other resistance mechanisms.