949 resultados para enfermedad de transmisión sexual
La toxoplasmosis congénita (TC) afecta 1 a 2 niños cada 1.000 nacimientos al año. La mayoría de los recién nacidos infectados son asintomáticos pero la ausencia de tratamiento puede determinar secuelas oftalmológicas y neurológicas. Objetivo: describir el seguimiento de los hijos de mujeres con primoinfección por Toxoplasma gondii durante el embarazo derivados a una Policlínica de Infectología de la Médica Uruguaya entre diciembre de 2010 y mayo de 2015. Material y método: se incluyeron los hijos de mujeres con primoinfección por T.gondii durante el embarazo entre el 1 de diciembre de 2010 y el 31 de mayo de 2015. Se confirmó primoinfección mediante determinación inmunoenzimática de IgG e IgM específicas, complementada por IgM por inmunofluorescencia indirecta o test de avidez de IgG según el caso. El diagnóstico de infección congénita se realizó por la presencia de IgM o títulos de IgG estables o en aumento en los primeros 9 meses de seguimiento del niño. Resultados: se diagnosticó primoinfección en 34 mujeres. La mayoría controló adecuadamente el embarazo y ninguna presentó infección por VIH, sífilis o Chagas. Se confirmó TC en 3 niños nacidos a término, con peso adecuado, hijos de mujeres con primoinfección adquirida en el tercer trimestre y tratadas con espiramicina. Uno presentó coriorretinitis, los otros fueron asintomáticos. En todos la IgM fue negativa, el diagnóstico se confirmó con curva de IgG. Todos recibieron piremetamina, sulfadiazina y ácido folínico sin efectos adversos. A la fecha continúan en tratamiento y seguimiento dos de los tres niños. Discusión y conclusión: la captación temprana de la mujer embarazada, la indicación oportuna de medidas de prevención constituyen pilares fundamentales para reducir la TC. El tratamiento oportuno y adecuado puede prevenir las secuelas.
El virus de la enfermedad de linfocistis (LCDV), perteneciente al género Lymphocystivirus (familia Iridoviridae), es el agente etiológico de la enfermedad de linfocistis (LCD), principal patología de origen vírico descrita en doradas en la acuicultura marina mediterránea. Aunque esta enfermedad es muy frecuente, las vías de transmisión de su agente etiológico no se han dilucidado completamente, considerándose el contacto directo entre peces o la ruta hídrica las principales vías de entrada del virus en los sistemas acuícolas. Aunque el LCDV puede transmitirse vía hídrica, al menos de forma experimental, no existen resultados sobre su persistencia en agua de mar, lo que es esencial para determinar la importancia del agua como ruta de transmisión del virus en las piscifactorías marinas. En el presente trabajo se ha abordado el estudio de la capacidad de persistencia del LCDV en agua de mar sometida a diferentes tratamientos, observándose el efecto de los factores bióticos y abióticos sobre dicha persistencia. Para el estudio se utilizó un stock vírico de la cepa de colección ATCC VR-342, usando agua de mar artificial y agua de mar sometida a tratamientos (esterilización por calor húmedo y filtración) para eliminar microorganismos y materia orgánica presentes en el agua, evaluándose el efecto de estos tratamientos, así como la temperatura (18°C y 22°C) y la carga viral, en la infectividad del virus. Se determinó el título infectivo de las suspensiones víricas en las muestras a diferentes tiempos mediante ensayo en cultivos celulares, aplicando el método de dilución final de efecto citopático (TCID50) y ensayo ICC-RT-PCR (Integrated Cell Culture-RT-PCR). Los resultados obtenidos indican que los factores abióticos presentes en el agua sometida a esterilización por filtración y calor no afectan significativamente a la persistencia del virus. Sin embargo, se ha demostrado que tanto la temperatura como la carga vírica son factores determinantes de la persistencia del LCDV en agua.
La enfermedad de Alzheimer (EA) es la demencia más frecuente y su prevalencia continúa en aumento tanto en Colombia como en el mundo. Esta investigación tuvo como objetivo explorar si las actitudes hacia la EA varían según la edad y género de 450 personas adultas colombianas. Se realizó un estudio exploratorio de corte transversal en el que se aplicó un cuestionario autodiligenciado. Se encontró que efectivamente hay algunas diferencias según la edad y el género en el componente cognoscitivo (creencias y conocimiento) y conductual (intención conductual y conducta) de las actitudes; y diferencias según el género en el componente afectivo. Se concluye que los conocimientos sobre la EA son escasos, que la tristeza es la emoción predominante hacia la EA y que es un tema de interés en el que predomina la idea de que afecta especialmente la memoria. Se discutieron los resultados reconociendo que esta es una aproximación inicial a las actitudes hacia la EA.
The specific mechanisms by which selective pressures affect individuals are often difficult to resolve. In tephritid fruit flies, males respond strongly and positively to certain plant derived chemicals. Sexual selection by female choice has been hypothesized as the mechanism driving this behaviour in certain species, as females preferentially mate with males that have fed on these chemicals. This hypothesis is, to date, based on studies of only very few species and its generality is largely untested. We tested the hypothesis on different spatial scales (small cage and seminatural field-cage) using the monophagous fruit fly, Bactrocera cacuminata. This species is known to respond to methyl eugenol (ME), a chemical found in many plant species and one upon which previous studies have focused. Contrary to expectation, no obvious female choice was apparent in selecting ME-fed males over unfed males as measured by the number of matings achieved over time, copulation duration, or time of copulation initiation. However, the number of matings achieved by ME-fed males was significantly greater than unfed males 16 and 32 days after exposure to ME in small cages (but not in a field-cage). This delayed advantage suggests that ME may not influence the pheromone system of B. cacuminata but may have other consequences, acting on some other fitness consequence (e.g., enhancement of physiology or survival) of male exposure to these chemicals. We discuss the ecological and evolutionary implications of our findings to explore alternate hypotheses to explain the patterns of response of dacine fruit flies to specific plant-derived chemicals.
Objective: There is a paucity of information regarding cases of multi-victim sexual assault of children. The reported incidence suggests that these cases are rare. The aim of this paper is to provide practitioners with information about effective intervention strategies arising out of the direct experience of managing a case of multi-victim sexual assault in an Australian rural community. --------- Method: A descriptive, case-report methodology summarizing the investigation and intervention in a case of multi-victim sexual assault is reported. A community based intervention arising out of the disclosures of 21 male children is described. The intervention occurred at an individual, group, and community level using a coordinated multi-disciplinary team and natural helping networks. ---------- Results: The coordination of police and welfare services increased the communication flow to victims, their families, and the community. The case also demonstrated the utility in regularly briefing political and bureaucratic authorities as well as local officials about emergent issues. Coordinating political and bureaucratic responses was essential in obtaining ongoing support and sufficient researching to enable the effective delivery of services. ---------- Conclusions: Interventions were focused at an individual, group, and community level using a coordinated multi-disciplinary team and natural helping networks. This provided a choice of services which were sensitive to the case setting. Recommendations are offered for practitioners who are confronted with similar events. While this paper describes an approach for intervening in a case of multi-victim sexual assault, further empirical research is needed to enable service deliverers to efficaciously target interventions which offer choice to victims and their families.
Sexual harassment can be conceptualised as an interaction between harassers and targets. Utilising 23 detailed legal transcripts, this study explored evidence of a range of perpetrator tactics and target counter-tactics. These tactics can be readily fitted into the backfire framework, which proposes that powerful perpetrators of perceived unjust acts are likely to cover up the actions, devalue the target, reinterpret the events, use official channels to give an appearance of justice, and intimidate or bribe people involved. Targets can respond using counter-tactics of exposure, validation, reframing, mobilisation of support, and resistance. The findings have implications for raising awareness of harassing tactics and recommendations for effective informal responses in organisations.
The paper uses qualitative textual analysis to compare journalistic and academic accounts of child sexual abuse. There are seven main differences. Academic accounts suggest higher levels of neglect, emotional abuse, and physical abuse than sexual abuse in Australia, by contrast, journalistic accounts highlight sexual abuse. Academic accounts suggest that child sexual abuse in Australia is decreasing; journalistic accounts suggest that it is increasing. Academic accounts suggest that the majority of cases of child sexual abuse are perpetrated by family members; journalistic accounts focus on abuse by institutional figures (teachers, priests) or by strangers. Academic accounts have shown that innocent sexual play is a normal part of childhood development; journalistic accounts suggest that any sexual play is either a sign of abuse, or in itself constitutes sexual abuse. Academic accounts suggest that one of the best ways to prevent sexual abuse is for children to receive sex education; journalistic accounts suggest that children finding out about sex leads to sexual abuse. Academic accounts can gather data from the victims; journalistic accounts are excluded from doing so. Academic researchers talk to abusers in order to understand how child sexual abuse can be prevented; journalistic accounts exclude the voices of child sexual abusers.
Over 3000 cases of child sexual abuse are identified every year in Australia, but the real incidence is higher still. As a strategy to identify child sexual abuse, Australian States and Territories have enacted legislation requiring members of selected professions, including teachers, to report suspected cases. In addition, policy-based reporting obligations have been developed by professions, including the teaching profession. These legislative and industry-based developments have occurred in a context of growing awareness of the incidence and consequences of child sexual abuse. Teachers have frequent contact and close relationships with children, and possess expertise in monitoring changes in children’s behaviour. Accordingly, teachers are seen as being well-placed to detect and report suspected child sexual abuse. To date, however, there has been little empirical research into the operation of these reporting duties. The extent of teachers’ awareness of their duties to report child sexual abuse is unknown. Further, there is little evidence about teachers’ past reporting practice. Teachers’ duties to report sexual abuse, especially those in legislation, differ between States, and it is not known whether or how these differences affect reporting practice. This article presents results from the first large-scale Australian survey of teachers in three States with different reporting laws: New South Wales, Queensland, and Western Australia. The results indicate levels of teacher knowledge of reporting duties, reveal evidence about past reporting practice, and provide insights into anticipated future reporting practice and legal compliance. The findings have implications for reform of legislation and policy, training of teachers about the reporting of child sexual abuse, and enhancement of child protection.
It has often been argued that young woman’s magazine’s, like Cosmopolitan, Cleo Dolly and Seventeen, constitute a significant instrument in the patriarchal repression of young women - their hegemonic success lying in the fact that they appear to be sites wherein young women are ‘free’ from the elements of coercion so obviously in evidence within other terrains, such as the school and the family. This paper will suggest an alternative approach to these magazines. Rather than locating such texts within an overall model of repression and patriarchal domination, it will be argued here that they can be regarded as practical manuals which enrol young women to do specific kinds of work on themselves. In doing so, they form an effective link between the governmental imperatives aimed at constructing particular personas (such as, for example, ‘the sexually responsible young woman’), and the actual practices whereby these imperatives are operationalised. These manuals do not prevent young women from learning to ‘project a unique self’, they constitute a significant source of practices and techniques through which particular types of self are shaped.