1000 resultados para encuesta nacional de salud
BACKGROUND Antiretroviral treatment (ART) in children has special features and consequently, results obtained from clinical trials with antiretroviral drugs in adults may not be representative of children. Nelfinavir (NFV) is an HIV-1 Protease Inhibitor (PI) which has become as one of the first choices of PI for ART in children. We studied during a 3-year follow-up period the effects of highly active antiretroviral therapy with nelfinavir in vertically HIV-1 infected children. METHODS Forty-two vertically HIV-infected children on HAART with NFV were involved in a multicentre prospective study. The children were monitored at least every 3 months with physical examinations, and blood sample collection to measure viral load (VL) and CD4+ cell count. We performed a logistic regression analysis to determinate the odds ratio of baseline characteristics on therapeutic failure. RESULTS Very important increase in CD4+ was observed and VL decreased quickly and it remained low during the follow-up study. Children with CD4+ <25% at baseline achieved CD4+ >25% at 9 months of follow-up. HIV-infected children who achieved undetectable viral load (uVL) were less than 40% in each visit during follow-up. Nevertheless, HIV-infected children with VL >5000 copies/ml were less than 50% during the follow-up study. Only baseline VL was an important factor to predict VL control during follow-up. Virological failure at defined end-point was confirmed in 30/42 patients. Along the whole of follow-up, 16/42 children stopped HAART with NFV. Baseline characteristics were not associated with therapeutic change. CONCLUSION NFV is a safe drug with a good profile and able to achieve an adequate response in children.
Recent advances in characterizing the immune recovery of HIV-1-infected people have highlighted the importance of the thymus for peripheral T-cell diversity and function. The aim of this study was to investigate differences in immune reconstitution profiles after highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) between HIV-children and adults.
HIV patients were grouped according to their previous clinical and immunological status: 9 HIV-Reconstituting-adults (HIV-Rec-adults) and 10 HIV-Reconstituting-children (HIV-Rec-children) on HAART with viral load (VL)
INTRODUCTION Cutaneous candidiasis is a disease that affects children as well as adults. The presentation may be localized or systemic, and with multiple etiological agents. The most prevalent infecting species in children differs from that of the adult. OBJECTIVE A case is presented where a congenital cutaneous candidiasis was transmitted to the child during birth. MATERIALS AND METHODS A full term newborn was exposed to a subclinical vaginal candidiasis infection, and 24 hr after birth, developed congenital cutaneous candidiasis. The etiological agent was Candida albicans, and was associated with sepsis and respiratory distress. Blood cultures, cutaneous biopsy of vesicular lesions, blood tests and lumbar puncture were performed. RESULTS Biochemistry and blood count showed a CRP of 5.7 mg/dl, leukocytosis with left shift and mild anemia. After 24 hr, the blood analyses showed an increase in a CRP (7.8 mg/dl) and increased progressively for three days; consequently, a lumbar puncture was performed. Blood culture was positive for Staphylococcus aureus. Cutaneous biopsy confirmed the cutaneous candidiasis. CONCLUSIONS The early diagnosis is essential to prevent complications derived by the Candida albicans in newborns.
Introduction: The ICT progress and development are making the set up of virtual libraries easier, with great advantages for users in terms of immediate access to vast amounts of library information, online resources, and services. Most of the Autonomous Spanish Regions are presently working on the establishment of virtual libraries with the aim of optimising economic resources destined to subscribe bibliographic information sources and offering qualified documentary services to Public Health System Professionals. The Ministry of Health and Social Policy, an institution unifying health matters, issued this Project to study the National Health System Virtual Library creation viability, in order to guarantee relevant scientific information access equity. Objectives: - To study the National Health System (NHS) Virtual Library set up viability. - To elaborate the Spanish territory health information resource map. - To identify the appropriate technological model. - To identify the documentary services to be offered. - To identify the more optimum functional, structural model. - To identify the economic model. Method: - To create a chart organization for the project´s management. - To organize Work groups. - To elaborate a standardised survey model for the libraries of the autonomous regions. Results: - Identification of the different Autonomous Region libraries of health models. - Recommendations for the NHS Virtual Library: - Functional, structural model - Technological model - Financial-economic model Conclusions: The fact that the Virtual Library would be an invaluable space for access to quality scientific information, as well as that the minimum services could be offered to every NHS user regardless of geographical situation, is confirmed. Accordingly, we thought about three different models to develop the Virtual Library, depending on this initial analysis, which will allow us to establish the most suitable model for the Spanish National Health System, considering its economic, functional and technological recommendations. It would be necessary to do a study for the NHS Virtual Library Set Up following the recommendations arising from this Project.
BACKGROUND AND AIMS Several studies have reported that a significant number of HIV patients not co-infected with HCV/HBV develop liver damage of uncertain origin (LDUO). The objective of our study was to evaluate the incidence of and risk factors for the development of LDUO in HIV infected patients not co-infected with HCV/HBV. METHODS Prospective longitudinal study that included HIV-infected patients free of previous liver damage and viral hepatitis B or C co-infections. Patients were followed up at 6-monthly intervals. Liver stiffness was measured at each visit. Abnormal liver stiffness (ALS) was defined as a liver stiffness value greater than 7.2 kPa at two consecutive measurements. For patients who developed ALS, a protocol was followed to diagnose the cause of liver damage. Those patients who could not be diagnosed with any specific cause of liver disease were diagnosed as LDUO and liver biopsy was proposed. RESULTS 210 patients matched the inclusion criteria and were included. 198 patients completed the study. After a median (Q1-Q3) follow-up of 18 (IQR 12-26) months, 21 patients (10.6%) developed ALS. Of these, fifteen patients were diagnosed as LDUO. The incidence of LDUO was 7.64 cases/100 patient-years. Histological studies were performed on ten (66.6%) patients and all showed liver steatosis. A higher HOMA-IR value and body mass index were independently associated with the development of LDUO. CONCLUSION We found a high incidence of LDUO in HIV-infected patients associated with metabolic risk factors. The leading cause of LDUO in our study was non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.
G17+1 está integrado por: Elena Primo (Biblioteca Nacional de Ciencias de la Salud), Verónica Juan (BV Andalucía), Montserrat Salas (BV Aragón), Mercedes Corrales y Raquel Lavandera (BV Asturias), Virgili Paéz (BV Baleares), Beatriz Duque (BV Canarias), Fanny Ribes (BV Cantabria), Marisa Alonso (BV Castilla-La Mancha), Pilar Díaz Ruiz (BV Castilla y León), Pilar Roqué (BV Cataluña), Francisco Javier Moreno (BV Extremadura), Teresa Mejuto (BV Galicia), Mayra García Berges y José Manuel Estrada (BV Madrid), Enrique Aguinaga y Juan Antonio Sánchez Sánchez (BV Murcia), Idoia Gaminde (BV Navarra) y Ricardo Aróstegui y Mª Asunción García Martín (BV País Vasco).
BACKGROUND Despite the evidence that Lactoferrin (Lf) is involved in allergic asthma processes, it is unknown whether neutrophils can be one of the main cellular sources of this key inflammatory mediator directly in response of an IgE mediated stimulus. The present study was undertaken to analyze this question. METHODS Neutrophils from healthy subjects (n = 34) and neutrophils from allergic asthmatic patients (n = 102) were challenged in vitro with specific allergens to which the patients were sensitized, PAF, or agonist mAbs against IgE-receptors, and the levels of Lf were measured in the culture supernatant. The levels of serum IgE together with the severity of symptoms were also analyzed. RESULTS Lf was released into the culture supernatant of neutrophils from allergic asthmatic patients in response to allergens and PAF. This response was highly allergen-specific, and did not happen in neutrophils from healthy donors. Allergen effect was mimicked by Abs against FcεRI and galectin-3 but not by FcεRII. The levels of released Lf correlated well with the levels of serum specific IgE and severity of asthma symptoms. These observations represent a novel view of neutrophils as an important source of Lf in allergic asthma. Importantly, the levels of released Lf by neutrophils could therefore be used to evaluate disease severity in allergic asthmatic patients.
Los misterios del Sistema Nacional de Salud en España son del alma,pero la Atención Primaria es el libro en el que se leen. Cuando la componente sanitaria del Estado de Bienestar, y particularmente su Atención Primaria, parece estar enferma, y al igual que ocurre con unpaciente, tanto o más que un diagnóstico se precisa un pronóstico. Estelibro pretende contribuir a ambos. La población, los profesionales, laindustria suministradora necesita tener un cuadro de cómo se mantendrán unos servicios sanitarios resolutivos financiados públicamente. Atodos los actores implicados va dirigido el libro.La obra se enfrenta a dos problemas clave: la huída de los médicos dela Medicina de familia y el que la carga de enfermedad asociada al usoy abuso de medicamentos quede tan solo por detrás de las enfermedades cardiovasculares y del cáncer. Se realizan propuestas tandetalladas como viables para tratar de solucionar ambos problemas.El análisis de casos, como la insuficiencia cardíaca y el aborto voluntario, ayuda a entender cómo conseguir que un sistema de saludcumpla con sus objetivos de prolongar la vida, evitar el sufrimiento yayudar a morir con dignidad.Los 7 capítulos identifican vías de avance de fácil y necesaria implementación para la muy conveniente refundación de la Atención Primaria.
This paper reports an analysis of income related health inequalities at the AutonomousCommunity level in Spain using the self assessed health measure in the 2001 edition of theEncuesta Nacional de Salud. We use recently developed methods in order to cardinalise andmodel self assessed health within a regression framework, decompose the sources ofinequality and explain the observed differences across regions. We find that the regions with the highest levels of mean health tend to enjoy the lowest degrees of income related health inequality and vice-versa. The main feature characterizing regions where income related health inequality is low is the absence of a positive gradient between income and health. In turn, the regions where income related health inequality is greater are characterized by a strong and significant positive gradient between health and income. These results suggest that policies aimed at eliminating the gradient between health and income can potentially lead to greate r reductions in socio-economic health inequalities than policies aimed at redistributing income.
Introducción: Analizar la eficiencia de añadir la determinación NT-proBNP al examen clínico convencional (ECC) para el diagnóstico de insuficiencia cardíaca (IC) en pacientes con disnea que acuden a servicios de urgencias (SU) españoles. Material y métodos: Se desarrolló un árbol de decisión para evaluar los resultados clínicos y económicos de ambas alternativas durante 60 días de seguimiento desde la visita al SU en pacientes hospitalizados y no hospitalizados. Los parámetros clínicos fueron principalmente obtenidos del estudio PRIDE y validados por médicos de SU y cardiólogos. El punto de corte de la determinación NT-proBNP fue de 900 pg/mL (sensibilidad del 90% y especificidad del 85%). En base a datos espa noles publicados, se asumió que el 65% de pacientes con disnea sufrían IC. El uso de recursos fue identificado mediante opinión de expertos y evaluado desde la perspectiva del Sistema Nacional de Salud (SNS). El análisis comparó el diagnóstico final del paciente con el diagnóstico realizado en el SU. Se realizaron diversos análisis de sensibilidad para evaluar la incertidumbre del modelo. Resultados: El diagnóstico incorporando la determinación NT-proBNP fue correcto en el 91,96% de los pacientes (59,09% verdaderos positivos y 32,87% verdaderos negativos) frente al 85,53% mediante ECC (50,79% verdaderos positivos y 34,74% verdaderos negativos). La incorporación de la determinación NT-proBNP resultó tener un coste menor (3.720 versus 5.188 ). Los análisis de sensibilidad realizados confirmaron los resultados.
It is well known that hospital malnutrition is a highly prevalent condition associated to increase morbidity and mortality as well as related healthcare costs. Although previous studies have already measured the prevalence and/or costs of hospital nutrition in our country, their local focus (at regional or even hospital level) make that the true prevalence and economic impact of hospital malnutrition for the National Health System remain unknown in Spain. The PREDyCES® (Prevalence of hospital malnutrition and associated costs in Spain) study was aimed to assess the prevalence of hospital malnutrition in Spain and to estimate related costs. Some aspects made this study unique: a) It was the first study in a representative sample of hospitals of Spain; b) different measures to assess hospital malnutrition (NRS2002, MNA as well as anthropometric and biochemical markers) where used both at admission and discharge and, c) the economic consequences of malnutrition where estimated using the perspective of the Spanish National Health System.
Introducción: Analizar la eficiencia de añadir la determinación NT-proBNP al examen clínico convencional (ECC) para el diagnóstico de insuficiencia cardíaca (IC) en pacientes con disnea que acuden a servicios de urgencias (SU) españoles. Material y métodos: Se desarrolló un árbol de decisión para evaluar los resultados clínicos y económicos de ambas alternativas durante 60 días de seguimiento desde la visita al SU en pacientes hospitalizados y no hospitalizados. Los parámetros clínicos fueron principalmente obtenidos del estudio PRIDE y validados por médicos de SU y cardiólogos. El punto de corte de la determinación NT-proBNP fue de 900 pg/mL (sensibilidad del 90% y especificidad del 85%). En base a datos espa noles publicados, se asumió que el 65% de pacientes con disnea sufrían IC. El uso de recursos fue identificado mediante opinión de expertos y evaluado desde la perspectiva del Sistema Nacional de Salud (SNS). El análisis comparó el diagnóstico final del paciente con el diagnóstico realizado en el SU. Se realizaron diversos análisis de sensibilidad para evaluar la incertidumbre del modelo. Resultados: El diagnóstico incorporando la determinación NT-proBNP fue correcto en el 91,96% de los pacientes (59,09% verdaderos positivos y 32,87% verdaderos negativos) frente al 85,53% mediante ECC (50,79% verdaderos positivos y 34,74% verdaderos negativos). La incorporación de la determinación NT-proBNP resultó tener un coste menor (3.720 versus 5.188 ). Los análisis de sensibilidad realizados confirmaron los resultados.
La Genomics Policy Unit de la Universidad de Glamorgan y la Escuela de Ciencias de los Cuidados de la misma Universidad, siguiendo las directrices marcadas por el Sistema Nacional de Salud del Reino Unido en su Libro Blanco sobre Genética, tomaron la iniciativa de realizar un análisis de las implicaciones que los nuevos conocimientos sobre el genoma humano pueden tener en la práctica de la Enfermería. Fruto de este trabajo es la publicación de las guías en las que se establece el marco de competencias, conocimientos y habilidades que los profesionales enfermeros necesitan para integrar dichos conocimientos de la Genética en la práctica diaria, de manera que ello repercuta en beneficio de los pacientes y sus familias. En este articulo se presenta un avance de esos trabajos.
La Genomics Policy Unit de la Universidad de Glamorgan y la Escuela de Ciencias de los Cuidados de la misma Universidad, siguiendo las directrices marcadas por el Sistema Nacional de Salud del Reino Unido en su Libro Blanco sobre Genética, tomaron la iniciativa de realizar un análisis de las implicaciones que los nuevos conocimientos sobre el genoma humano pueden tener en la práctica de la Enfermería. Fruto de este trabajo es la publicación de las guías en las que se establece el marco de competencias, conocimientos y habilidades que los profesionales enfermeros necesitan para integrar dichos conocimientos de la Genética en la práctica diaria, de manera que ello repercuta en beneficio de los pacientes y sus familias. En este articulo se presenta un avance de esos trabajos.
El presente artículo analiza las críticas generadas a partir de la publicación del Manual diagnóstico y estadístico de los trastornos mentales, quinta edición (DSM-5), ya anunciadas parcialmente durante las últimas fases de su elaboración. Una parte de las críticas se ha centrado en los cambios de los criterios diagnósticos para determinados trastornos y en la incorporación al DSM de nuevas entidades. Sin embargo, otra vertiente crítica va dirigida a la falta de validez de los diagnósticos del DSM, por cuyo motivo se ha cuestionado su eficiencia en el campo de la investigación. El fallo básico del DSM se centra en la incoherencia de un modelo basado en un amplio repertorio de definiciones de entidades categóricas, todas ellas con un alto componente de comorbilidad. Como propuesta para superar el bloqueo generado en la investiga ción y la parquedad de avances terapéuticos, el Instituto Nacional de Salud Mental de estados Unidos ha propuesto una estrategia de investigación cuyo punto de partida se sustenta en la identificación y el estudio de las dimensiones básicas de las disfunciones que se presentan de modo transversal en los trastornos mentales.