877 resultados para dissolution mechanisms
Gastric lipase (HGL) contributes significantly to fat digestion. However, little is known about its neurohormonal regulation in humans. We studied the role of CCK and cholinergic mechanisms in the postprandial regulation of HGL and pancreatic lipase (HPL) secretion in six healthy subjects. Gastric emptying of a mixed meal and outputs of HGL, pepsin, acid, and HPL were determined with a double-indicator technique. Three experiments were performed in random order: intravenous infusion of 1) placebo, 2) low-dose atropine (5 micrograms.kg-.h-1), and 3) the CCK-A receptor antagonist loxiglumide (22 mumol.kg-.h-1). Atropine decreased postprandial outputs of HGL, pepsin, gastric acid, and HPL (P < 0.03) while slowing gastric emptying (P < 0.05). Loxiglumide markedly increased the secretion of HGL, pepsin, and acid while distinctly reducing HPL outputs and accelerating gastric emptying (P < 0.03). Plasma CCK and gastrin levels increased during loxiglumide infusion (P < 0.03). Atropine enhanced gastrin but not CCK release. Postprandial HGL, pepsin, and acid secretion are under positive cholinergic but negative CCK control, whereas HPL is stimulated by cholinergic and CCK mechanisms. We conclude that CCK and cholinergic mechanisms have an important role in the coordination of HGL and HPL secretion to optimize digestion of dietary lipids in humans.
Community Involvement For Women’s Health: Mechanisms Within Primary Care Services The Women.s Health Council is a statutory body established in 1997 to advise the Minister for Health and Children on all aspects of women.s health. Following a recommendation in the Report of the Second Commission on the Status of Women (1993), Developing a Policy for Women’s Health. A Discussion Document was published in 1995. One of the recommendations in the Plan was a proposal that a Women’s Health Council be set up as a centre of expertise on women.s health issues, to foster research into women.s health, evaluate the success of this Plan in improving women’s health and advise the Minister for Health on women’s issues generally. Click here to download PDF 644kb Â
Click here to download PDF Â This is a publication of The Women’s Health Council
Since the internal defense system of mollusks consists of cellular and humoral mechanisms, we examined the role of hydrocortisone in mollusks defense cells and the influence of this steroid on the development of Schistosoma mansoni in its intermediary host. Hydrocortisone had an immunosuppressive action in Biomphalaria glabrata, as reflected in the reduced number of defense cells and the altered cell physiology. Histopathological analysis showed that hydrocortisone facilitated the intramolluscan development of S. mansoni, by reducing the extent of the inflammatory response, seen as a greater number of viable sporocysts with no surrounding hemocytes.
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PURPOSE OF REVIEW: This review discusses publications highlighting current research on toxic, chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathies (CIPNs), and drug-induced peripheral neuropathies (DIPNs). RECENT FINDINGS: The emphasis in clinical studies is on the early detection and grading of peripheral neuropathies, whereas recent studies in animal models have given insights into molecular mechanisms, with the discovery of novel neuronal, axonal, and Schwann cell targets. Some substances trigger inflammatory changes in the peripheral nerves. Pharmacogenetic techniques are underway to identify genes that may help to predict individuals at higher risk of developing DIPNs. Several papers have been published on chemoprotectants; however, to date, this approach has not been shown effective in clinical trials. SUMMARY: Both length and nonlength-dependent neuropathies are encountered, including small-fiber involvement. The introduction of new diagnostic techniques, such as excitability studies, skin laser Doppler flowmetry, and pharmacogenetics, holds promise for early detection and to elucidate underlying mechanisms. New approaches to improve functions and quality of life in CIPN patients are discussed. Apart from developing less neurotoxic anticancer therapies, there is still hope to identify chemoprotective agents (erythropoietin and substances involved in the endocannabinoid system are promising) able to prevent or correct painful CIPNs.
Recrystallization rims are a common feature of zircon crystals that underwent metamorphism. We present a microstructural and microchemical study of partially recrystallized zircon grains collected in polymetamorphic migmatites (Valle d'Arbedo, Ticino, Switzerland). The rims are bright in cathodo-luminescence (CL), with sharp and convex contacts characterized by inward-penetrating embayments transgressing igneous zircon cores. Laser ablation-inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS) data and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) imaging indicate that the rims are chemically and microstructurally different from the cores. The rims are strongly depleted in REE, with concentrations up to two orders of magnitude lower than in the cores, indicating a significant loss of REE during zircon recrystallization. Enrichment in non-formula elements, such as Ca, has not been observed in the rims. The microstructure of zircon cores shows a dappled intensity at and below the 100 nm scale, possibly due to radiation damage. Other defects such as pores and dislocations are absent in the core except at healed cracks. Zircon rims are mostly dapple-free, but contain nanoscale pores and strain centers, interpreted as fluid inclusions and chemical residues, respectively. Sensitive high-resolution ion microprobe (SHRIMP) U-Pb ages show that the recrystallization of the rims took place >200 Ma ago when the parent igneous zircon was not metamict. The chemical composition and the low-Ti content of the rims indicate that they form at sub-solidus temperatures (550-650 degrees C). Recrystallization rims in Valle d'Arbedo zircon are interpreted as the result of the migration of chemical reaction fronts in which fluid triggered in situ and contemporaneous interface-coupled dissolution-reprecipitation mechanisms. This study indicates that strong lattice strain resulting from the incorporation of a large amount of impurities and structural defects is not a necessary condition for zircon to recrystallize. Our observations suggest that the early formation of recrystallization rims played a major role in preserving zircon from the more recent Alpine metamorphic overprint.
PURPOSE: To determine the mechanisms and treatment of ocular hypertension in patients with thyroid-associated orbitopathy and to differenciate it from glaucomatous damage. DESIGN: Three case reports. METHODS: Retrospective review of clinical findings, course, and treatment of the three patients. RESULTS: Elevated intraocular pressure in thyroid-associated orbitopathy observed in the three cases may involve different physiopathological abnormalities such as disturbances of venous circulation, compression by infiltrative muscles, and long corticosteroid use. In the first two cases, defects demonstrated in the perimetry are in consistent with glaucomatous damage. In the third case, visual field abnormalities may be compatible with a glaucomatous disease, but all defects resolved after therapy. Treatement was of the greatest difficulty for the three cases, associating antiglaucomatous medication, steroids, orbital radiotherapy, orbital decompression and extraocular muscle surgery. Intraocular pressure was controlled in all cases. CONCLUSIONS: Elevated intraocular pressure in thyroid-associated orbitopathy is distinguished from glaucomatous disease by its physiopathological mechanisms, clinical course, visual field defects, and treatment. The management of this hypertension is closely related to the treatment of dysthyroid orbitopathy.
Résumé Régulation de l'expression de la Connexin36 dans les cellules sécrétrices d'insuline La communication intercellulaire est en partie assurée via des jonctions communicantes de type "gap". Dans la cellule ß pancréatique, plusieurs observations indiquent que le couplage assuré par des jonctions gap formées parla Connexine36 (Cx36) est impliqué dans le contrôle de la sécrétion de l'insuline. De plus, nous avons récemment démontré qu'un niveau précis d'expression de la Cx36 est nécessaire pour maintenir une bonne coordination de l'ensemble des cellules ß, et permettre ainsi une sécrétion synchrone et contrôlée d'insuline. Le développement du diabète et du syndrome métabolique est partiellement dû à une altération de la capacité des cellules ß à sécréter de l'insuline en réponse à une augmentation de la glycémie. Cette altération est en partie causée par l'augmentation prolongée des taux circulant de glucose, mais aussi de lipides, sous la forme d'acides gras libres, et de LDL (Low Density Lipoproteins), particules assurant le transport des acides gras et du cholestérol dans le sang. Nous avons étudié la régulation de l'expression de la Cx36 dans différentes conditions reflétant la physiopathologie du diabète de type 2 et du syndrome métabolique et démontré qu'une exposition prolongée à des concentrations élevées de glucose, de LDL, ainsi que de palmitate (acide gras saturé le plus abondant dans l'organisme), inhibent l'expression de la Cx36 dans les cellules ß. Cette inhibition implique l'activation de la PKA (Proteine Kinase A), qui stimule à son tour l'expression du facteur de transcription ICER-1 (Inductible cAMP Early Repressor-1). Ce puissant répresseur se fixe spécifiquement sur un motif CRE (cAMP Response Element), situé dans le promoteur du gène de la Cx36, inhibant ainsi son expression. Nous avons de plus démontré que des cytokines pro-inflammatoires, qui pourraient contribuer au développement du diabète, inhibent également l'expression de la Cx36. Cependant, les cytokines agissent indépendamment du répresseur ICER-1, mais selon un mécanisme requérant l'activation de l'AMPK (AMP dependant protein kinase). Sachant qu'un contrôle précis des niveaux d'expression de la Cx36 est un élément déterminant pour une sécrétion optimale de l'insuline, nos résultats suggèrent que la Cx36 pourrait être impliquée dans l'altération de la sécrétion de l'insuline contribuant à l'apparition du diabète de type 2. Summary A particular way by which cells communicate with each other is mediated by gap junctions, transmembrane structures providing a direct pathway for the diffusion of small molecules between adjacent cells. Gap junctional communication is required to maintain a proper functioning of insulin-secreting ß-cells. Moreover, the expression levels of connexin36 (Cx36), the sole gap junction protein expressed in ß-cells, are critical in maintaining glucose-stimulated insulin secretion. Chronic hyperglycemia and hyperlipidemia exert deleterious effects on insulin secretion and may contribute to the progressive ß-cell failure linked to the development of type 2 diabetes and metabolic syndrome. Since modulations of the Cx36 levels might impair ß-cell function, the general aim of this work was to elucidate wether elevated levels of glucose and lipids affect Cx36 expression. The first part of this work was dedicated to the study of the effect of high glucose concentrations on Cx36 expression. We demonstrated that glucose transcriptionally down-regulates the expression of Cx36 in insulin-secreting cells through activation of the protein kinase A (PKA), which in turn stimulates the expression of the inducible cAMP early repressor-1 (ICER-1). This repressor binds to a highly conserved cAMP response element (CRE) located in the Cx36 promoter, thereby inhibiting Cx36 expression. The second part of this thesis consisted in studying the effects of sustained exposure to free fatty acids (FFA) and human lipoproteins on Cx36 levels. The experiments revealed that the most abundant FFA, palmitate, as well as the atherogenic low density lipoproteins (LDL), also stimulate ICER-1 expression, resulting in Cx36 down-regulation. Finally, the third part of the work focused on the consequences of long-term exposure to proinflammatory cytokines on Cx36 content. Interleukin-1 ß (IL-1 ß) inhibits Cx36 expression and its effect is potentialized by tumor necrosis factor α (TNFα) and interferon γ (IFNγ). We further unveiled that the cytokines effect on Cx36 levels requires activation of the AMP dependent protein kinase (AMPK). Prolonged exposures to glucose, palmitate, LDL, and pro-inflammatory cytokines have all been proposed to contribute to the development of diabetes and metabolic syndrome. Since Cx36 expression levels are critical to maintain ß-cell function, Cx36 down-regulation by glucose, lipids, and cytokines might participate to the ß-cell failure associated with diabetes development.
1. The purpose of this study was to examine the contribution of the sympatho-adrenomedullary system to the blood pressure response to an intravenous bolus of thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH) in conscious medullectomized and sham-operated rats. 2. The peak pressor effect of 0.5 mg TRH was significantly increased in rats having no adrenal medulla (+24.2 +/- 1.6 mmHg, mean +/- s.e.m., P < 0.01) as compared to sham-operated animals (+12.2 +/- 3.0 mmHg). 3. Blockade of alpha-adrenergic receptors with phentolamine abolished the pressor effect of TRH in control rats (+2.1 +/- 1.9 mmHg) but did not attenuate the blood pressure response of medullectomized rats (+21.5 +/- 4.7 mmHg). In contrast, beta-blockade with propranolol blunted the blood pressure responsiveness of rats subjected to adrenal medullectomy (+12.4 +/- 2.6 mmHg) but did not modify the effect of TRH in sham-operated controls (+10.9 +/- 2.9 mmHg). 4. The direct in vitro effect of TRH on isolated mesenteric rat arteries was also evaluated. TRH did not induce contractions of isolated arteries. 5. These results suggest that in rats with intact adrenals, the pressor effect of intravenous TRH is mediated primarily by a stimulation of alpha-adrenergic receptors. Adrenal medullectomy appears to enhance the blood pressure response to intravenous TRH. Activation of cardiac beta-adrenoceptors seems to contribute to the blood pressure increasing effect of intravenous TRH in medullectomized animals.
Recent advances have stimulated new interest in the area of crystal arthritis, as microcrystals can be considered to be endogenous "danger signals" and are potent stimulators of immune as well as non-immune cells. The best known microcrystals include urate (MSU), and calcium pyrophosphate (CPP) crystals, associated with gout and pseudogout, respectively. Acute inflammation is the hallmark of the acute tissue reaction to crystals in both gout and pseudogout. The mechanisms leading to joint inflammation in these diseases involve first crystal formation and subsequent coating with serum proteins. Crystals can then interact with plasma cell membrane, either directly or via membrane receptors, leading to NLRP3 activation, proteolytic cleavage and maturation of pro-interleukin-1β (pro-IL1β) and secretion of mature IL1β. Once released, this cytokine orchestrates a series of events leading to endothelial cell activation and neutrophil recruitment. Ultimately, gout resolution involves several mechanisms including monocyte differentiation into macrophage, clearance of apoptotic neutrophils by macrophages, production of Transforming Growth Factor (TGF-β) and modification of protein coating on the crystal surface. This review will examine these different steps.
RESUME : BAFF est un membre de 1a famille du TNF qui contrôle l'homéostasie des lymphocytes B. BAFF lie les récepteurs TACI, BCMA et BAFF-R sur les cellules B, tandis qu'APRIL, son proche homologue, lie seulement TACI et BCMA. BAFF et APRIL sont des protéines transmembranaires pouvant -être relâchées sous forme de cytokines trimériques solubles suite à un clivage protéolytique. Le BAFF soluble peut s'assembler en 60-mère. Les rôles physiologiques des BAFF membranaires et solubles sont inconnnus. Nous avons étudié la capacité de diverses formes de BAFF et APRIL à activer différents récepteurs. BAFF-R répond à toutes les formes dé BAFF, tandis que TACI nécessite du BAFF ou de l'APRIL membranaire ou oligomérisé pour être activé et pour transmettre des signaux de survie dans les lymphocytes B primaires. TACI ne répond pas aux ligands trimériques bien qu'il puisse les lier. TACI est essentiel pour la réponse humorale aux antigènes présentant des épitoges répétitifs, une réponse qui est indépendante des lymphocytes T (réponse TI-2). Des souris exprimant moins de BAFF ont un pourcentage modérément réduit de lymphocytes B et leur réponse TI-2 est atténuée. Par contre, des souris qui n'expriment que du BAFF membranaire ont encore moins de cellules B mais répondent efficacement aux antigènes TI-2. Ces résultats suggèrent que le BAFF soluble est impliqué dans le maintien de la population des lymphocytes B, alors que le BAFF membranaire peut activer TACI lors d'are réponse TI-2. Le BAFF 60-mère est un autre activateur potentiel de TACI in vivo. Le BAFF 60-mère existe dans des surnageants de cellules productrices de BAFF mais n'est pas détecté dans le plasma de souris saines, même lorsqu'elles présentent des niveaux élevés de BAFF. BAFF 60-mère est néanmoins présent dans le plasma de souris transgéniques pour BAFF et de souris déficientes en TACI. Comme ces deux lignées présentent des signes d'autoimmunité, ces résultats suggèrent que la présence de BAFF 60-mère pourrait être liée à des conditions pathologiques. Summary : The TNF family ligand BAFF is essential for B cell homeostasis. BAFF binds to the receptors TACI, BCMA and BAFF-R on B cells, whereas its close homolog APRIL binds to TACI and BCMA only. BAFF and APRIL are transmembrane proteins, which can be proteolytically processed to release trimeric soluble cytokines. Soluble BAFF 3-mer can further assemble in a 60-mer. The physiological roles of membrane-bound and soluble BAFF are unknown. We studied the ability of various forms of BAFF and APRIL to signal through different receptors. BAFF-R responded to all forms of BAFF, but TACI required membrane-bound, cross-licked or oligomeric BAFF or APRIL in order to transmit productive signals in primary B cells. TACI was unresponsive to trimeric ligands, although it could bind them. TACI is essential for T-cell independent antibody responses to antigens with repetitive epitopes (TI-2 responses). Mice expressing lower than normal levels of BAFF displayed a moderate B cell reduction and impaired TI-2 responses, whereas mice expressing membrane-bound BAFF displayed severe B cell reduction, but unimpaired TI-2 responses. These results suggest that processed BAFF is involved in the maintenance of the B cell pool and that membrane-bound BAFF can activate TACI during T-cell independent humoral responses. BAFF 60-mer is another potential activator of TACI in vivo. BAFF 60-mer was detected in the supernatant of BAFF-producing cells, but not in the plasma of healthy mice with either norma1 or elevated BAFF levels. It was however present in sera of BAFF transgenic mice and TACI-/- mice, both of which suffer from autoimmunity, suggesting that GAFF 60-mer may be linked to pathogenic conditions.
An essential step of the life cycle of retroviruses is the stable insertion of a copy of their DNA genome into the host cell genome, and lentiviruses are no exception. This integration step, catalyzed by the viral-encoded integrase, ensures long-term expression of the viral genes, thus allowing a productive viral replication and rendering retroviral vectors also attractive for the field of gene therapy. At the same time, this ability to integrate into the host genome raises safety concerns regarding the use of retroviral-based gene therapy vectors, due to the genomic locations of integration sites. The availability of the human genome sequence made possible the analysis of the integration site preferences, which revealed to be nonrandom and retrovirus-specific, i.e. all lentiviruses studied so far favor integration in active transcription units, while other retroviruses have a different integration site distribution. Several mechanisms have been proposed that may influence integration targeting, which include (i) chromatin accessibility, (ii) cell cycle effects, and (iii) tethering proteins. Recent data provide evidence that integration site selection can occur via a tethering mechanism, through the recruitment of the lentiviral integrase by the cellular LEDGF/p75 protein, both proteins being the two major players in lentiviral integration targeting.