957 resultados para customer reference marketing


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O objetivo central deste trabalho foi identificar e analisar o estudo relacionado ao marketing, relacionando propaganda, entretenimento e como as suas campanhas podem influenciar diretamente na opinião das pessoas, tendo como resultado uma crescente influência ao consumismo, apresentando a importância do advertainment para o mercado publicitário. Como referencia teórica descreveu-se o comportamento e a percepção do consumidor e a forma de oferta do produto em questão tendo como fundamentação do tema autores como Kotler (2005), Las Casas (2006), Dias (2006), Cappo (2004) e Longo (2007), entre outros. A pesquisa foi operacionalizada através de uma pesquisa de caráter descritiva. Caracteriza-se por uma pesquisa sistemática da literatura com consulta em livros técnicos, revistas especializadas, periódicos, meios eletrônicos, entrevistas pessoais, junto à mostra de pessoas relacionadas ao processo comportamental de consumidor, marketing, inovação e desenvolvimento do mercado. Os procedimentos metodológicos adotados durante o percurso de fundamentação verificou-se a relação entre consumidores e mídias tradicionais, pesquisa e análise dos dados obtidos, possibilitaram definir os métodos mais adequados de pesquisa, que foram obtidos por meio de questionários contribuindo para o alcance dos objetivos propostos para o presente trabalho. Finalmente, foram apresentados os resultados e respondeu-se a pergunta de pesquisa e os fatores de atenção na recepção da mensagem, as mudanças que a propaganda vem sofrendo com o advento das novas tecnologias e o desenvolvimento do marketing. / The main objective was to identify and analyze the study related to the marketing, linking advertisement, entertainment and how your campaigns can directly influence peoples views, resulting in an increasing influence of consumerism, showing the importance of ''advertainment'' for the advertising market. As a reference theory described the behavior and perceptions of consumers and how to offer the product under consideration and reasoning as the song writers such as kotler(2005), Las Casas(2006), Dias(2006), Cappo(2004) and Long (2007), among others. The research was implemented through a descriptive study of character. It's characterized by a systematic search of the literature in consultation with technical books, journals, periodicals, electronic media, personal interviews with the show of people related to the process of consumer behavior, marketing, innovation and market development. The methodological procedures adopted during the course of reasoning there was a relationship between consumers and traditional media, research and analysis of data obtained allowed us to define the most appropriate methds of research, which were obtained through questionnaires contributing to the achievement of the objectives proposed to this work. Finally, the results were presented and responded to the research question and the factors of attention at the reception of the message, the changes that advertising has been suffering with the advent of new technologies and development of marketing.


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One of the pioneer firms in the leisure cruise industry embarked on a bold idea in 2000 to offer an unregimented experience unlike most cruises. Despite the appeal of the concept from a marketing perspective, the service innovation posed operational challenges, many of which continue to undermine the firm’s competitive position. Using a multi-method empirical approach and interdisciplinary views that draw on research from marketing and operations management, the authors analyze this business case to identify challenges that service firms face when services are developed and managed from siloed functional perspectives. Based on their research findings and guided by the literature, the authors derive a service-systems model to aid service planning and management. The authors further highlight a new organizational form and function for services under the domain of service experience management that is positioned as a means to unify service operations and marketing for delivering on service promises. The authors offer direction for further research on service operations systems and service experience management.


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The current paper aims at analyzing customer retention in Internet provider services. For this study, we sought to understand what are the client's expectations regarding the services available and compare them with management perception in relation to the use of those services. Identifying the coherence level between the two points of view, management and client, it is possible to pinpoint how service is assessed in real conditions. Then, from this point on, a new vision can be implemented on available services, and new customer service strategies aiming at best serving to their expectation and need, can be rethought. The exploratory research was utilized. It was based on case study, and quantitative and qualitative methods were used. The quantitative method was done by applying the cluster technique with six variables of control derived from the six main services, whose definition was done through qualitative survey of the internal management team. Then, an structured interview with 443 clients, from a probabilistic sample of 800 costumers. The total number of active clients of the internet provider is of 10.677. Client perception in relation to services varied, if compared with the four services that were under the managerial metric method, this comparison showed a more positive evaluation than the real use of the service. Thus, it was observed that the value of each service available for the client depends on his/her perception of it, regardless of using or not the offered service. As a result, it is possible to understand which services offered by the company under study effectively contribute to a good client-company relationship, and the upkeep of those clients


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This study aims to understand the effects of the mobile marketing use as a relationships tool for companies that operate locally, because of the lack of information about this new marketing tool, as well as the scarcity of studies in this area. This is an exploratory and qualitatively study, based on primary sources, raised through books, articles in the marketing area and the telecommunications industry organs as well as secondary sources. With the purpose to look into the issue, a semi-structured interview is made with the companies managers of the sectors of trade and services in Natal-RN. The advances in technology allow an important discussion focused on the marketing in the new communication technologies scenario. It appears that the mobile marketing adoption and use by local companies is already a reality and companies are awake to changes and technological innovations accessible, especially the mobile telephony as well as convergence with other media. There is, however, that the use of technologies offered by mobile marketing is still limited to the sending of text messages (SMS), despite the numerous possibilities of it use. Moreover, the results obtained with mobile marketing use show that companies can identify them, but there is no effective monitoring in quantity and financial terms. Only affect sales growth and support for progress in loyalty with customers. It shows up that the mentality of not measuring the results still in the plan of changes and technological innovations. The data allow saying that the mobile marketing is a reality, however has not yet signed as a tool for carrying out campaigns and marketing tool for loyalty of customers, despite presenting a wide range of possibilities to streamline and make more effective the marketing businesses process


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Tem-se verificado alguma discussão na literatura sobre o decréscimo da importância do Marketing nas empresas. De acordo com alguns estudos, apenas 10% do tempo é dedicado ao departamento de Marketing nas suas reuniões gerais. O estudo de caso é dedicado a uma empresa portuguesa, Oliveira & Irmão, líder ibérica de produtos de instalação sanitária que atua no mercado há 60 anos. Esta empresa exporta 80% da sua produção e tornou-se reconhecida por ser uma das empresas mais inovadoras da sua àrea, contando atualmente com 40 patentes ativas. Neste estudo será analisada a influência do departamento de Marketing numa empresa com gestão familiar e onde a satisfação do cliente é o seu objetivo primário. Para compreender as alterações que se verificaram desde a implementação do Departamento de Marketing, foram realizadas quatro entrevistas aos diretores da empresa (Departamento Financeiro, Inovação, Comercial e Marketing) para compreender, através do seu ponto de vista, quais as implicações e modificações principais que sentiram. Verificou-se que apesar do departamento de Marketing ser recente na empresa este já realizou algumas alterações notórias a nível interno (comunicação interna) e a nível externo (posicionamento da marca no mercado). Contudo, um dos grandes entraves tem sido a dificuldade em participar no processo desenvolvimento de novos produtos, que até então é coordenado pelo departamento de Inovação e departamento Comercial. A autora do estudo propõe um processo em que o departamento de Marketing fornece os inputs para o desenvolvimento de novos produtos, de modo a satisfazer as necessidades dos clientes.


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O marketing interno (MI) surge como uma ferramenta de gestão que tem como objetivo principal o desenvolvimento de uma organização focada no cliente, motivando e capacitando os seus colaboradores a alcançarem os objetivos organizacionais. Esta ferramenta pode contribuir para um maior e melhor desempenho e comprometimento organizacional, desde que usada de forma estratégica e adequada. Esta dissertação procura verificar se a existência de práticas de MI podem influenciar, de alguma forma, a motivação dos colaboradores contribuindo, igualmente, na retenção e fidelização dos mesmos, num contexto industrial, ao contrário do que é habitual nos estudos feitos até então, focados mais nos serviços pelas suas caraterísticas de maior contacto entre clientes e colaboradores. Aplicando a metodologia de estudo de caso na empresa Oliveira & Irmão, S.A., analisou-se um programa de marketing interno iniciado e desenvolvido durante o ano 2014 e que a empresa pretende manter, não esquecendo de uma forma geral de outras práticas de MI que a empresa faz questão de continuar a assinalar. Em termos globais, os resultados deste estudo mostram que a existência de práticas de marketing, aplicadas internamente, têm efeito no desenvolvimento de comportamentos e atitudes relacionadas com o trabalho por parte dos colaboradores e, que mesmo não sendo os principais fatores motivacionais, são complementares.


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Management of customer co-development means involving customers in the development of new products and services, and coordinating the process. In business-tobusiness markets, customer co-development enables the development of innovations that better match customer needs and strengthens customer relationships. However, close collaboration with customers can hamper the innovativeness of new products and lead to overly customized solutions. Therefore, the management of co-development is crucial to its success. Yet the existing research on management of co-development has mainly focused on selecting the right collaboration partners, and the field lacks understanding on how to manage the tensions inherent in customer co-development. The purpose of this thesis is to increase understanding on the management of the codevelopment. The thesis is divided into two parts. The first comprises the literature review and conclusions for the whole study, and the second presents four publications. From the methodological perspective, the research papers follow exploratory qualitative research design. The empirical data comprise interviews with 60 persons, representing 25 different organizations, and a group of 11 end users. The study conceptualizes management of customer co-development in three dimensions 1) relational co-development processes, 2) co-development challenges and paradoxes, and 3) internal customer involvement processes. The findings contribute to the customersupplier relationship, innovation, and marketing management literatures by providing a framework on supplier-customer co-development, addressing co-development paradoxes and their management processes, and suggesting practices for customer involvement. For practitioners, the findings provide tools to manage the challenges related to codevelopment with customers.


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Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena on tunnistaa sisältömarkkinoinnin mahdollisuuksia ja haasteita digitaalisessa markkinointiviestinnässä. Lisäksi tavoitteena on antaa yksiselitteinen määritelmä sisältömarkkinoinnille sekä selvittää, miten se eroaa muista markkinointiviestinnän keinoista. Sisältömarkkinointi on strateginen markkinointiviestinnän keino, johon kuuluu asiakkaan kannalta mielenkiintoisen ja hyödyllisen sisällön tuottaminen ja jakaminen. Sisältömarkkinointi tarjoaa keinon muodostaa brändimielikuvia luonnollisin keinoin ilman mainoksen leimaa, jota osa kuluttajista välttelee tietoisesti jopa mainosten esto-ohjelmien avulla. Perinteiset markkinointiviestinnän keinot pyrkivät usein lyhyen aikavälin myyntituloksiin, kun taas sisältömarkkinointi pyrkii maksimoimaan asiakkaan koko elinkaaren arvon. Onnistunut sisältömarkkinointi vaatii yrityksiltä kärsivällisyyttä sekä asiakkaiden kokonaisvaltaista tuntemista.


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O presente trabalho pretende estudar a relação existente entre o consumo de ações de marketing desportivo e o envolvimento clubístico, compromisso psicológico e a lealdade clubística. O estudo procura apresentar as ações de marketing desportivo que influenciam a criação e fortalecimento das ligações psicológicas entre os fãs desportivos e os seus clubes favoritos com o objetivo de atingir uma fidelização. Criar uma ampla base de fãs fidelizados é importante para os clubes desportivos, pois tem uma influência direta na sua imagem e receita financeira. Numa primeira fase, foi realizado um levantamento bibliográfico sobre estudos já realizados na área que se pretende estudar. Num segundo momento, realizou-se uma fase experimental através da aplicação de questionários que foram analisados quantativamente, numa amostra de 164 participantes. Os resultados obtidos demonstraram uma forte relação entre as dimensões estudadas (envolvimento, compromisso psicológico e lealdade) e o consumo de ações de marketing desportivo e permitiram ainda concluir que os fãs homens e os fãs jovens são os mais consumidores de ações de marketing desportivo. Os resultados postulam ainda que os estudos realizados nesta área são limitados, de modo que o aprofundamento no assunto aguarda por investigações futuras.


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In this thesis, proactive marketing is suggested to be a broader concept than existing research assumes. Although the concept has been mentioned in the context of competitive advantage in previous research, it has not been comprehensively described. This thesis shows that proactive marketing is more than investing in marketing communications of a company. Proactive marketing is described as a three-phased process that contains different customer value identification, creation, and delivery activities. The purpose of proactive marketing is essentially to anticipate and pursue market opportunities that bring value to the company’s stakeholders. Ultimately, proactive marketing aims at acting first on the market, shaping the markets, and thus reaching competitive advantage. The proactive marketing process is supported by the structures of an organization. Suitable structures for proactive marketing are identified in the thesis based on existing research and through an empirical analysis. Moreover, proactive marketing is related to two management theories: the dynamic capabilities framework and the empowerment of employees. A dynamic environment requires companies that pursue proactive marketing to change continuously. Dynamic capabilities are considered as tools of the management, which enable companies to create suitable conditions for the constant change. Empowerment of employees is a management practice that creates proactive behaviors in individuals. The empirical analysis is conducted in an online company operating in the rapidly changing marketplace of the Internet. Through the empirical analysis, the thesis identifies in practice how proactiveness manifests in the marketing process of a company, how organizational structures facilitate proactive marketing, and how proactive marketing is managed. The theoretical contribution of this thesis consist of defining the proactive marketing concept comprehensively and providing further research suggestions related to proactive marketing.


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The concepts of social entrepreneurship and social enterprises have been extensively discussed in the previous two decades, yet the topic is still not matured yet. Most of the available literature is focused on defining these terms. Similarly, limited number of authors has discussed the marketing function of these enterprises or how marketing is interpreted in social entrepreneurship models. However, there is a plethora of literature on marketing entailing many different theories, amongst which the newest one is the “market orientation concept”. Market orientation is a mix of customer orientation, competitor orientation and inter-functional coordination suggesting marketing to be a part of the business philosophy. This study focuses on the marketing and market orientation of social enterprises while giving an overview of the literature of marketing and market orientation in social enterprises. This study aims to provide two basic questions, 1) what is the literature on marketing and market orientation of social enterprises while explaining the literature of social enterprises in Pakistan and 2) how these concepts are interpreted in social enterprises in Pakistani market. Key features of research methodology include case study approach while conducting thematic analysis using thematic networks. The results indicate that only a limited number of authors have discussed market orientation concept in social enterprises. The results from the interview data indicate the usage of marketing by a firm unconsciously without a specific marketing department. In addition to that, it has been found that in social enterprise world competition is tackled through a win-win approach with a view that many enterprises working for society improve the society which is the basic mission of any social enterprise. The data also showed that in Pakistani market, social enterprise concept is not legally used yet, which allows for more room for innovation. This study intends to give a new perspective to the theorists to use market orientation concept in social enterprises and also to managers to use marketing as their business philosophy in order to satisfy the stakeholders for better delivery of their businesses and as well for social good.


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Mestrado em Controlo de Gestão e dos Negócios


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A revisão de literatura tem revelado grande interesse na lealdade do cliente e enfatizado cada vez mais a sua importância no sucesso de uma empresa. Simultaneamente, durante décadas, a satisfação tem sido mencionada como um importante determinante da lealdade. Paralelamente, o conceito marketing relacional tem assumido grande relevância ao nível da prestação de serviços, sustentando a ideia de que as empresas podem maximizar os seus ganhos com relações duradouras com os seus clientes, passando a gestão dessas relações a estar associada à satisfação e à consequente lealdade. Neste contexto, o presente estudo examina o efeito do grau de satisfação na formação do grau de lealdade do cliente, através de um estudo de caso de uma loja de desporto da região da Aveiro. Os dados recolhidos, a uma amostra de 220 inquiridos, por meio de um questionário, suportam a teoria de que estes dois constructos estão relacionados entre si. Desta forma, esta investigação permitiu aferir o grau de satisfação geral e de lealdade geral dos clientes para com a loja, fornecendo evidência empírica da existência de uma relação positiva (moderada) entre os mesmos. Foi, ainda, possível afirmar que o grau de lealdade não varia significativamente consoante determinadas características do perfil dos clientes inquiridos, contudo constituem características importantes para a tomada de decisão neste contexto específico.


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Dissertação de Mestrado, Gestão do Turismo Internacional, 6 de Julho de 2016, Universidade dos Açores.


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The current paper aims at analyzing customer retention in Internet provider services. For this study, we sought to understand what are the client's expectations regarding the services available and compare them with management perception in relation to the use of those services. Identifying the coherence level between the two points of view, management and client, it is possible to pinpoint how service is assessed in real conditions. Then, from this point on, a new vision can be implemented on available services, and new customer service strategies aiming at best serving to their expectation and need, can be rethought. The exploratory research was utilized. It was based on case study, and quantitative and qualitative methods were used. The quantitative method was done by applying the cluster technique with six variables of control derived from the six main services, whose definition was done through qualitative survey of the internal management team. Then, an structured interview with 443 clients, from a probabilistic sample of 800 costumers. The total number of active clients of the internet provider is of 10.677. Client perception in relation to services varied, if compared with the four services that were under the managerial metric method, this comparison showed a more positive evaluation than the real use of the service. Thus, it was observed that the value of each service available for the client depends on his/her perception of it, regardless of using or not the offered service. As a result, it is possible to understand which services offered by the company under study effectively contribute to a good client-company relationship, and the upkeep of those clients