805 resultados para conservation.
En el presente artículo se revisan las limitaciones de aplicación del método del Número de Curva del Soil Conservation Service, modelo conceptual ampliamente difundido para el cálculo de la escorrentía originada por una tormenta. Si bien es cierto que el método posee una serie de capacidades y ventajas que han motivado su éxito en la modelación hidrológica, en particular su simplicidad de uso y la economía en la obtención de los datos físicos necesarios, no es menos cierto que deben contemplarse una serie de restricciones de aplicación. La amplia difusión de la que ha sido objeto ha propiciado la discusión y revisión crítica del modelo, acotando paulatinamente sus límites. Entre los más significativos de éstos, destacan la necesidad de regionalizar, a partir de campañas de aforos, ciertas hipótesis y parámetros del método, así como las precauciones que deben adoptarse si se aplica a cuencas forestales densas con suelos muy permeables.
En el presente estudio hacemos una revisión del estado de conservación y las tendencias poblacionales de la codorniz común (Coturnix coturnix) desde 1900 hasta nuestros días. Algunos de los datos de los que disponemos son contradictorios con respecto al estado de la especie, que presenta ciertas características que dificultan el poder proporcionar estimas poblacionales fiables. Datos recientes sugieren claramente, tanto a escala local como a escala transnacional, que las poblaciones atlánticas de codorniz común han permanecido estables en las dos últimas décadas y que la práctica de liberar codornices criadas en granjas (híbridas con la codorniz japonesa, Coturnix japonica) con finalidades cinegéticas, no afectan significativamente a nuestras estimas. Por otra parte, los complejos patrones de desplazamiento de esta especie requieren especial atención. En este sentido, el análisis de recuperaciones de anillas puede aportar información relevante, especialmente de los movimientos nomádicos de codornices a la búsqueda de hábitats adecuados, tras la destrucción de los cultivos invernales de cereales debido a la siega. Así, al desarrollar un modelo de distribución de cría para esta especie, se debe incorporar continuamente información actualizada de los cambios estacionales de hábitat y clima, con el fin de obtener unas predicciones óptimas. En este sentido, por ejemplo, la inclusión de datos quincenales de índices de vegetación en los modelos de distribución ha dado muy buenos resultados. La obtención de predicciones fiables de los cambios de la distribución de la especie y de sus desplazamientos durante la estación de cría puede ser muy útil para un mejor conocimiento del estado de conservación y las tendencias poblacionales de la especie, así como para el diseño de futuras medidas de gestión.
This article aims at evaluating the effects of different packaging and varied storage temperatures on the germination potential of seeds of Campomanesia adamantium Camb. O. Berg. The seeds were packaged in glass, aluminum foil and plastic containers, or maintained inside intact fruits at 5, 10 and 15 ºC during 0, 7, 14 and 21 days. After these periods the seeds were sown in Germitest® germination paper and maintained in incubation chambers at 25 ºC under constant white light for 42 days. Seed moisture contents were evaluated both before and after storage, as well as germination percentages, germination speed index, root and aerial portion of seedlings lengths, and total dry weights. All possible combinations of packing materials, temperatures and storage times were tested, with four repetitions of 25 seeds for each treatment. C. adamantium seeds showed initial water contents of 31.5%. Glass and aluminum packaging were efficient at maintaining the water content of the seeds, and provided greater germination speed index than the other packaging materials. Germination percentages, seedlings lengths and dry weights did not vary among the different temperatures tested. C. adamantium seeds can be stored for up to 21 days at temperatures between 5 and 15 ºC without altering their physiological quality. In terms of cost-benefit efficiencies, these seeds can be stored without significant damage for 21 days while still inside the fruits at temperatures of 5, 10 or 15 ºC.
We present a dual-trap optical tweezers setup which directly measures forces using linear momentum conservation. The setup uses a counter-propagating geometry, which allows momentum measurement on each beam separately. The experimental advantages of this setup include low drift due to all-optical manipulation, and a robust calibration (independent of the features of the trapped object or buffer medium) due to the force measurement method. Although this design does not attain the high-resolution of some co-propagating setups, we show that it can be used to perform different single molecule measurements: fluctuation-based molecular stiffness characterization at different forces and hopping experiments on molecular hairpins. Remarkably, in our setup it is possible to manipulate very short tethers (such as molecular hairpins with short handles) down to the limit where beads are almost in contact. The setup is used to illustrate a novel method for measuring the stiffness of optical traps and tethers on the basis of equilibrium force fluctuations, i.e., without the need of measuring the force vs molecular extension curve. This method is of general interest for dual trap optical tweezers setups and can be extended to setups which do not directly measure forces.
During the last decade, conservation banking mechanisms have emerged in the environmental discourse as new market instruments to promote biodiversity conservation. Compensation was already provided for in environmental law in many countries, as the last step of the mitigation hierarchy. The institutional arrangements developed in this context have been redefined and reshaped as market-based instruments (MBIs). As such, they are discursively disentangled from the complex legal-economic nexus they are part of. Monetary transactions are given prominence and tend to be presented as stand alone agreements, whereas they take place in the context of prescriptive regulations. The pro-market narrative featuring conservation banking systems as market-like arrangements as well as their denunciation as instances of nature commodification tend to obscure their actual characteristics. The purpose of this paper is to describe the latter, adopting an explicitly analytical stance on these complex institutional arrangements and their performative dimensions. Beyond the discourse supporting them and notwithstanding the diversity of national policies and regulatory frameworks for compensation, the constitutive force of these mechanisms probably lies in their ability to redefine control, power and the distribution of costs and in their impacts in terms of land use rather than in their efficiency.
A large amount of data for inconspicuous taxa is stored in natural history collections; however, this information is often neglected for biodiversity patterns studies. Here, we evaluate the performance of direct interpolation of museum collections data, equivalent to the traditional approach used in bryophyte conservation planning, and stacked species distribution models (S-SDMs) to produce reliable reconstructions of species richness patterns, given that differences between these methods have been insufficiently evaluated for inconspicuous taxa. Our objective was to contrast if species distribution models produce better inferences of diversity richness than simply selecting areas with the higher species numbers. As model species, we selected Iberian species of the genus Grimmia (Bryophyta), and we used four well-collected areas to compare and validate the following models: 1) four Maxent richness models, each generated without the data from one of the four areas, and a reference model created using all of the data and 2) four richness models obtained through direct spatial interpolation, each generated without the data from one area, and a reference model created with all of the data. The correlations between the partial and reference Maxent models were higher in all cases (0.45 to 0.99), whereas the correlations between the spatial interpolation models were negative and weak (-0.3 to -0.06). Our results demonstrate for the first time that S-SDMs offer a useful tool for identifying detailed richness patterns for inconspicuous taxa such as bryophytes and improving incomplete distributions by assessing the potential richness of under-surveyed areas, filling major gaps in the available data. In addition, the proposed strategy would enhance the value of the vast number of specimens housed in biological collections.