994 resultados para complexos cumulus-oócito (CCOs)
A better understanding of the paracrine and autocrine regulatory loops within the cumulus-oocyte complex (COC) is fundamental for the improvement of in vitro maturation (IVM) outcomes in humans and domestic species. This review presents the most important local regulators identified in the COC to date with special attention to those secreted by the oocyte and acting on cumulus cells, as well as their roles in different processes crucial for the successful maturation of the COC. An autocrine regulatory loop mediated by epidermal growth factor-like (EGF-like) peptides in cumulus cells triggers COC maturation. During COC differentiation, oocyte secreted factors (OSFs), particularly members of the transforming growth factor-beta (TGF beta) and fibroblast growth factor (FGF) families, regulate meiotic resumption, cumulus expansion, cumulus metabolism, apoptosis and steroidogenesis.
Trabalho trata da síntese e caracterização de quelatos inéditos de prata, paládio e platina contendo proteínas hidrolisadas da clara de ovo. A ideia consiste em preparar e utilizar quelatos metálicos contendo ligantes de origem natural, como metalofármacos. A pesquisa realizada pode ser dividida em três etapas. A primeira, referente à hidrólise e análise do hidrolisado proteico da clara de ovo. Diversos métodos e condições experimentais foram testadas a fim de se encontrar as condições de hidrólise mais adequadas (natureza da enzima, tempo, pH, temperatura, relação enzima:substrato) para a obtenção de aminoácidos livres e/ou pequenos peptídeos. A segunda parte consistiu na obtenção de compostos de coordenação de platina, prata e paládio contendo o hidrolisado proteico. Nessa etapa, diferentes rotas sintéticas e condições experimentais também foram utilizadas. Além disso, a espectroscopia vibracional no infravermelho foi utilizada nessa etapa para investigar as características estruturais (particularmente, os grupos funcionais presentes) dos compostos metálicos obtidos bem como da matéria prima utilizada (clara de ovo). Após inúmeras tentativas de síntese, três amostras promissoras, do ponto de vista da Química de Coordenação, foram obtidas, a saber, CO-Pd2, CO-Pd9 e CO-Ag3. Ensaios biológicos preliminares, que consistiu na terceira e última parte deste trabalho, foram realizados no sentido de avaliar a capacidade inibitória de crescimento das bactérias S. aureus e E. coli, através da determinação da Concentração Inibitória Mínima (CIM) dos compostos metálicos obtidos.
Introduction: Tuberculosis (TB) is a granulomatous disease caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis. The genus Mycobacteriumhas two different complexes: M. tuberculosis Complex and M. avium Complex. This is a global health epidemic and remains a major global health problem, besides, the clinical severity of TB is significantly higher in transplanted patients. The detection of these mycobacteria complexes in transplanted patients, by molecular methods, is fundamental for quick treatment of patients and can contribute for rapid and accuracy of diagnosis. Objective: To detect mycobacteria DNA of M. tuberculosis and M. avium Complexes in formalin fixed paraffin-embedded samples (FFPE) of two patients groups: non transplanted and transplanted. Materials and Methods: The study includes 40 FFPE biopsies separated in four groups: NTP – presence of epithelioid granuloma and positive ZN, non-transplanted patients – 9 samples; NTN - presence of epithelioid granuloma and negative ZN, non-transplanted patients – 10 samples; TP – positive ZN, transplanted patients – 9 samples; TN – negative ZN, transplanted patients – 7 samples. Sections were cut for DNA extraction. Samples were submitted to PCR for amplification of: a) β-actin, b) IS6110 insertion and c) IS1245 insertion. DNA evaluation was made by spectrophotometry and efficiency and PCR analysis was made by agarose gels under UV light. Results: In all samples processed, 97.1% were positive for human β-actin gene. In22.2% of NTP group were found the IS6110 insertion sequencebut the IS1245 wasn´t. In the NTN group was not found any sequence. In theTP group, 11.1% of the samples were positive for IS6110 and also 11,1% werepositive for IS1245. In the TN group, 14.3% of the samples were positive forIS6110 and for IS1245, 14.3% was also positive. Conclusion: Although factors such as DNA degradation after formalin fixation and paraffin embedding, were possible to detect DNA from the human gene ...
Nos últimos anos, a biotecnologia tem proporcionado avanços no desenvolvimento de biomateriais a serem utilizados como dispositivos médicos. Dentre esses dispositivos, podemos destacar aqueles que promovem a reparação tecidual e, também, a liberação controlada de fármacos. Partindo deste propósito, lentes de contato à base de celulose bacteriana (CB) foram desenvolvidas, visando o efeito curativo e reparativo para doenças da superfície ocular. A adição de ciclodextrinas (CDs) e fármacos, como o ciprofloxacino (CP) e o diclofenaco de sódio (DS) á essas lentes proporcionando propriedades terapêuticas e de liberação controlada dos fármacos. No entanto, para certificar-se do uso seguro desses compósitos pela indústria de dispositivos médicos, é necessário verificar se não possuem atividade citotóxica, genotóxica e/ou mutagênica. Sendo assim, a proposta do presente trabalho foi o desenvolvimento de uma adição eficaz de fármacos às lentes de contato de CB, para que sejam liberados de maneira controlada e, também, a verificação de sua biossegurança. Para essa verificação foram realizados ensaios in vitro de citotoxicidade (ensaio com o kit XTT e Sobrevivência Clonogênica), genotoxicidade (ensaio Cometa) e mutagenicidade (teste do Micronúcleo) com os respectivos. Após a análise estatística dos resultados foi possível verificar que o material CB-CP apresentou efeito citotóxico e os materiais CB-DS e CB-CD-DS apresentaram efeito citotóxico, genotóxico e mutagênico. Essa informação é fundamental para uma futura utilização segura desse biomaterial pela indústria de dispositivos médicos ...
Solid-state compounds of general formula LnL3.nH2O, in wich Ln represents lanthanum, lanthanides and yttrium, L is ketoprofen, and n = 0,5 (Pr, Sm, Tb), 1 (La, Eu, Dy, Ho, Er, Tm, Lu) e 1,5 (Ce, Nd, Gd, Yb, Y) were synthesized. Simultaneous thermogravimetry-differential analysis (TG-DTA), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), X-ray powder diffractometry, infrared spectroscopy and EDTA complexometry were employed to characterize these compounds. The TG-DTA and DSC curves provided information concerning the thermal behaviour and thermal decomposition of synthesized compounds. The experimental and theoretical infrared spectroscopic data suggested that ketoprofen acts as a bidentate ligand towards trivalent lanthanides and yttrium (III)
This Final Paper had as it main goal to make a thermoanalytical study of lighter trivalent lanthanides (Lanthanum, Cerium, Praseodymium, Neodymium, Samarium and Europium) with the Ibuprofen ligand (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory) that have a general formula LnL3.nH2O, on solid state, where Ln are the Lanthanides, L is the Ibuprofen ligand and n = number of water molecules of hydration that went from 1,0 to all the compounds. In order to characterize this compounds, it has been used the thermoanalytical techniques TG-DTA (thermogravimetry - Diferential Thermal Analysis) and DSC (Diferential Scanning Calorimetry), Fourier transformed infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and complexometric titration with EDTA. Through the TG-DTA technique, it has been possible to set the thermal stability of the compounds, the number of thermal decomposition steps and temperatures that ocurred that also provided stoichiometry to the synthesized compounds. The DSC technique has shown the enthalpy of dehydration of the samarium and europium compounds, it was not possible to see it in the other compounds due to a endothermic peak on the DSC curve not being formed. In the case of neodymium, a thermal event ocurred, in which it could be a oxidative decarboxylation right after the dehydration. The infrared was utilised to study the carboxilate groups streches, and so, suggest a ligand metals compound coordination, that to this present paper has been a bidentade bridged coordenation. At last, the complexometric tritation was used to very the ammount of metal present in each compound, and so, verify if the proposed stoichiometry was according to the theory
This research presents a study of structural complexes formed between the bothropstoxin BthTX-I and PrTX-I and phospholipase A2 (PLA2s) inhibitor 12- methoxy-4-methyl-voachalotine (MMV) of Tabernamontana catharinensis and rosmarinic acid (Cv-RA) of Rosmarinus officinalis. For both were used cocrystallization experiments with the toxins and inhibitors. In the future, the experimental three-dimensional structures of these complexes will be obtained through the technique of crystallography. Simultaneously, construction occurred in silico of inhibitors Cv-RA and MMV and attempts of docking between these binders and protein structures. These theoretical data provide important information regarding the nature of interactions between inhibitors, toxins and structural changes induced by the protein molecule inhibitors. Therefore, the acquisition of this information has great value to identification, characterization and development (drug design) of compounds with great potential for biotechnology and drug use. Considering further and more relevant aplications, these compounds could be used to control symptoms in many cases of ophidic poisoning and also in combating of pathological processes (degenerative inflammatory diseases and auto-immune diseases, Alzheimer's disease, schizophrenia, among others) whose causes are related to molecules belonging to the same groups of proteins which are classified bothropstoxin that were studied in this project
This paper proposes to assess the lability of complexes of uranium in soil using the technique of Diffusion in Thin Films by concentration gradients (DGT) in the vicinity the Osamu Utsumi mine, located in the municipality of Caldas - MG. The technique is based on the 1ª Fick Law, where metal complexes diffuse through a gel, which in turn is adsorbed on a resin. The metals adsorbed are recovered by an analytical technique and quantified by optical emission spectrometer with plasma inductively coupled (ICP-OES) or mass spectrometry with inductively coupled plasma (ICP-MS)
The Mangabal Sul and Mangabal Norte mafic-ultramafic complexes are interpreted as intrusive stratiform bodies in the Goiás Magmatic Arc during the Brazilian cycle, being economically important for harboring significant amounts of nickel and copper sulfides. The main lithotypes of the complexes are gabbronorites, olivine gabbronorites, pyroxenites and peridotites, with variated degrees of deformation, recrystallization and metamorphism superimposed, with metamorphic peak of amphibolite to granulite facies evidenced mainly by the occurrence of coronitic olivine in metamafic rocks and the occurrence of syn-kinematic retrometamorphism associated with the development of the main foliation Sn. The Sn foliation planes show NE-SW preferential direction, consistent with the foliation direction of VIII the enclosing gneisses and schists, also concordant with the general elongation of mafic and ultramafic bodies displayed on map. The sulfide phase presents textures that indicate remobilization, associated with the occurrence of significant amounts of rutile within the ore which reinforces this idea. Along with the sulfides, the occurrence of expressive quantities of titanium oxides such as ilmenite and rutile, make the area more economically attractive. It can be suggested that the Mangabal Norte and Mangabal Sul complexes are contemporary, have the same genetic affinity and suffered the same deformational and metamorphic processes, evidenced by their structural and petrological similarities
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The present work attempts a comparative perspective of the apparel industry that make use of foreign workers in the São Paulo City and New York City. We have among the central hypothesis the increase of sector based in the use of illegal immigrants workforce and precarious work relations. Seek to understand the phenomenon from their own mechanisms cultures immigration historically established in these cities and in the productive sector. For such, we use a literature review about the transnational migration of workers and the sector productive organization. We expect to constitute theoretical instrumental that contributes for the understanding of the thematic and allow establishing links between the Brazilian and the U.S experience.
Pós-graduação em Química - IQ
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)