948 resultados para circle


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We report the discovery, from the H I Parkes All-Sky Survey (HIPASS), of an isolated cloud of neutral hydrogen, which we believe to be extragalactic. The H I mass of the cloud (HIPASS J1712-64) is very low, 1.7 x 10(7) M-circle dot, using an estimated distance of similar to 3.2 Mpc. Most significantly, we have found no optical companion to this object to very faint limits [mu(B) similar to 27 mag arcsec(-2)]. HIPASS J1712-64 appears to be a binary system similar to, but much less massive than, H I 1225 + 01 (the Virgo H. I cloud) and has a size of at least 15 kpc. The mean velocity dispersion measured with the Australia Telescope Compact Array (ATCA) is only 4 km s(-1) for the main component and, because of the weak or nonexistent star formation, possibly reflects the thermal line width (T < 2000 K) rather than bulk motion or turbulence. The peak column density for HIPASS J1712-64, from the combined Parkes and ATCA data, is only 3.5 x 1019 cm(-2), which is estimated to be a factor of 2 below the critical threshold for star formation. Apart from its significantly higher velocity, the properties of HIPASS J1712-64 are similar to the recently recognized class of compact high-velocity clouds. We therefore consider the evidence for a Local Group or Galactic origin, although a more plausible alternative is that HIPASS J1712-64 was ejected from the interacting Magellanic Cloud-Galaxy system at perigalacticon similar to 2 x 10(8) yr ago.


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This paper provides a descriptive overview of options for diversion of drug-related offenders from the criminal justice system. Drug-related offences include drug offences (for example, possession of a prohibited substance); offences that are directly linked to intoxication (for example, drink-driving or assault); and offences committed to support drug use (for example, theft). After an offence has been detected by police, multiple opportunities for diversion occur throughout the criminal justice process. (a) Pre-arrest: when an offence is first detected, prior to a charge being laid. This is known as police diversion and includes fines, warnings and cautions, sometimes with educational information or referral to assessment and treatment. (b) Pre-trial: when a charge is made but before the matter is heard at court. Examples are treatment as a condition of bail, conferencing and prosecutor discretion. (c) Pre-sentence: a delay of sentence while assessment and treatment are sought. (d) Post-sentence: as part of sentencing, for example suspended sentences, drug courts, noncustodial sentences and circle sentencing. (e) Pre-release: prior to release from a sentence, on parole. Issues for diversion programmes include net widening, the ethics of coercion to treatment, the needs of families and intersectoral collaboration. A framework for diversion is presented in which increasingly treatment-focused and coercive diversion strategies are used as offenders' criminal careers and drug problems increase.


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We conduct a theoretical analysis to investigate the convective instability of 3-D fluid-saturated geological fault zones when they are heated uniformly from below. In particular, we have derived exact analytical solutions for the critical Rayleigh numbers of different convective flow structures. Using these critical Rayleigh numbers, three interesting convective flow structures have been identified in a geological fault zone system. It has been recognized that the critical Rayleigh numbers of the system have a minimum value only for the fault zone of infinite length, in which the corresponding convective flow structure is a 2-D slender-circle flow. However, if the length of the fault zone is finite, the convective flow in the system must be 3-D. Even if the length of the fault zone is infinite, since the minimum critical Rayleigh number for the 2-D slender-circle flow structure is so close to that for the 3-D convective flow structure, the system may have almost the same chance to pick up the 3-D convective flow structures. Also, because the convection modes are so close for the 3-D convective flow structures, the convective flow may evolve into the 3-D finger-like structures, especially for the case of the fault thickness to height ratio approaching zero. This understanding demonstrates the beautiful aspects of the present analytical solution for the convective instability of 3-D geological fault zones, because the present analytical solution is valid for any value of the ratio of the fault height to thickness. Using the present analytical solution, the conditions, under which different convective flow structures may take place, can be easily determined.


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We present a new estimate of the mass of the Milky Way based on the escape velocity of a sample of distant stars, about 12 kpc from the Galactic centre and about 5 kpc from the plane of the Galaxy. Our sample is very different from previous escape-velocity studies, being compiled from an all-object spectroscopic survey of a region of sky. The derived mass within 12 kpc of the Galactic centre is (1.3 +/- 0.3) x 10(11) M-circle dot.


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Objectives To determine TCR excision circle (TREC) levels, a marker of recent thymic emigrants, in the peripheral lymphocyte pool of rheumatoid factor-negative (RF circle divide) polyarticular juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) children. Materials and methods We studied TREC levels in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) in 30 RF circle divide polyarticular JIA children with active disease and in 30 age- and gender-matched healthy controls. Signal-joint TREC concentration was determined by real-time quantitative-PCR as the number of TREC copies/mu g PBMC DNA gauged by a standard curve with known number of TREC-containing plasmids. Results TREC levels in PBMC were significantly lower in JIA (4.90 +/- 3.86 x 10(4) TRECs/mu g DNA) as compared to controls (10.45 +/- 8.45 x 10(4) TRECs/mu g DNA, p=0.001). There was an inverse correlation between age and TREC levels in healthy children (r=-0.438, p=0.016) but not in JIA. No clinical association was observed between TREC levels and disease activity and use of oral steroids and methotrexate. Conclusions The finding of decreased PBMC TREC levels in RF circle divide polyarticular JIA children is consistent with a low proportion of recent thymus emigrants. This may interfere with the equilibrium between populations of polyclonal and naive T cells versus oligoclonal memory auto-reactive T cells and, therefore, may hinder the maintenance of immune tolerance in this disease.


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In a previous paper we introduced examples of Hamiltonian mappings with phase space structures resembling circle packings. It was shown that a vast number of periodic orbits can be found using special properties. We now use this information to explore the semiclassical quantization of one of these maps.


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Information processing accounts propose that autonomic orienting reflects the amount of resources allocated to process a stimulus. However, secondary task reaction time (RT), a supposed measure of processing resources, has shown a dissociation from autonomic orienting. The present study tested the hypothesis that secondary task RT reflects a serial processing mechanism. Participants (N = 24) were presented with circle and ellipse shapes and asked to count the number of longer-than-usual presentations of one shape (task-relevant) and to ignore presentations of a second shape (task-irrelevant). Concurrent with the counting task, participants performed a secondary RT task to an auditory probe presented at either a high or low intensity and at two different probe positions following shape onset (50 and 300 ms). Electrodermal orienting was larger during task-relevant shapes than during task-irrelevant shapes, but secondary task RT to the high-intensity probe was slower during the latter. In addition, an underadditive interaction between probe stimulus intensity and probe position was found in secondary RT. The findings are consistent with a serial processing model of secondary RT and suggest that the notion of processing stages should be incorporated into current information-processing models of autonomic orienting.


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Pyramidal neurones were injected with Lucifer Yellow in slices cut tangential to the surface of area 7m and the superior temporal polysensory area (STP) of the macaque monkey. Comparison of the basal dendritic arbors of supra- and infragranular pyramidal neurones (n=139) that were injected in the same putative modules in the different cortical areas revealed variation in their structure. Moreover, there were relative differences in dendritic morphology of supra- and infragranular pyramidal neurones in the two cortical areas. Shell analyses revealed that layer III pyramidal neurones in area STP had considerably higher peak complexity (maximum number of dendritic intersections per Shell circle) than those in layer V, whereas peak complexities were similar for supra- and infragranular pyramidal neurones in area 7m. In both cortical areas, the basal dendritic trees of layer m pyramidal neurones were characterized by a higher spine density than those in layer V. Calculations of the total number of dendritic spines in the average basal dendritic arbor revealed that layer V pyramidal neurones in area 7m had twice as many spines as cells in layer III. (4535 and 2294, respectively). A similar calculation for neurones in area STP revealed that layer III pyramidal neurones had approximately the same number of spines as cells in layer V (3585 and 3850 spines, respectively). Relative differences in the branching patterns of, and the number of spines in, the basal dendritic arbors of supra- and infragranular pyramidal neurones in the different cortical areas may allow for integration of different numbers of inputs, and different degrees of dendritic processing. These results support the thesis that intra-areal circuitry differs in different cortical areas.


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Saccharomyces cerevisiae protoplasts exposed to bovine papillomavirus type 1 (BPV-1) virions demonstrated uptake of virions on electron microscopy. S. cerevisiae cells looked larger after exposure to BPV-1 virions, and cell wall regeneration was delayed. Southern blot hybridization of Hirt DNA from cells exposed to BPV-1 virions demonstrated BPV-1 DNA, which could be detected over 80 days of culture and at least 13 rounds of division. Two-dimensional gel analysis of Hirt DNA showed replicative intermediates, confirming that the BPV-1 genome was replicating within S. cerevisiae. Nicked circle, linear, and supercoiled BPV-1 DNA species were observed in Hirt DNA preparations from S. cerevisiae cells infected for over 50 days, and restriction digestion showed fragments hybridizing to BPV-1 in accord with the predicted restriction map for circular BPV-1 episomes. These data suggest that BPV-1 can infect S. cerevisiae and that BPV-1 episomes can replicate in the infected S. cerevisiae cells.


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A new algorithm has been developed for smoothing the surfaces in finite element formulations of contact-impact. A key feature of this method is that the smoothing is done implicitly by constructing smooth signed distance functions for the bodies. These functions are then employed for the computation of the gap and other variables needed for implementation of contact-impact. The smoothed signed distance functions are constructed by a moving least-squares approximation with a polynomial basis. Results show that when nodes are placed on a surface, the surface can be reproduced with an error of about one per cent or less with either a quadratic or a linear basis. With a quadratic basis, the method exactly reproduces a circle or a sphere even for coarse meshes. Results are presented for contact problems involving the contact of circular bodies. Copyright (C) 2002 John Wiley Sons, Ltd.


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Recently, several groups have investigated quantum analogues of random walk algorithms, both on a line and on a circle. It has been found that the quantum versions have markedly different features to the classical versions. Namely, the variance on the line, and the mixing time on the circle increase quadratically faster in the quantum versions as compared to the classical versions. Here, we propose a scheme to implement the quantum random walk on a line and on a circle in an ion trap quantum computer. With current ion trap technology, the number of steps that could be experimentally implemented will be relatively small. However, we show how the enhanced features of these walks could be observed experimentally. In the limit of strong decoherence, the quantum random walk tends to the classical random walk. By measuring the degree to which the walk remains quantum, '' this algorithm could serve as an important benchmarking protocol for ion trap quantum computers.


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Esta pesquisa procurou compreender como o Museu de Arte do Espírito Santo (MAES) atua na produção de sentidos dos estudantes, a partir das relações estabelecidas com a escola, e, nesse proceder, como o museu compreende a arte e a escola como destinatária de suas ações. Os sujeitos da pesquisa foram 98 crianças, do 5º ano do Ensino Fundamental I, de uma escola privada de Vitória. A pesquisa teve como corpus os discursos verbo-visuais produzidos pelas crianças nessa relação museu e escola, bem como as performances discursivas do Programa de Ação Educativa do Museu, no que concerne à formação de educadores e ao programa ciclo de palestras. Como metodologia de pesquisa, utilizou-se o estudo exploratório, e o aporte teórico foi a semiótica discursiva. A coleta de dados ocorreu no museu e na escola. No Museu, a partir de eventos que nortearam a exposição “Meu País Tropical”, da artista alemã, Heidi Lieberman, e das ações educativas propostas pelo MAES; na Escola, com o mapeamento inicial para compreender como e quais os sentidos eram apontados pelas crianças quanto ao conhecimento delas sobre a arte e sobre um museu de arte (antes da realização de sua primeira visita a esse espaço, o que elas sabem e qual a compreensão que elas têm da arte), bem como, nas produções plásticas e verbo-visuais produzidas por elas após a visita à instituição museal. Os resultados da pesquisa apontam que a metodologia analítica da semiótica discursiva contribuiu, de forma significativa, para desvelar os sentidos apontados pelas crianças no museu e na escola. Por meio dos discursos verbo-visuais produzidos por elas, compreendeu-se que uma educação pelo sensível, em consonância com relações de bons encontros no museu e na escola, pode propiciar uma experiência singular e significativa, que aguce a sensibilidade e reencante a educação.


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RESUMO: Nos últimos trinta anos, em Portugal, ocorreram processos de democratização política e de modernização da sociedade e das instituições, tendo como impulso as vontades nacionais e as mudanças ocorridas no Mundo em globalização, lideradas, no campo da educação, por agentes como a OCDE ou o Banco Mundial, e pela integração de Portugal na União Europeia. À implementação da(s) reforma(s), correspondeu uma mudança de paradigma educativo e organizacional, a criação de uma escola para todos, a emergência de novos alunos e de novos mandatos à Escola, a contingência de novas respostas educativas. Tais reformas constituiram instrumentos de mudança das organizações escolares e do sistema educativo, mas também do que significa ser professor, reformulando o desempenho e a “performatividade” docente (Ball, 2002), induzindo uma nova “identidade social” (Bernstein, 1996 e Dubar, 2006), produzindo novos modos de “fabricação da alma dos professores” (Foucault, 1996). Neste sentido, a autora procurou analisar, numa perspectiva crítica, as representações de professores do Ensino Básico, sobre os mecanismos de (re)configuração das suas identidades/perfis profissionais, recorrendo a uma investigação qualitativa descritiva, que privilegia a análise de conteúdo dos seus discursos sobre o tema, recolhidos segundo a técnica focus group. O estudo indiciou que os alunos são factor de realização, de risco e de mudança do perfil docente, actuando como uma quinta dimensão da (re)construção identitária dos Professores, a par da formação, do associativismo, do Estado e do Mercado, constituindo factor importante a ter em conta nos estudos sobre identidade docente. ABSTRACT: In the past thirty years, in Portugal, radical changes on politics and policies have been occurring, to achive the society and its institutions democratization and modernization, led by national wills and the changes occured in the World, stimulated, in the Education area, by global agencies like OECD, or the World Bank, and the integration of Portugal in the European Union. These reforms are connected to a new educational and organizational paradigm, the creation of a school for all, the emergence of new pupils, new demands to School and teachers, the imperative of new pedagogical solutions for educational problems, and are not only changing instruments in schools and in the educational system, but are also a powerful way to change “what to be a teacher” means, to re-formulate the teaching performance and “performativity” (Ball, 2002), to recompose his/her “social identity” (Bernstein, 1996; Dubar, 2006), or, in Michel Foucault (1996) words, to produce “new ways to manufacture teachers soul”. In this sense, the author intended to analyze, on a critical perspective, the representations of portuguese teachers of basic education (K12), on the mechanisms of (re)configuration of their professional identities/profiles, appealing to a qualitative descriptive research, which privileges the analysis of content of their speeches on the subject, collected according to the focus group technique, what, in its development, was brought near a circle of culture (in the sense of Paulo Freire‟s pedagogy). At least, pupils are the most important references and motivation to teachers changes, reflecting professional satisfaction and well done, but also risk, acting like a fifth dimension of teachers identity (re)construction, together with training, associative involvement, State and Market, and they must be considered on teatching identity studies.


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As the world changes ever faster, managers increasingly recognize the complexity and turbulence of the business systems in which they are embedded. The management problems are dynamic, while the dynamic complexity comes frequently from few variables with circle and delays interrelations that introduce nonlinearities.The present paper describes a research conducted in Portugal with two different groups - one, academic; the other, professional - where we explored the subjects’ understanding of some basic systems thinking concepts such as stock-flow relationship, feedback processes and time delays.


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O Diário de uma Viagem a Timor (1882-1883) descreve o itinerário de Isabel Pinto da França Tamagnini entre Singapura e Díli. O Diário oferece uma representação peculiar da cultura asiática e das suas mulheres, através do olhar de uma europeia cuja formação e mundividência em pouco ultrapassavam a esfera doméstica e religiosa. A escrita de Tamagnini reflecte a sensibilidade de um estrato privilegiado da sociedade, que considerava a escrita feminina como um passatempo tolerável de senhoras prendadas. Logo nas primeiras linhas do Diário, Tamagnini afirma claramente que a sua produção e recepção devem restringir-se ao círculo da família e amigos, pois ela mesma o considera um texto recreativo e impressionista. Mas é precisamente esta característica que faz do Diário de Tamagnini um documento da sociedade colonial portuguesa de finais do século xix. Tamagnini compõe uma representação subjectiva de uma realidade ‘exótica’ e dos seus actores, recordando a noção de ‘orientalismo’ de Edward Said. O olhar de Tamagnini é dominado pela pertença a uma elite etnocêntrica e produz um texto crítico, simultaneamente confessional e moralizador. Tamagnini parece viajar através de espaços de socialização aristocrática, mais do que através de geografias e culturas. Mas o espaço urbano é progressivamente substituído pelo território ‘selvagem’, à medida que a viagem se aproxima do destino. E aqui o Diário funciona como texto paradigmático, se bem que por vezes irreverente, de uma representação etnocêntrica da colónia, dos agentes coloniais e ‘seus’ colonizados, com especial atenção à descrição dos ‘tipos’ femininos observados ao longo desta Viagem a Timor.