980 resultados para chronic mouse antibodies
We evaluated the effects of aerobic exercise (AE) on airway inflammation, exhaled nitric oxide levels (ENO), airway remodeling, and the expression of Thl, Th2 and regulatory cytokines in a guinea pig asthma model. Animals were divided into 4 groups: non-trained and non-sensitized (C), non-sensitized and AE (AE), ovalbumin-sensitized and non-trained (OVA), and OVA-sensitized and AE (OVA + AE). OVA inhalation was performed for 8 weeks, and AE was conducted for 6 weeks beginning in the 3rd week of OVA sensitization. Compared to the other groups, the OVA + AE group had a reduced density of eosinophils and lymphocytes, reduced expression of interleukin (IL)-4 and IL-13 and an increase in epithelium thickness (p < 0.05). AE did not modify airway remodeling or ENO in the sensitized groups (p > 0.05). Neither OVA nor AE resulted in differences in the expression of IL-2, IFN-gamma, IL-10 or IL1-ra. Our results show that AE reduces the expression of Th2 cytokines and allergic airway inflammation and induces epithelium remodeling in sensitized guinea pigs. (c) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Plasmodium chabaudi infection induces a rapid and intense splenic CD4(+) T cell response that contributes to both disease pathogenesis and the control of acute parasitemia. The subsequent development of clinical immunity to disease occurs concomitantly with the persistence of low levels of chronic parasitemia. The suppressive activity of regulatory T (T-reg) cells has been implicated in both development of clinical immunity and parasite persistence. To evaluate whether IL-2 is required to induce and to sustain the suppressive activity of T-reg cells in malaria, we examined in detail the effects of anti-IL-2 treatment with JES6-1 monoclonal antibody (mAb) on the splenic CD4(+) T cell response during acute and chronic P. chabaudi AS infection in C57BL/6 mice. JES6-1 treatment on days 0, 2 and 4 of infection partially inhibits the expansion of the CD4(+)CD25(+)Foxp3(+) cell population during acute malaria. Despite the concomitant secretion of IL-2 and expression of high affinity IL-2 receptor by large CD4(+) T cells, JES6-1 treatment does not impair effector CD4+ T cell activation and IFN-gamma production. However, at the chronic phase of the disease, an enhancement of cellular and humoral responses occurs in JES6-1-treated mice, with increased production of TNF-alpha and parasite-specific IgG2a antibodies. Furthermore, JES6-1 mAb completely blocked the in vitro proliferation of CD4(+) T cells from non-treated chronic mice, while it further increased the response of CD4(+) T cells from JES6-1-treated chronic mice. We conclude that JES6-1 treatment impairs the expansion of T-reg cell population during early P. chabaudi malaria and enhances the Th1 cell response in the late phase of the disease.
A serological follow-up study was carried out on 27 children (1–12 years old) with visceral and/or ocular toxocariasis, after treatment with thiabendazole. A total of 159 serum samples were collected in a period ranging from 22–116 months. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (IgG, IgA, and IgE ELISA) were standardized, using excretory–secretory antigens obtained from the second-stage larvae of a Toxocara canis culture. The sensitivity found for the IgG, IgA, and IgE ELISA, as determined in visceral toxocariasis patients, was 100%, 47.8%, and 78.3%, respectively. Approximately 84% of the patients presented single or multiple parasitosis, as diagnosed by stool examination, yet such variables did not appear to affect the anti-Toxocara immune response. Titers of specific IgE antibody showed a significant decrease during the first year after treatment, followed by a decrease in the IgA titers in the second year, and in the IgG titers from the fourth year onwards. Sera from all patients presented high avidity IgG antibodies, indicating that they were in the chronic phase of the disease. Moreover, 1 year after treatment, the level of leukocytes, eosinophils, and anti-A isohemagglutinin in patients decreased significantly. The present data suggest that IgE antibodies plus eosinophil counts are helpful parameters for patient followup after chemotherapy.
The comparative genomic sequence analysis of a region in human chromosome 11p15.3 and its homologous segment in mouse chromosome 7 between ST5 and LMO1 genes has been performed. 158,201 bases were sequenced in the mouse and compared with the syntenic region in human, partially available in the public databases. The analysed region exhibits the typical eukaryotic genomic structure and compared with the close neighbouring regions, strikingly reflexes the mosaic pattern distribution of (G+C) and repeats content despites its relative short size. Within this region the novel gene STK33 was discovered (Stk33 in the mouse), that codes for a serine/threonine kinase. The finding of this gene constitutes an excellent example of the strength of the comparative sequencing approach. Poor gene-predictions in the mouse genomic sequence were corrected and improved by the comparison with the unordered data from the human genomic sequence publicly available. Phylogenetical analysis suggests that STK33 belongs to the calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinases group and seems to be a novelty in the chordate lineage. The gene, as a whole, seems to evolve under purifying selection whereas some regions appear to be under strong positive selection. Both human and mouse versions of serine/threonine kinase 33, consists of seventeen exons highly conserved in the coding regions, particularly in those coding for the core protein kinase domain. Also the exon/intron structure in the coding regions of the gene is conserved between human and mouse. The existence and functionality of the gene is supported by the presence of entries in the EST databases and was in vivo fully confirmed by isolating specific transcripts from human uterus total RNA and from several mouse tissues. Strong evidence for alternative splicing was found, which may result in tissue-specific starting points of transcription and in some extent, different protein N-termini. RT-PCR and hybridisation experiments suggest that STK33/Stk33 is differentially expressed in a few tissues and in relative low levels. STK33 has been shown to be reproducibly down-regulated in tumor tissues, particularly in ovarian tumors. RNA in-situ hybridisation experiments using mouse Stk33-specific probes showed expression in dividing cells from lung and germinal epithelium and possibly also in macrophages from kidney and lungs. Preliminary experimentation with antibodies designed in this work, performed in parallel to the preparation of this manuscript, seems to confirm this expression pattern. The fact that the chromosomal region 11p15 in which STK33 is located may be associated with several human diseases including tumor development, suggest further investigation is necessary to establish the role of STK33 in human health.
Chronic liver inflammation during viral hepatitis is a major health problem worldwide. The role of proinflammatory cytokines, like IL-12, in breaking hepatic immune tolerance, and inducing acute liver inflammation and virus clearance is not clear. Nor is clear its role in uncontrolled severe inflammatory response, leading to fulminant hepatitis and hepatic failure. This work, focused in the study of the role of endogenous produced IL-12 in inducing hepatic inflammatory responses, demonstrates: In vitro, using adenovirus coding for IL-12, that hepatocytes stimulate CD4+ T cells in a tolerogenic manner, and that endogenous IL-12 is able to switch the immune response into Th1; and in vivo, that endogenous IL-12 induces hepatocyte damage and virus elimination in mice infected with adenovirus. In addition, and in order to study in vivo the relevance of IL-12 in acute inflammation, conditional IL-12 transgenic mice expressing IL-12 in the liver after cre-recombinase mediated induction were generated. For this purpose, an IL-12 fusion protein was created, which demonstrated high levels of bioactivity. Induction of IL-12 expression during embryonic development was achieved by crossbreeding with Act-Cre transgenic mice; induction of IL-12 expression in adult mice was achieved by a plasmid coding for the cre-recombinase. This study demonstrates that after induction, IL-12 is expressed in the liver of the transgenic mice. It also demonstrates that hepatic expression of IL-12 induces splenomegaly and liver inflammation, characterized by large infiltrations in portal tracts and veins, associated with hepatic damage, necrosis areas and lethality. Furthermore, constitutive hepatic IL-12 expression does not lead to abortion, but to total lethality, short after delivery. In conclusion, in this study, a transgenic mouse model has been generated, in which the expression of active IL-12 in the liver can be induced at any time; this model will be very helpful for studying hepatic pathologies. This study has also demonstrated that hepatic produced IL-12 is able of breaking liver tolerance inducing inflammation, virus elimination, severe hepatocyte damage, and lethality. These findings suggest IL-12 as a key cytokine in acute liver inflammation and fulminant hepatic failure. 5.1 Future studies Once the importance of IL-12 in inducing hepatic inflammation and virus elimination was demonstrated in this study, understanding the mechanisms of the IL-12 induced liver damage, and more important, how to avoid it will be the main focus in the future. It is very important to achieve hepatic inflammation for a more effective and faster viral elimination, but avoiding the toxicity of IL-12, which leads to massive liver injury and lethality is obviously necessary to allow IL-12 as therapy. For that purpose, future studies will be mainly base on three different points: 1. The determination of different cell populations present in the hepatic infiltration, which of them are responsible for liver injury, and as well their state of activation. 2. The measure of other pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines and chemokines, which can play a role in IL-12-induced liver inflammation and hepatocyte damage. For these purposes, specific blocking antibodies (anti TNF-alpha, anti IL-12, anti IFN-g) will be used. The study with different transgenic mice: TNF-alpha Receptor knockout, TGF-b, will also help in determining the role of those cytokines during IL-12-induced liver damage and lethality. 3. The establishing of liver pathology models (viral infection, tumours, auto-antigens) in mice. Induction of IL-12 at any time of the pathology development will help in clarifying the role of IL-12 in those models. Finally, the transgenic mice expressing IL-23 in the liver will be generated.
Myeloid cell leukemia-1 (Mcl-1) ist ein anti-apoptotisches Mitglied der Bcl-2-Proteinfamilie. Als solches ist es in der Lage, die mitochondriale Aktivierung während der Apoptose zu hemmen. Dadurch schützt es Zellen bei zellulärem Stress (wie z.B. Differenzierung, Proliferation oder Virusinfektion) vor Apoptoseinduktion. Aufgrund dieser Eigenschaft ist es unabkömmlich während der Embryogenese und in verschiedenen hämatopoetischen Zellpopulationen. Des Weiteren ist Mcl-1 als Protoonkogen in verschiedenen humanen Tumorentitäten verstärkt exprimiert und kann so zu einer verminderten Apoptosesensitivität von Tumorzellen beitragen. Auch primäre humane Hepatozyten können nach Mcl-1-Induktion durch Wachstumsfaktorbehandlung gegenüber CD95-vermittelter Apoptose geschützt werden. Daher sollte untersucht werden, welche Bedeutung Mcl-1 im hepatozellulären Karzinom (HCC) und in der gesunden Leber einnimmt. Hierzu wurde zunächst humanes HCC-Gewebe hinsichtlich der Expression von Mcl-1 untersucht. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass Mcl-1 sowohl auf mRNA- als auch auf Protein-Ebene in HCC-Gewebe verstärkt exprimiert ist im Vergleich zu benachbartem Normalgewebe. Auch in verschiedenen HCC-Zelllinien konnte eine starke Mcl-1-Expression nachgewiesen werden. Diese war vor allem über den PI3K/Akt-Signalweg reguliert. Eine Hemmung dieses Signalwegs führte zu einer Reduktion der Mcl-1-Expression und so zu einer Sensitivierung der Zellen gegenüber verschiedenen Chemotherapeutika und zielgerichteten Therapien. Des Weiteren wurde die Mcl-1-Expression spezifisch durch RNA-Interferenz gehemmt. Auch hier konnte gezeigt werden, dass Zellen mit unterdrückter Mcl-1-Expression deutlich sensitiver gegenüber verschiedenen Apoptose-induzierenden Substanzen reagierten. Eine kombinierte Hemmung der Mcl-1-Expression und der PI3-Kinase führte schließlich zu einer nochmals verstärkten Sensitivierung. Im Gegensatz dazu führte eine Überexpression von Mcl-1 zu einer Hemmung der Apoptoseinduktion. Im zweiten Teil der Arbeit wurde eine Mauslinie etabliert, welche spezifisch in Hepatozyten kein Mcl-1 exprimiert, um so die Bedeutung von Mcl-1 für die Leber in vivo zu untersuchen. Es zeigte sich, dass Mcl-1flox/flox-AlbCre-Mäuse bereits im Alter von acht Wochen eine verminderte Lebergröße aufweisen. Dies wurde verursacht durch spontane Apoptoseinduktion in den Mcl-1 negativen Hepatozyten. Hierdurch kam es zu einer Leberschädigung, ersichtlich durch erhöhte Transaminasenwerte, erhöhte Caspase-3-Aktivierung, und Schädigung der Gewebsstruktur. Zudem war als kompensatorischer Effekt die Zellproliferation erhöht, ohne dass sich jedoch das Lebergewicht an das von Kontrolltieren anglich. Interessanterweise kam es in Mcl-1flox/flox-AlbCre-Mäusen als Folge der chronischen Leberschädigung zur Entwicklung einer Leberfibrose, ersichtlich durch eine verstärkte Collageneinlagerung. Weiterhin reagierten Mcl-1flox/flox-AlbCre-Mäuse wesentlich empfindlicher gegenüber Todesrezeptor-vermittelter Apoptose. Diese Daten zeigen zum einen, dass Mcl-1 zur Apoptoseresistenz von HCC-Zellen beitragen kann. Zielgerichtete Therapien, welche die Expression von Mcl-1 hemmen, könnten folglich für die Therapie des HCCs von Interesse sein. Des Weiteren konnte in dieser Arbeit zum ersten Mal gezeigt werden, dass Mcl-1 ein zentraler anti-apoptotischer Faktor für Hepatozyten in vivo ist.
La distrofia muscolare di Emery-Dreifuss (EDMD) è una miopatia degenerativa ereditaria caratterizzata da debolezza e atrofia dei muscoli senza coinvolgimento del sistema nervoso. Individui EDMD presentano, inoltre, cardiomiopatia con difetto di conduzione che provoca rischio di morte improvvisa. Diversi studi evidenziano un coinvolgimento di citochine in diverse distrofie muscolari causanti infiammazione cronica, riassorbimento osseo, necrosi cellulare. Abbiamo effettuato una valutazione simultanea della concentrazione di citochine, chemochine, fattori di crescita, presenti nel siero di un gruppo di 25 pazienti EDMD. L’analisi effettuata ha evidenziato un aumento di citochine quali IL-17, TGFβ2, INF-γ e del TGFβ1. Inoltre, una riduzione del fattore di crescita VEGF e della chemochina RANTES è stata rilevata nel siero dei pazienti EDMD rispetto ai pazienti controllo. Ulteriori analisi effettuate tramite saggio ELISA hanno evidenziato un aumento dei livelli di TGFβ2 e IL-6 nel terreno di coltura di fibroblasti EDMD2. Per testare l’effetto nei muscoli, di citochine alterate, abbiamo utilizzato terreno condizionante di fibroblasti EDMD per differenziare mioblasti murini C2C12. Una riduzione del grado di differenziamento è stata osservata nei mioblasti condizionati con terreno EDMD. Trattando queste cellule con anticorpi neutralizzanti contro TGFβ2 e IL-6 si è avuto un miglioramento del grado di differenziamento. In C2C12 che esprimevano la mutazione H222P del gene Lmna,non sono state osservate alterazioni di citochine e benefici di anticorpi neutralizzanti. I dati mostrano un effetto patogenetico delle citochine alterate come osservato in fibroblasti e siero di pazienti, suggerendo un effetto sul tessuto fibrotico di muscoli EDMD. Un effetto intrinseco alla mutazione della lamina A è stato rilevato sul espressione di caveolina 3 in mioblasti differenziati EDMD. I risultati si aggiungono a dati forniti sulla patogenesi dell' EDMD confermando che fattori intrinseci ed estrinseci contribuiscono alla malattia. Utilizzo di anticorpi neutralizzanti specifici contro fattori estrinseci potrebbe rappresentare un approccio terapeutico come mostrato in questo studio.
Klinische Studien haben gezeigt, dass die allergenspezifische Immuntherapie (SIT) eine effektive Therapieoption für allergische Erkrankungen ist. Obwohl dieses Therapieverfahren seit über 100 Jahren existiert, sind die zugrunde liegenden Suppressionsmechanismen jedoch nicht vollständig verstanden. Bisher wird angenommen, dass der Behandlungserfolg der SIT auf einer Blockade durch allergenspezifische Antikörper, einer Verschiebung des Th1-Th2-Gleichgewichtes und/oder auf einer Suppression durch regulatorische T-Zellen (Tregs) basiert. Um die Effekte der SIT in einer chronischen Erkrankung in vivo untersuchen zu können, wurde in dieser Doktorarbeit ein Mausmodell für chronisches Asthma entwickelt, das die Situation im Menschen nach einer SIT nachahmt. rnDurch eine SIT war es möglich, allergeninduzierte Asthmasymptome wie Atemwegshyperreagibilität (AHR), Eosinophilie in der Lunge, IgE-Produktion und Atemwegsentzündung im Modell zu unterdrücken. Bemerkenswert ist, dass durch OVA-spezifische Immuntherapie (OVA-IT) ebenfalls eine Verringerung der strukturellen Veränderungen im Lungengewebe im chronischen Krankheitsverlauf erreicht wurde.rnDes Weiteren wurde in diesem Modell nach den Prozessen gesucht, die für die toleranzinduzierende Wirkung der SIT verantwortlich sein können. Dabei wurde im Vergleich zur Placebo-behandelten Gruppe eine erhöhte Antwort spezifischer IgG1-Antikörper, eine verstärkte Th1-Antwort, sowie eine erhöhte Frequenz von FoxP3+ Tregs und von IL-10-produzierenden T-Zellen (Tr1-Zellen) nach OVA-IT festge-stellt. Zur weiteren Untersuchung der von SIT-induzierten T-Zellantworten wurden Mausmodelle des allergischen Asthmas mit einem akuten Verlauf gewählt.rnDie Bedeutung der Th1-Zellen für die SIT wurde in T-bet-/- Mäusen untersucht, welche aufgrund des Fehlens des Transkriptionsfaktors T-bet keine stabile Th1-Antwort induzieren können. Durch SIT war es möglich, allergeninduzierte Asthmasymptome wie AHR, eosinophile Granulozyten in der Lunge, IgE-Produktion und Atemwegsentzündung in den T-bet-/- Tieren im gleichen Maße wie in den Wildtyptieren zu unterdrücken. Diese Untersuchung zeigte, dass die SIT auch ohne funktionelle Th1-Zellen die allergische Entzündung unterdrücken kann. rnDie Rolle der Tregs für die SIT wurde in DO11.10 Mäusen und DO11.10 RAG-/- Mäusen untersucht. In beiden Stämmen konnte nach SIT eine Induktion OVA-spezifischer Tregs nachgewiesen werden. In DO11.10 RAG-/- Mäusen können durch den Knockout im rag2-Gen keine natürlichen, d.h. im Thymus gereiften, Tregs entstehen. Im Blut von DO11.10 RAG-/- Mäusen war direkt nach Durchführung der OVA-IT eine FoxP3+ Treg-Population detektierbar. Demnach wird durch die OVA-IT eine de-novo-Induktion von FoxP3+ Tregs in Gang gesetzt. In Abwesenheit der natürlichen Tregs zeigte sich weiterhin, dass diese Zellen zur Produktion von IL-10 in T-Zellen und somit zum Erfolg der SIT beitragen.rnDie Rolle der FoxP3+ Tregs bei der SIT wurde in DEREG Mäusen untersucht. Eine Depletion der FoxP3+ Tregs in DEREG Mäusen während der Durchführung der OVA-IT hob die protektiven Effekte der Therapie jedoch nur teilweise auf. rnUm die Rolle des regulatorischen Zytokins IL-10 bei der SIT zu untersuchen, wurde ein blockierender Antikörper gegen den IL-10-Rezeptor (anti-IL-10R) im chronischen Modell des allergischen Asthmas mit SIT angewendet. Anti-IL-10R hob die protektive Wirkung der SIT auf die AHR, die Atemwegsentzündung und die strukturellen Veränderungen im Lungengewebe auf. Somit ist die protektive Wirkung der SIT abhängig vom IL-10-Signalweg.rnZusammenfassend stellt diese Arbeit die Bedeutung der SIT für allergische Erkrankungen heraus. SIT kann durch die positive Beeinflussung der allergiebedingten, strukturellen Veränderungen in der Lunge auch für Asthmapatienten große Vorteile bringen. Die aus Studien bekannten Mechanismen konnten im Modell bestätigt werden und wurden im weiteren Verlauf untersucht. Die Arbeit stellt im Besonderen die Bedeutung der IL-10-produzierenden und FoxP3+ Tregs für die Effektivität der SIT in den Vordergrund. Zudem ist durch die Etablierung eines neuen Mausmodells der SIT für chronisches allergisches Asthma ein Mittel zur weiteren Erforschung der zugrunde liegenden Prozesse dieser erfolgreichen Therapie geschaffen worden. rn
Distribution of amyloid precursor protein and amyloid-beta in ocular hypertensive C57BL/6 mouse eyes
Amyloid precursor protein (APP) and amyloid-beta (Abeta) appear to participate in the pathophysiology of retinal ganglion cell (RGC) death in glaucoma. We, therefore, determined the distribution of APP and Abeta in the retinas of C57BL/6 mice after induction of chronic ocular hypertension.
Chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML) results from a chromosomal translocation in hematopoietic stem or early progenitor cells that gives rise to the oncogenic BCR/ABL fusion protein. Clinically, CML has a chronic phase that eventually evolves into an accelerated stage and blast crisis. A CML-specific immune response is thought to contribute to the control of disease. Whether the immune system can also promote disease progression is not known. In the present study, we investigated the possibility that the TNF receptor family member CD27 is present on leukemia stem cells (LSCs) and mediates effects of the immune system on CML. In a mouse model of CML, BCR/ABL+ LSCs and leukemia progenitor cells were found to express CD27. Binding of CD27 by its ligand, CD70, increased expression of Wnt target genes in LSCs by enhancing nuclear localization of active β-catenin and TRAF2- and NCK-interacting kinase (TNIK). This resulted in increased proliferation and differentiation of LSCs. Blocking CD27 signaling in LSCs delayed disease progression and prolonged survival. Furthermore, CD27 was expressed on CML stem/progenitor cells in the bone marrow of CML patients, and CD27 signaling promoted growth of BCR/ABL+ human leukemia cells by activating the Wnt pathway. Since expression of CD70 is limited to activated lymphocytes and dendritic cells, our results reveal a mechanism by which adaptive immunity contributes to leukemia progression. In addition, targeting CD27 on LSCs may represent an attractive therapeutic approach to blocking the Wnt/β-catenin pathway in CML.
SerpinB1 is a clade B serpin, or ov-serpin, found at high levels in the cytoplasm of neutrophils. SerpinB1 inhibits neutrophil serine proteases, which are important in killing microbes. When released from granules, these potent enzymes also destroy host proteins and contribute to morbidity and mortality in inflammatory diseases including emphysema, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, cystic fibrosis, arthritis, and sepsis. Studies of serpinB1-deficient mice have established a crucial role for this serpin in Pseudomonas aeruginosa infection by preserving lung antimicrobial proteins from proteolysis and by protecting lung-recruited neutrophils from a premature death. SerpinB1⁻/⁻ mice also have a severe defect in the bone marrow reserve of mature neutrophils demonstrating a key role for serpinB1 in cellular homeostasis. Here, key methods used to generate and characterize serpinB1⁻/⁻ mice are described including intranasal inoculation, myeloperoxidase activity, flow cytometry analysis of bone marrow myeloid cells, and elastase activity. SerpinB1-knockout mice provide a model to dissect the pathogenesis of inflammatory disease characterized by protease:antiprotease imbalance and may be used to assess the efficacy of therapeutic compounds.
The immune response of mice experimentally infected with Echinococcus multilocularis metacestodes becomes impaired so as to allow parasite survival and proliferation. Our study tackled the question on how different classes of E. multilocularis antigens (crude vesicular fluid (VF); purified proteinic rec-14-3-3; purified carbohydrate Em2(G11)) are involved in the maturation process of bone-marrow-derived dendritic cells (BMDCs) and subsequent exposure to lymph node (LN) cells. In our experiments, we used BMDCs cultivated from either naïve (control) or alveolar echinococcosis (AE)-infected C57BL/6 mice. We then tested surface markers (CD80, CD86, MHC class II) and cytokine expression levels (interleukin (IL)-10, IL-12p40 and tumour necrosis factor (TNF)-α) of non-stimulated BMDCs versus BMDCs stimulated with different Em-antigens or lipopolysaccharide (LPS). While LPS and rec-14-3-3-antigen were able to induce CD80, CD86 and (to a lower extent) MHC class II surface expression, Em2(G11) and, strikingly, also VF-antigen failed to do so. Similarly, LPS and rec-14-3-3 yielded elevated IL-12, TNF-α and IL-10 expression levels, while Em2(G11) and VF-antigen didn't. When naïve BMDCs were loaded with VF-antigen, they induced a strong non-specific proliferation of uncommitted LN cells. For both, BMDCs or LN cells, isolated from AE-infected mice, proliferation was abrogated. The most striking difference, revealed by comparing naïve with AE-BMDCs, was the complete inability of LPS-stimulated AE-BMDCs to activate lymphocytes from any LN cell group. Overall, the presenting activity of BMDCs from AE-infected mice seemed to trigger unresponsiveness in T cells, especially in the case of VF-antigen stimulation, thus contributing to the suppression of clonal expansion during the chronic phase of AE infection.
It was a long way from the use of hyperimmune animal sera for the treatment of toxin-producing infections to the production of polyclonal, polyspecific human immunoglobulin preparations and the use of NAbs as therapeutic tools for autoimmune and inflammatory diseases. Some highlights of the development of knowledge in blood fractionation techniques, basic science and clinical wisdom are reviewed in this chapter. Proudly we mention the outstanding contribution of Swiss scientists and clinicians in the development of IVIG as clinical tool for some otherwise untreatable diseases or taking advantage of its low adverse event profile in long-term treatment of other chronic autoimmune and inflammatory diseases. This chapter summarizes some of the characteristics and the effects in humans of NAbs which are present in IgG concentrates. We call attention to the fact that the human data remain, at least in part, incomplete, among others because even with the most efficient large-scale techniques available not more than approximately 50% of the total IgG in plasma can be fractionated into an immunoglobulin G concentrate.
Homeostasis in the intestinal microenvironment between the immune system and luminal antigens appears disturbed in chronic enteropathies. Pro-inflammatory cytokines likely play a role in the pathogenesis of intestinal inflammation. Several inflammatory and immunoregulatory genes have associated nuclear factor-kappaB (NF-kappaB) binding sites, which allow NF-kappaB to regulate gene transcription. The purpose of this study was to investigate (1) the occurrence of NF-kappaB activation during mucosal inflammation in situ, (2) the mucosal distribution pattern of cells expressing activated NF-kappaB within treatment groups, and (3) the effect of specific therapy on NF-kappaB activation. Dogs with chronic enteropathy were studied (n=26) and compared with 13 healthy dogs. Ten dogs had food responsive disease (FRD) and 16 had inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). NF-kappaB activation was detected in duodenal mucosal biopsies using a mouse monoclonal antibody (MAB 3026) that selectively binds the nuclear localization sequence of activated NF-kappaB. To identify macrophages, biopsies were stained using the MAC 387 antibody. Macrophages in the lamina propria double-stained for MAC 387 and NF-kappaB were quantitated; epithelial cell expression of activated NF-kappaB was determined semi-quantitatively. Results showed that more macrophages positive for activated NF-kappaB were present in lamina propria of dogs with chronic enteropathy compared to control dogs (p<0.01). More NF-kappaB positive epithelial cells were observed in FRD dogs compared to IBD dogs (p<0.05). After therapy, the number of macrophages and epithelial cells staining positive for activated NF-kappaB decreased (p<0.01) in chronic enteropathy dogs. In conclusion, activation of NF-kappaB is closely associated with the pathophysiology of canine chronic enteropathy. Down-regulation follows successful therapy.
PhIP carcinogenesis is initiated by N(2)-hydroxylation, mediated by several cytochromes P450, including CYP1A1. However, the role of CYP1A1 in PhIP metabolic activation in vivo is unclear. In this study, Cyp1a1-null and wild-type (WT) mice were used to investigate the potential role of CYP1A1 in PhIP metabolic activation in vivo. PhIP N(2)-hydroxylation was actively catalyzed by lung homogenates of WT mice, at a rate of 14.9 +/- 5.0 pmol/min/g tissue, but < 1 pmol/min/g tissue in stomach and small intestine, and almost undetectable in mammary gland and colon. PhIP N(2)-hydroxylation catalyzed by lung homogenates of Cyp1a1-null mice was approximately 10-fold lower than that of WT mice. In contrast, PhIP N(2)-hydroxylation activity in lung homogenates of Cyp1a2-null versus WT mice was not decreased. Pretreatment with 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD) increased lung Cyp1a1 mRNA and lung homogenate PhIP N(2)-hydroxylase activity approximately 50-fold in WT mice, where the activity was substantially inhibited (70%) by monoclonal antibodies against CYP1A1. In vivo, 30 min after oral treatment with PhIP, PhIP levels in lung were similar to those in liver. After a single dose of 0.1 mg/kg [(14)C]PhIP, lung PhIP-DNA adduct levels in Cyp1a1-null mice, but not in Cyp1a2-null mice, were significantly lower (P=0.0028) than in WT mice. These results reveal that mouse lung has basal and inducible PhIP N(2)-hydroxylase activity predominantly catalyzed by CYP1A1. Because of the high inducibility of human CYP1A1, especially in cigarette smokers, the role of lung CYP1A1 in PhIP carcinogenesis should be considered.