880 resultados para benchmarking hotels


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Community awareness of the sustainable use of land, water and vegetation resources is increasing. The sustainable use of these resources is pivotal to sustainable farming systems. However, techniques for monitoring the sustainable management of these resources are poorly understood and untested. We propose a framework to benchmark and monitor resources in the grains industry. Eight steps are listed below to achieve these objectives: (i) define industry issues; (ii) identify the issues through growers, stakeholder and community consultation; (iii) identify indicators (measurable attributes, properties or characteristics) of sustainability through consultation with growers, stakeholders, experts and community members, relating to: crop productivity; resource maintenance/enhancement; biodiversity; economic viability; community viability; and institutional structure; (iv) develop and use selection criteria to select indicators that consider: responsiveness to change; ease of capture; community acceptance and involvement; interpretation; measurement error; stability, frequency and cost of measurement; spatial scale issues; and mapping capability in space and through time. The appropriateness of indicators can be evaluated using a decision making system such as a multiobjective decision support system (MO-DSS, a method to assist in decision making from multiple and conflicting objectives); (v) involve stakeholders and the community in the definition of goals and setting benchmarking and monitoring targets for sustainable farming; (vi) take preventive and corrective/remedial action; (vii) evaluate effectiveness of actions taken; and (viii) revise indicators as part of a continual improvement principle designed to achieve best management practice for sustainable farming systems. The major recommendations are to: (i) implement the framework for resources (land, water and vegetation, economic, community and institution) benchmarking and monitoring, and integrate this process with current activities so that awareness, implementation and evolution of sustainable resource management practices become normal practice in the grains industry; (ii) empower the grains industry to take the lead by using relevant sustainability indicators to benchmark and monitor resources; (iii) adopt a collaborative approach by involving various industry, community, catchment management and government agency groups to minimise implementation time. Monitoring programs such as Waterwatch, Soilcheck, Grasscheck and Topcrop should be utilised; (iv) encourage the adoption of a decision making system by growers and industry representatives as a participatory decision and evaluation process. Widespread use of sustainability indicators would assist in validating and refining these indicators and evaluating sustainable farming systems. The indicators could also assist in evaluating best management practices for the grains industry.


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A series of TiO2 samples with different anatase-to-rutile ratios was prepared by calcination, and the roles of the two crystallite phases of titanium(IV) oxide (TiO2) on the photocatalytic activity in oxidation of phenol in aqueous solution were studied. High dispersion of nanometer-sized anatase in the silica matrix and the possible bonding of Si-O-Ti in SiO2/TiO2 interface were found to stabilize the crystallite transformation from anatase to rutile. The temperature for this transformation was 1200 degrees C for the silica-titania (ST) sample, much higher than 700 degrees C for Degussa P25, a benchmarking photocatalyst. It is shown that samples with higher anatase-to-rutile ratios have higher activities for phenol degradation. However, the activity did not totally disappear after a complete crystallite transformation for P25 samples, indicating some activity of the rutile phase. Furthermore, the activity for the ST samples after calcination decreased significantly, even though the amount of anatase did not change much. The activity of the same samples with different anatase-to-rutile ratios is more related to the amount of the surface-adsorbed water and hydroxyl groups and surface area. The formation of rutile by calcination would reduce the surface-adsorbed water and hydroxyl groups and surface area, leading to the decrease in activity.


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This paper addresses two interrelated issues in tourism development: horizontal integration within tourism's component sectors and attempts at vertical integration between them. The paper employs a conceptual framework adapted from regulation theory, to assess the dynamics of these processes, particularly in relation to airlines and hotels. Through examining some of the most important examples of both horizontal and vertical integration, it indicates how these have influenced contemporary strategies in the component sectors. The paper goes on to illustrate how trends towards Fordist organization within airlines have conflicted with post-Fordist trends in hotel operations, to undermine attempts at vertical integration across the tourism industry. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Activated sludge models are used extensively in the study of wastewater treatment processes. While various commercial implementations of these models are available, there are many people who need to code models themselves using the simulation packages available to them, Quality assurance of such models is difficult. While benchmarking problems have been developed and are available, the comparison of simulation data with that of commercial models leads only to the detection, not the isolation of errors. To identify the errors in the code is time-consuming. In this paper, we address the problem by developing a systematic and largely automated approach to the isolation of coding errors. There are three steps: firstly, possible errors are classified according to their place in the model structure and a feature matrix is established for each class of errors. Secondly, an observer is designed to generate residuals, such that each class of errors imposes a subspace, spanned by its feature matrix, on the residuals. Finally. localising the residuals in a subspace isolates coding errors. The algorithm proved capable of rapidly and reliably isolating a variety of single and simultaneous errors in a case study using the ASM 1 activated sludge model. In this paper a newly coded model was verified against a known implementation. The method is also applicable to simultaneous verification of any two independent implementations, hence is useful in commercial model development.


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Performance indicators in the public sector have often been criticised for being inadequate and not conducive to analysing efficiency. The main objective of this study is to use data envelopment analysis (DEA) to examine the relative efficiency of Australian universities. Three performance models are developed, namely, overall performance, performance on delivery of educational services, and performance on fee-paying enrolments. The findings based on 1995 data show that the university sector was performing well on technical and scale efficiency but there was room for improving performance on fee-paying enrolments. There were also small slacks in input utilisation. More universities were operating at decreasing returns to scale, indicating a potential to downsize. DEA helps in identifying the reference sets for inefficient institutions and objectively determines productivity improvements. As such, it can be a valuable benchmarking tool for educational administrators and assist in more efficient allocation of scarce resources. In the absence of market mechanisms to price educational outputs, which renders traditional production or cost functions inappropriate, universities are particularly obliged to seek alternative efficiency analysis methods such as DEA.


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Most Internet search engines are keyword-based. They are not efficient for the queries where geographical location is important, such as finding hotels within an area or close to a place of interest. A natural interface for spatial searching is a map, which can be used not only to display locations of search results but also to assist forming search conditions. A map-based search engine requires a well-designed visual interface that is intuitive to use yet flexible and expressive enough to support various types of spatial queries as well as aspatial queries. Similar to hyperlinks for text and images in an HTML page, spatial objects in a map should support hyperlinks. Such an interface needs to be scalable with the size of the geographical regions and the number of websites it covers. In spite of handling typically a very large amount of spatial data, a map-based search interface should meet the expectation of fast response time for interactive applications. In this paper we discuss general requirements and the design for a new map-based web search interface, focusing on integration with the WWW and visual spatial query interface. A number of current and future research issues are discussed, and a prototype for the University of Queensland is presented. (C) 2001 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd.


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Recently, several groups have investigated quantum analogues of random walk algorithms, both on a line and on a circle. It has been found that the quantum versions have markedly different features to the classical versions. Namely, the variance on the line, and the mixing time on the circle increase quadratically faster in the quantum versions as compared to the classical versions. Here, we propose a scheme to implement the quantum random walk on a line and on a circle in an ion trap quantum computer. With current ion trap technology, the number of steps that could be experimentally implemented will be relatively small. However, we show how the enhanced features of these walks could be observed experimentally. In the limit of strong decoherence, the quantum random walk tends to the classical random walk. By measuring the degree to which the walk remains quantum, '' this algorithm could serve as an important benchmarking protocol for ion trap quantum computers.


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O estudo realizado envolve um benchmarking de novos padr??es gerenciais adotados pelo governo dos Estados Unidos, notadamente no que se refere a formas inovadoras de gest??o, de controle de gest??o, de gest??o or??ament??ria e de avalia????o institucional. Para a realiza????o do presente trabalho, os autores valeram-se de consulta bibliogr??fica a livros e documentos produzidos nos ??ltimos cinco anos, cabendo destacar, dentre os diversos documentos citados nas refer??ncias bibliogr??ficas e notas, os estudos produzidos pela National Academy of Public Administration ??? NAPA e pelo General Accounting Office ??? GAO sobre o processo de ???reinven????o do governo??? americano. Integram, tamb??m, o presente trabalho informa????es obtidas atrav??s de participa????o em semin??rios e palestras conduzidas pela NAPA e pela Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, no per??odo de 03 a 14 de junho de 1996, no ??mbito de projeto de Avalia????o de Programas P??blicos Orientada para Resultados, desenvolvido pela Escola Brasileira de Administra????o P??blica da Funda????o Get??lio Vargas (EBAP/FGV) para o Tribunal de Contas da Uni??o (TCU) do Brasil. Tais palestras inclu??ram, dentre outros assuntos, a vis??o geral da avalia????o no ??mbito do governo federal americano; o papel do Office of Management and Budget (OMB) na avalia????o e mensura????o de desempenho; a evolu????o da auditoria interna e externa, bem como a avalia????o de programas efetuada pela Rand Corporation. Finalmente, ainda no ??mbito do programa referido, foram utilizados materiais e informa????es coletadas a partir de entrevistas efetuadas em organiza????es governamentais como, dentre outras, o U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, e em organiza????es particulares que realizam avalia????o de programas, por for??a de contratos de presta????o de servi??os, como o Urban Institute, a Mathematic Policy Research e a Maximus, todas situadas em Washington D.C


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Com o objetivo de monitorar o n??vel de atendimento e satisfa????o de nossos clientes, o Banco criou o instrumento F??rum de clientes, a partir de benchmarking realizado em empresas de sucesso que apontaram a exist??ncia de conselho de clientes como fator de ??xito em seus programas de Marketing. O F??rum de clientes constitui-se de reuni??es de natureza consultiva, realizadas com clientes atuais e potenciais do Banco, nos nove estados do Nordeste e no norte de Minas. Seu objetivo ?? conhecer as necessidades e expectativas dos clientes atuais e potenciais, buscando cr??ticas e sugest??es sobre os nossos servi??os e produtos atuais ou quanto ?? cria????o de novos, al??m de discutir a atua????o do Banco como ??rg??o de desenvolvimento regional. Decorridos quase dois anos de implanta????o do F??rum, este instrumento v??m se consolidando junto aos clientes, que reconhecem sua import??ncia para a condu????o das mudan??as que o Banco vem implementando a partir de "feedback" obtido nas reuni??es. Contabilizamos 68 reuni??es (pos. 28.08), realizadas em todos os estados do Nordeste e no norte de Minas, com a presen??a de 261 clientes


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Os F??runs de Gest??o se constituem de um mecanismo de reuni??es quinzenais para discuss??o, por todos os funcion??rios, de assuntos relevantes, cujo teor ?? registrado em atas que ficam disponibilizadas na rede interna de computadores (intranet). Objetivam disseminar a nova postura de gest??o participativa, ensejar a participa????o de todos os funcion??rios no processo de gest??o, com vistas a obter o seu comprometimento na identifica????o e solu????o de problemas, promover a integra????o das diversas inst??ncias administrativas e servir de f??rum para divulga????o e discuss??o de assuntos relevantes de interesse da Empresa. Todas as atas s??o examinadas por uma ??rea da Dire????o Geral, de cujo exame s??o extra??dos dois subprodutos: as Sinaliza????es e os Destaques. As Sinaliza????es s??o quaisquer d??vidas, questionamentos, dificuldades, sugest??es que s??o encaminhados para as ??reas respons??veis, por meio eletr??nico, para que recebam o tratamento adequado com resposta, por telefone, em 48 horas, ?? unidade que demandou o assunto. Os Destaques s??o temas importantes, como id??ias, boas pr??ticas de gest??o e iniciativas bem sucedidas implementadas pelas unidades, que constam das respectivas atas das reuni??es para conhecimento, discuss??o, dissemina????o e, sobretudo, benchmarking para todas as unidades


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O objetivo deste artigo ?? apresentar um modelo alternativo de an??lise da efici??ncia dos programas de p??s-gradua????o acad??micos em Administra????o, Contabilidade e Turismo, vinculados ??s institui????es de ensino superior p??blicas e privadas. O estudo tem como base te??rica a efici??ncia e a otimiza????o de recursos, tomando como refer??ncia a maximiza????o do retorno, sujeito ??s limita????es de recursos. Como modelo anal??tico foi utilizada a An??lise Envolt??ria de Dados (DEA), enquanto t??cnica n??o param??trica de an??lise da efici??ncia relativa. Os resultados apontaram que os programas de p??s-gradua????o foram mais eficientes em 2006, seguido por 2004 e 2005, respectivamente. Notou- se ainda que, em m??dia, os programas vinculados ??s institui????es privadas de ensino foram mais eficientes que os da rede p??blica no tri??nio 2004/2006. Os gestores desses programas podem utilizar a an??lise da efici??ncia relativa como estrat??gia de benchmarking, adotando as melhores pr??ticas observadas nos programas eficientes, visando ?? maximiza????o da efici??ncia em sua gest??o.


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Na sequência de distintas pressões a que as organizações estão sujeitas, têm sido adoptadas, ao nível da gestão empresarial, novas pautas de conduta no que respeita ao ambiente, designadamente através da introdução de variáveis ambientais no seio do sistema de gestão global, dando origem a um novo conceito - o de gestão ambiental. A gestão ambiental levada a cabo pelas distintas organizações irá originar alterações substanciais ao nível das decisões empresariais no sentido de alcançar, de uma forma eficiente e eficaz, os princípios de desenvolvimento sustentável e de melhoria contínua da performance ambiental. Todavia, o êxito de tal intuito em muito dependerá do desenvolvimento de um conjunto de instrumentos que auxiliem o processo de tomada de decisão no âmbito da gestão ambiental. Assim, no âmbito da gestão interna é extremamente útil a incorporação das questões ambientais nos vários instrumentos de gestão, como sejam a análise do ciclo de vida, os sistemas baseados nas actividades, o benchmarking, o tableau de bord e o TQM. Neste trabalho procuramos analisar a possibilidade de adaptação de alguns desses instrumentos de gestão ao tratamento das questões ambientais, no sentido de melhorar a gestão e controlo das variáveis ambientais.


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Muito tem se falado sobre a importância para a empresa de focar o cliente e atender às suas necessidades, porém pouco se fez para mostrar como chegar a isso de forma eficiente. Empresas de porte mundial têm usado o Desdobramento da Função Qualidade - QFD (do inglês Quality Function Deployment para atender aos seus clientes, com sucesso em vendas e market share. A aplicação do QFD traz ainda outros benefícios, como redução no tempo e custo de desenvolvimento de produtos, maior eficiência nos processos de benchmarking, trabalho em equipes, desenvolvimento simultâneo e melhora na comunicação interdepartamental. O artigo apresenta uma explicação conceitual do funcionamento do QFD e comentários sobre a implantação do método na empresa.