940 resultados para anaerobic wastewater treatment


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The treatment of domestic and industrial effluents through Wastewater Treatment Plants (WTPs) generates a residue termed sewage sludge, rich in organic matter, high-volume, occasionally containing pathogens and heavy metals. The sludge generation can minimize the benefits brought by the treatment of sewage, because this residue does not always receive appropriate treatment before final disposal. The disposal is another problem related to sludge. Landfills generally does not have physical space and alternatives such as the use in agriculture requires an intense treatment that could be in many cases operational or economic unfeasible. The objective of this work is the theoretical research about the processes of stabilization of the sludge by anaerobic digestion and the methanogenic activity during the process. Through analysis of each step and contemplating each relevant factor in anaerobic digestion process in order to optimize them, we proposed a theoretical model of reactors capable of stabilize the sludge, reduce its volume and eliminate pathogens. The obtained configuration consists of two anaerobic reactors connected in series. The first one operates in the range mesophilic temperature (35 ° C) and has higher hydraulic retention time (25 days) working primarily in the stabilization of organic matter present in the sludge and producing biogas, whereas the second one operates in the thermophilic range (55 ° C) in order to eliminate pathogens, and to reduce the volume. The hydraulic retention time in the second reactor is lower (10 days). Both mesophilic and thermophilic processes were efficient in what was proposed, promoting the stabilization of organic matter present in the sludge and significant reduction of pathogens. As a final step with the sludge previously digested, it is indicated a final dehydration... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)


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Brazil has one of the largest cattle herds in the world, so the cattle slaughter is one of the most important economic activities in the Brazilian market. But this activity requires a high demand of water, resulting in serious problems about the correct disposal of wastewater generated in the process. This effluent has a high pollution load, becoming its receiving bodies (streams and rivers) unfit for various activities such as public water supply, recreation, fisheries. To minimize the environmental impacts of its industrial wastewater and fallow the local environmental legislation, refrigerators must make the treatment of these effluents. This study aimed to verify the efficiency of a enzymatic reactor, when occur hydrolysis of lipids present in the effluent industrial of an cattle slaughter industry. The treatment system used was composed of two separate reactors: one being the anaerobic fluidized bed reactor (AFBR), inoculated with immobilized enzymes on the matrix support, and the other by sequential batch reactor (SBR) inoculated with activated sludge. Whereas, the reactors have been developed and installed at the Wastewater Treatment Laboratory, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, UNESP, campus Presidente Prudente. The procedure operating occurred differently for each reactor: preparation and inoculation of enzyme granules, filling the reactor, hydrolysis, and AFBR emptying, filling, aerobic reaction, sedimentation, and emptying the SBR. We performed three experimental stages, with the first and second stage of the work were done reactor analyzes separately, and the third step of the analysis were made with the interconnected reactors... (Complete abstract electronic access below)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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This study aimed to develop, implement and evaluate the performance of a new type of bioreactor for anaerobic treatment of wastewater using different filling materials like trickling filters post-reactor. This bioreactor has mixed characteristics of the UASB reactors and horizontal flow from the point of view of removal of BOD (Biochemical Oxygen Demand) ssed (settled solids), TS (Total Solids), SS (Suspended Solid), SD (Dissolved Solids) and turbidity. The experimental model consists of a bioreactor with a volume of 12 m³, 2/3 filled by fluidized bed and 1/3 for fixed. The fluidized bed is made of polystyrene plates used as a system percolation and compartmentalized trickling filters, where each compartment was filled with a support medium with different characteristics (gravel number 4, plastic rings of polystyrene, PET and HDPE) . In addition, the output of a filter system was installed three entries filled with activated carbon. The bioreactor was installed in private residence in the city of Igarapava-SP (20° 02'40.18"S and 47° 45'01.36" W). The system was highly efficient as the removal of organic contaminant load 92% on average reducing the BOD, a significant result when compared to other anaerobic systems. For the other parameters, the mean reduction was 96% for turbidity, 99% ssed, 67.5% ST, 57% SD and 88% of SS. As for its operation the system was capable of operating in continuous flow without the need for maintenance during the entire period of evaluation and without energy, as it operates taking advantage of the natural slope of the terrain where it is installed. The environmental impacts were minimized due to the preservation of local vegetation allowing the ecosystem to remain unchanged beyond the prototype was completely sealed preventing exhalation of odors and therefore not causing inconvenience to neighboring populations. Given these facts it was concluded that the prototype is shown to be highly feasible deployed as a new alternative for treatment of sewage in rural and urban settings (individual homes, condos, farms, ranches, etc.) Due to ease of design and operability, and sustainability at all stages of execution.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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This paper presents the development of a procedure, which enables the analysis of nine pharmaceutical drugs in wastewater using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) associated with solid-phase microextraction (SPME) for the sample preparation. Experimental design was applied to optimize the in situ derivatization and the SPME extraction conditions. Ethyl chloroformate (ECF) was employed as derivatizing agent and polydimethylsiloxane-divinylbenzene (PDMS-DVB) as the SPME fiber coating. A fractional factorial design was used to evaluate the main factors for the in situ derivatization and SPME extraction. Thereafter, a Doehlert matrix design was applied to find out the best experimental conditions. The method presented a linear range from 0.5 to 10 mu g/L, and the intraday and interday precision were lower than 16%. Applicability of the method was verified from real influent and effluent samples of a wastewater treatment plant, as well as from samples of an industry wastewater and a river.


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During the manufacture of explosives, large amounts of water are used to remove unwanted by-products generated. This water in turn, ends up in wastewater treatment plants or water bodies. The aim of this study was to evaluate the toxic potential of effluent generated by 2.4.6-Trinitrotoluene (TNT) production, yellow water, red water and mixture of yellow and red water, produced from a plant located in the Paraiba Valley, Sao Paolo state, Brazil. Daphnia similis, Danio rerio, Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas putida and Pseudokircheneriella subcaptata were used as test organisms. Physicochemical parameters such as color, pH, conductivity, total dissolved solids, dissolved oxygen, chemical oxygen demand (COD) and biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) were evaluated. Effluent from 2.4.6-TNT production was extremely toxic to all test organisms. The physicochemical parameters evaluated showed high levels of conductivity (from 41.533 to 42.344 mu S /cm) and chemical oxygen demand (COD of 8471 to 27.364 mg/L) for the effluents analyzed.


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Le acque di vegetazione (AV) costituiscono un serio problema di carattere ambientale, sia a causa della loro elevata produzione sia per l’ elevato contenuto di COD che oscilla fra 50 e 150 g/l. Le AV sono considerate un refluo a tasso inquinante fra i più elevati nell’ambito dell’industria agroalimentare e la loro tossicità è determinata in massima parte dalla componente fenolica. Il presente lavoro si propone di studiare e ottimizzare un processo non solo di smaltimento di tale refluo ma anche di una sua valorizzazione, utlizzandolo come materia prima per la produzione di acidi grassi e quindi di PHA, polimeri biodegradabili utilizzabili in varie applicazioni. A tale scopo sono stati utilizzati due bioreattori anaerobici a biomassa adesa, di identica configurazione, con cui si sono condotti due esperimenti in continuo a diverse temperature e carichi organici al fine di studiare l’influenza di tali parametri sul processo. Il primo esperimento è stato condotto a 35°C e carico organico pari a 12,39 g/Ld, il secondo a 25°C e carico organico pari a 8,40 g/Ld. Si è scelto di allestire e mettere in opera un processo a cellule immobilizzate in quanto questa tecnologia si è rivelata vantaggiosa nel trattamento continuo di reflui ad alto contenuto di COD e carichi variabili. Inoltre si è scelto di lavorare in continuo poiché tale condizione, per debiti tempi di ritenzione idraulica, consente di minimizzare la metanogenesi, mediata da microrganismi con basse velocità specifiche di crescita. Per costituire il letto fisso dei due reattori si sono utilizzati due diversi tipi di supporto, in modo da poter studiare anche l’influenza di tale parametro, in particolare si è fatto uso di carbone attivo granulare (GAC) e filtri ceramici Vukopor S10 (VS). Confrontando i risultati si è visto che la massima quantità di VFA prodotta nell’ambito del presente studio si ha nel VS mantenuto a 25°C: in tale condizione si arriva infatti ad un valore di VFA prodotti pari a 524,668 mgCOD/L. Inoltre l’effluente in uscita risulta più concentrato in termini di VFA rispetto a quello in entrata: nell’alimentazione la percentuale di materiale organico presente sottoforma di acidi grassi volatili era del 54 % e tale percentuale, in uscita dai reattori, ha raggiunto il 59 %. Il VS25 rappresenta anche la condizione in cui il COD degradato si è trasformato in percentuale minore a metano (2,35 %) e questo a prova del fatto che l’acidogenesi ha prevalso sulla metanogenesi. Anche nella condizione più favorevole alla produzione di VFA però, si è riusciti ad ottenere una loro concentrazione in uscita (3,43 g/L) inferiore rispetto a quella di tentativo (8,5 g/L di VFA) per il processo di produzione di PHA, sviluppato da un gruppo di ricerca dell’università “La Sapienza” di Roma, relativa ad un medium sintetico. Si può constatare che la modesta produzione di VFA non è dovuta all’eccessiva degradazione del COD, essendo questa nel VS25 appena pari al 6,23%, ma piuttosto è dovuta a una scarsa concentrazione di VFA in uscita. Questo è di buon auspicio nell’ottica di ottimizzare il processo migliorandone le prestazioni, poiché è possibile aumentare tale concentrazione aumentando la conversione di COD in VFA che nel VS25 è pari a solo 5,87%. Per aumentare tale valore si può agire su vari parametri, quali la temperatura e il carico organico. Si è visto che il processo di acidogenesi è favorito, per il VS, per basse temperature e alti carichi organici. Per quanto riguarda il reattore impaccato con carbone attivo la produzione di VFA è molto ridotta per tutti i valori di temperatura e carichi organici utilizzati. Si può quindi pensare a un’applicazione diversa di tale tipo di reattore, ad esempio per la produzione di metano e quindi di energia.


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Il presente elaborato è stato finalizzato allo sviluppo di un processo di digestione anaerobica della frazione organica dei rifiuti solidi urbani (FORSU oppure, in lingua inglese OFMSW, Organic Fraction of Municipal Solid Waste) provenienti da raccolta indifferenziata e conseguente produzione di biogas da impiegarsi per il recupero energetico. Questo lavoro rientra nell’ambito di un progetto, cofinanziato dalla Regione Emilia Romagna attraverso il Programma Regionale per la Ricerca Industriale, l’Innovazione e il Trasferimento Tecnologico (PRRIITT), sviluppato dal Dipartimento di Chimica Applicata e Scienza dei Materiali (DICASM) dell’Università di Bologna in collaborazione con la Facoltà di Ingegneria dell’Università di Ferrara e con la società Recupera s.r.l. che applicherà il processo nell’impianto pilota realizzato presso il proprio sito di biostabilizzazione e compostaggio ad Ostellato (FE). L’obiettivo è stato la verifica della possibilità di impiegare la frazione organica dei rifiuti indifferenziati per la produzione di biogas, e in particolare di metano, attraverso un processo di digestione anaerobica previo trattamento chimico oppure in codigestione con altri substrati organici facilmente fermentabili. E’ stata inoltre studiata la possibilità di impiego di reattori con biomassa adesa per migliorare la produzione specifica di metano e diminuire la lag phase. Dalla sperimentazione si può concludere che è possibile giungere allo sviluppo di metano dalla purea codigerendola assieme a refluo zootecnico. Per ottenere però produzioni significative la quantità di solidi volatili apportati dal rifiuto non deve superare il 50% dei solidi volatili complessivi. Viceversa, l’addizione di solfuri alla sola purea si è dimostrata ininfluente nel tentativo di sottrarre gli agenti inibitori della metanogenesi. Inoltre, l’impiego di supporti di riempimento lavorando attraverso processi batch sequenziali permette di eliminare, nei cicli successivi al primo, la lag phase dei batteri metanogeni ed incrementare la produzione specifica di metano.


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This study fits into the context of activities aim at waste bioremediation and valorization through the production of energy according to principles of environmental sustainability. The experimental work was carried out at the laboratories of the Department of Civil Engineering, Environmental and Materials (DICAM) of the Faculty of Engineering. The main objective was to enhance the treatment of high organic loading waste, such as manure and cheese whey, through advanced anaerobic digestion systems in order to obtain biogas rich in methane. On the basis of the premise that the environmental conditions pertaining in most anaerobic wastewater digesters are not optimal for both fermentative and methanogenic microorganisms, the research was particularly focused on the implementation of two-phase anaerobic digesters. In fact a two-phase process permits selection and enrichment of different bacteria in each digester by independently controlling the digester operating conditions. Thus, the first phase (acidogenesis) can be operated to optimize acidogenic growth and the second phase (methanogenesis) to optimize methanogenic growth. (Ince O. , 1998). Before reactors’ set up, , some lab scale experiments were carried out to identify the best manure and whey ratio and the best conditions of temperature, pH, hydraulic retention time of acidogenesis an methanogenic phases.


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The growing interest in environmental protection has led to the development of emerging biotechnologies for environmental remediation also introducing the biorefinery concept. This work mainly aimed to evaluate the applicability of innovative biotechnologies for environmental remediation and bioenergy production, throught fermentative processes. The investigated biotechnologies for waste and wastewater treatment and for the valorisation of specific feedstocks and energy recovery, were mainly focused on four research lines. 1. Biotechnology for textile wastewater treatment and water reuse that involving anaerobic and aerobic processes in combination with membrane technologies. Combinations of different treatments were also implemented for water reuse in a textile company. 2. Biotechnology for the treatment of solid waste and leachate in landfill and for biogas production. Landfill operated as Bioreactor with recirculation of the generated leachate was proposed for organic matter biostabilisation and for ammonia removal from leachate by favouring the Anammox process. 3. An innovative two-stage anaerobic process for effective codigestion of waste from the dairy industry, as cheese whey and dairy manure, was studied by combining conventional fermentative processes with a simplified system design for enhancing biomethanisation. 4) The valorisation of the glycerol waste as surplus by-product of the biodiesel industry was investigated via microbial conversion to value-added chemicals, as 1,3-propanediol. The investigated fermentative processes have been successfully implemented and reached high yields of the produced bio-chemical. The studied biotechnological systems proved to be feasible for environmental remediation and bioenergy and chemicals production.


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More efficient water treatment technologies would decrease the water bodies’ pollution and the actual intake of water resource. The aim of this thesis is an in-depth analysis of the magnetic separation of pollutants from water by means of a continuous-flow magnetic filter subjected to a field gradient produced by permanent magnets. This technique has the potential to improve times and efficiencies of both urban wastewater treatment plants and drinking water treatment plants. It might also substitute industrial wastewater treatments. This technique combines a physico-chemical phase of adsorption and a magnetic phase of filtration, having the potential to bond magnetite with any conventional adsorbent powder. The removal of both Magnetic Activated Carbons (MACs) and zeolite-magnetite mix with the addition of a coagulant was investigated. Adsorption tests of different pollutants (surfactants, endocrine disruptors, Fe(III), Mn(II), Ca(II)) on these adsorbents were also performed achieving good results. The numerical results concerning the adsorbent removals well reproduced the experimental ones obtained from two different experimental setups. In real situations the treatable flow rates are up to 90 m3/h (2000 m3/d).