835 resultados para activities of daily living
Objective Previous studies indicate that flexible footwear, which mimics the biomechanics of walking barefoot, results in decreased knee loads in patients with knee osteoarthritis (OA) during walking. However, the effect of flexible footwear on other activities of daily living, such as descending stairs, remains unclear. Our objective was to evaluate the influence of inexpensive and minimalist footwear (Moleca) on knee adduction moment (KAM) during stair descent of elderly women with and without knee OA. Methods. Thirty-four elderly women were equally divided into an OA group and a control group (CG). Stair descent was evaluated in barefoot condition, while wearing the Moleca, and while wearing heeled shoes. Kinematics and ground reaction forces were measured to calculate KAM by using inverse dynamics. Results. The OA group experienced a higher KAM during midstance under the barefoot condition (233.3%; P = 0.028), the Moleca (379.2%; P = 0.004), and heeled shoes (217.6%; P = 0.007). The OA group had a similar knee load during early, mid, and late stance with the Moleca compared with the barefoot condition. Heeled shoes increased the knee loads during the early-stance (versus barefoot [16.7%; P < 0.001] and versus the Moleca [15.5%; P < 0.001]), midstance (versus barefoot [8.6%; P = 0.014] and versus the Moleca [9.5%; P = 0.010]), and late-stance phase (versus barefoot [10.6%; P = 0.003] and versus the Moleca [9.2%; P < 0.001]). In the CG, the Moleca produced a knee load similar to the barefoot condition only during the early-stance phase. Conclusion. Besides the general foot protection, the inexpensive and minimalist footwear contributes to decreasing knee loads in elderly women with OA during stair descent. The loads are similar to the barefoot condition and effectively decreased when compared with heeled shoes.
OBJETIVO: determinar a prevalência de quedas em idosos e sua relação com a capacidade funcional. MÉTODO: trata-se de estudo epidemiológico transversal de base populacional, com uma amostra por conglomerado de duplo estágio de 240 sujeitos, com idade acima de 60 anos, de ambos os sexos, residentes em Ribeirão Preto, SP. Os dados foram coletados entre novembro de 2010 e fevereiro de 2011 e utilizaram-se os questionários: perfil social, avaliação de quedas, Medida de Independência Funcional e Escala de Lawton e Brody. Foi adotado o nível de significância de 0,05. Para a identificação da ocorrência das quedas e sua relação com a capacidade funcional, foram utilizadas razão de prevalência e de chances de prevalência e regressão logística múltipla. RESULTADOS: a média de idade foi de 73,5 anos (±8,4), 25% com 80 anos ou mais, predomínio do sexo feminino; 48,8% estudaram de 1 a 4 anos. Média de 1,33 quedas (±0,472); com maior prevalência em mulheres e idosos mais jovens; o local mais frequente foi o quintal e o banheiro. Houve forte correlação entre o nível de independência funcional e as atividades instrumentais com a idade, e não houve relação entre os idosos que sofreram queda e as variáveis sexo e idade. CONCLUSÃO: houve predomínio de mulheres que sofreram quedas relacionadas à independência funcional, podendo-se prevenir com estratégias de promoção à saúde ao idoso, política essa para oferecer condição de vida à pessoa no processo de envelhecer.
Purpose: This study has described and analysed the functional independence of the patients served in the haemodialysis services of a countryside town in the State of Sao Paulo, Brazil, using the Functional Independence Measure (FIM). Method: The population considered was that of 214 patients being treated with haemodialysis, assessed in 2011, by means of a social, demographic and clinical report, a Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) and also the FIM. Results: The mean age of the population under study was 58.01 years, while the mean FIM point score was 118.38 points, showing a level of complete or modified independence within this population. Even though the level of dependence found has been low, this can be highlighted, within the locomotion domain, in the activity of going up and down stairs (10.28%). Age, complications arising from haemodialysis, and comorbidities show a negative correlation with FIM. Conclusion: Awareness of the level of functional independence of the patients being subjected to treatment with haemodialysis is essential in order to back up intervention for the improvement of nursing assistance provided to this population.
OBJECTIVES: To determine the frequency of medical adverse events in elderly patients admitted to an acute care geriatric unit, the predictive factors of occurrence, and the correlation between adverse events and hospital mortality rates. METHODS: This prospective study included 171 admissions of patients aged 60 years and older in the acute care geriatric unit in a teaching hospital in Brazil between 2007 and 2008. The following variables were assessed at admission: the patient age, gender, number of prescription drugs, geriatric syndromes (e. g., immobility, postural instability, dementia, depression, delirium, and incontinence), comorbidities, functional status (evaluated with the Katz Index of Independence in Activities of Daily Living), and severity of illness (evaluated with the Simplified Acute Physiology Score II). The incidence of delirium, infection, mortality, and the prescription of potentially inappropriate medications (based on the Beers criteria) were assessed during hospitalization. An observer who was uninvolved in patient care reported the adverse events. RESULTS: The mean age of the sample was 78.12 years. A total of 187 medical adverse events occurred in 94 admissions (55%). The predictors of medical adverse events were undetermined. Compared with the patients with no adverse events, the patients with medical adverse events had a significantly longer hospital stay (21.41 +/- 15.08 days versus 10.91 +/- 7.21 days) and a higher mortality rate (39 deaths [41.5%] versus 17 deaths [22.1%]). Mortality was significantly predicted by the Simplified Acute Physiology Score II score (odds ratio [OR] = 1.13, confidence interval [CI] 95%, 1.07 to 1.20), the Katz score (OR = 1.47, CI 95%, 1.18 to 1.83), and medical adverse events (OR = 3.59, CI 95%, 1.55 to 8.30). CONCLUSION: Medical adverse events should be monitored in every elderly hospitalized patient because there is no risk profile for susceptible patients, and the consequences of adverse events are serious, sometimes leading to longer hospital stays or even death.
OBJETIVO: Avaliar a mudança em cinco anos do consumo alimentar e nível de atividade física em escolares. MÉTODOS: Estudo com amostra representativa (n = 4.168) de escolares de sete a dez anos de idade de Florianópolis, SC. Medidas do consumo alimentar e atividade física foram realizadas em dois estudos de base escolar em 2002 (n = 2.936; 51% meninos; idade média = 8,5 anos) e 2007 (n = 1.232; 50,7% meninos; idade média = 8,6 anos), utilizando questionários ilustrados. O teste do qui-quadrado foi utilizado para avaliar a mudança no consumo de oito alimentos/grupos de alimentos, no atendimento às recomendações do Guia Alimentar para a População Brasileira e no nível de atividade física (avaliado segundo os terços de distribuição do escore e o tipo de deslocamento para a escola). As análises foram realizadas segundo a rede de ensino. RESULTADOS: Houve redução da proporção de crianças que relatou o consumo de frutas, verduras e legumes, feijão, carnes, guloseimas, pizza, batata frita e refrigerantes. Maior proporção de escolares da rede privada atendeu às recomendações de restrição de consumo de refrigerantes, pizzas e batata frita, e de maior consumo de frutas, verduras e legumes, em ambos os estudos. Por outro lado, maior proporção de escolares da rede pública atendeu às recomendações para o consumo de carnes em 2007. Os valores medianos do escore de atividade física diminuíram em 2007. Em ambos os anos escolares da rede privada foram mais ativos. A proporção de escolares que se deslocou ativamente para a escola reduziu de 49% para 41% (p < 0,01). CONCLUSÕES: Houve redução no consumo de alimentos marcadores de dieta saudável (feijão, carnes/peixes, frutas, legumes e verduras) e de alimentos de alta densidade energética e baixo valor nutricional (refrigerantes, guloseimas e pizza/batatas fritas). Também houve decréscimo da proporção de escolares que relataram deslocamento ativo para a escola.
OBJETIVO: Identificar as escalas utilizadas para avaliação funcional na doença de Pompe (DP) e descrever seu nível de evidência e recomendação. FONTES DE DADOS: Revisão sistemática sobre as escalas de avaliação funcional na DP. Pesquisa realizada nos bancos de dados Medline, Lilacs, Registro Cochrane de Ensaios Controlados Central (CCTR) e SciELO com artigos (exceto artigos de revisão) publicados entre 2000 e 2010. As palavras-chave utilizadas nos idiomas português e inglês foram: doença de depósito de glicogênio tipo II, atividades cotidianas, avaliação. Os artigos foram classificados em nível de evidência e recomendação. SÍNTESE DOS DADOS: Foram incluídos 14 estudos que avaliaram desde recém-nascidos a adultos (amostra total=449). Foram encontradas as seguintes escalas na literatura: Pediatric Evaluation of Disability Inventory (PEDI) e sua forma adaptada para DP (Pompe-PEDI), Alberta Infant Motor Scale (AIMS), Rotterdam Handiscap Scale (RHS), Functional Independence Measure (FIM), Gross Motor Function Measure (GMFM) e Peabody Developmental Motor Scales (PDMS-II). A maioria dos estudos apresentou nível de evidência III, por serem não randomizados. Grau de recomendação das escalas: C para AIMS e Pompe-PEDI; D para GMFM e PDMS-II; E para RHS e FIM. CONCLUSÕES: A maioria das escalas utilizadas para avaliação funcional na DP apresenta baixo nível de evidência e recomendação. As que apresentam melhor grau de recomendação (C) são as escalas AIMS e Pompe-PEDI aplicadas em Pediatria.
PURPOSE: This study has described and analysed the functional independence of the patients served in the haemodialysis services of a countryside town in the State of São Paulo, Brazil, using the Functional Independence Measure (FIM). METHOD: The population considered was that of 214 patients being treated with haemodialysis, assessed in 2011, by means of a social, demographic and clinical report, a Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) and also the FIM. RESULTS: The mean age of the population under study was 58.01 years, while the mean FIM point score was 118.38 points, showing a level of complete or modified independence within this population. Even though the level of dependence found has been low, this can be highlighted, within the locomotion domain, in the activity of going up and down stairs (10.28%). Age, complications arising from haemodialysis, and comorbidities show a negative correlation with FIM. CONCLUSION: Awareness of the level of functional independence of the patients being subjected to treatment with haemodialysis is essential in order to back up intervention for the improvement of nursing assistance provided to this population.
Este estudo aleatorizado não controlado teve como objetivo determinar o efeito de um protocolo de exercício com pesos ou aeróbico no desempenho das atividades da vida diária em mulheres idosas. Para tanto, a amostra foi constituída por 41 mulheres idosas aparentemente saudáveis na faixa etária de 60 a 85 anos de idade (x: 65,1 ± 7,9 anos) divididas aleatoriamente em grupo exercício com pesos (n: 22) ou aeróbico (n: 19). O grupo exercício com pesos consistiu na execução de três séries de oito a 12 repetições a 60% de uma repetição máxima no exercício leg press 45º. O grupo exercício aeróbico consistiu em pedalar em cicloergômetro durante 40 minutos a 60% da frequência cardíaca de reserva. Os dois protocolos foram realizados três vezes por semana durante cinco semanas. As atividades da vida diária selecionadas foram velocidade para se levantar de uma posição sentada (VLPS), velocidade para se levantar de uma posição deitada (VLPD), velocidade para subir escada (VSE) e velocidade para calçar e amarrar o tênis (VCAT). O grupo exercício aeróbico melhorou significativamente o desempenho em VCAT (19,1%), enquanto o exercício com pesos incrementou significativamente o desempenho em VSE (4,3%) e VLPS (8,9%). Os resultados deste estudo permitem concluir que tanto o exercício com pesos como o aeróbico induziram efeito positivo nas atividades da vida diária, sugerindo que ambas as modalidades de exercício devem ser associadas a um programa adequado de exercícios para a melhora da capacidade funcional de pessoas idosas.
Idosos que atendem a determinados critérios demográficos, sociais e econômicos estão especialmente vulneráveis a adoecimento, incapacidades e morte. Desenvolveu-se estudo com o objetivo de identificar idosos vulneráveis segundo critérios determinados e comparar idosos vulneráveis e não-vulneráveis em relação à necessidade de ajuda para atividades. O estudo, de corte transversal, compreendeu coleta de dados com 190 idosos usuários de um Centro de Saúde Escola, em seus domicílios, entre 2006 e 2008, por meio de aplicação do Instrumento para Classificação de Idosos quanto à Capacidade para o Autocuidado. Cento e quarenta e cinco idosos (80%) estão submetidos a pelo menos um critério de risco; 99 (52,1%) referem uma ou mais dificuldades para atividades básicas, sendo que 29 (29,3%) requerem ajuda; 92 (48,4%) idosos mencionam dificuldades para atividades instrumentais e destes, 67 (72,8%) requerem ajuda. Somente 16 (8,4%) adotam práticas de autocuidado para minimizar suas dificuldades e 38 (20%) as adotam para compensar parte delas. O grupo de idosos que atende pelo menos a um critério de risco apresenta proporção maior de indivíduos que requer ajuda para atividades básicas e instrumentais de vida diária. Outras análises possibilitarão verificar a influência de cada critério sobre a funcionalidade. A realização de pesquisa sobre práticas de autocuidado com um maior número de indivíduos possibilitará comparação entre grupos que empregam ou não essas práticas e critérios de risco. Apesar das limitações do estudo, ele suscita planejamento de ações aos idosos com dificuldades e que requeiram ou não ajuda para suas atividades.
QUESTIONS UNDER STUDY: We wished to investigate the prevalence of delirium in patients upon admission to nursing homes and whether or not the previous place of residence predicts delirium. METHODS: The Resident Assessment Instrument Minimum Data Set (RAI-MDS) and the Nursing Home Confusion Assessment Method (NHCAM) were used to determine whether the previous place of residence (community, nursing home, acute care, psychiatric, rehabilitation hospital) predicted the prevalence of sub-syndromal or full delirium in nursing home residents in three Swiss cantons (n = 11745). RESULTS: 39.7% had sub-syndromal and 6.5% had full delirium. Lower cognitive performance and increased depressive symptoms were significant predictors of higher NHCAM values independent of previous residence. Age, civil status, continence, newly introduced drugs, and basic activities of daily living were predictors in some resident groups. The variance of NHCAM scores explained varied between 25.1% and 32.3% depending on previous residence. CONCLUSIONS: Sub-syndromal and full delirium are common upon nursing home admission. Increased dependence and depression are consistently associated with higher NHCAM scores. Patients from psychiatric settings have an increased risk of delirium. Although factors associated with delirium depend on a patient's previous residence, all patients must be carefully screened for sub-syndromal and full delirium.
Apraxia is a higher-order motor disorder impairing the ability to correctly perform skilled, purposive movements as the result of neurological disorders most commonly stroke, dementia and movement disorders. It is increasingly recognised that apraxia negatively influences activities of daily living (ADL). Early diagnosis and treatment should be part of the neurorehabilitation programme. The aim of the present article is to describe the most important subtypes of apraxia such as ideational and ideomotor apraxia as well as their impact on ADL and outcome. Furthermore, the relationship to associated disorders such as aphasia is discussed. Finally, strategies concerning assessment, management and treatment of the disorder are presented.
Few international comparisons of health services are performed using microlevel data. Using such data, this paper compares the need for and receipt of assistance with activities of daily living (ADLs) in comparable samples in the United States and Sweden, a country with a universal system of community-based services.Design and Methods: Data from national surveys of community residents completed at approximately the same time in each nation are used to create comparable measures of need and assistance. Descriptive and logistic regression analyses compare need and assistance patterns across the nations and identify individual factors that explain receipt of assistance and unmet needs.Results:Our results indicate that a simple story of greater use of paid formal services in Sweden and more unpaid informal use in the United States masks a more complex relationship. Assistance with ADLs seems to be more targeted in Sweden; narrow differences in assistance widen considerably when the analysis is limited to those reporting need. Implications:Although these two different health systems result in similar levels of overall ADL assistance, a detailed microlevel comparison reveals key distinctions. Further microlevel comparisons of access, cost, and quality in cross-national data can further aid our understanding of the consequences of health policy.
OBJECT: The goal of this study was to investigate the efficacy of long-term deep brain stimulation (DBS) of the posteroventral lateral globus pallidus internus (GPi) accomplished using a single-contact monopolar electrode in patients with advanced Parkinson disease (PD). METHODS: Sixteen patients suffering from severe PD and levodopa-induced side effects such as dyskinesias and on-off fluctuations were enrolled in a prospective study protocol. There were six women and 10 men and their mean age at surgery was 65 years. All patients underwent implantation of a monopolar electrode in the posteroventral lateral GPi. Initially, nine patients received unilateral stimulation. Three of these patients underwent contralateral surgery at a later time. Ten patients received bilateral stimulation (contemporaneous bilateral surgery was performed in seven patients and staged bilateral surgery in the three patients who had received unilateral stimulation initially). Formal assessments were performed during both off-medication and on-medication (levodopa) periods preoperatively, and at 3 and 12 months postoperatively. There were no serious complications related to surgery or to DBS. Two transient adverse events occurred: in one patient a small pallidal hematoma developed, resulting in a prolonged micropallidotomy effect, and in another patient a subcutaneous hemorrhage occurred at the site of the pacemaker. In patients who received unilateral DBS, the Unified Parkinson's Disease Rating Scale activities of daily living (ADL) score during the off-levodopa period decreased from 30.8 at baseline to 20.4 at 3 months (34% improvement) and 20.6 at 12 months (33% improvement) postoperatively. The motor score during the off period improved from 57.2 at baseline to 35.2 at 3 months (38% improvement) and 35.3 at 12 months (38% improvement) postoperatively. Bilateral DBS resulted in a reduction in the ADL score during the off period from 34.9 at baseline to 22.3 at 3 months (36% improvement) and 22.9 at 12 months (34% improvement). The motor score for the off period changed from 63.4 at baseline to 40.3 at 3 months (36% improvement) and 37.5 at 12 months (41% improvement). In addition, there were significant improvements in patients' symptoms during the on period and in on-off motor fluctuations. CONCLUSIONS: Pallidal DBS accomplished using a monopolar electrode is a safe and effective procedure for treatment of advanced PD. Compared with pallidotomy, the advantages of pallidal DBS lie in its reversibility and the option to perform bilateral surgery in one session. Comparative studies in which DBS is applied to other targets are needed.
OBJECTIVES: Spousal caregivers of Alzheimer's disease patients are at increased risk for cardiovascular disease, possibly via sympathetic response to stressors and subsequent catecholamine surge. Personal mastery (i.e., belief that one can manage life's obstacles) may decrease psychological and physiological response to stressors. This study examines the relationship between mastery and sympathetic arousal in elderly caregivers, as measured by norepinephrine (NE) reactivity to an acute psychological stressor. DESIGN: Cross-sectional. SETTING: Data were collected by a research nurse in each caregiver's home. PARTICIPANTS: Sixty-nine elderly spousal Alzheimer caregivers (mean age: 72.8 years) who were not taking beta-blocking medication. INTERVENTION: After assessment for mastery and objective caregiving stressors, caregivers underwent an experimental speech task designed to induce sympathetic arousal. MEASUREMENTS: Mastery was assessed using Pearlin's Personal Mastery scale and Alzheimer patient functioning was assessed using the Clinical Dementia Rating Scale, Problem Behaviors Scale, and Activities of Daily Living Scale. Plasma NE assays were conducted using pre- and postspeech blood draws. RESULTS: Multiple regression analyses revealed that mastery was significantly and negatively associated with NE reactivity (B = -9.86, t (61) = -2.03, p = 0.046) independent of factors theoretically and empirically linked to NE reactivity. CONCLUSIONS: Caregivers with higher mastery had less NE reactivity to the stressor task. Mastery may exert a protective influence that mitigates the physiological effects of acute stress, and may be an important target for psychosocial interventions in order to reduce sympathetic arousal and cardiovascular stress among dementia caregivers.
BACKGROUND: Pain and depression are known to be associated in later life, and both have a negative effect on physical performance both separately and in combination. The nature of the relationships between pain intensity and depression in elderly persons experiencing pain is less clear. The objectives of this study were to explore which factors are associated with depressed mood in older people experiencing pain, and to test the hypothesis that older people experiencing pain are at risk of depressed mood according to the severity or frequency of their pain. In addition we explored whether other potentially modifiable factors might increase the risk of depressed mood in these persons. METHODS: The study is a secondary analysis of baseline data for four hundred and six community-dwelling non-disabled people aged 65 and over registered with three group practices in suburban London who had experienced pain in the past 4 weeks. Intensity and frequency of pain was measured using 24 item Geriatric Pain Measure (GPM) and the presence of depressive symptoms using the 5 item Mental Health Inventory. Risk for social isolation was measured using the 6 item Lubben Social Network scale and instrumental activities of daily living (IADL) were also measured. RESULTS: Overall 76 (19%) had depressed mood. Pain frequency and severity were not statistically significantly associated with depressed mood in this population. In multivariate analyses, significant predictors of the presence of depressive symptoms were difficulties with basic ADLs (OR 2.8, 95% CI, risk for social isolation (OR 4.1, 95% CI 1.8-9.3), and basic education only (OR 2.2, 95% CI 1.1-4.4). CONCLUSION: Older people experiencing pain are also likely to experience depression. Among those experiencing pain, social network and functional status seem to be more important predictors of depressive symptoms than the severity of pain. Further studies should evaluate whether improvement of social network and functional status might reduce depressive symptoms in older patients.