962 resultados para Winsock API


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Presentation at Open Repositories 2014, Helsinki, Finland, June 9-13, 2014


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Poster at Open Repositories 2014, Helsinki, Finland, June 9-13, 2014


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Poster at Open Repositories 2014, Helsinki, Finland, June 9-13, 2014


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Presentation at Open Repositories 2014, Helsinki, Finland, June 9-13, 2014


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Presentation at Open Repositories 2014, Helsinki, Finland, June 9-13, 2014


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Esitys Kansalliskirjaston Finto-palvelun ja arkistosektorin KDK-yhteistyöverkoston järjestämässä seminaarissa: Linkity! Kohti yhteentoimivaa metatietoa 3.9.2014.


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The emerging technologies have recently challenged the libraries to reconsider their role as a mere mediator between the collections, researchers, and wider audiences (Sula, 2013), and libraries, especially the nationwide institutions like national libraries, haven’t always managed to face the challenge (Nygren et al., 2014). In the Digitization Project of Kindred Languages, the National Library of Finland has become a node that connects the partners to interplay and work for shared goals and objectives. In this paper, I will be drawing a picture of the crowdsourcing methods that have been established during the project to support both linguistic research and lingual diversity. The National Library of Finland has been executing the Digitization Project of Kindred Languages since 2012. The project seeks to digitize and publish approximately 1,200 monograph titles and more than 100 newspapers titles in various, and in some cases endangered Uralic languages. Once the digitization has been completed in 2015, the Fenno-Ugrica online collection will consist of 110,000 monograph pages and around 90,000 newspaper pages to which all users will have open access regardless of their place of residence. The majority of the digitized literature was originally published in the 1920s and 1930s in the Soviet Union, and it was the genesis and consolidation period of literary languages. This was the era when many Uralic languages were converted into media of popular education, enlightenment, and dissemination of information pertinent to the developing political agenda of the Soviet state. The ‘deluge’ of popular literature in the 1920s to 1930s suddenly challenged the lexical orthographic norms of the limited ecclesiastical publications from the 1880s onward. Newspapers were now written in orthographies and in word forms that the locals would understand. Textbooks were written to address the separate needs of both adults and children. New concepts were introduced in the language. This was the beginning of a renaissance and period of enlightenment (Rueter, 2013). The linguistically oriented population can also find writings to their delight, especially lexical items specific to a given publication, and orthographically documented specifics of phonetics. The project is financially supported by the Kone Foundation in Helsinki and is part of the Foundation’s Language Programme. One of the key objectives of the Kone Foundation Language Programme is to support a culture of openness and interaction in linguistic research, but also to promote citizen science as a tool for the participation of the language community in research. In addition to sharing this aspiration, our objective within the Language Programme is to make sure that old and new corpora in Uralic languages are made available for the open and interactive use of the academic community as well as the language societies. Wordlists are available in 17 languages, but without tokenization, lemmatization, and so on. This approach was verified with the scholars, and we consider the wordlists as raw data for linguists. Our data is used for creating the morphological analyzers and online dictionaries at the Helsinki and Tromsø Universities, for instance. In order to reach the targets, we will produce not only the digitized materials but also their development tools for supporting linguistic research and citizen science. The Digitization Project of Kindred Languages is thus linked with the research of language technology. The mission is to improve the usage and usability of digitized content. During the project, we have advanced methods that will refine the raw data for further use, especially in the linguistic research. How does the library meet the objectives, which appears to be beyond its traditional playground? The written materials from this period are a gold mine, so how could we retrieve these hidden treasures of languages out of the stack that contains more than 200,000 pages of literature in various Uralic languages? The problem is that the machined-encoded text (OCR) contains often too many mistakes to be used as such in research. The mistakes in OCRed texts must be corrected. For enhancing the OCRed texts, the National Library of Finland developed an open-source code OCR editor that enabled the editing of machine-encoded text for the benefit of linguistic research. This tool was necessary to implement, since these rare and peripheral prints did often include already perished characters, which are sadly neglected by the modern OCR software developers, but belong to the historical context of kindred languages and thus are an essential part of the linguistic heritage (van Hemel, 2014). Our crowdsourcing tool application is essentially an editor of Alto XML format. It consists of a back-end for managing users, permissions, and files, communicating through a REST API with a front-end interface—that is, the actual editor for correcting the OCRed text. The enhanced XML files can be retrieved from the Fenno-Ugrica collection for further purposes. Could the crowd do this work to support the academic research? The challenge in crowdsourcing lies in its nature. The targets in the traditional crowdsourcing have often been split into several microtasks that do not require any special skills from the anonymous people, a faceless crowd. This way of crowdsourcing may produce quantitative results, but from the research’s point of view, there is a danger that the needs of linguists are not necessarily met. Also, the remarkable downside is the lack of shared goal or the social affinity. There is no reward in the traditional methods of crowdsourcing (de Boer et al., 2012). Also, there has been criticism that digital humanities makes the humanities too data-driven and oriented towards quantitative methods, losing the values of critical qualitative methods (Fish, 2012). And on top of that, the downsides of the traditional crowdsourcing become more imminent when you leave the Anglophone world. Our potential crowd is geographically scattered in Russia. This crowd is linguistically heterogeneous, speaking 17 different languages. In many cases languages are close to extinction or longing for language revitalization, and the native speakers do not always have Internet access, so an open call for crowdsourcing would not have produced appeasing results for linguists. Thus, one has to identify carefully the potential niches to complete the needed tasks. When using the help of a crowd in a project that is aiming to support both linguistic research and survival of endangered languages, the approach has to be a different one. In nichesourcing, the tasks are distributed amongst a small crowd of citizen scientists (communities). Although communities provide smaller pools to draw resources, their specific richness in skill is suited for complex tasks with high-quality product expectations found in nichesourcing. Communities have a purpose and identity, and their regular interaction engenders social trust and reputation. These communities can correspond to research more precisely (de Boer et al., 2012). Instead of repetitive and rather trivial tasks, we are trying to utilize the knowledge and skills of citizen scientists to provide qualitative results. In nichesourcing, we hand in such assignments that would precisely fill the gaps in linguistic research. A typical task would be editing and collecting the words in such fields of vocabularies where the researchers do require more information. For instance, there is lack of Hill Mari words and terminology in anatomy. We have digitized the books in medicine, and we could try to track the words related to human organs by assigning the citizen scientists to edit and collect words with the OCR editor. From the nichesourcing’s perspective, it is essential that altruism play a central role when the language communities are involved. In nichesourcing, our goal is to reach a certain level of interplay, where the language communities would benefit from the results. For instance, the corrected words in Ingrian will be added to an online dictionary, which is made freely available for the public, so the society can benefit, too. This objective of interplay can be understood as an aspiration to support the endangered languages and the maintenance of lingual diversity, but also as a servant of ‘two masters’: research and society.


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O isolamento e a identificação de microrganismos em leite cru se tornam interessantes do ponto de vista de saúde pública, pois dependendo das espécies isoladas, ações direcionadas podem ser tomadas visando a melhoria de sua qualidade. A deterioração do leite é conseqüência sobretudo do crescimento de microrganismos psicrotróficos, que produzem lipases e proteases termoestáveis que não são desnaturadas durante o processo de pasteurização, conferindo sabores e odores rançoso e amargo, respectivamente. Assim, o objetivo deste trabalho foi isolar e identificar os principais gêneros de bactérias pertencentes à família Enterobacteriaceae, Gram-negativas oxidase positiva, gêneros Staphylococcus e Enterococcus, bem como atividade de lipases e proteases de 16 propriedades rurais do município de Boa Esperança-MG. As bactérias Gram-negativas foram isoladas em ágar eosina azul de metileno (EMB) e ágar Entérico Hektoen. Estafilococos foram isolados em ágar Baird-Parker e Enterococcus em ágar KF. Colônias de interesse foram coletadas e submetidas à coloração de Gram, e às provas de catalase e oxidase. Após esses procedimentos, os isolados selecionados foram identificados utilizando-se Bactray I, II e III; Api 20 Strep; e provas sugeridas pelo Bergey's Manual of Determinative Bacteriology. A identificação sorológica de Enterococcus foi realizada utilizando-se Prolex. O leite oriundo das 16 propriedades continha cepas de microrganismos fecais como Escherichia coli e Enterococcus do grupo D de Lancefield. Bactérias Gram-negativas oxidase positiva foram identificadas em cinco propriedades. Staphylococcus foram encontrados em 10 propriedades. O leite coletado nas fazendas investigadas possui microrganismos que comprometem sua qualidade. Todos os grupos de microrganismos testados revelaram atividades de lipase e protease.


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Probiotics are supplementary foods developed by microbial strains that improve animal health beyond basic nutrition. Probiotics are consumed orally, regardless of being considered as normal inhabitants of the intestines, able to survive in enzimatic and biliary secretions. Kefir is a probiotic originated from the old continent, fermented by several bacteria and yeasts, encapsulated in a polyssacharide matrix, and resembles jelly grains. Kefir is also presented as its sourish product both in sugary or milky suspensions containing vitamins, aminoacids, peptides, carbohydrates, ethanol, and volatile compounds. Kefir is known to have a diverse microbial content depending on the country and fermentative substrates, which cause distinct probiotic effects. In this sense, the purpose of this work was to isolate, identify, and quantify the microbial content of a native sugary kefir sample (fermented suspension and lyophilized natural grains). Serial dilutions were plated on Rogosa agar (AR) and De Man, Rogosa and Sharpe (MRS), for Lactobacillus; Brain Heart Infusion (BHI), for total bacteria; Sabouraud-Dextrose-Agar (SDA), for yeasts and filamentous fungi; Thioglycolate Agar (TA), for Streptococcus, Acetobacteria and Leuconostoc; and Coconut Water Agar (CWA), and CWA supplemented with yeast extract (CWAY), for various genera. Genera and species for all strains were identified through biochemical reactions and specific API systems. The microbial profile of kefir was different from other sources of grains despite the presence of similar microorganisms and others which have not been reported yet. The data obtained with the CWA and CWAE media suggest that both substrates are alternative and salutary media for culture of kefir strains.


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Yellowfin tuna has a high level of free histidine in their muscle, which can lead to histamine formation by microorganisms if temperature abuse occurs during handling and further processing. The objective of this study was to measure levels of histamine in damaged and undamaged thawed muscle to determine the effect of physical damage on the microbial count and histamine formation during the initial steps of canning processing and to isolate and identify the main histamine-forming microorganisms present in the flesh of yellowfin tuna. Total mesophilic and psicrophilic microorganisms were determined using the standard plate method. The presence of histamine-forming microorganisms was determined in a modified Niven's agar. Strains were further identified using the API 20E kit for enterobacteriaceae and Gram-negative bacilli. Physically damaged tuna did not show higher microbiological contamination than that of undamaged muscle tuna. The most active histamine-forming microorganism present in tuna flesh was Morganella morganii. Other decarboxylating microorganisms present were Enterobacter agglomerans and Enterobacter cloacae. Physical damage of tune during catching and handling did not increase the level of histamine or the amount of microorganisms present in tuna meat during frozen transportation, but they showed a higher risk of histamine-forming microorganism growth during processing.


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Tutkielman tarkoituksena on vertailla verkkosivujen grafiikkatyökaluja. Tutkielmassa käsitellään kahta 2D-grafiikkaan liittyvää web-tekniikkaa: SVG:tä ja HTML5:n canvas-elementtiä. Ensin esitellään molemmat teknologiat, sitten käydään läpi molempien käyttöä esimerkkien ja kuvien avulla. Työssä esitetään myös eri tapoja toteuttaa animaatioita. Lopuksi teknologioita ja niiden käyttömahdollisuuksia vertaillaan. Tutkielmassa pyritään vastaamaan seuraaviin kysymyksiin: Mitä ovat SVG ja HTML5:n canvas-elementti? Miten niitä käytetään? Miten ne eroavat toisistaan? Mihin käyttötarkoituksiin ne sopivat? SVG on skaalautuvan vektorigrafiikan formaatti kaksiulotteisen grafiikan esittämiseen. SVG perustuu vektoreihin ja se kuvataan XML-tyylisellä kielellä. SVG soveltuu tilanteisiin, joissa kuviota halutaan suurentaa ja pienentää laadun kärsimättä. HTML5:n uutuus canvas-elementti luo verkkosivulle piirtoalustan, johon voidaan piirtää JavaScriptillä Canvas API:n kautta. Canvas-alustalle piirretyt kuvat perustuvat bittikarttaan, joten teknologia soveltuu parhaiten pikseleiden tasolla tehtyihin operaatioihin ja esimerkiksi web-ohjelmien toteuttamiseen.


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MicroARN (miARN) ont récemment émergé comme un acteur central du gène réseau de régulation impliqués dans la prise du destin cellulaire. L'apoptose, un actif processus, par lequel des cellules déclenchent leur auto-destruction en réponse à un signal, peut être contrôlé par les miARN. Il a également été impliqué dans une variété de maladies humaines, comme les maladies du cœur, et a été pensé comme une cible pour le traitement de la maladie. Tanshinone IIA (TIIA), un monomère de phenanthrenequinones utilisé pour traiter maladies cardiovasculaires, est connu pour exercer des effets cardioprotecteurs de l'infarctus du myocarde en ciblant l'apoptose par le renforcement de Bcl-2 expression. Pour explorer les liens potentiels entre le miARN et l'action anti-apoptotique de TIIA, nous étudié l'implication possible des miARN. Nous avons constaté que l'expression de tous les trois membres de la famille miR-34, miR-34a, miR-34b et miR-34c ont été fortement régulée à la hausse après l'exposition soit à la doxorubicine, un agent endommageant l'ADN ou de pro-oxydant H2O2 pendant 24 heures. Cette régulation à la hausse causé significativement la mort cellulaire par apoptose, comme déterminé par fragmentation de l'ADN, et les effets ont été renversés par les ARNs antisens de ces miARN. Le prétraitement des cellules avec TIIA avant l'incubation avec la doxorubicine ou H2O2 a empêché surexpression de miR-34 et a réduit des apoptose. Nous avons ensuite établi BCL2L2, API5 et TCL1, en plus de BCL2, comme les gènes nouveaux cibles pour miR-34. Nous avons également élucidé que la répression des ces gènes par MiR-34 explique l'effet proapoptotique dans les cardiomyocytes. Ce que la régulation positive de ces gènes par TIIA realisée par la répression de l'expression de miR-34 est probable le mécanisme moléculaire de son effet bénéfique contre ischémique lésions cardiaques.


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Le présent projet vise à documenter la nécessité d’augmenter notre connaissance de la présence des contaminants organiques tels que les médicaments dans l’environnement et d’évaluer leur devenir environnemental. On a étudié la présence de composés pharmaceutiques dans différents échantillons d'eau. On a focalisé nos efforts spécialement sur les échantillons d'eau de l'usine d'épuration de la Ville de Montréal et ses effluents, les eaux de surface avoisinantes et l’eau du robinet dans la région de Montréal. Pour ce faire, on a tout d’abord développé deux méthodes analytiques automatisées basées sur la chromatographie liquide avec extraction en phase solide (SPE) couplée à la chromatographie liquide couplée à la spectrométrie de masse en tandem (LC-MS/MS). On a également étudié les performances des trois techniques d'ionisation à pression atmosphérique (API), pour ensuite les utiliser dans la méthode analytique développée. On a démontré que l'ionisation par électronébulisation (ESI) est une méthode d'ionisation plus efficace pour l'analyse des contaminants pharmaceutiques dans des échantillons de matrices très complexes comme les eaux usées. Une première méthode analytique SPE couplée à la LC-MS/MS a été développée et validée pour l'étude des échantillons complexes provenant de l'usine d'épuration de la Ville de Montréal et des eaux de surface près de l'usine. Cinq médicaments de prescription ont été étudiés: le bézafibrate (un régulateur de lipides), le cyclophosphamide et le méthotrexate (deux agents anticancéreux), l'orlistat (un agent anti-obésité) et l’énalapril (utilisé dans le traitement de l'hypertension). La plupart de ces drogues sont excrétées par le corps humain et rejetées dans les eaux usées domestiques en faisant par la suite leur chemin vers les usines municipales de traitement des eaux usées. On a pu démontrer qu'il y a un faible taux d’élimination à l'usine d'épuration pour le bézafibrate et l'énalapril. Ces deux composés ont aussi été détectés dans les eaux de surface sur un site à proximité immédiate de la décharge de l’effluent de la station d'épuration. i En observant la nécessité de l'amélioration des limites de détection de la première méthode analytique, une deuxième méthode a été développée. Pour la deuxième méthode, un total de 14 contaminants organiques, incluant trois agents anti-infectieux (clarithromycin, sulfaméthoxazole et triméthoprime), un anticonvulsant (carbamazépine) et son produit de dégradation (10,11-dihydrocarbamazépine), l'agent antihypertensif (enalapril), deux antinéoplastiques utilisés en chimiothérapie (cyclophosphamide et méthotrexate), des herbicides (atrazine, cyanazine, et simazine) et deux produits de transformation de l’atrazine (deséthylatrazine et déisopropylatrazine) ainsi qu’un agent antiseptique (triclocarban). Ces produits ont été quantifiés dans les eaux de surface ainsi que dans l’eau du robinet. L'amélioration des limites de détection pour cette méthode a été possible grâce à la charge d'un volume d'échantillon supérieur à celui utilisé dans la première méthode (10 mL vs 1 mL). D'autres techniques de confirmation, telles que les spectres des ions produits utilisant une pente d’énergie de collision inverse dans un spectromètre de masse à triple quadripôle et la mesure des masses exactes par spectrométrie de masse à temps d’envol, ont été explorées. L'utilisation d'un analyseur de masse à temps d’envol a permis la confirmation de 6 des 14 analytes. Finalement, étant donné leur haute toxicité et pour évaluer leur persistance et leur transformation au niveau du traitement des eaux potables, la cinétique d'oxydation du cyclophosphamide et de méthotrexate avec l'ozone moléculaire et des radicaux OH a été étudiée. Les constantes de dégradation avec l'ozone moléculaire ont été calculées et la qualité de l'eau après traitement a pu être évaluée. Le rendement du processus d'ozonation a été amélioré pour la cyclophosphamide dans les eaux naturelles, en raison de la combinaison de réactions directes et indirectes. Cette étude a montré que l'ozone est très efficace pour oxyder le méthotrexate mais que le cyclophosphamide serait trop lent à s’oxyder pour un traitement efficace aux conditions usuelles de traitement de l’eau potable.


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Das hier frei verfügbare Skript und die Sammlung an Klausuren mit Musterlösungen aus den Jahren 2006 bis 2015 geht auf die gleichnamige Vorlesung im Bachelorstudiengang Informatik an der Universität Kassel zurück, die von Prof. Dr. Wegner und ab 2012 von Dr. Schweinsberg angeboten wurde. Behandelt werden die Grundlagen der eXtensible Markup Language, die sich als Datenaustauschsprache etabliert hat. Im Gegensatz zu HTML erlaubt sie die semantische Anreicherung von Dokumenten. In der Vorlesung wird die Entwicklung von XML-basierten Sprachen sowie die Transformierung von XML-Dokumenten mittels Stylesheets (eXtensible Stylesheet Language XSL) behandelt. Ebenfalls werden die DOM-Schnittstelle (Document Object Model) und SAX (Simple API for XML) vorgestellt.


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Presentación del software desarrollado inicialmente por Horacio González Diéguez y Berio Molina Quiroga para el proyecto Escoitar (http://www.escoitar.org); un sitio Web elaborado mediante un mashup que combina la tecnología podcast con los mapas de Google. En breve Escoitar.org lanzará su versión 2.0 desarrollada íntegramente con SPIP, CMS distribuido bajo licencia GNU/GPL de origen francés (http://www.SPIP.net/es). Nuestra contribución a SPIP ha sido un conjunto de plugins que utilizan GeoRSS, tecnología de sindicación con información geográfica, para facilitar la integración de artículos, imágenes, o sonidos, en mapas como los de Google (http://www.SPIP-contrib.net/Plugin-GIS-escoitar). SPIP GIS permite asociar información geográfica a los elementos tradicionales de un gestor de contenidos como artículos, temas o etiquetas. Google Map Api Plugin utiliza dicha información geográfica para construir google maps en los que se integre la información contenida en el sitio Web. La arquitectura de estos dos plugins ha sido desarrollada para posibilitar en un futuro el uso de otras plataformas como los mapas de Yahoo o de OpenStreetMap