986 resultados para Wide-Base Tires.
Growing agricultural crops in wide row spacings has been widely adopted to conserve water, to control pests and diseases, and to minimise problems associated with sowing into stubble. The development of herbicide resistance combined with the advent of precision agriculture has resulted in a further reason for wide row spacings to be adopted: weed control. Increased row spacing enables two different methods of weed control to be implemented with non-selective chemical and physical control methods utilised in the wide inter-row zone, with or without selective chemicals used on the on-row only. However, continual application of herbicides and tillage on the inter-row zone brings risks of herbicide resistance, species shifts and/or changes in species dominance, crop damage, increased costs, yield losses, and more expensive weed management technology.
Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on selvittää, millaisia tiedonhakustrategioita tiedonhakijatkäyttävät etsiessään tietoa Internetistä. Käyttäjät luokitellaan kolmeen ryhmään tiedonhakustrategiansa mukaan. Haku-suuntautuneet käyttäjät käyttävät enimmäkseen hakukoneita, niin koko Internetin kattavia kuin sivustojen sisäisiäkin. Linkkisuuntautuneet taas joko tietävät tai arvaavat kohdesivuston osoitteen tai käyttävät laajoja hierarkkisia hakemistoja tiedon löytämiseen. He navigoivat mielummin sivustollakin linkkejä käyttäen eivätkä yleensä käytä hakutoimintoa. Eriytyneet käyttäjät eivät säännönmukaisesti suosi kumpaakaan tapaa, vaan valitsevat strategian tehtävän mukaan. Tietoa kerättiin kahdella tavalla: WWW-sivulla olleella kyselylomakkeella ja tiedonhakutestillä, jossa käyttäjille annettiin suoritettavaksi erilaisia tiedonhakutehtäviä. Tiedonhakutehtävät lajiteltiin kolmeen ryhmään sen mukaan, mitä strategiaa ne suosivat: hakustrategiaa suosivat, linkkistrategiaa suosivat ja neutraalit tehtävät. Tutkimusongelmana oli selvittää, kuinka tehtävän tyyppi ja ATK- ja Internet-kokemus vaikuttavat tiedonhakustrategian valintaan. Kävi ilmi, ettei käyttäjien suuntautuneisuus tiettyyn strategiaan vaikuta tiedonhakustrategian valintaan, vaan ainoastaan tehtävän tyyppi oli merkitsevä tekijä. Aikaisemman tutkimustiedon valossa kokeenet suosivat haku-suuntautunutta strategiaa. Tässä tutkimuksessa havaittiin, että kokemus lisäsi molempien strategioiden käyttöä yhtäläisesti, mutta tämä ilmiö oli havaittavissa ainoastaan kysely-lomakkeen pohjalta, ei testeissä. Molempien tiedonhakustrategioiden käyttö lisääntyy kokemuksen myötä, mutta suhteelliset osuudet pysyvät samoina. Syyksi sille, että kokeneet eivät suosineet hakustrategiaa, esitetään sitä, että tehtävät olivat liian helppoja, jolloin kokemus ei pääse auttamaan. Oleellisia eroja suoritusajoissa tai hakustrategian vaihdon tiheydessä ei havaittu suhteessa kokemukseen, ainoastaan suhteessa tehtävän tyyppiin.Tämäkin selitettiin toisentyyppisten tehtävien helppoudella. Tutkimuksessa pohditaan lisäksi asiantuntijuuden syntyä tiedonhakukontekstissa sekä esitetään metatietohypoteesi, jonka mukaan tiedonhakustrategian valintaan vaikuttaa tärkeänä tekijänä käyttäjän metatieto hakupalveluista. Metatietoon kuuluu tieto siitä, mitä hakukoneita on saatavilla, mitä tietoa verkosta kannattaa hakea, millä yrityksillä ja yhteisöillä on sisältörikkaat sivut jne, ja minkä tyyppistä tietoa yleensä on saatavilla. Kaikenkaikkiaan strategian valintaan esitetään taustalle kolmen tason tiedon vaikutusta: 1) oma asiantuntemus haettavasta alasta, 2) metatieto Internetin tiedonhakupalveluista sekä 3) tekninen tieto siitä, kuinka hakukoneet toimivat. Avainsanat: tiedonhaku, tiedonhakustrategia, hakukone, WWW, metatieto, kognitiivinen psykologia
If the amount of physical activity in a society increased, it should improve public health; but uncertainties remain about how to achieve this. Professor Philip Baker from the Queensland University of Technology in Australia describes the findings from the January 2015 update of the Cochrane review of the evidence on community-wide interventions.
People who are physically active have higher levels of health related fitness, and a lower risk profile for developing a number of disabling medical conditions and chronic diseases. However, despite considerable evidence of the benefits of regular physical activity, global levels of physical inactivity remain stubbornly high. In response, governments are looking to find ways to increase the physical activity of their populations.
The low cycle fatigue behaviour of precipitation strengthened nickel-base superalloy 720Li containing a low concentration of interstitial carbon and boron was studied at 25, 400 and 650 degrees C. Cyclic stress response at all temperatures was stable under fully reversed constant total strain amplitude (Delta epsilon/2) when Delta epsilon/2 <= 0.6%. At Delta epsilon/2 > 0.6%, cyclic hardening was followed by softening, until fracture at 25 and 650 degrees C. At 400 degrees C, however, cyclic stress plateaued after initial hardening. Dislocation-dislocation interactions and precipitate shearing were the micromechanisms responsible for the cyclic hardening and softening, respectively. The number of reversals to failure vs. plastic strain amplitude plot exhibits a bilinear Coffin-Manson relation. Transmission electron microscopy substructures revealed that planar slip was the major deformation mode under the conditions examined. However, differences in its distribution were observed to be the cause for the bilinearity in fatigue lives. The presence of fine deformation twins at low Delta epsilon/2 at 650 degrees C suggests the role of twinning in homogenization of cyclic deformation.
A novel thermistor-based temperature indicator using an RC oscillator and an up/down counter has been developed and described. The indicator provides linear performance over a wide dynamic temperature range of 0-100°C. This indicator is free from the error due to lead resistances of the thermistor and gives a maximum error of ±0 · 1°C in the range 0-100°C. Test results are given to support the theory.
Queensland fruit fly, Bactrocera tryoni (Froggatt), is the most serious pest of the native tephritid species in Australia and a significant market access impediment for fruit commodities from any area where this species is endemic. An area-wide management (AWM) program was implemented in the Central Burnett district of Queensland with the aim of improving fruit fly control and enhancing market access opportunities for citrus and other fruits produced in the district. The primary control measures adopted in the AWM system included bait spraying of commercial and non-commercial hosts and the year-round installation of male annihilation technology (MAT) carriers in both orchards and town areas. The MAT carrier used consisted of a dental wick impregnated with 1 ml cue-lure [4-(4-acetoxyphenol)-2-butanone] and 1 ml Malathion 500 EC in a plastic cup. The application of these control measures from 2003 to 2007 resulted in overall suppression of fruit fly populations across the entire district. Male trap catches at the peak activity time were reduced by 95% and overall fruit fly infestation in untreated backyard fruit of town areas reduced from 60.8% to 21.8%. Our results demonstrate remarkable improvement in fruit fly control and economic benefit to the Central Burnett horticulture. Therefore, commercial growers are continuing the AWM program as a long-term, industry funded activity, to provide an additional layer of phytosanitary security for market access of fruit commodities from this district.
Antipyrine is a well known ligand for lanthanides (I). A forage through the organic literature of pyrazolones reveals that the 4-position of antipyrine is amenable to a wide variety of organic reactions. It should thus be possible to introduce suitable functional groups at this position and design new multidentate ligands for metal ions. It is also found that the coordination chemistry of lanthanides is much less well developed and far fewer ligands have been used for complexation with lanthanide ions compared to that of the d-transition metal ions. Keeping these points in view we have reported earlier, complexes of lanthanides with a bidentate ligand N,N-diethyl-antipyrine-4-carboxamide (2). In this communication we report the synthesis of two new ligands from Schiff base condensation of antipyraldehyde and the hydrazides of acetic and benzoic acids and the complexes formed by these hydrazones with lanthanide perchlorates.
BACKGROUND OR CONTEXT Laboratories provide the physical spaces for engineering students to connect with theory and have a personal hands-on learning experience. Learning space design and development is well established in many universities however laboratories are often not part of that movement. While active, collaborative and group learning pedagogies are all key words in relation to these new spaces the concepts have always been central to laboratory based learning. The opportunity to build on and strengthen good practice in laboratories is immense. In the 2001 review “Universities in Crisis” many references are made to the decline of laboratories. One such comment in the review was made by Professor Ian Chubb (AVCC), who in 2013, as Chief Scientist for Australia, identifies the national concern about STEM education and presents a strategic plan to address the challenges ahead. What has been achieved and changed in engineering teaching and research laboratories in this time? PURPOSE OR GOAL A large number of universities in Australia and New Zealand own laboratory and other infrastructure designed well for the era they were built but now showing signs of their age, unable to meet the needs of today’s students, limiting the effectiveness of learning outcomes and presenting very low utilisation rates. This paper will present a model for new learning space design that improves student experience and engagement, supporting academic aims and significantly raising the space utilisation rate. APPROACH A new approach in laboratory teaching and research including new management has been adopted by the engineering disciplines at QUT. Flexibility is an underpinning principle along with the modularisation of fixed teaching and learning equipment, high utilisation of spaces and dynamic pedagogical approaches. The revitalised laboratories and workshop facilities are used primarily for the engineering disciplines and increasingly for integrated use across many disciplines in the STEM context. The new approach was built upon a base of an integrated faculty structure from 2005 and realised in 2010 as an associated development with the new Science and Engineering Centre (SEC). Evaluation through student feedback surveys for practical activities, utilisation rate statistics and uptake by academic and technical staff indicate a very positive outcome. DISCUSSION Resulting from this implementation has been increased satisfaction by students, creation of social learning and connecting space and an environment that meets the needs and challenges of active, collaborative and group learning pedagogies. Academic staff are supported, technical operations are efficient and laboratories are effectively utilised. RECOMMENDATIONS/IMPLICATIONS/CONCLUSION Future opportunities for continuous improvement are evident in using the student feedback to rectify faults and improve equipment, environment and process. The model is easily articulated and visible to other interested parties to contribute to sector wide development of learning spaces.
To study the genetic basis of tick burden and milk production and their interrelationship, we collected a sample of 1961 cattle with multiple tick counts from northern Australia of which 973 had dairy production data in the Australian Dairy Herd Information Service database. We calculated heritabilities, genetic and phenotypic correlations for these traits and showed a negative relationship between tick counts and milk and milk component yield. Tests of polymorphisms of four genes associated with milk yield, ABCG2, DGAT1, GHR and PRLR, showed no statistically significant effect on tick burden but highly significant associations to milk component yield in these data and we confirmed separate effects for GHR and PRLR on bovine chromosome 20. To begin to identify some of the molecular genetic bases for these traits, we genotyped a sample of 189 of these cattle for 7397 single nucleotide polymorphisms in a genome-wide association study. Although the allele effects for adjusted milk fat and protein yield were highly correlated (r = 0.66), the correlations of allele effects of these milk component yields and tick burden were small (|r| <= 0.10). These results agree in general with the phenotypic correlations between tick counts and milk component yield and suggest that selection on markers for tick burden or milk component yield may have no undesirable effect on the other trait.
Loading margin sensitivity (LMS) has been widely used in applications in the realm of voltage stability assessment and control. Typically, LMS is derived based on system equilibrium equations near bifurcation and therefore requires full detailed system model and significant computation effort. Availability of phasor measurement units (PMUs) due to the recent development of wide-area monitoring system (WAMS) provides an alternative computation-friendly approach for calculating LMS. With such motivation, this work proposes measurement-based wide-area loading margin sensitivity (WALMS) in bulk power systems. The proposed sensitivity, with its simplicity, has great potential to be embedded in real-time applications. Moreover, the calculation of the WALMS is not limited to low voltage near bifurcation point. A case study on IEEE 39-bus system verifies the proposed sensitivity. Finally, a voltage control scenario demonstrates the potential application of the WALMS.
The most common causes of urinary tract infections (UTIs) are Gram-negative pathogens such as Escherichia coli; however, Gram-positive organisms including Streptococcus agalactiae, or group B streptococcus (GBS), also cause UTI. In GBS infection, UTI progresses to cystitis once the bacteria colonize bladder, but the host responses triggered in the bladder immediately following infection are largely unknown. Here, we used genome-wide expression profiling to map the bladder transcriptome of GBS UTI in mice infected transurethrally with uropathogenic GBS that was cultured from a 35 year-old women with cystitis. RNA from bladders was applied to Affymetrix Gene-1.0ST microarrays; qRT-PCR was used to analyze selected gene responses identified in array datasets. A surprisingly small significant gene list of 172 genes was identified at 24h; this compared to 2507 genes identified in a side-by-side comparison with uropathogenic E. coli (UPEC). No genes exhibited significantly altered expression at 2h in GBS-infected mice according to arrays despite high bladder bacterial loads at this early time point. The absence of a marked early host response to GBS juxtaposed with broad-based bladder responses activated by UPEC at 2h. Bioinformatics analyses including integrative systems-level network mapping revealed multiple activated biological pathways in the GBS cystitis transcriptome that regulate leukocyte activation, inflammation, apoptosis, and cytokine-chemokine biosynthesis. These findings define a novel, minimalistic type of bladder host response triggered by GBS UTI, which comprises collective antimicrobial pathways that differ dramatically from those activated by UPEC. Overall, this study emphasizes the unique nature of bladder immune activation mechanisms triggered by distinct uropathogens.
Metabolites are small molecules involved in cellular metabolism, which can be detected in biological samples using metabolomic techniques. Here we present the results of genome-wide association and meta-analyses for variation in the blood serum levels of 129 metabolites as measured by the Biocrates metabolomic platform. In a discovery sample of 7,478 individuals of European descent, we find 4,068 genome- and metabolome-wide significant (Z-test, P<1.09 × 10−9) associations between single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and metabolites, involving 59 independent SNPs and 85 metabolites. Five of the fifty-nine independent SNPs are new for serum metabolite levels, and were followed-up for replication in an independent sample (N=1,182). The novel SNPs are located in or near genes encoding metabolite transporter proteins or enzymes (SLC22A16, ARG1, AGPS and ACSL1) that have demonstrated biomedical or pharmaceutical importance. The further characterization of genetic influences on metabolic phenotypes is important for progress in biological and medical research.
Thirteen common susceptibility loci have been reproducibly associated with cutaneous malignant melanoma (CMM). We report the results of an international 2-stage meta-analysis of CMM genome-wide association studies (GWAS). This meta-analysis combines 11 GWAS (5 previously unpublished) and a further three stage 2 data sets, totaling 15,990 CMM cases and 26,409 controls. Five loci not previously associated with CMM risk reached genome-wide significance (P < 5 × 10−8), as did 2 previously reported but unreplicated loci and all 13 established loci. Newly associated SNPs fall within putative melanocyte regulatory elements, and bioinformatic and expression quantitative trait locus (eQTL) data highlight candidate genes in the associated regions, including one involved in telomere biology.