869 resultados para Welfare legislation


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In the last twenty years, in most Western countries, kinship foster care has become an integral part of childcare systems,growing progressively with regard to the numbers of children involved and relative weight as a care resource within thesystem; indeed, in some countries it is even more common than other placement options, such as non-kinship foster careand residential care. Research on this phenomenon is still recent and scarce, and there are few programmes targeting thispopulation. In this article we present the results of a descriptive study on kinship foster care in the city of Barcelona,including information and data from the different stakeholders involved. From a quality of life research perspective weanalyze the perceptions, evaluation and expressed satisfaction of caregivers, children and practitioners from the specialistChild and Adolescent Teams (EAIAs) responsible for the study and follow-up of kinship foster care cases. The researchpresented results are in line with those of current research in this field, and lays the basis for the future development ofkinship foster care programmes


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Desde hace aproximadamente dos décadas, en la mayoría de los países occidentales, los acogimientos en familia extensa han entrado a formar parte de los sistemas de protección infantil, siguiendo una evolución creciente en cuanto a número y peso especifico como recurso de acogimiento. Las investigaciones sobre este fenómeno son aún recientes y escasas como también lo son los programas dirigidos a esta población. En el presente artículo presentamos los resultados de un estudio descriptivo sobre los acogimientos en familia extensa en la ciudad de Barcelona, donde se recogen datos de los principales agentes implicados en este fenómeno. Desde la perspectiva de los estudios de la calidad de vida se analizan las percepciones, evaluaciones, y satisfacción expresada, por parte de los acogedores, los niños/as acogidos y los profesionales de los Equipos de Atención a la Infancia y Adolescencia (EAIA) que se encargan del estudio y seguimiento de estos acogimientos. La investigación presenta unos resultados acordes con los estudios que actualmente se realizan en este ámbito y sienta las bases para el despliegue futuro de programas dirigidos a los acogimientos en familia extensa


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This study examines the possible differences in IFRS implementation between Finnish and Russian companies as well as reasons behind them by theoretical means as well as by incorporating a case study of two companies.


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The update of the Finnish legislation concerning waste was unavoidable, to comply with the European Union (EU) requirements defined in the EU-Directive on Waste. The new waste law updates were enacted into the Finnish legislation on the 11.03.2011 and targeted for applicability by the 11.03.2012. This thesis investigates the implications of the new amendments to the waste legislation from the perspective of green sand foundries. The investigations are conducted by comparing two of Componenta’s green sand foundries and evaluating their waste streams. Additionally, the impacts of legislation amendments are critiqued on their environmental and economic aspects. The study’s comparison of waste fractions at the two foundries reveals that sand is dominant in absolute tonnage and costs. The increments of waste taxes forces foundries to focus on waste management, recycling and disposing. The new legislation’s promotion of material efficiency, also guides foundries towards the prevention of waste. A potential preventive measure is to regenerate waste sand resulting to cost savings on both raw-materials and waste management. However, the lack of absolute targets for waste prevention or recycling rates discourages the interests towards creating or adopting new technologies and methods for the waste handling.


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The increasing demand of consumer markets for the welfare of birds in poultry house has motivated many scientific researches to monitor and classify the welfare according to the production environment. Given the complexity between the birds and the environment of the aviary, the correct interpretation of the conduct becomes an important way to estimate the welfare of these birds. This study obtained multiple logistic regression models with capacity of estimating the welfare of broiler breeders in relation to the environment of the aviaries and behaviors expressed by the birds. In the experiment, were observed several behaviors expressed by breeders housed in a climatic chamber under controlled temperatures and three different ammonia concentrations from the air monitored daily. From the analysis of the data it was obtained two logistic regression models, of which the first model uses a value of ammonia concentration measured by unit and the second model uses a binary value to classify the ammonia concentration that is assigned by a person through his olfactory perception. The analysis showed that both models classified the broiler breeder's welfare successfully.


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Estimates of broiler welfare have subjective character. Nowadays, researchers seek non-invasive features or indicators that may describe this condition in animal production. The aim of this study was to identify acoustic parameters to estimate broiler welfare using the following five vocalization acoustic parameters: energy, spectral centroid, bandwidth, first formant, and second formant. The database that generated the model was obtained from a field experiment with 432 broilers, which half were Cobb® and half, Ross® breed, from day 21 to 42, containing bird vocalizations under either welfare or stress conditions. The results of the experiment generated responses to the tested conditions of gender, genetic strain, and welfare. The proposed model was based on the specific response of mean weights for each situation of stress and well-being. From the results, a model was developed to estimate the welfare condition of broilers from the registered information linked to their vocalization.


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Prerequisites and effects of proactive and preventive psycho-social student welfare activities in Finnish preschool and elementary school were of interest in the present thesis. So far, Finnish student welfare work has mainly focused on interventions and individuals, and the voluminous possibilities to enhance well-being of all students as a part of everyday school work have not been fully exploited. Consequently, in this thesis three goals were set: (1) To present concrete examples of proactive and preventive psycho-social student welfare activities in Finnish basic education; (2) To investigate measurable positive effects of proactive and preventive activities; and (3) To investigate implementation of proactive and preventive activities in ecological contexts. Two prominent phenomena in preschool and elementary school years—transition to formal schooling and school bullying—were chosen as examples of critical situations that are appropriate targets for proactive and preventive psycho-social student welfare activities. Until lately, the procedures concerning both school transitions and school bullying have been rather problem-focused and reactive in nature. Theoretically, we lean on the bioecological model of development by Bronfenbrenner and Morris with concentric micro-, meso-, exo- and macrosystems. Data were drawn from two large-scale research projects, the longitudinal First Steps Study: Interactive Learning in the Child–Parent– Teacher Triangle, and the Evaluation Study of the National Antibullying Program KiVa. In Study I, we found that the academic skills of children from preschool–elementary school pairs that implemented several supportive activities during the preschool year developed more quickly from preschool to Grade 1 compared with the skills of children from pairs that used fewer practices. In Study II, we focused on possible effects of proactive and preventive actions on teachers and found that participation in the KiVa antibullying program influenced teachers‘ self-evaluated competence to tackle bullying. In Studies III and IV, we investigated factors that affect implementation rate of these proactive and preventive actions. In Study III, we found that principal‘s commitment and support for antibullying work has a clear-cut positive effect on implementation adherence of student lessons of the KiVa antibullying program. The more teachers experience support for and commitment to anti-bullying work from their principal, the more they report having covered KiVa student lessons and topics. In Study IV, we wanted to find out why some schools implement several useful and inexpensive transition practices, whereas other schools use only a few of them. We were interested in broadening the scope and looking at local-level (exosystem) qualities, and, in fact, the local-level activities and guidelines, along with teacherreported importance of the transition practices, were the only factors significantly associated with the implementation rate of transition practices between elementary schools and partner preschools. Teacher- and school-level factors available in this study turned out to be mostly not significant. To summarize, the results confirm that school-based promotion and prevention activities may have beneficial effects not only on students but also on teachers. Second, various top-down processes, such as engagement at the level of elementary school principals or local administration may enhance implementation of these beneficial activities. The main message is that when aiming to support the lives of children the primary focus should be on adults. In future, promotion of psychosocial well-being and the intrinsic value of inter- and intrapersonal skills need to be strengthened in the Finnish educational systems. Future research efforts in student welfare and school psychology, as well as focused training for psychologists in educational contexts, should be encouraged in the departments of psychology and education in Finnish universities. Moreover, a specific research centre for school health and well-being should be established.


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Metsäteollisuus on tullut Suomeen ulkomaisen pääoman ja tietotaidon avulla vajaat kaksisataa vuotta sitten. Se on toiminut melkein koko jatkosodan jälkeisen ajan suojatussa ympäristössä ja ulkomaisesta kilpailusta riippumattomassa toimintaympäristössä. Kuten Porter ja muut ovat todistaneet, tällainen toimintaympäristö ei kehitä kansainvälisesti kilpailukykyistä teollisuutta globaaleilla markkinoilla. Liittyminen Euroopan unioniin ja sittemmin Euroopan rahaliittoon saattoi puunjalostusteollisuuden täysin uudenlaiseen kilpailutilanteeseen. Sama tapahtui myös alan pk-yrityksille, jotka olivat joutuneet toimimaan heikosti kilpailluilla raaka-ainemarkkinoilla. Tutkimus on tulevaisuudentutkimus, jossa tutkimusongelmia lähestytään kolmen teorian avulla. Porterin klusteriteoria tarjoaa mahdollisuuden arvioida metsäteollisuutta sekä kokonaisuutena että toimivana monimuotoisena organisaationa, jossa kustannukset ja hinta muodostuvat arvoketjun toimijoiden osakustannuksista. Bionomiateoria eli darvinistinen talousteoria testaa suomalaisen puunjalostusteollisuuden pk-yritysten kilpailukykyä ja paineita hakeutua edullisemmille toiminta- alueille. Evoluutioteoria tarkastelee sukupolvenvaihdoksen problematiikkaa. Sukupolvenvaihdoksen onnistuminen muodostuu puutoimialan elämän ja kuoleman kysymykseksi. Tämä on etenkin pk-yrityksiä kohtaava ongelma. Asiaa selvitettiin Mauno Rintalan suorittamalla kyselytutkimuksella Puuteollisuusyrittäjien jäsenistön keskuudessa. Ongelma johtuu suurista sodan jälkeen syntyneistä ikäluokista. Nämä vuosina 1945– 50 syntyneet ovat siirtymässä eläkkeelle vuosien 2005 ja 2015 välillä. Kyseisissä ikäluokissa yritystiheys on noin kaksi kertaa suurempi kuin sen jälkeisissä ikäluokissa. Suoritetun kyselyn sekä muiden suomalaisten ja kansainvälisten tutkimusten perusteella näyttää siltä, että eläkkeelle siirryttäessä vain noin 30 %:lla yrityksistä on jatkaja tiedossa suvusta tai lähipiiristä. Tämä merkitsee sitä, että 70 % eläköityvän ikäluokan omistamista yrityksistä poistuu pysyvästi markkinoilta. Suomessa poistuma merkitsee noin 40 % koko yritysvarannosta eli noin 80 000 yritystä. Tilastot toimivien yritysten määrästä ovat kuitenkin hyvin ristiriitaisia, joten todellista määrää on mahdoton arvioida. Noin suuren määrän poistuminen markkinoilta uhkaa jo hyvinvointivaltion perusrakenteita. Tutkimustulos edellyttää nopeita toimenpiteitä teollisten pkyritysten pelastamiseksi ja säilyttämiseksi Suomessa. Sukupolvenvaihdoksen onnistuminen on tässä prosessissa ensiarvoisessa asemassa. Kaikkien edellä mainittujen yritysten poistuminen markkinoilta edellyttäisi noin 400 000 uuden yrityksen perustamista, koska ainoastaan noin 20 % yrityksistä selviää ensimmäiset kolme vuotta. Tutkimukseen perustuen esitetään prosessimalli sukupolvenvaihdoksen suorittamiseksi. Suomen tärkeimmissä kilpailijamaissa valtioiden metsäomistus on määräävässä asemassa. Meillä metsät ovat yksityisessä omistuksessa ja vain pieni osa valtion omistuksessa. Puumarkkinat toimivat markkinatalouden ehdoilla ilman valtion ohjausta. Ongelmaksi on kehittymässä puun saanti. Metsänomistus on sukupolvien myötä hajaantunut hyvin pieniksi metsälöiksi. Nykyiset metsänomistajat asuvat kaupungeissa ja ovat pääosin palkkatyössä. He eivät ole samalla tavoin riippuvaisia puutuloista kuin heidän esi-isänsä. Metsäverotuksen uudistuminen lisää puun saannin epävarmuutta. Se on muuttumassa pinta-alaverotuksesta puun myynnin verotukseen. Puun myynti on vilkasta ennen järjestelmien vaihtumista ja vähäisempää sen jälkeen. Myös näitä ongelmia on pyritty ratkomaan uudenlaisen metsänomistusmallin avulla. Puuteollisuus on hyvin vanha teollisuudenala. Raaka-aine muodostaa määräävän osan kustannuksista. Muutokset ovat hitaita ja todelliset innovaatiot pitkäkestoisia. Uusia innovaatioita tapahtuu harvoin. Kannattavuutta parannetaan tuoteprosessien ja arvoketjujen kehittämisen kautta. Yhteiskunnan osuus alan kehittämisessä ja säilyttämisessä on ratkaiseva. Asioiden moninaisuus tekee tutkimuksen vaikeaksi, mutta sitäkin tärkeämmäksi kansantalouden kannalta. Tällaisissa suurissa murroksissa korostuu kaikkien päättävien tahojen henkinen valmius ja tahto tehdä oikeita ratkaisuja oikeaan aikaan.


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Value network has been studied greatly in the academic research, but a tool for value network mapping is missing. The objective of this study was to design a tool (process) for value network mapping in cross-sector collaboration. Furthermore, the study addressed a future perspective of collaboration, aiming to map the value network potential. During the study was investigated and pondered how to get the full potential of collaboration, by creating new value in collaboration process. These actions are parts of mapping process proposed in the study. The implementation and testing of the mapping process were realized through a case study of cross-sector collaboration in welfare services for elderly in the Eastern Finland. Key representatives in elderly care from public, private and third sectors were interviewed and a workshop with experts from every sector was also conducted in this regard. The value network mapping process designed in this study consists of specific steps that help managers and experts to understand how to get a complex value network map and how to enhance it. Furthermore, it make easier the understanding of how new value can be created in collaboration process. The map can be used in order to motivate participants to be engaged with responsibility in collaboration and to be fully committed in their interactions. It can be also used as a motivator tool for those organizations that intend to engage in collaboration process. Additionally, value network map is a starting point in many value network analyses. Furthermore, the enhanced value network map can be used as a performance measurement tool in cross-sector collaboration.


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