909 resultados para Web 2.0 - Innovation process


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The current global economic instability and the vulnerability of small nations provide the impetus for greater integration between the countries of the South Pacific region. This exercise is critical for their survival. Past efforts of regional integration in the South Pacific have mostly failed. However, today’s IT collaborative capabilities provide the opportunity to develop a shared IT infrastructure to facilitate integration in the South Pacific. In developing an IT-backed model of regional integration, this study identifies and reports on the antecedents of the current stage for integration in the Pacific. We conducted interviews with twenty five individuals from various sectors and find that while most respondents were optimistic about the potential of IT-backed regional integration, significant challenges exists. The study identifies and discusses these challenges providing policy implications to stakeholders in the regional integration process. The findings will assist in suggesting a model of regional integration 2.0 for the Pacific region.


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Researchers suggest that personalization on the Semantic Web adds up to a Web 3.0 eventually. In this Web, personalized agents process and thus generate the biggest share of information rather than humans. In the sense of emergent semantics, which supplements traditional formal semantics of the Semantic Web, this is well conceivable. An emergent Semantic Web underlying fuzzy grassroots ontology can be accomplished through inducing knowledge from users' common parlance in mutual Web 2.0 interactions [1]. These ontologies can also be matched against existing Semantic Web ontologies, to create comprehensive top-level ontologies. On the Web, if augmented with information in the form of restrictions andassociated reliability (Z-numbers) [2], this collection of fuzzy ontologies constitutes an important basis for an implementation of Zadeh's restriction-centered theory of reasoning and computation (RRC) [3]. By considering real world's fuzziness, RRC differs from traditional approaches because it can handle restrictions described in natural language. A restriction is an answer to a question of the value of a variable such as the duration of an appointment. In addition to mathematically well-defined answers, RRC can likewise deal with unprecisiated answers as "about one hour." Inspired by mental functions, it constitutes an important basis to leverage present-day Web efforts to a natural Web 3.0. Based on natural language information, RRC may be accomplished with Z-number calculation to achieve a personalized Web reasoning and computation. Finally, through Web agents' understanding of natural language, they can react to humans more intuitively and thus generate and process information.


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In Anlehnung an Begriffe wie Web 2.0, an dem sich Internet-Nutzer mit unterschiedlichen Aktivitäten beteiligen können, und Enterprise 2.0 wird das Konzept der „Wartung 2.0“ entwickelt. Bei diesem Ansatz steht die Einbeziehung von Nutzergemeinschaften zur Verbesserung des Webauftritts und insbesondere von B2C-Systemen im Vordergrund. Wartung 2.0 ist eine Komponente des Web Engineerings und damit auch ein Element des von Lutz J. Heinrich vertretenen Konzepts des Information Engineerings


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Online technological advances are pioneering the wider distribution of geospatial information for general mapping purposes. The use of popular web-based applications, such as Google Maps, is ensuring that mapping based applications are becoming commonplace amongst Internet users which has facilitated the rapid growth of geo-mashups. These user generated creations enable Internet users to aggregate and publish information over specific geographical points. This article identifies privacy invasive geo-mashups that involve the unauthorized use of personal information, the inadvertent disclosure of personal information and invasion of privacy issues. Building on Zittrain’s Privacy 2.0, the author contends that first generation information privacy laws, founded on the notions of fair information practices or information privacy principles, may have a limited impact regarding the resolution of privacy problems arising from privacy invasive geo-mashups. Principally because geo-mashups have different patterns of personal information provision, collection, storage and use that reflect fundamental changes in the Web 2.0 environment. The author concludes by recommending embedded technical and social solutions to minimize the risks arising from privacy invasive geo-mashups that could lead to the establishment of guidelines for the general protection of privacy in geo-mashups.


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This paper anatomises emerging developments in online community engagement in a major global industry: real estate. Economists argue that we are entering a ‘social network economy’ in which ‘complex social networks’ govern consumer choice and product value. In the light of this, organisations are shifting from thinking and behaving in the conventional ‘value chain’ model--in which exchanges between firms and customers are one-way only, from the firm to the consumer--to the ‘value ecology’ model, in which consumers and their networks become co-creators of the value of the product. This paper studies the way in which the global real estate industry is responding to this environment. This paper identifies three key areas in which online real estate ‘value ecology’ work is occurring: real estate social networks, games, and locative media / augmented reality applications. Uptake of real estate applications is, of course, user-driven: the paper not only highlights emerging innovations; it also identifies which of these innovations are actually being taken up by users, and the content contributed as a result. The paper thus provides a case study of one major industry’s shift into a web 2.0 communication model, focusing on emerging trends and issues.


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This ALTC Teaching Fellowship aimed to establish Guiding Principles for Library and Information Science Education 2.0. The aim was achieved by (i) identifying the current and anticipated skills and knowledge required by successful library and information science (LIS) professionals in the age of web 2.0 (and beyond), (ii) establishing the current state of LIS education in Australia in supporting the development of librarian 2.0, and in doing so, identify models of best practice. The fellowship has contributed to curriculum renewal in the LIS profession. It has helped to ensure that LIS education in Australia continues to meet the changing skills and knowledge requirements of the profession it supports. It has also provided a vehicle through which LIS professionals and LIS educators may find opportunities for greater collaboration and more open communication. This will help bridge the gap between LIS theory and practice and will foster more authentic engagement between LIS education and other parts of the LIS industry in the education of the next generation of professionals. Through this fellowship the LIS discipline has become a role model for other disciplines who will be facing similar issues in the coming years. Eighty-one members of the Australian LIS profession participated in a series of focus groups exploring the current and anticipated skills and knowledge needed by the LIS professional in the web 2.0 world and beyond. Whilst each focus group tended to draw on specific themes of interest to that particular group of people, there was a great deal of common ground. Eight key themes emerged: technology, learning and education, research or evidence-based practice, communication, collaboration and team work, user focus, business savvy and personal traits. It was acknowledged that the need for successful LIS professionals to possess transferable skills and interpersonal attributes was not new. It was noted however that the speed with which things are changing in the web 2.0 world was having a significant impact and that this faster pace is placing a new and unexpected emphasis on the transferable skills and knowledge. It was also acknowledged that all librarians need to possess these skills, knowledge and attributes and not just the one or two role models who lead the way. The most interesting finding however was that web 2.0, library 2.0 and librarian 2.0 represented a ‘watershed’ for the LIS profession. Almost all the focus groups spoke about how they are seeing and experiencing a culture change in the profession. Librarian 2.0 requires a ‘different mindset or attitude’. The Levels of Perspective model by Daniel Kim provides one lens by which to view this finding. The focus group findings suggest that we are witnessing a re-awaking of the Australian LIS profession as it begins to move towards the higher levels of Kim’s model (ie mental models, vision). Thirty-six LIS educators participated in telephone interviews aimed at exploring the current state of LIS education in supporting the development of librarian 2.0. Skills and knowledge of LIS professionals in a web 2.0 world that were identified and discussed by the LIS educators mirrored those highlighted in the focus group discussions with LIS professionals. Similarly it was noted that librarian 2.0 needed a focus less on skills and knowledge and more on attitude. However, whilst LIS professionals felt that there was a paradigm shift within the profession. LIS educators did not speak with one voice on this matter with quite a number of the educators suggesting that this might be ‘overstating it a bit’. This study provides evidence for “disparate viewpoints” (Hallam, 2007) between LIS educators and LIS professionals that can have a significant implications for the future of not just LIS professional education specifically but for the profession generally. Library and information science education 2.0: guiding principles and models of best practice 1 Inviting the LIS academics to discuss how their teaching and learning activities support the development of librarian 2.0 was a core part of the interviews conducted. The strategies used and the challenges faced by LIS educators in developing their teaching and learning approaches to support the formation of librarian 2.0 are identified and discussed. A core part of the fellowship was the identification of best practice examples on how LIS educators were developing librarian 2.0. Twelve best practice examples were identified. Each educator was recorded discussing his or her approach to teaching and learning. Videos of these interviews are available via the Fellowship blog at .The LIS educators involved in making the videos felt uncomfortable with the term ‘best practice’. Many acknowledged that there simply seeking to do the best by their students and that there was always room for improvement. For this reason these videos are offered as examples of “great practice”. The videos are a tool for other educators to use, regardless of discipline, in developing their teaching and learning approaches to supporting web 2.0 professionals. It has been argued that the main purpose of professional education is transformation (Dall’ Alba, 2009; Dall’Alba & Barnacle, 2007). As such professional education should focus not just on skills and knowledge acquisition but also on helping students to develop ways of being the professionals in question (ie LIS professionals, teachers, lawyers, engineers).The aim of this fellowship was to establish Guidelines for Library and Information Science Education 2.0 it has however become apparent that at this point in time it is not yet possible to fulfil this aim. The fellowship has clearly identified skills and knowledge needed by the LIS professional in web 2.0 world (and beyond). It has also identified examples of ‘great practice’ by LIS educators as they endeavour to develop LIS professionals who will be successful in a web 20 world. The fellowship however has also shown that the LIS profession is currently undergoing significant attitudinal and conceptual change. Consequently, before a philosophy of LIS education 2.0 can be expressed, the Australian LIS profession must first explore and articulate what it means to be an LIS professional in the 21st century (ie a world of web 2.0 and beyond). In short, the LIS profession in Australia must take stock not of “what we know and can do” but on “who we are becoming” (Dall’Alba, 2009, p 34).


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In 2006 Stephen Abram stated that we must “become librarian 2.0 now”. But what is librarian 2.0? This pa- per will present the results of a project that identified the skills, knowledge and attributes required by the successful librarian in the web 2.0 world (and be- yond!). Eighty-one Australian librarians participated in a series of 14 focus groups. Eight themes emerged: technology, communication, team work, user focus, business savvy, evidence based practice, learning, and personal traits.


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This paper describes an approach to investigate the adoption of Web 2.0 in the classroom using a mixed methods study. By using a combination of qualitative or quantitative data collection and analysis techniques, we attempt to synergize the results and provide a more valid understanding of Web 2.0 adoption for learning by both teachers and students. This approach is expected to yield a better holistic view on the adoption issues associated with the e-learning 2.0 concept in current higher education as opposed to single method studies done previously. This paper also presents some early findings of e-learning 2.0 adoption using this research method


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The aim of this project was to develop a general theory of stigmergy and a software design pattern to build collaborative websites. Stigmergy is a biological term used when describing some insect swarm-behaviour where 'food gathering' and 'nest building' activities demonstrate the emergence of self-organised societies achieved without an apparent management structure. The results of the project are an abstract model of stigmergy and a software design pattern for building Web 2.0 components exploiting this self-organizing phenomenon. A proof-of-concept implementation was also created demonstrating potential commercial viability for future website projects.


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[EU]Ezagutzaren gizartean aurkitzen gara eta informazioak enpresa munduan hartu duen garrantziak garapen berriak ekarri ditu bai ikerketan bai informazio eta komunikazio teknologietan (IKT). Beraz, enpresek informazioa era sistematiko batean kudeatu beharra dute ez badute lehiakortasuna galdu nahi. Egoera honetan, zaintza teknologikoak paper garrantzitsu bat betetzen du informazioa lortzeaz, gordetzeaz eta transmititzeaz arduratzen den sistema baita. Baina sistema honen irispena mugatuta egongo da erabiltzen diren baliabideengatik. Gainera, muga hori garrantzi handiagoa hartzen du ETEtan, Euskal Herriko ekonomia-ehunaren oinarria, non baliabideak minimoak diren eta enpresa handiagoekin lehiatu behar diren. Egoera honi aurre egiteko, 2.0 tresnak aurkezten dira, zaintza teknologikorako baliagarriak diren tresnak, kostu eta denbora minimoak eskatzen dituztenak. Horrela, lan hau Euskal Herriko ETEtan zaintza teknologikoaren egoera aztertzera eta bere beharretara egokitzen diren soluzio teknologikoak planteatzera zuzenduta joango da, 2.0 tresnak oinarri moduan daudela.


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This research aims to provide a better understanding on how firms stimulate knowledge sharing through the utilization of collaboration tools, in particular Emergent Social Software Platforms (ESSPs). It focuses on the distinctive applications of ESSPs and on the initiatives contributing to maximize its advantages. In the first part of the research, I have itemized all types of existing collaboration tools and classify them in different categories according to their capabilities, objectives and according to their faculty for promoting knowledge sharing. In the second part, and based on an exploratory case study at Cisco Systems, I have identified the main applications of an existing enterprise social software platform named Webex Social. By combining a qualitative and quantitative approach, as well as combining data collected from survey’s results and from the analysis of the company’s documents, I am expecting to maximize the outcome of this investigation and reduce the risk of bias. Although effects cannot be universalized based on one single case study, some utilization patterns have been underlined from the data collected and potential trends in managing knowledge have been observed. The results of the research have also enabled identifying most of the constraints experienced by the users of the firm’s social software platform. Utterly, this research should provide a primary framework for firms planning to create or implement a social software platform and for firms willing to increase adoption levels and to promote the overall participation of users. It highlights the common traps that should be avoided by developers when designing a social software platform and the capabilities that it should inherently carry to support an effective knowledge management strategy.


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Depuis la colonisation jusqu’aux plus récents conflits qui affectent le « Moyen-Orient », le visuel participe à la création d’une image raciale et sexuelle du monde musulman dans laquelle l’Orient « archaïque » est représenté comme l’opposé moral de l’Occident « moderne ». Ce discours nommé Orientalisme (Saïd 1994) transforme l’Orient en objet du savoir et du regard occidental (Nochlin 1989). La peinture, la photographie, et les expositions universelles sont autant de moyens qui permettent d’instaurer un point de vue privilégié de l’Occident sur l’Orient. Avec le Web 2.0 et les technologies mobiles, le partage d’images fait partie intégrale de notre quotidien et celles-ci nous proviennent de partout et de n’importe qui. En considérant que l’Orientalisme est indissociable des techniques modernes de représentation du monde (Mitchell 2013), le présent mémoire souhaite interroger l’impact de ces nouvelles technologies sur la production, la circulation et la réception des images du dit Orient. Nous concentrerons notre étude sur les images captées et partagées depuis les manifestations de la Révolution verte iranienne de juin 2009, entre autres la vidéo de l’assassinat de la jeune Neda Agha Soltan qui a fait la une des médias occidentaux. En prenant comme base les écrits d’Edward Saïd, que nous réviserons par le biais de lectures féministes, nous verrons que l’Orientalisme visuel mute au rythme des changements politiques, culturels et technologiques qu’il rencontre. En plus d’éclairer les images de notre corpus, la question féministe nous permettra d’élargir la définition et les mécanismes de l’Orientalisme proposés par Saïd. Nous démontrerons que tout en ayant le potentiel de bouleverser l’image que construit l’Occident de l’Orient, le Web 2.0 actualise aussi l’Orientalisme visuel sous de nouveaux modes de production du savoir.


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Page 1. Towards Web 3.0... • Web 1.0 • Web 2.0Web 3.0 • Technology hype? • Internet as seen by our kids? Page 2. Random Trivia: Brazil has more Orkut users than citizens Page 3. The war is over. Platforms have won. Applications have lost Page 4. Page 5. Blogosphere • The blogosphere is made up of all blogs and their interconnections Page 6. Social bookmarking Page 7. Page 8. Page 9. Page 10. Page 11. Page 12. Page 13. Page 14. Towards Web 3.0 Page 15. Page 16. Wolfram Alpha Page 17. Page 18. Page 19. Page 20. Page 21. Page 22


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La utilización de la Web 2.0 surge como una oportunidad para potenciar cada uno de los aspectos relacionados al acto educativo y por tanto es una herramienta enriquecedora de los procesos de enseñanza y de aprendizaje. Dentro del campo de la evaluación, la colaboración entre pares permite un aprendizaje más significativo, cómo lo explican algunas teorías por ejemplo, la del aprendizaje social. A través de las redes sociales y el conectivismo propio de la Web 2.0, se enriquece cada vez más el proceso evaluativo, ya que no sólo participan pares si no también otras personas que forman parte del contexto, puntualmente en cada momento de la formación. El diario digital compartido a través de la Web 2.0 puede ser una alternativa para potenciar el practicum de los estudiantes de magisterio e incluso de cualquier otro grado que requiera el desarrollo de memorias que reflejen una práctica profesionalizadora. Dentro del ámbito del Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior, la evaluación por competencias es un factor inminente y determinante para el logro de ciertas habilidades propias de las profesiones en las que se están formando los estudiantes de todas las carreras, es por esto necesario replantearse el desarrollo de estrategias así como de herramientas que permitan la integración de las nuevas tendencias educativas y los avances tecnológicos, sin olvidar los principios fundamentales de la formación de profesionales eficientes dentro del campo laboral. Se plantea por tanto, a través de diversos instrumentos desarrollados en la Web 2.0 contribuir en los procesos evaluativos de estudiantes de magisterio que cursan el practicum, potenciando procesos reflexivos y permitiendo la generación de conocimientos a través de la autoevaluación y la colaboración de todos los individuos implicados en el proceso, incluso, facilitan al profesor el llevar a cabo una evaluación continua más práctica y objetiva


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El fundamental propósito de los docentes de la asignatura de primer curso Introducción a la Arquitectura de la Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de A Coruña es la de la generación de la afición necesaria, y tantas veces olvidada, de todo buen estudiante y futuro profesional. La implicación de éste en la materia de un modo genérico, no especializado; a modo de primer acercamiento general a los contenidos de los estudios que inicia, obliga a la búsqueda y utilización de todas cuantas herramientas sean necesarias para la consecución de nuestros objetivos. Durante los últimos cursos hemos trabajado la utilización de blogs como recurso enormemente útil para no sólo conseguir el acercamiento del alumno -en las primeras fases de la experiencia descritas en convocatoria previa de este mismo foro univest08-, sino incluso para hacerlo partícipe en calidad de autor, diluyendo las limitaciones de la clase presencial y apostando por hacer del tiempo no presencial un tiempo que ha de ser rentable para la consecución de nuestros objetivos. A modo de ensayo, de cara a la inminente implantación del nuevo título de grado, nos ha preocupado el control, la evaluación y la medida de nuestros actos, para lo que se ha jugado tanto a no vincular al proceso a la totalidad de grupos como a evaluar a uno de los grupos implicados de forma externa gracias a una docente e otra asignatura. A día de hoy, podemos afirmar que las herramientas web 2.0 en general, y los blogs en particular se han convertido en la más útil de las oportunidades para la generación de afición en nuestros alumnos