953 resultados para Waters resources management


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This paper seeks to examine the basis of collected and predict how the evolution of climatic parameters, data may influence the consistent and enduring the activities in mainland Portugal way into the context of the Iberian Peninsula and the EU, as well as the role that companies from both countries can play or not, to address the challenges that will be presented to them It seeks to further determine the possible mechanisms for the resolution of water resource management, but also of potential conflicts between member states in particular between Portugal and Spain, indicating the likely points of conflict perceived their motivation and of implications that may arise therefrom


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Dissertação de mestrado em Gestão de Recursos Humanos


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Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Engenharia e Gestão Industrial


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Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Engenharia e Gestão Industrial


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Dissertação de Mestrado em Políticas Desenvolvimento dos Recursos Humanos


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El projecte ha consistit en el disseny d'un sistema de gestió de recursos humans basat en competències. En concret, el projecte s'ha realitzat a l'empresa on treballo en l'actualitat, i s'ha basat en la descripció de les funcions i competències necessàries per a cadascuna de les professions de l'organització, la definició d'aquestes competències i les conductes associades al seu acompliment i l'establiment d'un sistema d'avaluació d'aquestes competències.


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El terme paisatge i les seves aplicacions són cada dia més utilitzats per les administracions i altres entitats com a eina de gestió del territori. Aprofitant la gran quantitat de dades en bases compatibles amb SIG (Sistemes d’Informació Geogràfica) existents a Catalunya s’ha desenvolupat una síntesi cartogràfica on s’identifiquen els Paisatges Funcionals (PF) de Catalunya, concepte que fa referència al comportament fisico-ecològic del terreny a partir de variables topogràfiques i climàtiques convenientment transformades i agregades. S’ha utilitzat un mètode semiautomàtic i iteratiu de classificació no supervisada (clustering) que permet la creació d’una llegenda jeràrquica o nivells de generalització. S’ha obtingut com a resultat el Mapa de Paisatges Funcionals de Catalunya (MPFC) amb una llegenda de 26 categories de paisatges i 5 nivells de generalització amb una resolució espacial de 180 m. Paral·lelament, s’han realitzat validacions indirectes sobre el mapa obtingut a partir dels coneixements naturalistes i la cartografia existent, així com també d’un mapa d’incertesa (aplicant lògica difusa) que aporten informació de la fiabilitat de la classificació realitzada. Els Paisatges Funcionals obtinguts permeten relacionar zones de condicions topo-climàtiques homogènies i dividir el territori en zones caracteritzades ambientalment i no políticament amb la intenció que sigui d’utilitat a l’hora de millorar la gestió dels recursos naturals i la planificació d’actuacions humanes.


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The present study aims to identify organisational antecedents of public service motivation (PSM). Numerous research has been devoted to the identification of socio-demographic PSM antecedents, or to its outcomes. However, organisational antecedents are understudied thus far. In order to fill this research gap, we question whether human resources management practices, whether intrinsic or extrinsic ones, might be related to PSM. Drawing on person-environment fit theoretical assumptions, we depart from the idea that PSM may be developed or sustained by HRM practices, which might contribute to create an environment allowing public employees to fulfill their needs or personal aspirations. Based upon a survey in an important Swiss municipality (N = 859), our findings surprisingly highlight that extrinsic HRM practices are significantly related to PSM, whereas intrinsic ones are not. Furthermore, when taking into account work-related outcomes, such as job satisfaction and organisational commitment, there is evidence of full mediation effects towards extrinsic HRM practices from organisational commitment. Astonishingly, neither job satisfaction nor intrinsic HRM practices are significantly related to PSM.


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The goal of this interdisciplinary study is to better understand the land use factors that increase vulnerability of mountain areas in northern Pakistan. The study will identify and analyse the damages and losses caused by the October 2005 earthquake in two areas of the same valley: one "low-risk" watershed with sound natural resources management, the other, "high-risk" in an ecologically degraded watershed. Secondly, the study will examine natural and man-made causes of secondary hazards in the study area, especially landslides; and third it will evaluate the cost of the earthquake damage in the study areas on the livelihoods of local communities and the sub-regional economy. There are few interdisciplinary studies to have correlated community land use practices, resources management, and disaster risk reduction in high-risk mountain areas. By better understanding these linkages, development- humanitarian- and donor agencies focused on disaster reduction can improve their risk reduction programs for mountainous regions.


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Identificam-se os principais estudos respeitantes à cartografia e à classificação dos solos da República de Cabo Verde. A partir desses estudos analisam-se as principais características morfológicas, físicas e químicas, o enquadramento taxonómico e, de forma muito geral, a distribuição dos solos de Cabo Verde. Consideram-se as principais lacunas a este respeito e algumas acções a empreender para aumentar o respectivo conhecimento. Finalmente, definem-se acções fundamentais a desenvolver para a organização funcional da informação disponível sobre os solos da República de Cabo Verde, tendo em vista o desenvolvimento agrário, o ordenamento do território, a gestão dos recursos naturais e a qualidade ambiental.


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Identificam-se os principais estudos respeitantes à cartografia e à classificação dos solos da República de Cabo Verde. A partir desses estudos analisam-se as principais características morfológicas, físicas e químicas, o enquadramento taxonómico e, de forma muito geral, a distribuição dos solos de Cabo Verde. Consideram-se as principais lacunas a este respeito e algumas acções a empreender para aumentar o respectivo conhecimento. Finalmente, definem-se acções fundamentais a desenvolver para a organização funcional da informação disponível sobre os solos da República de Cabo Verde, tendo em vista o desenvolvimento agrário, o ordenamento do território, a gestão dos recursos naturais e a qualidade ambiental.


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[eng] We describe the project for the organization of the documentary management system at the University of Barcelona, which is inspired by the opportunities presented by the introduction of electronic administration. We stress the function of the documentary management system as an agent for promoting continuous innovation and improvement. We illustrate this vision with a description of the process of introducing the documentary management system in the area of research.


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[eng] We describe the project for the organization of the documentary management system at the University of Barcelona, which is inspired by the opportunities presented by the introduction of electronic administration. We stress the function of the documentary management system as an agent for promoting continuous innovation and improvement. We illustrate this vision with a description of the process of introducing the documentary management system in the area of research.


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Es descriu el Projecte del Sistema de Gestió Documental de la Universitat de Barcelona (PSGD UB) destacant-ne la funció de creació, gestió, preservació i difusió del capital intel·lectual de la institució, alhora que s¿introdueixen els conceptes de recurs tangible, tot referint-se al patrimoni documental, i de patrimoni intangible per definir el conjuntdels recursos i activitats associats al coneixement. Per dur a terme aquest projecte es marquen tres grans línies estratègiques: la implantació del Sistema de Gestió Documental, la valorització del patrimoni documental i el foment de les aliances i de les relacions institucionals.